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'Katelyn, if toi don’t hurry up I swear I’ll shove my movie down your throat!' Ash a dit as I emptied my locker.
‘Just a few plus things….’ I threw book after book into my bag.
‘Hurry up! It’s like summer break and were still at school!’ my other bestie Sammi a dit pinching me on my shoulder.
‘Right! Done! Let’s go!’ I a dit shutting and locking my locker.
I looked at both of them, ‘What?’ They a dit nothing but rolled their eyes.
‘BAAAAAAA!” Steph yelled nearly scaring me out of my wits.
‘Hwy that’s not funny, is it?’ I asked as they all busted out in laughter. ‘Where’s Arnie par the way?’ but before anyone could answer my question, Arnie came running around the corner.
‘AHHHHHHHH! BAAAAAAA! BAAAAAA!’ she slipped over and skidded into our circle. ‘Did I scare anyone?’ she asked hopefully fixing up her glasses.
‘Absolutely! I nearly started screaming myself!’ I managed to say threw my snickers.
‘Hello hot guys,’ Steph, Sammi and Ash a dit at the same time.
‘Oooo!’ Arnie a dit jumping to her feet and to Daniels side.
‘Babe.’ Alex a dit standing suivant to and hugging Ash.
Simon walked over to Steph and slipped a package into her hand; she slipped it into her pocket and held his hand.
Thomas came running steadily around the corner. Sammi took off into a sprint and ran straight into him.
‘Here,’ she reached into her back pocket and pulled out fake vampire fangs. ‘Put them in.’
Thomas- the montrer off that he is- shoved the fangs into his mouth lifted Sammi up and pretended to bite her.
‘Wow! Now I really can say that I only rendez-vous amoureux, date vampires,’ Sammi sung happily.
Thomas kissed her on the cheek, ‘What ever toi say!’
Sammi laughed, ‘Ha! Ha! No really are you?’
We walked out of school grounds to the car park opposite the post office. We- meaning myself and my four brothers- hopped into our car and took off for accueil after waving every one goodbye.
‘What did toi give Steph, Simon?’ I asked shoving my siège ceinture on.
‘Ummm. Your Pandora bracelet, with all your charms.’ Simon answered back.
I rolled my eyes and gazed across the rue to see Jackson and his brothers and sisters. I waved a casual wave and murmured to my self, ‘Good bye.’

