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Date: December 2017. A new trailer for Spider-Man is announced, a film known as Into the Spiderverse. The trailer looks insane and I’m already hyped. I can’t wait to see Peter Parker in his first theatrical animated feature…. Oh, it’s Miles Morales, the guy who was in a lot of really, really bad comic books… O-Oh, okay. Well, from what I see, Sony is making it. What other animated features did they make this year……… toi all know what. So yeah, Sony, Miles, my confidence in Hollywood at its lowest point possible… Yeah, I see nothing but good. But wait… Phil Lord and Chris Miller, who worked on The Lego Movie and Clone High, the greatest gift to mankind, worked on Spiderverse… Well… Okay, but can that save this movie- Yes!

So after the disasterpiece that was The Emoji Movie which no one liked, Sony Pictures was donné the rights to an animated Spider-Man film. Needless to say, I had a sudden sense of dread rush over me since the reveal trailer. But boy, was I wrong. This movie isn’t just good. It’s a borderline masterpiece. There’s a reason why this film defeated Disney and won the Oscar for best animated film. Spiderverse follows Miles, a young black boy who just wants to be himself and make a choice in life. And then he gets Spider-Man powers and then a dimensional warp sends other Spider-Men to his world so now they gotta fix this big l’espace and time boo boo. So let us describe all those reasons, right now. And please ours with me, it’s 4 AM on a Monday and I want to gush about this film and then go to bed. Oh, and also, there will be tons of spoilers, so…

I: Sight and Sound

So I don’t get to read many comic books. I was always plus of the type who read those visual novellas ou those rumored mangos from the country of geai, jay Pan. But I always had a desire to read Spider-Man comics. Ever since the great old days of Spider-Man 2, I was always fascinated with getting as much Spider-Man content I could. I wasn’t the biggest fan, but I still consider Spider-Man my favori superhero. So that being said, the visuals of this movie are a sight to behold. toi ever look hard at a comic and take notice of the little dots all over the pages. Well this movie has the same thing. You’ll barely notice it as toi watch the movie, but when toi do, it is never distracting. And it doesn’t look like an overlay either. Every object seems to have these little comic dots on them and it is just a charm. But that’s just the small things that could be missed. How about the real visuals. The little striking onomonopia when objects make a sound, the shift of animations between characters ou worlds, ou just the sheer insanity of the fights and backgrounds of this movie. So much is going on in this movie, but it never feels distracting. Signs in the background, little gags and references for fans, and a ton of action going on without making toi sick. I can watch so many scenes in this movie a hundred times over and still feel like I am missing something. And there is so much effort in the sheer skeptical. Unlike Ready Player One, which had a massive fight that is just there to flash the films budget and was filled with nothing but reference after reference that didn’t matter and why am I still talking about this film… I’m sorry, I just.. Really hate Ready Player One… ahem… Anyway, the musique in the movie is also a pleasure. I like rap music. Not crazy over it like others, but I like it when there is some flare in it. And I definitely can’t say I’ve listened to much modern rap musique (Cause why would I?). But the musique choice is the perfect choice for the urban setting of New York City. And for Miles, a young child of… color, the musique fits perfectly. And since I brought up Miles himself, let’s talk about him.

II: How Spiderverse Made Miles Great

Yes, I am sure there are plenty of click bait vidéos on Youtube that tells this, but forget that. Cause I am a nobody on the internet, so let me talk about it as well. So Miles did not really have much in the comics aside being a Black Spider-Man. And he was kinda there in the PS4 game. I l’amour the video game a lot, but come on, aside from that one segment with Rhino, his sequences were just the Mary Jane parts… the worst parts. But Miles, in this movie, feels like a real kid. Just a young and impressionable child who just lives his life in a new school under a parent who wants him to achieve things that Miles doesn’t feel right for. That is until he gets thrust into this whole superhero nonsense. And suddenly, he is just scared and worried about screwing up. He’s got a lot on his shoulders to not upset his father, and now he’s got this added on being the new Spider-Man and being a hero that the city needs, but he doesn’t feel like he deserves it… But we’ll get to that later. Instead, let’s talk about Gwen Stacy.

