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[shades closing]

[windows clattering]

Fluttershy: Fuzzy Legs, do toi think toi could secure those windows?

[webs shooting]

[windows close]

Fluttershy: And you'll alert me if anything scary comes close to the cottage?

[birds squawk]

Fluttershy: Oh, who am I kidding?... It's WHEN something scary comes close to the cottage! Please tell me my hiding place is ready.

Harry: [growls nicely]

Fluttershy: Oh, look, you've filled it with everything I need to survive this awful night. Thank you. Thank toi all! Now I don't have to step a hoof outside until this whole thing is over.

[bucket clattering]

Fluttershy: Oh, no! toi don't have any carrots? Do we have any other fresh veggies toi may enjoy?

Angel: [growls]

Fluttershy: ou maybe some hay?

Angel: (growls)

Fluttershy: But that means I'll need to go out... on Nightmare Night?!


Granny Smith: toi ready for making this years haunted Maze even better than last years.

Master Sword: Any excuse to scare people is enough for me... (picks up hay, seeing someone hiding behind it). Fluutershy?

Granny Smith: What're toi doin' out and about? It's Nightmare Night, remember?

Fluttershy: How could I forget?... Oh, I don't suppose I could borrow a few pieces of foins, hay from you? I forgot to stock up on nourriture for Angel, and toi do seem to have quite a lot.

Granny Smith: Sword and I need that for our traditional Haunted Maze. [spooky voice] The scariest maze that there ever was. Who knows what lurks inside?

Fluttershy: Oh, I'm sure I don't.

Granny Smith: Is that a mummified poney that just leaped out at ya?

Fluttershy: I don't know. Is it?

Master Sword: (plays along) yeah. And what's that crunchin' sound beneath yer hooves? Maybe it's the Bones of ponies that didn't make it out alive!

Fluttershy: B-B-B-B-Bones?!

Master Sword: And are those peeled grapes ou a thousand slimy eyeballs starin' at ya from beyond the grave?

Fluttershy: Please tell me they're grapes!

Granny Smith: Oh, I'll never tell. [spooky laugh).

Fluttershy: [frightened sobs]

Granny Smith: Huh. I wonder what got stuck in her craw?

Master Sword: Beats me.. Let's just get back.

Granny Smith: Remember.. No swearing this year.

Master Sword: I don't swear THAT much.. (bangs into pole, causing him to scream out every swear word in existence.


Trixie: I can't believe I have to do one of those dumb magic acts today.. It's not even a nightmare night themed type of one!

Derpy: Hey.. Sten and I will be in stage as support..Right Sat-.. Saten?

Saten: (distracted) Oh look, their building the traditional haunted maze.. Can we go after?

Derpy: I don't know.. Each an toi wind up breaking Sword's nose when he tries scaring you.

Saten: ... I've been working on that, I saw a bunch of Jason Voorhee's films as preparation for Nightmare Night.. Nothing he can do will scare m-

Master Sword: salut Saten..

Saten: (screams in fear snd accidentally bucks Sword in the stomach).

Master Sword: WHAT THE FUCK, MAN!?

Saten: Well don't sneak up on me like that!

Derpy: (sarcastically) Yeah, your gonna do FINE tonight Saten.

Master Sword: toi guys coming to the Maze?

Trixie: Yes.. But not wait at this moment..

Master Sword: Well... Looking vers l'avant, vers l’avant to toi guys being there.. Especially toi Derpy.

Derpy: Best not get romantic on Nightmare Night.. Ruins the mood of the night.

Master Sword: (chuckles) fair enough.. granny smith, smith de mamie says I swear to much, and may need to tune that down a bit.

Trixie: Well, she's not wrong.

Master Sword: When was the last time I swore to much.

Derpy: Well... There was the event with the snake.


Master Sword: (showing snake to high school students) And the most I know about this species is that i- (suddenly the bites his arm) AHH, FUCK!

Students: (turn quite)

Master Sword: (pulls the snake off angrily) GOD FUCKIN DAMN IT! Fuckin son of a, FUCK!

Audience: (gasps)

Master Sword: Oh, the fucking stupid-ass serpent BIT ME!

