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Zoeiz took a subtle relaxed deep breathe. And held it just for a moment.

Christ, par highest heaven adored…

The cold blistering air nipped at her exposed cheeks and the tip of her petite nose. A perfect atmosphere for the winters most important day, Christmas.

It was only 7:55 in the morning. Children throughout the modest town would be up par now, pouncing on their drowsy parents, eagerly anticipating on opening the wrapped gifts and stuffed bags.

She breathed out, the vaporous air revealing her breath.

Christ, the everlasting Lord…

Naturally, fresh flakes of snow began to fall from the cloudy heavens. Her emotionless bleu acier eyes, hidden par dim ashen shades, observed the sky curiously. She paid attention to a diminutive flake as it fluttered, gliding with the faint gust, until it alighted gently on her sniper rifle, at the edge of the callous black suppressor. At the near touch, it melted away, leaving only a speck of water. Zoeiz, realizing the distraction, peered back into her 4-16x 50 scope. With hurried adjustments, she focused it diametrically at her target, just 700 meters away.

She surveyed him as he trotted through the unsullied snow, taking large steps for the snow was too thick, even on the sidewalk. The target was heading to a large apartment complex; she already predicted this of course. In fact, Zoeiz knew his whole route. She has been noting his daily routines for a week now. Alas, he was clever enough to mix it up, the paths he took and the people he met with, knowing faithfully that she was coming for him. An assassin hired; liable to any corrupt monopoly empires towering over the pecuniary justice system. She did not like to think of the whole situation like that, however. Zoeiz loved the idea of being these sinners' savior, taking their lives for the good of themselves as well as the acquitted souls around them. It was only fair.

Late in time behold Him come…

How unfortunate, nonetheless, for the man, with his low-priced Santa hat and thick overcoat. He was thoughtlessly treading into an alleyway. Though it was not dark, it was perfectly secluded from the rest of the public. No one was even outside on the streets, perhaps blissful and resting favorably in their quaint homes. Very few cars steered by, few people were heartening in window-shops. The frosty morning was a lot less peaceful than it appeared to be, though.

She knew this moment was to come, and could not doubt the choices made to this point of time. Glaring at the target's bobbing red and white hat, Zoeiz tightened her muscles and steadied her sniper. First her feet, which lay effortlessly deep in the amer snow. Her legs stabilized from the minor shivering, as well as her breathing. The extensive barrel of the sniper was securely revitalized between two poles from the porches railing; though icicles threatened to drop off at any donné moment. Conclusively, her chest was only vaguely lifted from the porches ground, flawlessly keeping posture as the victim was fully sighted at her shooting range. Zoeiz shut her eyes, only for an instant, at the hum of absolute winter stillness. No breeze passed, no bird sung.

Offspring of a virgin's womb…

Deliberately opening her eyes into the scope once more, she took a fine-drawn profound breathe and paused. The target was halfway out of the alley.

An annoyed conception surpassed her mentality, interrupting the song,Just because it is Christmas, he assumes I would not eradicate him today? How unwise.

The clock tower, just west from where her post was, only ticked secondes away to 8:00, with which the church bells would chime. For on this day, they rang at every stricken hour. The song in her mind continued…

Veiled in flesh the Godhead see…

The undisturbed heavens sighed, a composed respire. Snow resumed to melodiously descend.

Hail th' Incarnate Deity…

Zoeiz had her index finger caressing the trigger all this time, and it flinched, a spasm of zealous demise. The trigger was unmercifully pulled.

With a trifling, discreetly muffled clink from the OSV-96 large caliber sniper, the victim collapsed instantaneously, the hat hurled off par some unseen force. She smiled, decisively resting her stiffened position, continuing the song,
Pleased as man with man to dwell…

Her job was done. The clock tower struck 8:00, having a clang of bells from the church, far up north.

"Every time a cloche, bell rings, an Angel gets its wings." Zoeiz whispered, her inherent Russian accent offsetting "vings" from "wings".