II.5: How Spiderverse Made Gwen Great

Miles wasn’t the only one who got their image improved thanks to this movie. Think about Gwen Stacy in the other Spider-Man movies. In Spider-Man 3, she was just a girl Peter used to piss off Mary Jane cause he’s a dick. And in Amazing Spider-Man

Yeah, that. But in Spiderverse, she actually contributes. And she’s amazing in this movie. Coming from a different reality and being a Spider-Woman, she has her own struggles and responsibilities. She is also a superhero, and she seems to be plus than capable of proving that. However, she has closed herself off from allowing anyone to get close to her. She’s scared of getting close to someone only to lose them because that’s just what comic book villains love. Read any comic book and you’ll see villains l’amour to use a heroes’ loved one to get to them and defeat them. And there’s a 60% chance that the heroes’ loved one makes it out alive. Gwen was the unlucky 40%. Her conversations with Miles throughout are quiet and short and, at most, awkward. And of course they would be, donné her past. But soon, she opens up, she starts to open up, and that ending is just the cerise on haut, retour au début and was a real cœur, coeur warming moment for that character development… Also her world has Clone College, the sequel to Clone High, so clearly she lives in the superior world. Fuck Kingpin’s plan, I wanna traverser, croix dimensions just so I can watch Clone College!
So, all the characters got fixed and the movie is really nice visually and the musique is bumpin’. I give Spiderverse a better than Godhand outta 10. Thanks for reading.

toi didn’t think we were done, did you? We’re just getting started. There’s plus characters in this film, and we got ourselves quite a collection

III: The Character Gumbo

So the whole movie has a bunch of characters that are really great. Miles’ uncle Aaron has a great connection with Miles and ends in suspenseful tragedy that is a great contrast to Miles feeling further and further from his dad every day. Aunt May is just a ton of comedy or in this film for being probably the worst character in Spider-Man 2 and the saddest part of Spider-Man on PS4

But the true characters in this movie that really matter are the grace and the glory, the highlight of this entire movie. Stan Lee being a crooked salesman in his greatest cameo since Amazing Spider-Man 2- Okay, seriously. The real characters, the other Spider-Men. Who is the best character in this movie, in my opinion? Perhaps it is Spider-Man Noir, for being such a great homage to old noir films, being a classic favori of mine, and voiced par living meme Nicholas Cage. Perhaps it’s Peter porc à l'engrais, porcher, porker for his great cartoon antics and even having his own moments for being a cartoon character. ou maybe it’s Peni Parker because I am human trash

But no, the greatest character in this film, in my eyes, is Peter B. Parker. Peter Parker, in this world, is a hero who had everything. A wife, admiration, fans everywhere, the perfect lover, the whole thing. But Peter B. Parker, despite being a hero, didn’t really feel anything. Yeah, he was a Spider-Man, just as good, perhaps. Definitely a skilled Spider-Man, but he’s not happy. Unlike the Peter Parker that Miles saw, Peter B. Parker is a cynical, sad, pathetic, miserable, and chubby man who just sits at accueil getting fatter, regrets divorcing his wife, and sees himself as terrible parent material. So when we meet Peter B. Parker, we don’t see a Spider-Man. We just see a walking loser who has accepted the fact that he himself is a loser and the only reason he is here is due to bad circumstances. But throughout the entire film, he goes through almost as great a change as Miles. Almost, of course. He sees himself as a mentor to Miles, then later a friend, even planning to sacrifice his life to get everyone back to their own dimensions, having accepted that he has no life going back to. But Miles knows better than that and refuses to let anyone else die. Miles saw two people die, one a heroic icon, a symbol of hope for the city, and the other was family. And Miles would never let another friend die. This is getting too sappy for the middle of the article. Let’s bring it back, uh, what else do we got… Perfect, jokes and references

IV: Jokes and References

Spiderverse is probably the funniest Spider-Man movie out there…

Okay, the funniest Spider-Man movie intentionally. Ranging from visual gags to dialogue between the characters to even simple slapstick, this film has everything. Rarely do I find myself laughing out loud at a film aside from say Shrek 2 ou god’s gift to man, Clerks (May do a NikPiks on that some time), but Spiderverse was a movie that definitely made me MDR many times…. Made me play League of Legends- okay, i’m not funny. The movie is also full of plenty of great gags and references for Spider-Man fans. Unlike… that other movie, this film doesn’t throw references out and expect that to do. These references aren’t thrown in your face, and are funny on their own, but are great for fans who are familiar. Like the dancing scene from Spider-Man 3 ou that god awful Spider-Man car being a side gag. Okay, the 60’s Spider-Man pointing meme was totally made for a reference, but the sheer insanity as well as the jouer la comédie and shouting made it funny on it’s own, so I can forgive it. Spiderverse is possibly the funniest Spider-Man movie out there, which is crazy cause it’s also the most depressing- Oh, goddammit.

