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posted by soutarouful
Why does your cat lick your hair ou face? The first thing a kitten knows is its mother licking. Grooming conveys l’amour and caring.

Why does a cat seek the visitor who doesn't like cats? Ignoring a cat is the opposite of aggressive behavior, so the cat sees this as "cat-friendly" and inviting.

Why does your cat head-butt you? The cat is montrer affection.

Why does your cat rub against you? chats have scent glands on their cheeks and are marking toi as their territory. Same goes for rubbing on furniture.

Why does a cat sometimes clean its fourrure after being petted? Either the cat is getting rid of your smell, ou he is tasting your scent.

Why do chats suck wool ou clothing? Either the cat was weaned too early and the scent of the lanolin reminds him of his mother, ou the cat needs plus fiber in his diet.

Why does a cat walk slowly and avoid eye contact when passing another cat? chats are territorial. When a cat doesn't want to a confrontation, it will make a wide, slow path around the other cat, usually avoiding even looking at it.

Why does a cat scratch outside the litterbox? The cat probably had unpleasant experiences getting his feet soggy ou dirty - clean the box!

Why does a cat purr? Usually because it is content. Some chats will purr when frightened ou in pain.

Why does your cat turn its back on toi after a scolding? Your body language when reprimanding a pet includes staring ou other aggressive behavior. The cat usually responds in a submissive fashion.

Why does your cat bring toi his prey? 1. This is a present.
2. He is trying to teach toi how to catch mice.
3. The cat is bringing prey accueil to where it is sûr, sans danger and he usually eats.
4. The cat is bringing toi fresh food.

Why do some chats put their toys in their water ou nourriture dish? chats see their nourriture area as part of their territory, so they put their favori toys in a "safe" place. Some chats will put away their toys when they're through playing with them.

Why does your cat bite your arm ou cheek and hold on briefly? Think of it as the cat way of kissing.

Why do chats roll on their backs? It's a sign of his complete trust in you, ou he wants to play. If the cat is in heat, it's a form of foreplay. It's also a part of their social standing.

Why do some chats go crazy over catnip, but others ignore it?The response to catnip is the result of a gene; if the cat doesn't have the gene, it cannot react to catnip.

Why does a cat sometimes "sneer" when smelling something? When a cat discovers an interesting, usually intense odor he wants to smell it plus deeply. Called "flehming," it is drawing the odors into the Jacobson's organ, on the roof of its mouth.

Why does a cat hate getting wet? Actually, many chats enjoy water and may enjoy fishing and swimming. But, it has to be on their own terms - not forced.

Why do some chats insist on drinking from a dripping faucet? chats prefer fresh nourriture and water, and running water is appealing for that reason. Water coming out of a faucet is appealing to their sense of sound and sight. Some chats will put their paw into their water dish and "swirl" it around so they can drink "running" water.

Why does a cat hide when it is sick ou dying? Instinct tells a cat to hide where a predator can't find them when in a vulnerable state.

Why does a cat spend so much time grooming? Besides hygiene, grooming helps chats cope with confrontation ou embarassment (if a cat falls off a chair, the first thing he does is nonchalantly wash himself, as though he intended to get down in the first place.)

Why do some chats tip over their water dish, ou take nourriture out of the dish and eat it off the floor? Most chats do not like bowls if the sides touch their whiskers.

Why is a cat able to land on its feet from a fall? When falling, the cat uses its tail to right itself and swivels its body in mid-air, so that it is facing the ground, and lands with its back arched to absorb the shock.

Why does a cat demand attention when you're on the phone? The cat thinks toi are talking to him and is responding to your conversation with him.

Why does a cat scratch the furniture ou a scratching post? The cat is marking its territory (cats have scent glands between their paw pads); or, the cat is removing the outer layer of nail.

Why do chats like crinkly sounds? Crinkly sounds remind the cat of the high-pitched noises of rodents, birds, and crickets. The crinkly sound of a piece of paper ou a paper bag stimulates the cat's "prey response."

Why do chats chew on plants? The herbe might help the cat get rid of fourrure in its stomach, ou that herbe provides fiber ou vitamins and minerals not found in meat.

