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I Have Limited Time To Write So Here's How I Get It Done - Bomani J. Story via FilmCourage.com.
Not long il y a people believed that in the future we would work less,have plus free time,and be plus relaxed.But sadly this has not happened.Today we work harder,work longer hours,and are plus stressed than 10 years ago.We walk faster,talk faster,and sleep less than précédant generations.And although we are obsessed with machines which save us time,we have less free time than our parents and grandparents had.But what is this doing to our health?An American journalist James Gleick in a new book,Faster:the acceleration of just about everything,says that people who live in cities are suffering from...
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 The Writer Behind the Words
The Writer Behind the Words
Luck has little to do with link. A long lasting écriture career doesn’t just happen. A writer can burst onto the scene and quickly disappear. Another can have a series of hits then write a bunch of flops and never be heard from again. The difference between a long lasting career and one that burns out is strategy. Here are seven rules to help toi find the right strategy for toi and get toi started on your journey to long lasting success.

Learn the power of focus. For most of us, we have plus than enough to do on a daily basis. And when it comes to any écriture project the liste can grow exponentially-...
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posted by Epismatic
The Man With No Eyes Collection (5): The Director

When the curtain rises, all is forgiven.

Shielding our thoughts, so we just keep on living.

I happened to wander backstage one dark day.

And passed through the veil after losing my way.

Then, in the director’s chair, to my surprise,

There sat a tall man, dressed sharply in lies,

His smile was beaming; his face had no eyes.

I fled from the room, where my mind was left reeling

The image I’d seen left a deep, queasy feeling,

A creature of darkness, inhuman and wrong,

But the truth is, I had known him all along.

For this man and that man are one and the...
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posted by pLaStIcSUNDAE
It's gray. It's always been so gray.

The beating cœur, coeur that searched for what it believed to be a forever, only to be led astray.

The beating cœur, coeur full of warm belief,

Now an iceberg of amer regret, the surface a shallow reflection of the depths that rest beneath.

The smiling mask distorts the image of the surface, betraying the eyes.

The rigid, cold structure reduced to a cube of ice.

A problem crippled and crumbled into "I'm fine."

If the eyes are windows to the soul, then these windows have been fogged and cracked.

If the eyes are the windows to the soul, then within these, behind the mist,...
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posted by teamsalvatore98
Characters (just so nobody gets confused):
Keigo Shokuo- main character (Name meaning: roughly Prince's bodyguard)
Mikoto Kyuuketsuki- vampire prince/ eventually becomes Keigo's best friend and lover (NM: roughly prince vampire)
Blood Brothers/BB- this name is misleading because of the "blood" part, but they're actually a group of highly trained assassins who are hired to kill Mikoto. They'll come up in conversations.
Geretsu Kyuuketsuki- Mikoto's grandmother; retired vampire Queen (NM: Mean Vampire)
Riaru Kyuuketsuki- Mikoto's real mother [deceased] (NM: Real Vampire)
Katanashi Kyuuketsuki- Mikoto's...
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posted by Faith-Rulz
It is destruction.
But yet,
it shines beauty, and;
it is the gift of rebirth,
new beginnings,
the strength that boils within your soul,
bumbling deep inside
beneath the surface
waiting for toi to
spread your wings like a phoenix,
showering toi with the fire
waiting to burst to the surface and shine.

its energy,
raw and primal energy
one so old,
the flames cry a thousand tears,
of souls Lost within its flames,
their souls,
live within the fire's kiss
becoming one with the fire,
and be reborn,
forever and eternal
as a phoenix...
the soul immortal
as is the fire,
wild, passionate, primodial
can it be tamed?
No. can l’amour be tamed? No
l’amour is like the fires....untamed, unstoppable...
it consumes,
like a fire's kiss.
Do toi dare to play a fire's game??
posted by fanfangirlfan
Something in his eyes changed. It started in his eyes and spread gradually until I felt I was looking at a completely different person. His limbs went slack and his knees failed him as he sank to the floor. What was happening? Was I helping ou hurting? Had I succeeded in this mission that seemed wickedly thrust upon me as if I was the only one who knew what to do? But I didn’t know what to do. This was crazy and until now I couldn’t see how I was the one chosen to help this boy. Just another perspective. Just honesty. That’s all that was needed here. It was me. That’s all that was needed...
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posted by Fyrwenn

The way I feel has changed
When we met I was a fool, thought
You weren’t gonna treat me like a tool
I tell myself that I care ‘bout you
But deep inside I know we’re through.

Change is never easy
But what am I supposed to do?
I can’t sit around, cry and wait for you,

I guess we were too naive
Believing it would work
Why didn’t I see,
that toi were such a jerk?

Change is never easy
But what am I supposed to do?
I can’t sit around, cry and wait for you

In the future we might get another chance
Maybe, it was just a short romance
Then what I’m feeling is really wrong
I felt I had to write this...
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posted by hailieywithin
"1 DAY"! Darla screamed starting to sob harder. I felt horrible but I also wished I knew Darlas relationship with Emily. Darla walked into Emilys room. So did I. Emilys face was disfigured. She had tubes everywere. Darla was crying hard "please wake up please wake up please wake up" then we heard a slow moan. Darlas face perked a little. "D-d-d-dar-darla?" Emily slowly said. Darla slowly nodded. "I'm here sis". Any person could know they were sisters. I stood up and exited the room. In the hallway there was a nurse at the door. She had a huge welt on her lower arm and and a bruise on her thigh....
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posted by WildCherryWolf
To You,

Why? Why are toi so gorgeous? Why were toi wearing shorts?