She rose, after lying there noiselessly in the snow for an heure ou so. Her hooded bleached winter manteau and mukluk boots gave her the façade of any girl in town. With this is mind, she unconcernedly disassembled the sniper, out of years of constant practice, and delicately placed it in the proper case. For reassurance, she arranged the casing evenly with some clothes wrapped within an outsized duffel bag. She finished the last song verse aloud as she headed out of the abandoned apartment, "Jesus, our Emmanuel."

Cautiously going down some spiral steps coated in sleet and ice, she was stopped par a rather aged looking fellow, "Nuori neiti?"

Young lady?
Is what Zoeiz interpreted in her thoughts.

He was speaking the native tongue, Finnish. Zoeiz was prepared for an encounter with common people here in Finland, and replied in Finnish just the same, straining to hide her accent, "Can I help you?"

The man coughed for a minute, "You just came down from the third apartment room, yes? I'm sorry but did toi rent that room? It's not on my records."

She frowned, foolish old man for becoming suspicious.

With one swift, yet somehow graceful, déplacer of her left arm, she drew out her semi-automatic pistol from a manteau pocket and shot the pitiable man bluntly between the eyes. The silencer seemed softer than his fall. She watched in irritated displeasure as the snow began to stain with his blood. A repulsive color, a pale crimson, ou even pink. With a sigh, she headed out again, cursing to herself, an innocent life taken par my own hands… again. God, forgive me, for I have sinned.

Two bodies lay dead on the snow terrain of the meek Finnish town, Kannus, on Christmas day.

For an assassin, there is no such thing as a godsend act during seasonal holidays.

Zoeiz finished her call with the client, telling the woman in full detail what had happened and what was expected to come. The call was brief and straightforward, giving her plenty of time to rest at a local pub.

Her travel here was not the finest. She had to slaughter two naive teenage girls in order to obtain tickets for the nations train station, the return ticket still deep within one of her duffel bag pockets. And once more, another man became wary of her, which she penalized par shunting his face in a toilet inside the men's bathroom at the station, the closest stall on the right. His drowning was muted, and coincidentally she was wearing gloves at the time. Looking back at it now only made Zoeiz curse herself for a seconde time, pleading for amnesty.

The bar, down the rue from a Helsinki cathedral in the large Finnish city, was undersized yet markedly rowdy today. It was only around six PM, the sky already darkened, but Zoeiz sought to wait before advancing to the cathedral. She requested white champagne, just a trivial amount. Three lads sitting left from her hooted noisily in laughter, whistling along to the open caroling just outside. Conversely, this group of boys was too drunk to comprehend their obnoxious performance. And as much as Zoeiz tried to relay that in her mind as she sipped her champagne, the laughing and chant lingered, her irascibility reaching its limits.

She was finished with her drink and seized her manteau to leave, but one of the boys leaned against her, his breathe whelmed in alcohol, "Girlie, leaving so soon?"

Erratically, he spoke in Swedish. Zoeiz ignored him and got up from the stool. He persisted, "We could montrer toi a good time..."

The other boys turned to him and gazed at Zoeiz as if she was some sort of divinity, blessing them with her mere presence. She shook her head, her blonde tresses lashing the air, and presumably left the pub. The boys followed.

They caught up to her in a few minutes, remarkably with their swaying stoned pace. One still held a bottle of vodka in his hand. She glanced at them and… smiled. She spoke, not bothering to hide neither her accent, nor her expression, "Boys, toi a dit toi could montrer me a fun time? Well, I got something better. Want to see?"

The boys, amazed at her intonation and attractive chaste smile, all nodded in eager temptation. She nonchalantly directed to an alley, "Great! This way!"

Zoeiz smile broadened, for she could feel her steel combat couteau strapped on her inner thigh, only concealed par a fabric from her white cargo pants. They stopped middle way, and she coolly took off her thick winter coat, murmuring in Russian, "Бог дал, Бог и взял."