V: The Death of Spider-Man

Of all the scenes that shocked me the most, this was the one that really surprised me. The death of Spider-Man, within the first thirty minutes of the film. Spider-Man, beaten and broken, lying on the ground with nothing but the hope that Miles will do the job he requested and do it right, before Kingpin comes and snuffs out his life in an instant right before Miles’ eyes. If I was watching this movie, as a child, being a big fan of Spider-Man, I would’ve cried in the theater right there. This movie does not try to sugarcoat the scene with a dying last word ou a bunch of sad music. The musique is somber and soft, not some loud dramatic violin that toi can’t hear anything else and it drowns out literally everything else. It’s just a shot of the city and it’s residences, as they come to the realization that their hero has died. It’s a scene that was really shocking to see, not even being an heure in. And Miles, already scared of picking up Spider-Man’s task, is now stricken with a sudden feeling of dread, sadness, and global, ensemble fear for his life, has to handle this all at once, and keep it to himself. Who can he tell? His uncles is not there, and he certainly can’t tell his parents. He’s just a single child with this whole thing thrown into his lap without a choice. And that is the word that comes back again… Choice

VI: Choice

Since the start of the movie, Miles has felt he had no choice in what he could do. He arrives at a new school, under his father’s wishes, already told from the start that he doesn’t have a choice. He is going to this grand school whether he wants to ou not. And once again, he has no say, once he is bitten par the araign? e, araignée and donné the powers of one. Already, he feels his powers. He thinks loudly, sweats a lot, and can’t control what he grabs, even turning invisible and conducting electricity at aléatoire without his control. And just when he sees Spider-Man killed and has a chip handed to him, he gets involved with this team of Spider-Men from different dimensions, all better than him, all plus trained than him. And he knows that. When he thinks he is ready to go, they decide for him that he is just not ready. Even Peter B. Parker, who saw potential, tells him that the choice to leave Miles out of the final mission was his choice. And there, left to think about what to do, Miles finally comes to his own choice for once. As Mary Jane a dit at the start, Peter didn’t ask for his powers, but he chose to be Spider-Man. And that is what Miles chose, to be the hero that the city and the dimension needed. He took that responsibility, and it was his choice alone. And in the words of a wise old man that toi have no doubt heard a million times before, “with great power…”

VII: ...Comes Great Responsibility

Once Miles takes up the mantle of the new Spider-Man, he takes all that he gets from it. The struggles, the beatings, the danger, he takes it all, just so he can keep the city safe. Miles goes through a change that the comics wishes he could go through. We see him change from an inexperienced and scared child thrown into the craziest situation without any help of consulting and become a hero who made the decision to become a hero par his own means. He didn’t want to be a hero because it just happened. And like a wise otaku with a lightsaber, Miles became a hero par his own standards. And the acknowledgement of that from his fellow Spider-Men, really made that a nice touch. In the words of Stan Lee, anyone could be Spider-Man under the mask. Anyone has the potential to be a hero. toi just have to make that decision for yourself if toi want to be the hero. It was the message that Stan Lee had from the beginning with Spider-Man, and I think this movie perfected that.

Okay, I’ve been working and editing this video for the past four hours straight and I wanna get to bed, so fuck it. Lightning round


Wasn’t the different dimensions amazing!? Each one has their own different style, and in a subtle manner, Peter B. Parker’s looks almost similar, just with slightly blurry backgrounds which can be missed on first viewing. The dialogue in this film is great too. No one talks like they are an exposition dump in a fantaisie game. They all talk like normal people and it feels genuine and I l’amour it. The design of Kingpin is also amazing. Seeing this hulking figure with his black suit could look stupid if done par anyone else but how he towers over other people, and how his body takes up half the screen and his suit making it look like a darkned background is a visual specticle. Speaking of visuals, all the amazing camera work and details, like the thoughts being in little comic bubbles, the work on the camera when Miles and Peter B. have a conversation walking up the wall, and way too much plus for me to list… sigh… This films just good, okay?