I woke up to someone pulling at my eyebrows, nose, and lifting my eyelids up.
‘ARRRR! Go away Myer!’ I yelled realizing she was lying on haut, retour au début of my.
‘Your eyes go funny when I lift them up when you’re ni-nies!’ Myer said.
‘Nar Dar! Go away!’ I yelled at her and pulled the blankets over my head.
Myer wiggled in under the blankets ‘it’s so dark under here isn’t it!’ Myer whispered.
‘Nar dar! I thought it was so bright under here!’ I a dit sarcastically and threw the blankets of me sitting up in the bed.
‘No silly!’ Myer giggled ‘Piggyback! Piggyback!’
I rolled my eyes ‘fine hold on!’
I walked-still tired from the night before- down the stairs and threw Myer on the couch.
‘What do toi want to watch?’ I asked and turned the TV on.
‘Robin Hood! Robin Hood…..’
‘Yah alright I heard toi the first time!’ I placed the disc in the machine and pressed play.
I looked around at the time, ‘Wow 10:33am where’s mummy and daddy Myer my minion?’
‘Ummm….. There….. Ummm….. I forget! Where’s my blankey?’
‘Ummm….. It’s….. Ummm….. I forget!’ I a dit back blankly.
She looked at me in disbelief. ‘There taking care of some unattended business.’
I threw her, her blankey and slammed my hand hard down on the bench, ‘Dam it!’ I muttered, ‘I knew they would leave me behind. Wait did they all go?’
‘No,’ Myer a dit flatly, ‘Daddy, Uncky Dan, Uncky Alef, and Uncky Tom went. Mummy, granddaddy, and nanny are out on the porch.’ She wrapped her blanket around her head and went back to her movie.
I picked up a cuisine couteau off the bench and started to balançoire, swing it around in my fingers. I threw it back down when my nerves got to me and walked out the back door, threw the garden and flopped down in a chair on the porch.
‘Ummm….. Myers’ aloud to watch M 15+ films right?’ I asked Steph.
‘What toi freak she’s only 2 and ½ years old!’ she screamed at me and ran into the house.
‘You’re kidding me right?’ my mum asked me.
‘Yah! I mean toi seriously believed me?’
Dad slapped me over the head lightly.
‘How are things going with the “unfinished business”?’ I asked trying to keep the jealously out of my voice.
‘Good! They should be back soon now that toi mention it!’ he a dit happily brushing a strand of hair out of my eye.
I sighed deeply, ‘Why didn’t the wake me up to go with them?’
‘Your brothers needed to do this par themselves.’ Was my mums excuse. But I knew the real reason, ‘Your to fragile. Yes toi can fight your one of the best fighters but we can’t ours to see toi get hurt. You’re a GIRL!’
‘Whatever.’ I mumbled and walked back inside.
I cracked an egg, threw in some flour, sugar, beurre and lait into a bowl and beat it like total freak. I placed the mixture into a frying pan, and cooked the crêpes to perfection.
I just sat down and ate my first pancake when my brothers walked in.
‘DADDY!’ Myer screamed and ran into Simmons open arms.
‘Thanks sissy!’ Alex a dit taking a handful of pancakes.
‘She’s awake!’ Daniel a dit scruff ling my hair and taking the rest of the pancakes.
‘Where’s Thomas?’ I asked throwing my plate into the sink and turning to an apple.
‘Here,’ Thomas a dit walking into the room with a person infrount of him with a bag over his head and his hands tied behind him.
Thomas threw the dude on his knees in the center of the living room, as Steph to Myer up stairs.
Myer stopped at the beginning of the seconde flight of stairs and ran back down to me. ‘Aren’t toi coming Arny Cakey? Where going to play thé parties,’ she put her little cute face on with chiot dog eyes.
‘Oh! toi better hurry up then because toi don’t want mummy to eat all the cookies,’ I a dit taking another bite from my apple.
She gasped and ran up the stairs.
I walked over to the guy on the floor. They had taken the bag off his head and were beating him. I came closer and nearly chocked on my apple.
‘STOP IT!!!!’ I screamed defending Jackson and taking and accidental blow from Alex and Thomas in the head and stomach.
I hit the ground – hard – I blinked a couple of times then I fell into complete darkness.
Chapter Seventeen

After she applied about two coats of Julie’s tube of black-brown mascara courtesy of Cover Girl, Jamie closed the tube and was about to give it back to Julie but when she saw her little sister, Julie was busy flirting with a man with short gray hair that somewhat looks like their father ou of what Julie might saw the man in front of her, Anderson Cooper. Jamie was about to puke when she saw those two and making sure that she doesn’t do that, Jamie Thomas just slipped the small tube into her bourse, sac à main and after she threw the half-filled plastic cup of coffee into the wastebasket,...
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posted by nEvEr-tHe-sAme
A flock of raging crows quickly swifted down the eerie tree. Filling every possible spot on it's long dead branches. With the wind gushing, and the fall season coming to an end, the changing leaves have slowly made its way down the cold, wet grass. It had been a depressing day, the sun hiding behind the fluffy grey clouds, and the weather so cold and so warm at the same time... with rain slowly falling at ease, its the perfect time to mourn.


Awakening slowly to the cold air I felt all around me, I slowly open my eyes. With my body feeling like it'll explode any second,...
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chapter 4:Robert helps me
The night was so lonely and scary. I was hoping that the sun rises fast, as I was very frightened. It finally happened after that dark and lonely night. I was very tired as I walked all night, but I was surprised when I found myself not very far from Ema’s house. I sat on my bag thinking of everything happened, but mostly thinking about the way I feel about Patrick. I was wondering what made me think that he loved me. Is it because he a dit I’m beautiful? Well lots of men told me that I’m beautiful but that doesn’t necessarily means that he is attracted to me....
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posted by BellaSwan636

Three months later, we were apparently "an item".

She had me twisted around her little finger. She could have made me jump in front of a bus, all that was needed was one look from her "love me, toi know toi want to" chocolat brown eyes.

I paid attention to her every move, her every word.