The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away…

…The boys' shrieks could be heard from a mile away. Zoeiz was not concerned, but instead, exultant at the delightful amusement of splitting their Bones and slitting any flesh of any man that strived to escape the alley. Despairing for them, no redeemer would be able to perceive these yelps for salvage from the intense agony; cathedral bells rang at the mark of 7:00 PM. That and further to the high-spirited carol singers amid jubilant hails at the pub.

Zoeiz, disappointed in herself once again, emerged from the alleyway, putting on her manteau to secrete the blood stains.

Another sin has been perpetrated from the Sinners' Saint, how paradoxical.

With a yawn, she headed up the boulevard to the cathedral, the lights emitting stunning radiance.

She lingered outside the open cathedral doors. Harmonious choir voices resounded gaily to the song "Silent Night".

Out of tedium restraint and for a diversion from the icy rancorous wind, Zoeiz crooned melodiously with them, "Holy infant so tender and mild…"

The streets were idle. Zoeiz wholly omitted the fact that no one has encountered the corpses yet. Within the cathedral, the gospel choir resumed to resonate, and so did Zoeiz, "…sleep in heavenly peace!"

In reverberation, they continued the final verses. Irrevocably, the composition was over, and that ceased the chorus. Service was concluded, and after the appeals on Christmas prayers, people filed out the cathedral. Unmoving, she waited good-naturedly, only nodding her head in respect to every Catholic that ambled out the doors. Everyone was soon gone. Zoeiz, freezing and rather exhausted, walked inside the imposing cathedral, eyeing the Jésus Christ statue, a couple hundred yards away.

This cathedral was colossal, needless to say, and the city's people were gratified to behold it. Zoeiz strode on, overlooking an elder here and there, and specially the bishop chatting with a small family in the back. Her courtesy was only on the center display. She passed rows and rows of seats, filled with donation slots and secondhand unkempt bibles. The illumination was divine, countless timeless wax candles aligned along the front strip of stairs, arising in numbers as the steps ascended, as she noted.

There was nothing now, her ambiences holy and unheeded, only gazing up at her savior, Jesus. Endowed par resilient faith, she promptly got down on both knees and positioned her hands up in prayer. She fondly whispered, eyes shut, "Jesus, the Light of the World, as I celebrate your birth…"

The ivory and red themed cathedral was serene, nearly static. Only things that seemed to shift were the flicks of the candlelight's fire. She sustained the prayer mentally, may I begin to see the world in the light of the understanding toi give me. As toi chose the lowly, the outcasts, and the poor to receive the greatest news the world had ever known, so may I worship toi in meekness of heart. May I also remember my brothers and sisters less fortunate than myself in this season of giving.

Zoeiz was about to say "Amen" but continued to another appeal, to the heavenly Father, instead, thank you, Lord, for the gift of Your love. May I be a shining example of that l’amour to others. The mercy I bestow has lessened as the years past. Your ideal clemency and humanity has enlightened me, although I may have Lost my way. Please, God, montrer me the light once more, lead me to Victorious benevolence that used to be. I confess that some deaths went inessential. Your forgiveness and l’amour proves to strengthen my faith and decency to serve toi for this life and eternally.

She paused in her thoughts, a certain Christmas wish imploring to be requested to God. Zoeiz abruptly opened her eyes, "But I must ask one blessing from you, Father and Son..."

A wicked glint of immoral cast in her eyes, "I must ask that toi guide me to attain cessation to a pitiful complacent soul…" she breathed.

She glimpsed up at the statue, His ever emanating grace sanctifying her vision. With an evasive smirk, Zoeiz Akuzel hissed, "Aide me to slay the infamous Asuka Zosime."
. . .
This is what i would say to my jacob, if i can even say he is mine.

