aléatoire Club
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1. Ask him why he 'doesn't have such a cool scar?'

2. Laugh at him.

3. Wake him up par chant plage Boys songs in his ear. 'Round, round, get around, I get around...'

4. Knit him things. Really hideous things.

5. Give him kangaroo-ears for a month.

6. Smile during Death Eater meetings and say toi taught him everything he knows.

7. Chew bubblegum all the time. Should he address you, your only response will be a series of huge bubbles in quick succession, the last of which will burst everywhere and make a mess.

8. Dance the Funky Chicken.

9. Ask him when was the last time he took a bath.

10. Pat him on the head and give him fleurs when his plans are foiled yet again.

11. If toi ever need to say 'Like taking Candy from a baby', be sure to add 'Of course, SOME of us might find that harder than others.' Stare pointedly at him.

12. Play 'knock-&-run' at his bedchamber door late at night.

13. Call him 'The-Man-Who-Let-the-Boy-Live.'

14. Ask why the Dark Mark couldn't look like something 'more socially acceptable?'

15. Insist that toi have met chunks of cheese with plus cunning plans than his.

16. Pinch him. Make sure he squeals.

17. Be cheerful.

18. When he tries to impress toi with his powers, say 'Awwwww, lookit. Voldie's got a twiggle!'

19. Try to teach him to play a mouth organ.

20. Roll your eyes during plotting sessions and say things under your breath like 'You're the boss, boss' ou 'It's your funeral.'

21. Greet him in the mornings with a sarcastic 'My sir, toi look particularly menacing today.'

22. Taunt him about his middle name. 'Marvolo? What's that - a washing detergent?'

23. Keep a 'good-behaviour chart'. Award points and give out or stars.

24. Magic-marker Potter-style glasses on him while he sleeps.

25. Apparate into and out of his room rapidly. Do this non-stop for an hour. *poof* there *poof* gone *poof* there...

26. Play cards with him. Tell him he has no poker-face and how does he expect to rule supreme without one?

27. Let off party-poppers in his face whenever the urge strikes you.

28. 'Did toi even HAVE a girlfriend? Like, ever?'

29. Get a pair of finger puppets closely resembling himself and Harry Potter. Re-enact all of Harry's victories over him in a spectacularly childish way. Be sure to give them both squeaky voices.

30. Anytime he enters any room, insist on entering first and announcing him grandly.

31. In these announcements, fake a trumpet noise and give him an equally fake drumroll.

32. Exclaim sarcastically 'You're breakin' my little cœur, coeur here, O Dark One' whenever he starts to talk of what caused him to become who he is.

33. Encourage him to 'think happy thoughts!'

34. Ask him to give toi written summaries of his sinister plots for revenge and war. Correct his spelling.

35. Mock his choice of Quirrell as a 'host.'

36. Tell toi think a yoga class could 'cure him of his wicked ways.'

37. Get the song 'Mr. Tambourine Man' stuck in his head.

38. If he's having evil-plotter's-block in one of his scheming sessions, 'Wingardium Leviosa' a light bulb to float above his head. Turn it on. Look offended when he gets angry and say toi thought toi were helping!

39. Tell him constantly to stop repressing his anger.

40. Buy him a stress ball.

41. Hint that he is only a character in a book and will never triumph.

42. Call him Tommy-boy.

43. If you're feeling gutsy, call him Voldie-poo.

44. Whack him in the arm and say 'mosquito' - every few minutes.

45. Say he 'looked better under the turban.'

46. Eat his pet snake. Offer him some.

47. Endeavour to teach him to steeple his fingers, lean back and say 'Eeeexcellent'.

48. Start drawing outlandish parallels between his life story and 'Star Wars'. Talk at great length.

49. Be generally in awe of him and never look away.

50. 'Imperio' his Death Eaters into a rousing chorus of 'All Things Bright And Beautiful.'

51. douche him with confetti and rice, anytime toi think he needs to make a 'grand entry.'

