Harry Potter Club
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Genre: Drama/Angst
Rating: PG-13 (Mild language.)
Chapters: 2
AN: This is strongly related to my (much, much better written) one-shot, "Screaming In Our Hearts", which is about the jour they save Junior from Azkaban.

My Junior's looks come from the actor Jamie cloche, bell and Senior's from the director Thomas Vinterberg: link :AN

When The Sun Turned Cold

'I'm just the shadow of the man I used to be. And it seems like there's no way out of this for me. I used to bring toi sunshine. Now all I ever do is bring toi down. How would it be if toi were standing in my shoes?'

He'd been told there's a world in every drop of rain. He doubted if his l’amour of rainy days was enough an excuse for a thirteen-year old to come accueil well after midnight, during a war. But he didn't hurry. At least this time, he wasn't brought accueil par the police. He was careful to stomp, with as much force as he could, into every pool of water he could spot on the way. A happy grin on his face, he recalled how he used to do the same when he was little, even literally jump into them, make-believing he was a giant, destroying worlds. The only world he was concerned with now was his own. And yet in the end he couldn't bring himself to care. He needed someone else to do so.

"Where were you?", Junior heard coming from the living-room, the moment the door slammed shut behind him and he threw his wet manteau on the floor, suivant to the rack in the dark entrance hall. "Out", he answered casually. It took a little longer than intended for he hadn't expected the man to have noticed. But afterward he just dismissed it, put his hands into his jeans' pockets and headed into the house and toward his room.

Barty appeared to the doorway, leaning on the frame, his hands, too, in his pockets. "Out where?" he kept asking, now in slightly strained tone, staring at his son, who headed his way in the corridor.

"Just out", the boy a dit a little less carelessly, and didn't look at him, as he passed him. He had barely finished his reply when Barty, who wasn't taking his eyes off of him, kept asking.

"With who?"

"No one." Junior reached the stairs in the end of the hallway and started up one step at a time.

"What were toi doing?" stopped Junior as if into a mur before he was even half way up.

"Nothing!" he finally snapped at him, while quickly turning around to face him. Frustration was written all over his face, whereas on his father's, was confirmed certainty.

"You were out all alone, doing nothing."

"That's right."

"You were out with that gang, weren't you." Barty stated and crossed his arms, making it obvious he wasn't about to be through with it.

"I'd like to go to bed." Junior stated, his tone completely ignoring it. This caused Barty's tone change from strained, to utter disbelief.

"What?" was all he could say for the moment, while he also stared at his son in disbelief.

"I'd like to go to bed", the boy repeated louder and clearer, gesturing widely with his hands, towards his room upstairs. He was making huge efforts for his tone to stay even relatively respectful but failed.

"Well, I'd like to talk!" Barty exclaimed, not sure of how he felt, but trying his best to remain calm.

"I'd still-", Junior started again, even turning away.

"You come down. Right now." Barty told him before the boy could take another step. With a deep sigh, Junior obeyed and came, though lazily, down the stairs and stopped at the bottom. "Make it short, please. I'd really like to go to bed. I need all strength tomorrow night."

"No toi don't. You're not going to Hogsmade this Halloween. You're grounded for two months, which thus includes the Christmas break too."

After getting over the shock of how seriously that had been said, Junior's blue eyes grew wide. Breaking into complaints and spreading his arms, he followed the man into the living-room, ready to follow him until the end of the world ou until he'd take those words back.

"Dad! I've been waiting for this Halloween for five years! toi know that! toi can't do this to me! Dad, please, anything but that!"

"Oh, I did consider giving toi a whipping and grounding toi for the two months after tomorrow, but you're just proving that instead, this is exactly what I need to. Maybe you'll think better suivant time toi plan to go against everything I've told you." Barty stated calmly, staring at the boy in the end-of-discussion fashion, and pointed at a chair. "Sit down."

"Well, have you done any thinking lately? Of anything besides work?" Junior voiced out the question he'd just asked in his mind, after deciding to drop the Halloween subject for the time being. He tried to focus on the current topic, but the thousand swear words wanting to get out, made it hard, as he tried all his might to keep from letting them.