How do i even start off, do i start off saying that i dont know how to start off,or do i pour my cœur, coeur out,that first word, i dont know anymore..Because with you, nothing is the way it seems, ou the way it was before. Everything changes even the way im supposed to write this, you've confused me.
OK,, i think is this part where i pour my cœur, coeur out right?? if not. im going to sound.. odd. but who cares now? not you. toi wont even read this my love.
ok here i go, keep me from falling.
I meet toi on a saturday, on the first saturday...
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posted by coolie
. ‘’What happened to Sucky Sam?’’ Who knows,’’ replied Ted. They started walking through the catacombes.
We should get going ,”Bill. This place gives me the hibie Jeebeis,”said Death. You’re right,” replied Ted. They walked towards the front of the catacombes. For some strange reason, there was no hole to get out! They looked in the other direction. There was Sucky Sam standing about five yards away from them! Who, what, where, when…. Why,” a dit Bill. Looking for me,” a dit Sucky Sam in a cocky voice. All of the three were shocked in horror. Sucky Sam’s eyes turned...
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posted by housefrk
Through the darkness, a flash
Of lightning appears, and the girl, in a hurry
To get back inside, attempts to chase an animal
Out of the yard. Giving in to the sudden rush
Of cold wind, she goes inside the lonely house and phones the Operator
To hear another voice. She imagines her family on the boat

Out on the waves, the boat
Rocking precariously, the deck illuminated par another flash
Of lightning. She listens to the dole-set tone of the Operator
And goes to the window in a hurry,
Just in time to see a shadow rush
Across the yard, and she, once again, hears the sound of the animal

Against the house. She...
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posted by HarryPLover
plus beautiful in the light,
He gives me sight,
Saves me from evil's bite,
Holds me when I cry,
Always par my side.

My last breath is taken and donné to him,
He saves me from the storm I'm in,
He saves me and calls me his,
Have him when I'm in a crisis.
Jésus is everything.

Everything to me,
Helping me see,
Stealing my heart,
Oh how I hate being apart.

Stand here and be moved par him,
To feel him in my veins,
To feel him inside of me.

My friend,
My helper,
The great shrink,
I am proud to be part of his link.

Blown away par his grace,
Blessed par his mercy,
Oh how he carries.

Holds every tear in his hand,
Wipes away our sorrows,
For a better tomorrow.
Chapter 4

After I left the two losers, I mean best friends, I walked to homeroom. Unfourtunatly, Jake was in my homeroom, and automatically he started asking me fifty thousand questions. How did know? Wow, my Friends are such freaking nerds.

"So I heard toi like a new girl." he a dit trying not to talk too loud. But sadly some girls and guys nearby heard him.

I was immediately bombared with questions. "Oh my god? How can toi fall for such a slut, Joshie!!! toi would look so much better in bed, suivant to me." a dit Brianna. Oh so that caramilk girl was a slut now? She at least covers her ass!

continue reading...
I felt completely laid back and excited to go to the arcade,I needed to play some Gears of War ou something to get my frustration out.But when I saw Juan pass the arcade I started to get nervous.
"Ummm...Juaney...are toi kid napping me?"
We joked around and laughed our butts off for a few minutes but Juan ended up explaining to me that he knew that playing some fighting game would just make me get even plus upset and that I needed to cool off before I did anything I would regret.Therefore he took my phone away and turned off the radio just in case I decided to start cuss-texting Joel out ou started...
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Chapter 2

"Hey babe. Where are toi going?" asked Megan. She was already obsessed with me... Like practically all the other girls who have come to the school. Why couldn't one time, just one time, a single girl didn't crush on me. Even the girls who are in a relationship. Is it that hard? I mean there were plenty of other guys at this school and it wasn't only just me. I wasn't ever interested in girls! Man I sound like a six an old rather than a eighteen an old. That's pretty sad.