52. Paint all the Death Eater masks with bright colours and glitter.

53. Throw him a 'Carebears'-themed birthday party.

54. Tell him what Snape's really up to.

55. Politely exclaim now and again that toi don't know how he can be so afraid of dear old Dumbles.

56. Sing 'California Dreamin' at the haut, retour au début of your lungs when he's trying to have an 'evil moment.'

57. Should toi ever be eating with him - drum tunes with your cutlery, play with your nourriture and blow bubbles in your chocolat milk.

58. Ask him to dance a polka with you.

59. Work cutesy phrases like 'pushing-up-daisies' and 'smooth-as-a-baby's-bottom' into conversation as much as possible.

60. Ask him if he's sure 'the whole evil-maniac-out-for-power-and-revenge thing isn't getting a bit old?'

61. Get him to play 'Twister' with you.

62. Tell him toi know this great therapist in London....

63. Throw Tupperware parties. Insist he sit through them.

64. Tell him you've met plently of people plus evil than he.

65. Hide his teddy bear. That ALWAYS makes him cry.

66. Get him a plant. Act mortally offended when he doesn't water it and it dies.

67. Steal, snap and bury his wand.

68. Tell him Lucius did it.

69. Give Rita Skeeter full knowledge of his whereabouts and contact details.

70. Remind him that he isn't even really alive.

71. Write him a theme song. Start chant it whenever he is about to do ou say something particularly clever and nasty.

72. Offer to sacrifice Draco Malfoy 'to the cause.'

73. Insist on lire him bedtime stories. Include 'The Ugly Duckling.'

74. Make vague allusions to Harry Potter being his son.

75. When he's done something particularly nasty - traverser, croix your arms, waggle a finger and say 'Now now, do toi really think Salazar would have approved of that?'

76. Ask him how he can possibly wish to harm a single hair on the head of 'that sweet, innocent, cute little boy.'

77. Tell him Wormtail has a crush on him.

78. Finish all your sentences with the words "in accordance with prophecy."

79. Leave disgusting and rotting dead things near him. Insist that it is 'Aromatherapy.'

80. Begin any question toi ask him with 'Riddle me this!' Emphasis on Riddle.

81. Do not EVER act in the slightest way intimidated par him. Treat him as toi would an eccentric aquaintance.

82. Cuddle him at aléatoire moments.

83. Sign him up for Little-League.

84. Ask him why he's afraid of a frail old man with a beard the size of a beehive and can't fight babies.

85. Throw biscuits at him. Constantly.

86. Tell him toi think evil master plans of world domination are 'kind of girlie.'

87. Quote Argus Filch. Insist HE will one jour rule the wizarding world.

88. Wonder aloud whether the name Voldemort commands as much respect as, say, Potter ou Dumbledore.

89. Mimic everything he says in a sing-song voice.

90. Mimic everything he does with exaggerated limb-movements.

91. Write sonnets for him.

92. Insist he help toi with the newspaper crossword every morning.

93. Follow a few paces behind him, spraying everything he touches with a can of disinfectant.

94. Tell people he's 'really just a big softie.'

95. Psychoanalyze him. Conclude that he is 'mildy depressed' and 'a bit of a control-freak.'

96. Mock his baldness.

97. Smile and say loudly 'Who loves you, Volders?' at inopportune moments. (Ie: another of his attempted 'evil moments')

98. Get him drunk.

99. Drag out a banjo at Death Eater revels and start playing 'Kumbayah.'

100. Let him catch toi trying on Death Eater robes.

101. Be Harry Potter. Be alive.

102. As he's plotting dark deeds, pretend to cough and mutter things like 'Not gonna work, ou 'stupid.'

103. Call him 'Champ' ou 'Tiger.' Refer to yourself as 'Coach.'

104. Three words: Potter Puppet Pals.

105. Ask him where he gets his garlic-scented soap.

106. Ask him to dye Easter eggs with you.

107. Christmas.

108. Make him dance in the rain with you.

109. Insist that this is to cleanse his soul.

110. "Accidentally" schedule him a him a haircut.

111. ..even though he's bald.

112. Be offended par everything he says.

113. When he gives toi an order, stare at him blankly and drool.

114. Invite him to go streaking.

115. Kill Harry.

116. On the suivant Valentine's Day, decorate his lair.

117. ..make sure the decorations are rose and frilly.