"Tons", Barty answered sincerely.

"Ha!" Junior let out a sceptical and slightly mocking laugh before he could help it. "So you're not single-mindedly focusing on a promotion, since toi got so excited about the précédant one and your great, great popularity as a judge. Okay. In which reality?" he questioned while seating himself on one of the armchairs near the fireplace and relaxed in it. He was lying in it, his arms hanging lazily on both sides. Everything about his being oozed how uninterested he was to listen and he looked extremely annoyed.

His coldness beat the cosy warmth the feu spread, as the atmosphere in the room was rather tense. He stared into the fire, while his father stared at him, weighting in his mind, how much the boy had meant that. He sat down on the opposite fauteuil and leaned a little forward.

"In this one, son. Yes, I focus mostly on work, but only when you're not around. Your mother has told me not to worry about her so much that it affects my work, so I don't. And you're away most of the year. But I do not ignore the letters I receive from Hogwarts around the Hogsmade weekends. Any plus than I ignore how you've been brought accueil par the police at least once during every break from school." His serious tone made Junior take it plus seriously too, par having him believe in this parent actually still caring. He even looked at him from the corner of his eye, still facing the fire.

"So toi see it then? That I pull all that shit to get your attention whenever I am here to be around?"

"You don't need to do that." Barty tried to sound as convincing as possible.

"I think I do", Junior commenté convincingly without an effort, looking at the feu again. "I felt that need long ago, when toi weren't yet as wrapped up in your career. But now you're living and breathing the world of rule breaking and judgment. I'd rather be part of your whatever world than out of it."

Barty frowned, and tried to make an argument but couldn't say a word, as subconsciously he realized there was a lot of sense and truth in those words. Junior had once a dit he was proud that his father worked so hard for everyone's safety, but apparently it had in the end been too much away from him. Finally he spoke, looking at his son very kindly.

"Look, why don't toi give me another chance. Especially suivant summer – I promise we'll spend plus time together. Just like in the old days." He sounded so gentle and genuinely sorry, that Junior couldn't help but soften a little. Yet it annoyed him even plus because inside he was still mad as hell about the grounding at the worst possible time – but even deeper inside he still had the soft spot for any promises of quality time with Dad.

"It's only October. You're gonna forget…", the boy stated in all-knowing tone, glancing at him, while a faint, hopeful smile sneaked on his face anyway.

"Like I said. Give me a chance."

"Okay. But likewise, Dad…", his being was now that of a begging child and a teenage with an attitude. "please, don't ruin this Halloween for me. It's not fair!"

Barty silently shook his head and lay back in his chair. "You are grounded from this jour on. Hopefully toi think suivant time, before staying out too late every damn night, potentially getting yourself killed. But above all, it seems I still haven't managed to root a certain bad habit out of you." he said, a certain hint in his voice, which Junior picked up instantly.

"It wasn't supposed to be there anymore…" he whispered to himself, his darkened eyes fixed at the fire, again. It was much plus pleasant sight than the man in front of him, who once again in his eyes, seemed to master the way of being a good parent and a complete idiot at the same time. Junior crossed his arms, wanting to close part of the world out. He'd lose all faith if the man asked it again. And so it happened.

"It wasn't supposed to be in your room in the first place. What's with the stealing? We have plus than enough money and I have raised toi to work for it, too."

"All these years, and toi still don't get it", Junior stated. His voice got openly and shamelessly mocking. It was a wonder he didn't laugh out loud again. The shitty, amer laughter that was roaring inside him was written all over his face. But he knew he was crossing a certain line, so he at least didn't openly look at his father, even though he felt he'd deserved that. He'd deserve every bit of what he was feeling at the moment. In his mind he a dit 'You're fucking brain dead, and I refuse to talk to bleeding imbeciles.....' but in his cœur, coeur of hearts, l’amour and hope was still overcoming hate, thus something else came out.

"You're indeed very forgetful, Pap. So let's have it your way even now. Just forget it! After all, I'm not stealing from you." With that he got up and intended to storm out, perhaps from the entire house regardless of the grounding. However, Barty who had paid very close attention to his being since the first words, pulled him back down before he could take even one step, and firmly held on to his arm.