"Away from you." I mumbled under my breath. I looked at her beautiful lustful eyes and a dit a little loud....
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posted by ChickRiddler

It gets harder and harder to see Dominic each day. Every jour brings new pain, new longing, and new tears. I l’amour my boyfriend but Dominic has a certain affect on me that I can’t control. I am a terrible person….
When I’m not with him, I feel a relief from deception. But also, an opening into a deep pit that swallows me until I’m with him again. When I’m with Jason, I am partially taken from this hole. But there is still a nuage looming over me, and the pit below me, threatening to avaler, hirondelle me at any minute. I try not to give in to the temptation if telling my l’amour how I feel...
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posted by Fangirl99
Chapter 2:the mysterious sign

Vanessa Colorado of Waysway school was going to her locker to get her stupid homework. She was tried,in pain,and achy. She thought it was just a cold,but it was a lot worse than she knew. “oh,look who the cat dragged in,”said Susan,the meanest chic in school.

“shut up,ok?”Vanessa a dit sternly. “im in a really bad mood.”

“why? Cause toi realized your having a bad hair day?”katie asked. the 3 laughed.

“hey!leave her alone!”called out kylie,who was walknig to her locker.

“oh,look,im so scared,what are toi gonna do about it?”taunted susan.

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I was bored. I was very bored. There was nothing to do; not a single thing. I grabbed my iPod and turned on the Numa Numa song, but I was still bored. I turned on my laptop and begun écriture a short story, which toi may very well be lire now, but my boredom was left uncured. Riding in the car was boring, and I wished I had a cell phone to text my Friends with, but alas, I was practically broke. I only had around seventy-five bucks, and that was from Christmas. If I had kept my twenty that I had used for IMVU credits, well, then maybe I’d have enough for a go phone at the least. But I had...
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posted by Fangirl99
from:sponge bob
wirtten by:sponge bob
guitare by:spongeb
preformed by:sponge bob&patrick& squidward
also featuring :squidward *sorta*

lets gather around the campfire and sing the campfire song our c-a-mp-f-i-r-e-s-o-n-g song. and if toi think that we cant sing it faster then your wrong but itll help if toi just sing along
Bom Bom Bom
*sing it fast!*
C-a-m-p-f-i-r-e-s-o-n-g song,C-am-p-f-i-r-e-s-o-n-g song and if toi think that we cant sing it faster then toi wrong but itll help if toi just sing along.
*even faster*C-a-m-p-f-i-r-e-s-o-n-g song,C-a-m-p-f-i-r-e-s-o-n-g song Patrick!
Itll help!itll help!if toi just sing along!OH YEAH!

posted by June4
It’s raining on my window pane,
Inside this house looks so lame.
I’m so funny, so bored hunni.
Nothing much to do but to be a horn dog,
Being bored makes me write in my log.

Are we counting up ou down?
Nothing seems to go around.
Boredom, toi don’t like him.
Boredom, toi wanna shoot him.
Don’t make that move.

toi get in trouble when looking for fun,
toi get so tired when the jour is done.
Soon as toi get in bed,
toi remember what should be done instead.
Just forget the problem.

Get a goodnight sleep and dream.
Forget about the boring adventure,
toi should’ve discovered something in nature.
Boredom, forget them.
Boredom, sleep before the morning.
He kissed toi slowly, and the feeling of l’amour drowned your senses. A hug. A kiss. And toi went further on.

You walk home, feeling amazing, beautiful, wonderful and every other feeling of happiness and love. The sky seems full of joy and the blue is blinding. The clouds have mixed shapes and sizes, each much plus different than the other.

You enter your room and sit at the warmest corner in your room and smile at the thoughts of that special someone. Then your eyes blacken out.

Death. Hate. Depression. Bitterness. Sorrow. Murder.