Principle: Mr Sword, please sto-

Master Sword: Oh, confiture a lit sparkler up my asshole and then do sit-ups. lt hurts so bad!

Principle: Sir! Words like that are NOT allowed in this school!

Master Sword: (screaming) MOTHER FUCKER BIT ME!... (calmly) I.. I mean the snake bit me... I think I need a hospital.


Master Sword: Look.. I explained about that.

Derpy: Whatever.. Granny's write, try to keep a lid on it this year.


Trixie: (finishes a perfamance).

Audience: (cheers).

Felix: (despite cheering) I've seen better.

Carrot Top: (clapping) I can't believe I wrasted nine dollars on this.

BonBon: I liked her hat.


Saten: Great performance honey.

Trixie: Thanks.. I'm glad toi enjoyed it.

Saten: Well of coarse I di-

GoldenGrape: (to Trixie) salut good performance.. And nice melons.

Saten: Hey! Just wait a minu-

Trixie: (holding water melons) Saten I'm holding melons.

Saten: Oh.. Sorry.

GoldenGrape: It's okay... (pervertly) Trixie's hot!

Saten: (angrily) Okay that's it! (tries to run after him but Tixie holds him back).

GoldenGrape: (runs away) Still worth it!


Fluttershy: [spooky voice] Welcome to Fluttershy's thé party!

arc en ciel Dash: Did she just say "tea party"?

Twilight Sparkle: It sounds like it's a scary thé party?

arc en ciel Dash: [sighs]

Fluttershy: [spooky voice] Have a seat. Don't be scared of what awaits you. Go on. Pass the sugar. Oh, no! There is none! You're a terrible host!

AJ: (growls)

Rarity, put your manteau on!

Rarity: Why would I do that?

Fluttershy: [spooky voice] toi need to cover up because no one has complimented your dressssssss!

Pinkie Pie, look to your left and ask your best friend to pass the cucumber sandwiches!

Pinkie Pie: Huh? I can't. There's nobody there.

Fluttershy: [spooky voice] That's right. Because she didn't care to montrer uuuuuup.

Pinkie Pie: What?

Fluttershy: [spooky voice] A friend who didn't come through. That must scare toi to the coooore.

Quick, everybody, look behind you!

arc en ciel Dash: Uh, what are those?

Fluttershy: [spooky voice] They're unplanned guests. Your woooorst nightmare. toi don't have enough nourriture for them! Oh, no! There's a tiny kitten that needs a home! But toi are over-scheduled right now. toi don't have time to help! I said, "You don't have time to help!" This should appear to scare you! [normal voice] Why don't toi look terrified? toi showed up to a party and everypony was extremely disappointed in you. Can toi imagine anything plus upsetting?

Rarity: It was a really good try, darling, but the scares at Nightmare Night are of an entirely different nature.

Twilight Sparkle: It was really creative, though. I never would have thought of... all this.

Fluttershy: Oh, I'm just not cut out for this. Just go on without me.

Rarity: Oh, no. We couldn't possibly.

Fluttershy: toi have to. This is the night toi look vers l'avant, vers l’avant to all year.

Pinkie Pie: We could... stay here?

Fluttershy: It's okay. I really want toi all to have fun. This is how I spend every Nightmare Night. Please go. I'll be fine.

Pinkie Pie: Eh, it's funny. I actually thought she had an idea for something really scary for a seconde there.

Applejack: She definitely tried her hardest.

[door closes]

Fluttershy: I did try my hardest.

Angel: [thumping on table]

Fluttershy: Or... maybe not. I suppose I could have gone with something a bit scarier. You're right! I've been taking baby steps! I think it's time for grown up ones! I don't suppose toi have any ideas how I could do that?

Angel: [growls mischievously]



Saten: (still with Derpy and Trixie as they enter THE HAUNTED MAZE) Ahh.. Finally we get to go into the maze... No need to be scared Trixie.

Trixie: (is clearly unafraid) I'm not.

Saten: (ironically the one who's scared) Well.. remember it's all fake.

Derpy: Are toi okay cousin?

Saten: O -Of coarse I am.. I'm not scared.

Derpy: I didn't say that toi WERE.

Saten: Well good.. Because... I'm not.

Derpy and Trixie: (unconvinced) uh huh?