VIII: Conclusions

So yeah, there’s a reason the film got an Oscar. Not just because it is a great film, but it’s cause it was the best film that came out. Is it perfect, no. I doubt any movie can be perfect. But this movie has so many great moments around it that I can accept the movie for whatever flaws it may have. The visuals, music, theming, and just spectacle of it all. I feel like I’ve called this movie beautiful enough that I am starting to sound like a broken record, but that is really the best way to describe such a movie. And now, I am going to lit cause I am starting to black out. Goodnight. suivant time on NikPiks, we may talk about something that pisses me off. Who knows.
Here it is! The first episode of tortue Sandwich! Hope toi enjoy viewing this as much as I enjoyed making it! It might not be as good as toi were hoping, so feel free to provide criticism if toi think it would improve the series.

And don't forget to leave suggestions in the comments! :)
I l’amour skirts and dresses. They are so pretty. Every woman walks down looking good in them no matter who they are. I could wear any of those dresses and skirts that anyone from kim Kardashian wears to the jupe that older women wear across the street. I would wear one on a daily basis but there is a problem I'm a man.

Men can only wear trousers and shorts, if anyone sees a man in a jupe ou a dress it is considered wierd ou stupid. But is it? A vote i took on this club of 20 people, 75% a dit yes to say that men should wear womens clothes and still be men and I am one of them.

Most people would...
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(NOTE: This entire article is just a giant middle finger to the trolls who like medal-whoring their way to victory, and EVERYTHING in it was meant to be taken as a joke. We good? Alright. =D)

Hey everyone, it's Deathding here once again.... >:D

So I was pondering the other jour on what to do with my life and how I can get actual goddamn HUMANS to notice and like me. And then, I came up with the be-all end-all ultimate plan.....


Surely this won't get me banned, right? Now let me just visit my profil really quick to see if I got a medal........
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added by 0YouCanFly0
I'm not saying this is a perfect movie.
But it's actually a surprisingly GOOD movie.

It starts off on On October 29, 1993 where the parents of Charlie Grimille record him as he is part of the SCHOOL PLAY.

During the play, Charlie is put on a fake noose, as part of the play. But suddenly the trap door opens, like toi see in real noose sets, but it is soon revealed that this was NOT be part of the act. And Charlie is accidentally hung for real.

20 years later however, students at the same school resurrect the failed play as a misguided attempt to honor the accident.

A student named Reese Houser...
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posted by egyptprincess7
salut there! So I am going to be making a review on fanpop (*looks at titre of article* Thanks Captain Obvious! xD)
Anyways, here it is. Sorry if it might seem too short ou too long.

I've been on fanpop since 2010. (Yay for 6 years~)
Anyways, this site has ranged from being super active to somewhat active to hardly active. Like right now, it's really not that active and it is honestly boring now. I mean back in 2010 it had much plus enjoyable things. Plus the chat system and all. The trolls weren't that bad.

Actually they were quite amusing back then. Now they just are completely boring and wasting...
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 Let's do this.
Let's do this.
So my marvelous friend par the name of Kicksomebut23 just made an article on this club about why arguments on the internet often lead to pointless and annoying scenarios, and I'm here to review it because she wanted me to.

Also, I'm sorry if I talk kind of weird because it's pretty difficult to commentate when someone's holding a couteau to your throat.

Kicksomebut23: KEEP GOING...... >:)

Jared: YES MASTER! D':

So uh, here toi go?

"Yes, often on the internet, we have our ups and downs."

And our lefts, and our rights, and our diagonal up-lefts. XD

(I apologize for that.)

"Some people don't care for...
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Yes, often on the internet, we have our ups and downs. Some people don't care for arguing, some people like to argue, and some people try to avoid arguments. I do not like arguing because, I feel like it's not worth my time and unnecessary. In this discussion, I will interpret reasons why arguing on the internet is not good. I'm not trying to force anyone to stop arguing on the internet. This your decision,rather if toi do right ou wrong.

1.Forcing ou Arguing About Opinions

What is the point of arguing ou forcing an opinion continuously? Opinions are just feelings that do not...
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Don't mess with this monkey.

Footage from a security camera is a dit to montrer a young man in Shimla, India, giving the finger to one of the area's famously belligerent monkeys. And as toi might expect, the monkey is having none of it.

It drop kicks the man right in the head, knocking him to the ground.

The man, however, appears to be OK after the attack as he gets up and walks off.

Shimla's monkeys are known to cause problems for both tourists and locals visiting the Jakhoo temple, which is dedicated to the monkey god Hanuman.