When I first told her I loved her, I was expecting rejection, but she surprised me. She kissed me, and a dit she loved me too. The sun revolved around where she stood.

Nothing else mattered.
A little something that I wrote for English class but actually, it was my final and I got 100% on it!! Enjoy!!

The Disappearance of Claire Daniels

I don’t know where my daughter went. One moment, I was holding Claire’s little hand while doing some window shopping but a few secondes later, I spotted something at a clothing store window and was into it and wondering if the store have any chance that they have it in my size that I didn’t noticed that I didn’t felt little Claire Daniels’s hand slipping away from mine.

When I wanted to go into the store and see if they got that little black...
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posted by BuffyFaithFan1

You have just entered a world. A world like no other! This world is not like TWILIGHT ou House Of Night ou HARRY POTTER ou any other world toi are thinking of right about now. This world is way different. Where only a good bunch of people in the population live. The world has been divided into six parts: the WaterLands, the EarthLands, the AirLands, the FireLands, the ExtraLands, and the NoOneZone. Only one hundred people make up our world. And only 16.666666 people live inside each part. It sounds pretty depressing, I know, but this is how this world is! The...
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posted by Edward_lover101
Plz do not be afraid to tell me what toi think! plz commet. I'm écriture a book and i was woundering what some of toi think. Please commet!!

Chapter 1

"Anna May get in here right away! Don't make me get the swicht little girl" Hollore mama.
"Comming mama! I was doing my chors." i hollerd back.
I live on a farm with my mother and out two slaves Jim and Nacy.my father ran out on us when my mother found out that when he got drunk that he would comeinto my roo at night and touch me in places that didn't fell right. He told me that if I ever told anyone that he would kill me, i belived him. So it is...
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posted by brooki
Here's the seconde chapter to Small Town!

"What do toi think toi are doing? Are toi trying to kill me, Anya?" She had picked out one of my least-favorite films she knew I did not like at all. But on the other hand, I knew we probably wouldn't be whatching the movie very long. Darrel was having a party at his house in about an hour. Long enough for Anya's parents to think that we were asleep.

"Oh please. It's not really that bad." Anya a dit while on her way to get the pop corn, maïs soufflé from her cuisine just around the corner.

"Oh, come on, Anya. Can we please go now? I mean, your parents went to lit over...
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posted by jasperwhlover

Chapter 3

Now, Serenity on a happier note was learning how to defend herself and about Exorcism she wanted to help Father Bartholomew, even though she was forced par the church to conform to the earthly practices like everyone else and to hide her wings, Father Bartholomew encouraged her heavenly attributes, he made wings, of feathers, waxed together, they were perfect, and everyday, he would teach her to fly as she forgot how because of the number of years that she spent conforming to the earth. Father Bartholomew raised Serenity like a daughter, a few years later, when she had...
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posted by khfan12
Thie is something me and my friend are working on.

He returned that evening, feeling even worse. “Where were you?” Mercy met him on the front porch. She looked like she had been crying. Danny looked at her. It felt like a couteau had been shoved through his heart. He winced as he started up the stairs. “I went out.”
“Where?” Mercy’s hand reached for him. He pulled away and started into the house. “Danny...” Mercy’s voice followed him into the front room. “I was so worried. I thought….”
Suddenly, Danny couldn’t stand it any longer. Why did she have to l’amour him? He turned...
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posted by BiteMeCullen107
As we left the apartment building the sun hit us like a beam of light. I look to the side, I saw Jason putting his hand in the face of the sun like he was going to die from it.
“Are toi okay?” I asked concerned that it was to much for him. He looked down at me and smiled. “Ya I’m go, I just have to get my sunglasses on. My eyes are just really sensitive to the light.” I nodded waiting patiently for him. He slipped on a pare of black sunglasses. The kind toi see know a days on célébrités when the go out. “Nice.” I a dit with a warming smiled. He looked back down at me and smiled....
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Chapter Four

At ten in the morning, Jamie was helping Mac practice with her football par being the goalie and blocking her oldest daughter‘s every move, kicking the ball into the net at their little backyard of their grès brun, brownstone house in the section of Georgetown in the city of Washington, DC where both Jamie and Michael went to college there, lived at and raised their three kids at for almost fifteen years.