Sword: (sneaks up to Saten, successfully scaring him).

Saten: (panics and punches Sword in the nose).

Sword: (holding nose) AHHH! WHAT THE FUCK MAN!?

Derpy: Yeah, what gives Saten!?

Saten: I -It was a reflex.

Trixie: Reflex!?.. Well, sure, if in a mob town.

Saten: Look I'm sor-

Sword: (enraged) toi DO THIS EVERY YEAR!


Applejack: Everybody's linin' up for the blé, maïs maze, y'all! Let's go!

Spike: Oh, yeah! I can't believe we're finally doin' this!

[horse whinnies]

All: [scream, laugh]

arc en ciel Dash: It's a good thing Fluttershy isn't here because she would never be able to handle this!


Applejack: toi out-nightmared the scariest part of the blé, maïs maze!

Twilight Sparkle: How did toi do all this?!

Fluttershy: After toi left, I realized that I wasn't ready to give up on Nightmare Night. So I asked Sword if I could try to make the maze even scarier for my friends.

arc en ciel Dash: toi came up with all of this?

Fluttershy: I had some help. Angel was the scary figure that kept scurrying after toi in the maze. Fuzzy Legs made the sticky mur that made it difficult for toi to see and move. And, of course, Harry was the especially scary monster.

Harry: [growls happily]

Twilight Sparkle: Wow! That was inspired!

Pinkie Pie: toi have to do this every year!

Applejack: Uh-huh!

Rarity: Absolutely!

Twilight Sparkle: Every year!

arc en ciel Dash: Yeah!

Fluttershy: We could celebrate Nightmare Night

together every year. But the truth is I really don't

want to.

Pinkie Pie: toi don't?!

Rarity: But you've done it. toi found a way that we can all have a fabulous time together.

Fluttershy: Yes, but I've also realized something. toi all may l’amour Nightmare Night and I may be good at being a part of it, but it's no fun for me to see my Friends feel like they're in danger, even if I know they're not. I really don't like it. It's just not my cup of tea.

Pinkie Pie: Spoooooooooky tea?

Fluttershy: No. Just regular tea. We do lots of fun things together, but I'm afraid this just isn't gonna be one of them. Actually, I'm not afraid. I'm perfectly fine with it.

Twilight Sparkle: Then we are, too.

Harry: [growls happily]

[bats squeaking]

Fluttershy: [sighs] I don't know why I doubted myself for a second. Now this is what I call a perfect Nightmare Night.



Master Sword Dinky, and Derpy are employed as caretakers at a mansion. However the caretaker cuts the cable télévision wire and confiscates the beer, thinking this will ensure hard work from the family. While there the groundskeeper discovers that Dinky has power to read thoughts and says that if his Sword goes plus insane than usual, that she should should use this to summon him. Dinky is confused about this, but the groundskeeper doesn't add anything more.

Sword goes to turn on the TV but finds static.

Sword: (calmly) Hmm, cables out.. Maybe I'll have a beer, annnnd there's no bière in here, haha, how lovely.

Derpy: Sword, wow, your taking this very we-

Sword: I'll kill you! I'LL KILL ALL OF YO-

Derpy: Sword!

Sword: Kidding, kidding, maybe I'll check out that axe cellection.. See toi later (leaves).

Dinky: Mom, your boyfriend gonna kill us?

Derpy: Guess we're have to wait see.


Sword goes down to the bar, where a ghost drops all settlty and tells Sword he must kill the girls.


Derpy goes to check on Sword to see he wrote "no TV no bière make Master Sword crazy." And Sword himself bursts into the room, Derpy screams.

Sword: (eerily calm) So, what do toi think, baby? All I need is a title. I was thinking of something along the lines of "No TV and no bière make Sword..." something something.

Derpy:: (nervous) ..."Go Crazy"?

Sword:: (hysterically) DON'T MIND IF I DO! (goes on a wacky rant)

(Derpy screams and smashes open a case labeled "Break glass in case of boyfriend's insanity" and grabs the baseball bat within).

Derpy: Stay away from me!