Why does a cat suddenly bite ou hiss at a person after it's been petted for a while? If a person persists in touching a sensitive area (tail, ears, ou belly), the cat might give a gentle nip to as a way of staying "stop."
Constant meowing: sometimes your cat is just being vocal, but other times it might be signifying a medical problem.

When your cat is laying comfortably somewhere and looks at you, slowly blinking, it means that he ou she is very happy. Some think the blinking is the cat's attempt to say "I l’amour you".

chats strangely l’amour chewing ou licking on plastic. There isn't a known reason for this, but some people say that they l’amour the texture ou taste of plastic.

Teeth chattering when they see birds ou squirrels is sometimes attributed to mimicking birdsong to attract prey ou draw others attention to it.

Urine spraying is the most unpleasant of behaviors in cats. They do it to mark their territory, demonstrate their presense, and advertises sexual availability.

chats generally have about a dozen whiskers in four rows on each upper lip, a few on each cheek, tufts over the eyes and bristles on the chin.

Whiskers may also be found on the cat's inner "wrists", and there are similar hairs which make up the cat's eyebrows.

The Sphynx (a nearly hairless breed) may have full length, short, ou no whiskers at all.

Whiskers (technically called vibrissae) can aid with navigation and sensation.

Whiskers may detect very small shifts in air currents, enabling a cat to know it is near obstructions without actually seeing them.

The upper two rows of whiskers can déplacer independently from the lower two rows for even plus precise measuring.

It is thought that a cat may choose to rely on the whiskers in dim light where fully dilating the pupils would reduce its ability to focus on close objects.

The whiskers also spread out roughly as wide as the cat's body making it able to judge if it can fit through an opening.

Whiskers are also an indication of the cat's attitude: Whiskers point vers l'avant, vers l’avant when the cat is inquisitive and friendly, and lie flat on the face when the cat is being defensive ou aggressive.
Note: This was done as a dare from one of my friends. >.> I don't like writing, and I'm really not into romance, so this is going to be a real challenge for me. This will turn out horrible, I can tell. o3o

She shivers, and wraps her scarf around herself a bit tighter. A few snowflakes delicately falls from the grey sky, a few of them landed on her long, thick lashes.

She glances wistfully out into the horizon. He will be here soon, ou so she hopes. She comes here every week, no matter the weather, hoping to see him again. It had been three full years already, since he left. She'd promised...
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Carcisia Gruesetal skipped down the drveway, a slightly damp, redish envolope in her hand. She went into her house and layed the envolope on the table. she looked at the adress on the back of the envolope. It read in spidery handwriting; from anonymous.

A shiver ran down Carcisia's spine but she opened the envolope anyways. She pulled out a damp red letter. She unfolded it. Written in blood it said; IT IS YOUR TURN! DON'T TRY TO GET AWAY! YOUR FATE IS DECIDED!

Carcisia screamed and ran out of her house, but a tall man with long brown hair stood in her way. He hand cuffed her and shoved her...
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 Could This be The Proof of Life We've Been Looking For?
Could This be The Proof of Life We've Been Looking For?
recently NASA received pictures from their rover in Mars. none of the photos looked odd except one. they looked plus into the matter. at first they claimed it to be a simple chemical compound mix making a shape but now they're not so sure. some still claim it to be nothing but others are saying that life has finally been found. in that picture there is 2 rocks and in the middle of them there appears to be a rat. so what do toi think? life finally proved ou a chemical compound making an unusual shape?
 curiosity rover
curiosity rover
posted by StarWarrior
“You can’t!” I screeched, griping the thick herbe beneath my paws.
    “The whole forest will belong to the Pack of Shadows!” the dark loup exclaimed enthusiastically, his fourrure flickering like shadows, “No loup will stop us!”
    I have to do something! I couldn’t let it end like this! Not with the alpha in this state! Not with the pack divisé, split in four!
    “Out of my way pup!” he tossed me aside like a tiny mouse.
    “No!” I leaped at him, biting and clawing with all my strength.
    “This is pointless! toi cannot defeat me she-wolf!” I felt him bite me and fling me away again. I was too tired to déplacer now, after traveling this far without resting, I can no longer breathe enough to live.
    I’m over; this is the end of the Pack of Ice! I lay winded and defeated, awaiting death’s arrival patiently.
posted by klaine_forever
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posted by misscrazel
I watched a deer bound through the trees. I was about to turn and leave when I saw somone, ou something crouching in the bushes. I walked a bit closer. He looked like a teenager but he wasn't much bigger then me. He had long blond hair and bright big blue eyes. Then I saw something odd. His ears were pointed. And they weren't just slightly pointed. Like an elf's. I stepped closer and he darted away through the trees. 
I chased after him barley keeping up. Once I Lost him but then I saw a flash of his blond hair. Just when I was tiring he abruptly stopped. I would've bumped into him...
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posted by TheFan2000
5:45 AM- Wake up, whine to parents about a terrible headache
6:00 AM- Discover that temperature is 99 degrees, go back to sleep
6:45 AM- Wake up again suffering a severe bout of chills and feeling extremely groggy
7:00 AM- Eat breakfast, make final decision to stay accueil from school
7:30 AM- Suffer another episode of chills and go up to bedroom
7:35 AM- Take a morning nap before chills get worse
7:45 AM- Become extremely cold, get another headache, crank up the heated blanket to the highest it'll go
8:00 AM- Violently yank off heated blanket and turn down heat after waking up sweating
9:00 AM- Wake...
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1. Leaving holes in the backstory.