"The monkeys of Shimla are not pleasant animals, they roam around in gangs...
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(I made this around two years il y a and never finished it so..... HERE toi GO. XD)

(By the way, this was originally going to be a video so expect to see some *Insert Here* moments. :P Not that it matters, I doubt anyone will even read all this anyways but WHATEVER. ENJOY.)

Ah, Atari. A classic game company that made so many classic titles. Among those were some of my personal favorites, mille pattes, mille-pattes and Millipede. First off, Centipede, released in 1981, was a vertically oriented shoot em up classic designed par Ed Logg, who also made Super Breakout and co-developed the game Asteroids with Lyle Rains....
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added by tanyya
Courage the Cowardly Dog was a montrer on Cartoon Network when it actually had mostly good shows (It aired from 1999-2002). It was cancelled after 4 seasons but it's shown on Cartoon Network sporadically.

One episode in particular that scared a lot of us was King Ramses'' Curse. But does anyone really know King Ramses' backstory? Not really. That's where I come in. About 3 weeks ago, a friend of mine named Ted sent me a link to a website. It was the Cartoon Network website but there was something off about it.

It was darker than I had last remembered it, and par that I mean dark colors. It had been...
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I still find this montrer quite humorious.
Though people don't seem to realize how many villain roles he actually has..

Is comedy blind to Gary's danger, and is always blaming Gary for, even though it's "puffy fuffy" who's the threat.
Even when Gary is about to be eaten.
Spongebob, instead of helping him, starts to scold him for his destruction and how he's still treating Puffy Fluffy, even when the anguille is clearly about to eat him. SpongeBob continues to lecture Gary..

SpongeBob must wait patiently for the toy.
But he becomes very rude.
Not feeding Gary.
Flipping Sandy rudely....
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We hadn't always been here. But the neighborhood has. Even before it was a neighborhood on earth this one had been here. Here for those that would be Lost on those cursed grounds, here for those who would die long before their real life ever truly began, here for those who never really wanted to grow up.

We come from different times and we come from different lives, but one thing remains true of all of us. We lived on the earthly realm of the neighborhood at some point in our lives and died long before our time was supposed to come. We don't remember much of our lives in the cul-de-sac since...
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posted by slenderman777
Hello. Please Listen to me, it's for you're own good. I feel compelled to warn toi of the danger that was recently unleashed upon the internet. I don't have much time left as it is, I feel that he draws near.

I like to surf the net, as do most people. Sometimes the internet gets boring though, and i find myself having nothing to do than go on the anonymous webcamming site known as "Omegle". I'm sure most of toi have heard of it, as it is notorious for having those perverts jerking their camelote, indésirable on the webcam.

Well, I went into Omegle for the first time in forever, and well, I guess they have this...
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Ok I did not make that,my brother some how found out my mot de passe for fanpop and decided to mess around with it,i have seen the commentaires and no i am not a idiot,tell that to my dumb brother.

that being a dit i removed it cause of course i don't want people seeing that thinking i am insane,so anybody who read it please just ignore it.

i changed my mot de passe so that won't happen again, so yeah sorry about that,he might do it again though so if toi see some retarded post made par me please note it is my brother making me look like an idiot.

soo yeah that's all sorry about it and have a nice day

for anybody who didn't read my brothers dumb post its just him saying quote on quote 'slut slut in the tub tub' and a bunch of other dumb stuff, and if toi don't believe me then find your choice.
added by new2
Before we get started I’ll like to make some rules for this list:
*Only animé allowed on this liste meaning only Japanese dessins animés
*They are rare exceptions to the last rule though, if the cartoon acts like an anime.
* I had to watch the animé to include the theme song to the list
*One song per anime

10.Princess Tutu Op(Morning Grace):
We start off this liste with a very dark and tragic animé Op to match the animé it represents.The genre is the Magical girl genre so, of course it’s going to be dark. It’s known to be deceiving; Anyway back on topic with The Princess Tutu opening.
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So today we're talking about the little girls montrer that everyone loves. Even fat guys that eat nachos! Can I be your friend, fat guy?
ANYWAYZ, the fat guys call themselves brownies. I don't know why, cuz brownies are little chocolat sqaures that don't even watch little girl shows. But that's what they call themselves.
Well, not all of them are fat guys. Some are really hot guys and some are cute girls.
And anyway, it's about Twilight Fartle and her friends, Appleshit, Pinkie Piss, Flutter-oh-my, arc en ciel chienne and Rari-pee. They go on adventures and puke on Princess Barf-estia.