Sword: (chases Derpy up some stairs) Give me the bat, Derpy. Gimme the bat. Gimmethebat! Come on! Gimmethebat! Gimme the bat! Gimmi the batbat whoo! Ha ha ha! Scaredy cat! (makes scary face) Bleaahhh... (sees himself in a mirror) AAAAAHH! (falls down the stairs, knocking himself out.

Derpy leaves his unconscious body locked in a pantry)

Derpy: toi stay here til your no longer insane. (locks him in).


Sword is seen eating a bunch of stuff in the pantry is back to himself eating happily until a bunch of ghouls drag him back out of the pantry.


Derpy and Dinky are enjoying dinner.

(Sword chops through a door with an axe)

Sword: Heeeere's Johnny! (the camera pulls back to reveal an empty room) Dammit!

(Sword chops through a seconde door)

Sword: Daaaaavid Letterman! (wrong room again).

Abe: Hi David, I'm Grampa!

(Sword chops through a third door)

Sword: (holding a ticking stopwatch) I'm Mike Wallace, I'm Morley Safer, and I'm Ed Bradley. All this and Andy Rooney tonight on 60 Minutes! (evil smile)

The girls: Aaaaah! (they get up and start running, Dinky uses his powers to summon a groudskeeper character, who immediately runs to the family's rescue, abandoning his portable télévision in the snow in the process. However Sword easily kills him par striking him in the back with the axe.

Derpy: Oh my, I hope that carpet is scotch-guarded.

Sword pursues the girls outside but as he is about to kill them, Dinky discovers the abandoned television. And shows it.

Dinky: Sword look!

Sword: Television! Teacher! Mother! Secret lover... Urge to kill fading...fading...fading... (family approaches)RISING!...fading...fading...gone.

(The girls sigh in relief).

Sword: Come family.

They end up La Reine des Neiges there.

TV: And now the Tony awards.

Derpy (frozen): Sword, change it!

Sword: Can't, frozen!

(they all scream as the Tony awards begin).

Sword: Urge to kill.. Rising.


Saten Twist's hammock collapses while he is taking a nap. He purchases a new one from a passing vendor, who warns him that it carries a curse. Disregarding this, Saten lies down and discovers that the new hammock can produce clones of anyone who rests on it. He inspects the first clone and notices that it does not have a belly button.

He makes clones to do all of his chores, which include helping Trixie choose an outfit, playing with Dinky, and dong housechores.

The clones are far less intelligent that him. Glaze asks for help chainsawing some trees, so Saten sends a clone. Who later returns, montrer off Glaze's decapitated head and happily montrer it off, scaring Saten.

Taking it as a sign this is getting out of hand, Saten abondons the clones in acornfield. Asking if any remember the way home. A few raise there hands, and Saten shoots them with a gun he brought. Leaving the rest, as well as the magic hammock.

However, the clones use the abandoned hammock to make an army of Saten Twist clones.

The clones attacks Ponyville and destroys all of its buildings, except for Maggie's bar, which reports record business.

The poney army officials gather in the Mayor's War Room, and determine that the clones will eat up all of Equestria within a few days. Derpy thinks of a solution to solve the problem, after getting the idea from Saten himself, who became upset when he found an empty doughnut box.

Helicopters hook gigantic doughnuts on cables and lure the clones to their deaths.

In the end, Trixie is shocked to find that the Saten Twist she went accueil with is a clone, and the real Saten Twist appearently was the first to jump off the cliff.

Trixe freaks, until the clone gives her a backrub.

Trixie: Oh well.


Derpy sees every muffin store closed. And states that he would sell his soul for a muffin. The devil himself appears and offers her a contract to joint, joint d’étanchéité the deal.

Derpy: Hey, wait. If I don't finish this last bite, toi don't get my soul, right?

The Devil: Well, technically no...

Derpy (singsong) I'm smarter than the de-vil! I'm smarter than the de-vil!

The Devil: (morphs from normal to Chernabog) toi ARE NOT SMARTER THAN ME! I'LL SEE toi IN HELL YET, DERPY HOOVES! (shrinks and disappears)

Derpy: Pfft, yeah right.

Unfortunately, while half-asleep and looking for a midnight snack, Derpy eats the final piece of the "forbidden donut", and Lucifer instantly reappears to take possession of her soul. But Glaze was there and pleads with the devil, finally getting Lucifee to agree to hold a trial the suivant day. Until then, Derpy is sent to spend the rest of the jour being punished in Hell.