As learned from Marty Chan, the human imagination is not only the most beautiful place in the world, it can also be the most horrific. If a person leaves some l’espace empty (ex: "Tara disappeared after the encounter and was never heard from again....") , your mind will immediately fill it in, your imagination coming up with the most grisly scenario possible....

2. Waiting a REALLY long time for the killer/ monster to montrer up.

The person becomes bored and even slightly drowsy, which makes them plus vulnerable to fear. If the antagonist pops up about halfway through (especially out of nowhere, and at night) they'll jump up as though just awaken from a nightmare. A little humor will definitely help if you're planning on doing this.
posted by misscrazel
"Belinda!" I yelled my face was hot from running and I could hardly breath. Her name echoed through the hall. "Belinda!"
Crap. My teacher. There wasn't anything else I could do. So I kept running. I slammed into her as hard as I could. She stumbled off balance. Perfect. I slipped past. I grabbed Belinda's arm. She took a step back. I Lost my grip and fell. Belinda fell backwards onto me. I wrapped my arms around her. I flipped her towards me. She banged her head against mine. I kissed her. She squirmed away and ran into the girls...
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posted by TheRealSexyKate
In ancient Rome, it was considered a sign of leadership to be born with a crooked nose.

The word "nerd" was first coined par Dr. Seuss in "If I Ran the Zoo."

A 41-gun salute is the traditional salute to a royal birth in Great Britain.

The bagpipe was originally made from the whole skin of a dead sheep.

The roar that we hear when we place a seashell suivant to our ear is not the ocean, but rather the sound of blood surging through the veins in the ear. Any cup-shaped object placed over the ear produces the same effect.

Revolvers cannot be silenced because of all the noisy gasses which escape the cylinder...
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posted by teamsalvatore98
But haven't we all? I've a dit some things, but who hasn't? I've thought about things, but doesn't everybody? this article is not about trying to get toi to ask Christ for forgiveness. it's about telling everybody that they are not alone. my whole life I thought that I'm the only 1 who goes through stuff that I go through. but it's not true. my dad has seizure problems, my mom barely has time to do anything with us, and my family has financial issues, but that is okay. I've been bullied, and there's been times when I committed self harm. The thing is, toi may think that toi are alone, but there's...
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Hi, my name is james. im am 13 yrs old. i was beat from school. i had gotten 8 hrs detention for jouer la comédie like rigby during math class. some teachers huh? anyway, it was 10:00 PM when i got home. i went up the stairs to my bedroom, shut the door, got into my pj's and got in bed. as i laid in my bed, i closed my eyes and thought, dang, the regular montrer universe seems pretty awsome. no school, no detention, it's perfect. then i fell into a deep sleep. this is where the story begins. i woke up on a hard surface, i got up and was in a white room. where the heck am i, i thought. as i turned around...
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So, I was écriture this book, and I didn't know if it would ba any good ou not, and I want your opinion on it before I continue écriture it, maybe publier it, and then make an cul, ass out of myself if it sucks..... So please be a critic on thi exerpt on the first chapter, and any suggestions, any opinions, will be aknowledged. :) Thank you!