118. Tell him that getting the same plastic surgeon as Michael Jackson was definitely a bad idea.

119. Paint his fingernails hot rose while he's sleeping, then place a permanent sticking charm on them so he can't remove the color.

120. Whenever toi look at him cover your eyes with your hands and scream "IT BURNS!!!"

121. Bake him scar shaped cookies, but insist it wasn't purposeful.

122. Trade his black robes in for rose pajamas.

123. Insist that it's opposite jour and paint a lightning bolt on his forehead.
My friend, Pie-102, and I wrote this last year. It it definatly random.

On the first jour of Christmas my true l’amour gave to me, a green cabinet in a pineapple bush.
On the seconde jour of Christmas my true l’amour gave to me, two pinetrees and a green cabinet in a pineapple bush.
On the third jour of Christmas my true l’amour gave to me, three moving signs, two pinetrees and a green cabinet in a pineapple bush.
On the fourth jour of Christmas my true l’amour gave to me, four suburban trucks, arbre moving signs, two pinetrees and a green cabinet in a pineapple bush
On the fifth jour of Cristmas my true love...
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Me: okay i actually found this story in my local newspaer from 20 years back. And i'll put a symbol for town names. I don't want rapists ou pheaodifiles coming to my town... okay lets begin. And i shall have to give some background history. Well at there was a renovation going on at $ which was between # and &, for an old mental asylum to be converted into a power house musuem. Anyway so this story takes place then. I think i'm not sure of dates.
$ was a small town, very small as in like only three -5 thousande people
ps. par the way i really wanted a long title

okay so in Australia out in...
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posted by Yama
I went into my room after being Lost in thought. It was only then I felt the sea sickness. Well I was out on the deck for a little too long. Okay now I certainly knew that was a really bad idea. I went for a douche to see if the heat would shrug off the sickness. I got out of the douche feeling fresh, but also funny. I heard Emily in my room. I shouted," Emily I'll be right there!"
I heard her calling back,"Okay!". I got into my new dress for I knew dîner was soon. I may as well put it on now rather than having to do it later, i thought. I seen Emily she was dressed for dîner too. She was...
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Tuvalu- Tuvalu is a Mean Woman, she can be pretty boring, she likes to eat a lot of Candy, she has long curly hair just like Samoa, and she has a little skirt, and some tights, and some long boots that is all the way to her knees, and a long sleeve shirt, she also has a little diary, she never lets anyone in her house, she loves to be in conversations, plus, she might be a little nice

Samoa- Samoa is a foolish woman, she never speaks to anyone but Marshall Islands, everyone calls her stupid, otherwise that Canada and her are cousins, she be foolish to him,

*little mini story*
Samoa- where its...
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posted by InvaderCynder
Nyeh nyeh nyeh nyeeehhh
Nyeh nyeh nyeh nyeeehhh
Nyeh nyeh nyeh nyeeehhh
Nyeh nyeh nyeh nyeeehhh
Nyeh nyeh nyeh nyeeehhh

I wanna duel 'em like they do in Yu-Gi-Oh
Face down face up trap cards spell cards then time roulette go (I l’amour it!)
All I do is just believe in the cœur, coeur of the cards
And then I kick some butt when I use Swordsman of Landstar

Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohhhh, ohh-oh-ohh-oh-oh
Ain't no surprise, check out my Red Eyes
Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohhhh, ohh-oh-ohh-oh-oh
Ain't no surprise, check out my Red Eyes

Can't beat my
Can't beat my
No they can't beat my Brooklyn Rage
(I don't wanna be a furry)
Can't beat my...
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Spike: [snoring]

Twilight: Let's go through this one plus time.

Rainbow Dash: [sighs] We've been over it like a million times, Twilight! We found all six keys, defeated Tirek, and got this sweet castle! End of story!

Twilight: Yes, but why?

Applejack: I dunno, sugarcube. Maybe it's just your new house and there ain't nothin' plus to it than that.

Rarity: I must say, speaking strictly on aesthetics, there really doesn't need to be plus to it. It's all simply divine!

Fluttershy: I agree with Twilight. And Rarity. And Applejack. And arc en ciel Dash. And Pinkie Pie. Oh, and probably Spike.