Her first punishment is to be strapped down and force-fed "all the doughnuts in the world!".

(a machine begins force-feeding Derpy muffins two at a time; the scene fades to several hours later: the mur of donuts are gone, the machine is still force-feeding a bloated but smiling Derpy.. and she's still going)

Derpy: More!

Demon: (frustrated) I don't understand it! James Coco went mad in fifteen minutes.


Glaze, Trixie, and Derpy are kidnapped par aliens. The aliens explain that they are taking the girls to their accueil planet on Rigel IV, "a world of infinite delights," for a 'feast'.

En route they present the ladies with enormous amounts of nourriture and watch eagerly as they gorge themselves, then check their weights.

Suspicious of the alien's intentions, Trixie sneaks into the cuisine and finds a book titled How To Cook Ponys. She takes the book and confront the aliens, who explain to her that part of the titre was obscured par l’espace dust, which they then blow away to reveal the titre How To Cook For Ponys. Glaze, skeptical at this, blows off plus l’espace dust, revealing the titre to be How To Cook Forty Ponyss. The aliens blow off the last of the l’espace dust, finally revealing the real titre How To Cook For Forty Ponys.

The aliens reveal they simply wanted to serve them some food, that was all. And that the mistrust even made the cook cry.

They return them to Earth, explaining that they simply wanted to take them to a paradise on the aliens' accueil planet. But now they ruined their chance


Scootaloo, the little orange filly with purple hair and brown eyes is seen riding the school bus with Sweetie Belle and AppleBloom. The sisters of Rarity and AppleJack. AppleBloom is yellow with ginger hair. Swwetie Belle is white with green eyes, her hair is a little harder to describe.

Anyway, suddenly the bus falls out of control and crashes into a truck. Scootaloo wakes up screaming. Revealed to be on Rarty's couch. As AppleBloom likely had the guest bedroom. Why they slept at Rarity's is anyone's guess, besides there friendship to Belle.

At breakfast Scootaloo is seen shaking at the breakfast table.

"What's wrong?" AppleBloom asked.

"I invisioned my own death." Scootaloo a dit still shaking.

"Annnd?" AppleBloom asked.

"Darling, please, she obviously had a nightmare." Rarity said.

Suddenly a airhorn blows, scaring Scootaloo.

"Hey, look what I bought at a yard sale." Pinkie Pie a dit from the window, and blows it again.


Getting on the bus, Scootaloo is shocked to see her teacher Cheerliee riding with them. Saying her car is being prepared. Coarse they wouldn't ride cars in the show, but toi know, dfferent universe.

Appearently this also happened in the dream, so Scootaloo took this as a sign.

Scootaloo is anxious the whole ride. She looks out the window to see a lézard like creature climb on the bus. A gremlin. Scootaloo understandaby freaks out. Telling the bus driver there's a monster outside. The driver looks out, only to see Grannysmith.

"No problem." The driver a dit and rams into GrannySmith. Who twirls around and crashes down a hill. Her car somehow unscratched.

Grannysmith: Phew, for a seconde there I tho- (suddenly the car explodes for no appearent reason).


Scootaloo continues to see the Gremlin. Eventually she grabs a flair gun and opens a window with it.

Pinkie (drives bye): salut Scoot (blows the horn, drives past).

Scootaloo swings the flaire at the gremlin. But it pulled back, before she is she manages to throw it at the Gremlin, lighting it up and knocking it off the bus.

Fluttershy happened to be walking bye, and the Gremlin falls in front of her.

Fluttershy being Fluttershy wraps it in a blanket and hugs it. The Gremlin visably annoyed.


Cheerliee and the students do in fact see the bus scratched up.

"Look at the bus! I was right I tell you!" Poor Scootaloo cried, wrapped in a straight veste and being carried to a mental hospital ambulance.

"Right ou wrong your behavior was still distructive. Maybe some time in a mental hospital were calm toi down." Cheerliee said. Better than the harsh life sentence Skinner gave bart.

The ambulance drrives away.

