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added by Musa_Music
Source: Squirrel-Tail
added by nugget14
Source: coolcatflora from DA
added by mada7b0mb0
added by zanhar1
posted by tslol99
Stella just found out she has a sister

Stella: My WHAT!!!
Stella:s mom: Your sister she is going to Alfea suivant year
Stella: suivant YEAR
Stella's mom: Guys give us a sec please u can get t know Cassie Cassie y don't u montrer them your room
Musa: Ok come on Cassie right
Cassie: Yes

the others leave Stella and her mother with and go into Cassie's room

Brandon: Sooo Cassie aaahhhhh what do u like to do
Cassie: I like to read write walk my cat FB
Tecna: What does that stand for
Cassie: fleur Bloom
(everyone looks at Flora and Bloom both girls blush)
I know but I named her that before I even heard of Bloom
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added by nugget14
Source: chibiusa moon from DA
 Bloom: In her normal outfit for Season 1
Bloom: In her normal outfit for Season 1
Hi there! : ) Lol! I'm sorry for the long wait on this one! I was rather busy with other fan fictions and such =D But finally, here is the article of info on Bloom! Enjoy!



Bloom was born on December 10th on the planet of Domino. But unfortunatley, her parents had to give her up soon due to that the Ancestrial Witches had attacked their accueil planet. Bloom's sister, Daphne, teleported her to Earth and to a new family. She grew up, not knowing that she was a fairy ou who her real parents were. When she was 16, she finally realized that she was a fairy after...
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added by ruxi23
posted by crystal_winx
these are all the reasons i dont like wind nut i l’amour it

1. In season 4 Musa loses the tomboy part of her personality. she doesn't have that swag anymore and wtf happened to her hair? she used to have pigtails and all of a sudden her hair is just down

2. Flora's outfit gets way too ugly. i mean seriously an like high ponytail with a bow is like what 8 an old girls wear my sister's an eight an old

3. Stella gets way to serious. she used to be funny and have a little bit of an accent but starting season three she just went no. i mean uh she like doesnt make as many jokes.

4. 1 word Roxy. Shes...
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added by Elinafairy
Source: [deviantart]
added by lovebaltor
Source: deviantART User: Nala-winx-FAIRY
added by Elinafairy
added by Elinafairy
added by lovebaltor
Source: deviantART User: sunlightana
added by lovebaltor
Source: deviantART User: RoseMagique
added by Winxclubgirl202
Source: Facebook
added by Winxclubgirl202
song par The Wanted
winx club
fan video
season 3
season 5
season 4
added by camirite
Source: Me, Myself, and Whoever draws Winx
added by rossgirlfriend
added by mileysmartcyrus