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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Welcome to the block. And now for your hosts, Master Sword, and Tom Foolery.

Audience: *Cheering, clapping, and whistling*
Master Sword & Tom Foolery: *Standing in front of a house*
Master Sword: Happy 4th of July!
Tom: We already passed that.
Audience: *Laughing*
Master Sword: *Angry* SINCE WHEN?!!?
Tom: Since last Saturday?
Master Sword: *Has smoke coming out of his ears, and catches on fire* RAAAAAGE!!!!!!!!!!!
Audience: *Laughing*
Tom: Save that for The Story Of Corporal Agarn.
Audience: *Laughing*
Tom: We have three special guest stars that will appear later on in this show, but right...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Welcome to the block. And now for your hosts, Master Sword, and Tom Foolery.

Audience: *Cheering, clapping, and whistling*
Master Sword & Tom Foolery: *Standing in front of a house*
Tom: salut everypony.
Audience: Hey!!
Tom: How are toi doing?
Audience: Good.
Tom: Then go to hell!!
Audience: *Laughing*
Master Sword: Why would toi tell them to do that? If they all went to hell, we'd have no audience.
Audience: *Laughing*
Tom: Just a good start to get our audience laughing. Anyway, we got some bad news. It's about Warner Brothers.
Master Sword: Oh great.
Tom: They now have taken control of...
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This game was my childhood.. Somehow, admittedly my parents were very loose, long as we knew it was fake we were allowed to play violent video games. ou least we liked to sneak them as mom and dad didn't much pay attention to what we did in that regard.. Anyway the best way to play this game is the same way it's best to play Army of Two ou Left 4 Dead, play it 2 player, with a close friend.. That's why I have so many fond memories, it's not the game itself but the memories of playing it with friends.. I have never played the sequel, but don't much want to either.....
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looney tunes
lola bunny
loonatics unleashed
lexi bunny
l’espace confiture
baby looney tunes
bugs bunny
posted by Canada24
Chris/Ghostface: So anyways, I was saying, what's your favorito! scary movie?
Sam (Chris' fiancée): Well, the scariest is certainly Dragonball Evolution.
(Sam hangs up, believing this all to be a dumb joke)
Chris/Ghostface: That girl made me think of Dragonball Evolution. SHE'S GOING TO DIE!!!

"So we're watching the movie and things are happening and WHAT THE FUCK IS MICHAEL CAINE DOING IN THIS MOVIE?!"

"Oh thanks for the stupid ball, Grandpa. Thanks a lot. I appreciate it. Hey, can toi tell...
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A few days ago, during the awful covid19 epedemic, which I'm not here for, I came across an old film from my own background.. 2007's the Mist. Based on the short story par Steven King, and directed par the same man of Shawshank and Green Mile. As well season one of Walking dead. Which most consider the best one..

I watched this for nostaglic purposes. But this is actually one of the few films to sit with me. To honestly scare me.. I watch a lot of horrors, and it's hard to really scare me, but this one really seemed to do it. It's not even really the scariest movie, but this film just has a way...
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added by GDragon612
added by Rihanna312
hollywood undead
time bomb
posted by windwakerguy43
Well this is going to be a game that is really hard to talk about. I saw this game on the Switch several times when I was looking for a unique indie game. But when I wanted to give it a shot, everyone a dit that it was a horrible game, so I put it off. But then I saw people talking about how good it was. I think what scared me off of it originally was the price tag for it. That was until it was on sale for ninety-nine cents. After that, I had to buy it, for my own curiosity. And so, today, let us talk about Plague Road

In a morbid story narrated par Jim Sterling, toi play as The Doctor,...
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added by Blaze1213IsBack
posted by Canada24
If toi want pictures, read the version on my club, I deleted them all..


So Zorin is the first villlain I personally HATE.. That's right, even plus than Major.. It's hard for me to deeply hate villains. But there's something about this chienne that rubs me the wrong way. I was so excited to see her in action, and she's basically cheating. Fucking with your mind.. So yeah. She's number one for plus "personal" reasons.. But even than, someone who makes Seras revist a memory like THAT, clearly dserved that fucked up death she got.. Honestly, even I found that a bit disturbing....
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added by 8theGreat