"Well, at least I can get some peace and quite." Scootaloo said, trying to rest on the stretcher.

Suddenly the Gremlin reappears on the back window, smirking and tapping to get her attention. Once it does, it holds up Flutterahy's decapitated head. Who somehow manages to greet her.



First a summary of another story. THE STORY OF DITTO. The story of Ditto actually consists of 2 stories..

In story 1, Ganger seems less evil, and the readers can somewhat sympathise with him, due to being turned into an Changeling against his will. But he still has fairly villainous scenes. Most notably, is when he nearly turns arc en ciel Dash into a changeling, and calls her a bitch.

But in Story 2, Ganger is far less sympathised par the readers. Leaving it questionable if he "ever was".

He wants revenge on the now redeemed Ditto for kidnapping and turning him into a changeling. But his plans for doing so involve kidnapping little Scootaloo, after finding out that the little filly is one of the few things Ditto ever truly cared about anymore.

Ganger discovers Scootaloo's location, while the filly is hanging with arc en ciel Dash. And when arc en ciel discovers Ganger's intentions of taking her beloved sister figure, Dash falls into "papa loup mode" and defends Scootaloo par giving one of the stories largest fight scenes. But in the end Ganger DOSE get Scootaloo, but only because he doesn't play 100% fairly.

Later, Ganger reveals the captured Scootaloo towards Ditto, as a tempt to get Ditto to give himself up. However Celestia, who was there as well, remembers Ganger as one of her loyal guards that went M.I.A, and tries to reason with him. But Ganger ignores her, angering Celestia into a firing spell at him, but it hits one of his minions instead, despite being a non fatal spell it ends up being the reason for the minions death, due to it causing an chain reaction of injuring towards the minion.

Angered par the death, Ganger begins an attack on Ditto and the princess, and after an intense battle. Ganger nearrly klling Ditto. And one of Ganger's minions accidantally drops Scootaloo (who can't fly).

Ganger is outnumbered when all the guards come to defend Celestia, and he has to leave. His fate unknown.

Until now (Mwahahaha).

Now onto the real story.. Soo after kidnapping Scootaloo, trying to kill Ditto and Celestia, and causing mass panic most likely. Ganger, still a changeling, ends up working as a janitor at Scootaloo's school ironically enough. But during a cold day, someone touches the heater against Ganger's warning. And Ganger is horribly and brutally burnt, but all the feu extrinsters are oyt and water completely dry. So he runs to a school meeting screaming for help, but is simply ignored as the meeting continues. Ganger simply just finds a siège and waits til after.

But a few secondes into it, Ganger is horribly killed par the flames still covering him. And he swears revenge against all the kids (who were innocent of this), par entering their dreams, and finally dies. Even cleaning up his own ashes somehow.


When Scootaloo is asleep Ganger does indeed appear in her dream. Fully commiting to the Freddy Krueger plot, and dressing up like him. He makes a pun and than a dramatic laugh before swings a rake at her, making her wake up screaming, and finding an actual scar left on her body where he dream scratched her.


Everyone at school admits to having dreams of Ganger. And at class Silver Spoon finishes a test early and falls asleep. But what starts as a normal dream ends with Freddy/Ganger appears, and strangeling her with a Supernatural tongue. Spoon suffers the effects in real life and dies in class (honestly, Martin dream choking always kinda disturbed me, not even sure if it was meant as a joke).


Eventually the crusaders realize what's happening and try to stay awake to avoid dreaming, but eventually decide to go to sleep and dream fight Ganger.

Scootaloo falls asleep as the other two promise to watch from the real world. But as Scoot and Ganger fight, turns out they also fell asleep. But Ganger falls into quicksand. Only to reappear later as a giant spider. But than an accorn falls off a arbre and clogs Ganger's araign? e, araignée form, causing Ganger to explode.

The suivant day, everything is back to normal, but AppleBloom is still worried that Ganger still might be out in the world somewhere, waiting to kill them in ways they can't imagine.

A bus then stops in front of them, allowing the normalized Ganger to get off where he makes a few pathetic attempts to scare the children with scary faces, before the bus takes off, Gangee chases after it (forgetting he could fly) because he left his gun on one of the seats. But while chasing the bus, another one crashes into him. Flattening him like a pancake.