You shake your head at the thoughts and push try to push them out....
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posted by dragonrider
That first jour -Eric's Perspective

Maybe I should of a dit something to her. I was kind of rude then again I was scared as well. These situations always scare me. Who knew she would take the bus today? I was told she never took the bus. I don't know. When she put her hand on my knee it just made me think of her in the future.
I laid my head on the table, tableau and sighed. I inhaled the scent of citron pledge and I got a coughing fit.
"Dude Eric toi okay?" my best friend Tom asked walking up to the table
"Yeah *cough cough* I am. I just inhaled citron pledge. That's all," I coughed out.
He backed up a...
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Joseph Warren cursed himself. He knew that he should have killed him. But he couldn't bring himself too. He always thought Kim-Jong was evil but he learned quickly that he wasn't evil, just misguided. Joseph wasn't cruel ou evil either he just fought for what he believed, and he believed that everyone should have rights and they should get it through peaceful means. But as usual, getting your rights through peaceful means is impossible. Ever since Hannah was killed, negotiating humans rights with the Chinese, he knew that the only way they could gain freedom for the people was through violence....
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posted by Fangirl99
title:real you

no matter wat
i say.no one believes
me anyway. so why do
i try.shes gonna deny.

there might be a day,
when things turn out to
change.they might actully see,
the real you.it aint likely.
but we should give it a shot.
telling them,is all i got.
one jour they will see,the real you.

here i go again.Another
day of stress.i alomst wanna die.
dont make me make toi cry.
better back off,better step back.
cause any time, i might attack.

no matter wat
i say.no one believes
me anyway. so why do
i try.shes gonna deny.

there might be a day,
when things turn out to
change.they might actully see,
the real you.it...
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posted by bubble_babe
One Fine Sunny Morning Izzy Sat At A table, tableau At Her Fav, '50's Dinner'. Although The Red Head Was Not In The Mood To Eat, ou Do Anything For That Matter. Something Keep Bugging her. Something She Couldn't Identify. The Poor Girl Sighed, Now Her Head Hurt From Thinking so Munch. She Then Fell back in her siège And Poped her Feet onto the table, eventhough She New The Cause Of It.

"Ey, Izzy, Gits Your Feeta Of Meh Table." A Big Man Behind The Main Counter Called.

"Leave Me Alone, Joe." Izzy a dit as she closed her eyes

"Nononononononon; Now!" Joe told her

"I a dit 'Leave me alone'!" The Red Headed Girl...
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posted by JuneLynn
Waking up to the sound of my parent’s shouting I got up to change. Looking out the window, I saw the world was bright and colorful. Many would think it the best time of the jour but to me it was the gloomiest time of all. It was the same thing every morning my parents would wake me due to their constant arguments, going to school, and returning back home. Life I felt was just plain boring.

This morning, was no exception because my parents were picking at each other again. I crept into the cuisine to get some breakfast. What I saw was horrifying; the cuisine was a total mess. Nothing was in...
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posted by joe-edwardfan
Chapter 5:B pov
I woke up and looked at my new purple alarm clock it a dit 2:00 pm
I was late again,I jumped off my lit and stretched then walked to the bathroom and washed my face, I walked to my giant dresser and focused on what to wear, Hmmm the brown tank haut, retour au début goes with my black jean and the new collier I got from accessorize and my black converse, and I'm all set!
I rushed to my car and forgot to grab a Hershey bar and drove to the mall
While I was driving I checked my watch again and 2:15 I still have 15 mins to the Saturday sale good thing I really want that black bag! Hmmm this is...
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posted by BiteMeCullen107
An heure later they had gone threw what little was left and found four bodies one out of four survived. He was badly hurt and probably wasn’t going to be out of the hospital for a couple weeks possibly months. Vanna wasn’t to hurt she broke her left leg and had to get three stitches. You’d think that because I was closer to the building I would have gotten hurt plus but no I just sprained my wrist had to get six stitches and had a couple cuts and burses.
“Excuse me sir?”
I walked up to a one of the doctors that was taking care of Vanna at the time. He turned around and it looked like...
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