Two hours before the practice, after having an extended breakfast with their father and mother, Mac and Izzie did their bath-taking, teeth-brushing, toothpaste- spitting, toilet-using, and...
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posted by VampirePrinsess
Memories would drift off like winter fog
They fade like a mist
But I saw toi in a memory that stayed like the perfect jour
You brought life into my colorless world
You brought the true meaning of the word 'friend'
He was my best friend
I would always l’amour him, and it would never, ever be enough
I would be there for him, lend him a shoulder
But the days that I just wasn't enough were the days I dreaded
The days he wasn't himself
He had pride, sometimes to much to the point of war
He was respecful to friends, he was kind and funny
He was everything toi loved in a friend
But the jour he left...that...
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posted by gossip-girl999
A/N: This was just a task I had for homework write a short story less than 2 pages of your choice so I thought I'd post it here see what everyone thought. Thanks for reading. xoxo


We're not in Kansas anymore

        It's any teenagers dream to up sticks from a dreary country town and déplacer into the hustle and bustle of the city but for Alyssa that was the dream she wished to come true but it just made her appreciate the saying be careful what toi wish for even more.
        The rain was falling down on the City....
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I thought it would be a good idea to try and write goodbye
but i was stuck when I realized there were too many lovely things to write about.
and not enough words invented yet to say them aloud.

and i know there are a number of things wrong with this,
but i really don't want to fix it right now.
i don't feel like doing anything but sitting upside down

but trust me, when it comes down
to having the choice of being right..
ou protecting you, I'll be wrong every single time.
Because it's just who I am...
Chapter Two

When Jamie got to the châtaigne, châtaignier oak door of Michael’s den, she put her fist on the surface and knocked on it while asking her husband, “Michael, are toi there?” There was a minute of silence that came after that and after waiting for a response, still in the den, Michael asked the person who was asking him that question about him being there, “Yeah, I’m in here. Who’s it?”

Facing the door, Jamie a dit back to him, “It’s me, Jamie.” After telling him that, Jamie heard some groaning behind the door and right away, she knew that Michael had might be annoyed at her because...
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Keep in mind I have no idea what chapter this will be but I got this idea yesterday so I wrote it last night. Actually I had two ideas of how my two main characters would kiss. I'll write and put up a different version of their first Kiss some time soon. I actually had tears in my eyes when I wrote this

I storm outside of the house and plop myself down on the sofa outside. I feel my eyes tear. It's so unfair. My tears overflow my eyes.
"Hey Starr what's wrong?" A voice asks behind me. I look behind me and see Elliot
"Oh salut Elliot. Nothing is wrong," I say wiping my eyes
Elliot sits down next...
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posted by jasperwhlover
Chapter 2

The priest was reciting a prayer, stuttering heavily, Serenity realized that he was scared and replied, “Fear not for I am Serenity the Angel of peace, I know not why my wings resemble the midnight blue that dawns when the sun goes to rest, I know not my purpose on this earth for my father the Lord, God did not verse me of this strange happening”. The priest believed Serenity and taught Serenity human activities, the priest, father Bartholomew, raised Serenity as his own. Now, father Bartholomew, being an exorcist sent many demons and evil artifices of the devil back to hell,...
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posted by jasperwhlover
Wishful Thinking

Introduction: I thought it was a sweet beginning, a chance to start anew, no looking back, nor turning. What I’ve found here, has me in its grasp, it’s captured me in its spell. But like every sweet beginning we never know how the story ends.

Hi, I’m Alicia Alice Davidson, but toi can call me Alice. I’m from a family of five, and I go to the best High School in the country, I’m confident and I follow my instincts I’m a fighter mentally and physically. It started off as the same boring, disappointing jour I was used to, at my school, it’s an all girl school toi see....
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posted by jasperwhlover
Wishful Thinking

Introduction: I thought it was a sweet beginning, a chance to start anew, no looking back, nor turning. What I’ve found here, has me in its grasp, it’s captured me in its spell. But like every sweet beginning we never know how the story ends.

Hi, I’m Alicia Alice Davidson, but toi can call me Alice. I’m from a family of five, and I go to the best High School in the country, I’m confident and I follow my instincts I’m a fighter mentally and physically. It started off as the same boring, disappointing jour I was used to, at my school, it’s an all girl school toi see....
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