Saten Twist and Trixie end up moving. Their friend Glaze wanting to live with them as a house guest. Saten Twist's ex girlfriend, AppleJack, also tags along. Her and Trixie on good terms now. Even kinda sibling like, just as Saten is with Glaze.

Saten signs the deed, but underpays, the seller sarcastically sayin "I'm glad this place is cursed". But Saten ignores this


Almost immediately AppleJack ia scared there is an evil presence lurking in the house, though Saten says there is nothing to worry about, despite there being a vortex in the kitchen. Glaze secondes this, before she throws an orange into the vortex just to see what happens, although the ones who live in the vortex throw it out with a note that asks them not to throw stuff into it.


When they all clean up, the house throws something at AJ, who accuses Saten. who denies it.

VOICE: Get.. Out..

"What was that!?" AppleJack cried.

"Probably just the wind, don't worry about it." Trixie insisted.


When everyone tries to settle into sleep, the house brainwashes everyone (minus Trixie) to kill each other. Luckily Trixie intervenes.

The family then finds out there is an ancient Indian burial ground in the cellar. Saten Twist phones, demanding to know why this wasn't mentioned. Only for the caller to say he mentioned it at least 5 times, Saten just wasn't listening.

Suddenly, the house goes on a rant about how they will all die. Trixie becomes outraged and yells at the house to shut up and montrer them some manners, and after a few moments, hurt par her words, the house complies. Saten and Glaze both comfort Trixie, who admits she's actually shaking from all her emotion.

Glaze, no longer afraid, annoys the house into making the walls bleed like before. The house telling her to, "leave me alone".

AppleJack, the kind soul she is, tries to reason they can live to together, but the house is needishly rude to her. This angers Saten, hinting a part of him may still have feeling for her, and he "demands" they try to live together.

Trixie saying "yeah", and explains that since they are living in the house, the house is going to have to accept this. The house pauses and asks them to leave for a moment as it chooses what to do.

After considering Trixie's words, the house implodes into nothingness in a nod to Poltergeist (1982).

AppleJack admits she can't help but feel "rejected".
added by CourtneyKatara
added by Mallory101
posted by cutiegirl01
01 Chuck Norris' tears cure cancer. Too bad he has never cried.
02 Chuck Norris counted to infinity - twice.
03 Chuck Norris does not hunt because the word hunting infers the probability of failure. Chuck Norris goes killing.
04 If toi can see Chuck Norris, he can see you. If toi can't see Chuck Norris toi may be only secondes away from death.
05 Chuck Norris sold his soul to the devil for his rugged good looks and unparalleled martial arts ability. Shortly after the transaction was finalized, Chuck roundhouse kicked the devil in the face and took his soul back. The devil, who appreciates irony,...
continue reading...
1. Watch the sunset together.

2. Whisper to each other.

3. Cook for each other.

4. Walk in the rain.

5. Hold hands

6. Buy gifts for each other.

7. Roses.

8. Find out their favori cologne/perfume and wear it every time you're together.

9. Go for a long walk down the plage at midnight.

10. Write poésie for each other.

11. Hugs are the universal medicine.

12. Say only when toi mean it and make sure they know toi mean it.

13. Give aléatoire gifts of flowers/candy/poetry etc.

14. Tell her that she's the only girl toi ever want. Don't lie!

15. Spend every seconde possible together.

16. Look into each other's eyes....
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added by BlindBandit92
added by Crazedsitcomfan
There's so many great superheroes out there and it's time to talk about the greatest out of all them. These Heroes stand for what is right and montrer the bad guys who is boss.

10. the entire PAW Patrol gang

There was a PAW Patrol superhero special, so they totally count as official superheroes. Forget about the Justice League and the Avengers. Clearly, this is the best superhero team. Together, they'll bark away Mayor Humdinger, one of the scariest villains of all time.

9. Detective Pikachu

Some might try to say that Detective Pikachu isn't a superhero. However, Batman's a detective and is considered...
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added by GDragon612
added by Blaze1213IsBack
added by SilentForce
added by SilentForce
added by MeiMisty
added by SilentForce
added by MeiMisty
added by MeiMisty
added by ShadowFan100