I was tossing and turning in lit last night, knowing that as soon as I saw your face, I would like toi again. Dammit, I was right. I do. Sort of, anyway.

And I saw toi in class. I peeked through the window. Damn, I saw you.

My dreams did toi no justice. You're too gorgeous! Your blonde hair, toi didn't cut it, that kind of made me happy.

Your eyes, why! Why did I have to want toi so bad again?

Chloe and I, we were going to call toi vampire. But now, I'm all shy again. Too bad, conscience. I'm going to do it. Vampire! Vampire! You...
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posted by Skitty_Love
I awoke in a sprawl. My lit sheets were Raiponce around my ankles, my lit spread tumbled on the floor. "Whoops, I must've had a rough dream last night.." I jumped down and began fixing everything. Just then, Professor Rhinestone walked in. "Oh! Pardon me Soul, I was just searching for one of your old ROMs from long ago." He a dit as he started looking through my maple-wood drawers and shelves. "Thats alright! But- Why would toi need my old ROMs? I thought I got new ones." He nodded in reply. "Correct, but these older ones will help with many things, things toi might not understand." He held a...
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posted by ivanaoshea
Please don't mind if i have somewhere a mistake, english isn't my mother language.
i wrote better stories but only this is on english
i hope toi will like it.

In my street, there are many family houses. Some are big and with parking garages and some are living in car on the street. Mine is somewhere in the middle, I have my own room, one bathroom, dad’s room and cuisine with living room. We don’t have one plus floor. In the back yard is pool and house for dog. We actually don’t have a dog and every time when I ask my dad, he’s name is Mark:”When are toi going to buy me a dog? “And...
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posted by kaylap1410
We were all different, all chosen for different reasons. Some of us african american, some as white as can be. But in a way we were all the same. That is the reason they chose us, followed us since birth. Macy was one of the richest children alive, but when her parents died in a car accident she was left with nothing. Being underaged, the bank had the entitlement to take all her parents money, leaving her to fend for herself on the streets. Hunter's house caught on feu and destroyed his mother's locket. The last thing he had of her, the last thing that kept him happy. Lila was only two years...
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posted by irena83
When your minds are
and so many thoughts
circling around
your head,
toi try to make
this right,
to find the best way
so toi could feel better,
so toi could be free.

Pain will never
go away,
it always stays
to remember you
that life is not a dream,
life is unpredictable.

Endless questions,
so many "Why",
but the answer
we will
never find!
The strength within
will not let us crack,
life is unpredictable,
who's to say?

Today you're happy,
and yet
despair waits
to engulf you.
toi need to be prepared.

Not only bad things
happen to bad people.
so many pure,
honored hearts
have been broken for
so many times,
in so many pieces,
and yet
they live,
they live with
their agony,
they live with
their groan,
but they live,
tho their eyes are
always sad,
their hearts are
still softly.

they know...
they are...

The brightest star
that shines
in the dark,
that spark of hope
for all of us
who deserve better.
posted by HarryPLover
Its too dark
Too dark to see what is going on
Tripping over the couch
Slamming into the wall
stepping on the remote
It was too dark
The undone dishes
The scattered roses
The broken picture
My broken heart
It was too dark
Believing it would change
That he would change
A Waste
A waste of my time
My Effort
The “No Messages” left on my phone
It was too dark
It was too dark to see what had happened
Too dark to try to fix things
Its just too dark
Someone turn on the light
That light bulb in my head of what Ive done wrong
Its too dark

The grand ball of the anniversery of the vampire royal family the vampire royal family,the Reasmussens rule was beautifull with chandeliers of a thousand crystals hanging from the ceiling as the many guests below twirled along to mezmerising musique on the dance floor,the ladys with their spectacular ball gowns and the gentlemen in there dashing suits.Although these were not just any guests these guests were made up of Vampires,Shapeshifters and Witches.

The Resmussens had a baby girl they called étoile, star because of her unbelievable...
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posted by TeamRosalieHale
18: Home

The jour was nearly over, par now they had reached their destination: Springfield, Illinois. Several times the carriage had stopped, Tristan leaving for short periods of time, always returning silent, the carriage marched on. He had retired when they were almost in Illinois, coming upon the border between Iowa and Illinois. David had remained with Jack and Rosalie, though he kept to himself, For Whom the cloche, bell Tolls had been replaced with A Tale of Two Cities. Eventually though he too went to his room, leaving Jack and Rosalie alone.
They were on the couch, Rosalie’s head on Jack’s...
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posted by Sweet_Pants
A/N: Ok, this is just a short, about 500 word drabble I came up with. It's about 7-year-old Alice and her drunk derpressed father, called, of course, 'Daddy'. It's not much, but I though I'd post it. Constructive critisizm is welcome.

Please rate and comment.
The smell of his breath came off in waves of grief and alcohol mixed into what could be described as inner turmoil. Although Alice barely gave a thought to the bottle of whiskey in his hand, as she was plus preoccupied with not throwing up from the smell of her father she should have gotten...
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posted by jasperwhlover
Wishful Thinking

Introduction: I thought it was a sweet beginning, a chance to start anew, no looking back, nor turning. What I’ve found here, has me in its grasp, it’s captured me in its spell. But like every sweet beginning we never know how the story ends.

Hi, I’m Alicia Alice Davidson, but toi can call me Alice. I’m from a family of five, and I go to the best High School in the country, I’m confident and I follow my instincts I’m a fighter mentally and physically. It started off as the same boring, disappointing jour I was used to, at my school, it’s an all girl school toi see....
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