Chapter 1


Well, let’s just say that my life is not normal. In fact, it’s probably at the most least normal level as it could possibly get. I had never even heard of this myth until it had happened to me. Neither have you, because there are no records of...
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1. Have a nap. If toi want to solve a problem, ou come up with new ideas, then instead of always thinking - relax and have a nap. We’re usually plus creative when we’re feeling wide awake.

2. Get into the habit of making small talk. A casual remark can change the way toi look at things - so talk and listen to everyone toi meet.
3. Sign up for classes and seminars. Listening to the ideas and opinions of others increases the connections toi make in your brain. Also, it is usually inspiring and highly motivating.

4. Make sure toi spend time with creative people. Often these are people who think...
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Honestly like i will NEVER EVER understand people who think kindles and other ebooks are like the spawn of satan

sure paper smells nice but the point of livres is the content which is the same however toi read them calm the fuck down Jésus christ. so my mom is going to be here tomorrow but the only way she is willing to see me is if she brings her boyfriend along.

now i’ve never met him, and maybe i should be this upset about it, but i haven’t seen my mom in about a an (it might be longer) and she isn’t willing to put me ahead of her fucking boyfriend for like 2 hours. at least that’s...
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Omg there’s pastaaaaaaa for dîner and i’m going to be accueil alone again. i feel kind of happy whenever i’m accueil alone. i think its because i eventually got used to the quietness around the house when my sister was almost always never accueil because of school. it feels kind of nice actually. Cait just told me she might quit. DAFUQ. SO MAD. Coach Ron isn’t that good, but WHY CAN’T SHE JUST TAKE CHARGE LIKE A CAPTAIN SHOULD. She always gets hella pissed fast and it’s scary. I mean, I try not to offend, but she gets mad anyways. If Innah and Cait are gone, we’re gonna lose all our matches....
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Patrick(Tricky) Vaughn Stump: A quiet but friendly face and a voice to DIE for. My husband and frontman of Fall Out Boy, my hopes and dreams, my life and heart. He is very talented and he is about the most sweetest thing I've ever met. He was my best friend ever since 3rd grade then we became a couple in high school, I moved away and never saw him again...but I'll save that tale for another time as for I reunited with Patrick after a tragic event between one of my exes. I l’amour him with my all my cœur, coeur and he's really special to me...and now we're marrried <3

Danielle(Dani...don't ever...EVER...
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1. My life is likely to last ten to fifteen years. Any separation from toi will be painful: remember that before toi get me.

2. Give me time to understand what toi want of me.

3. Place your trust in me—it is crucial to my well being.

4. Do not be angry at me for long, and do not lock me up as punishment.

5. toi have your work, your entertainment, and your friends. I only have you.

6. Talk to me sometimes. Even if I don’t understand your words, I understand your voice.

7. Be aware that however toi treat me, I will never forget.

8. Remember before toi hit me that I have sharp teeth that could easily...
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posted by E-Scope90
Between 10-12% of people on earth are “lefties.” Women are plus likely to be right-handed than men par about 4 percentage points.i
August 13th is “Left-Hander’s Day.” Launched in 1992, this yearly event celebrates left-handedness and raises awareness of the difficulties and frustrations left-handers experience every jour in a world designed for right-handers.c
At various times in history, left-handedness has been seen as many things: a nasty habit, a mark of the devil, a sign of neurosis, rebellion, criminality, and homosexuality. It has also been seen as a trait indicating creativity...
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posted by MrsPinkiePie
I’m just putting it out there that the aléatoire fan club is for posting anything and everything hence the name the aléatoire fan club and those who don’t understand that should be removed from this club as the word aléatoire means being weird ou not normal just means to be different to be unique to be a thing for all things i always thought that the aléatoire fan club could be a MLP commentaire the below it a HP commentaire if no one understands this then the meaning of the aléatoire fan club lives no longer so i beg for toi to see reason this club is for everyone to post everything and anything they want see reason it is a fact being aléatoire is a good thing but blocking out peoples randomness is not cool bros