"Never use that tone with me. Never. No matter what I've forgotten. Now, speak." he snapped at the boy, full of frustration and worry, mixed with growing anger. Junior closed his eyes, took couple of deep breaths and when he seemed somewhat calmer, Barty let go.

Junior kept his eyes closed and spoke with a strained smile on his face.

"I'm quoting someone now. Guess who. "When toi go to Hogwarts, that's what toi focus on. You'll find something new. I won't pay for these kind of interests anymore"." A silence between them was deeper than ever before, and Junior had never before enjoyed a silence plus than he did then.

"Then… toi remember that I also a dit I just want toi to have the best possible base for a future", Barty stated what he had always thought the most essential part of that what he suddenly very well remembered he'd said. A worried frown returned on his forehead. He had a feeling the boy had seriously misunderstood something and been jouer la comédie out for nothing really. "And that I'd also a dit I supported them so far because I l’amour you, and know those hobbies were important to you."

Junior snorted quietly and slowly opened his eyes, only to stare at the floor with slightly absent-minded eyes. He remembered also why he hadn't believed the last mentioned but that he'd supported only because Mom wished it so.

"Oh yes. I remember everything. "You dream, my child. toi dream.", toi kept saying. Thanks for the genuinely affectionate tone, Dad, but don't think I didn't get the hint even then. Maybe I was only a child, but I knew exactly what I wanted!" he spoke, and threw himself back to lay in the chair again. Since he'd begun he might as well finish. The plus he recalled, the plus he was hurting. His hands clenched into fists on the arms of the chair.

"And "Can't toi do something real for a change?" "Why must toi let most of your strengths go to waste?" I repeat – I knew exactly what I wanted. My future. Mine - and it's very real! Arts are real. Acting is a real job!" His cold look was fixed on his father's but-I-only-thought-of-your-best expression. And he wondered again why he even bothered. Mom had always been the better listener. But then again, Mom had just about always agreed with him in everything, done everything the way he had wanted, so it was uncertain if even she had really listened. But still. And Mom was dying. So he guessed he was just desperate enough tonight.

"I know, I know", Barty then a dit gently, making a calming gesture with his hands. "It's fine. But would it kill toi to make room in your future for other things too? To aim higher, live up to your full potential – toi can never know what life brings and what will be of use."

Junior had to admit there seemed to be some good intention in there, but he still couldn't dismiss the strongest feeling – that his dream was looked at as some kind of a joke, ou in the least as less worthy than many other things.

"I'm sure you'd have so much to give to the wizarding world." Barty finished his little speech, trying to sound only kind, but couldn't help a hint of frustration. A very unpleasant silence fell into the room, apart from the fire's cracking in the fireplace. Junior was staring at him with expressionless eyes, whereas Barty looked out of the window, confused sadness in his. A thought kept pounding in Junior's head, screaming to be out.

"You now wish that we hadn't moved here. That toi hadn't sent me to muggles' public school. That I hadn't made all those friends."

"…Yes… I wish that."

Junior immediately stormed out of the room and into his, but felt the same as in nightmares where a monster is chasing toi and your feet betray you. Barty had realized it the moment the words left from his lips, that while they were true for the moment, his means had come out horribly wrong. For a moment he thought of going after the boy but decided to do it later, when he'd know better what to say. In the back of his mind kept beating wise words: never put off till tomorrow what toi can do today. Tomorrow may be a little too late.

'Whenever something is too unpleasant, too shameful for us to entertain, we reject it. We erase it from our memory. But the imprint is always there.'

A/N: For possible chapter 2, please leave a review? I decided I might add another chapter - at least if anyone cares for this so far? I had an idea for a seconde chapter with some action included, as after that end-up for the discussion, Junior certainly isn't going to stay in the suivant day, plus it gave numerous possibilities for what he might do out there... :A/N


Disclaimer: I don't own the lyrics in cursive in the beginning and the end but they belong to Queen ("Too Much l’amour Will Kill You") and Evanescence ("Understanding"). The questioning in the befinning (the spoken lines) are from an episode of "Guns of Paradise" and belong to their rightful owner. I don't own Harry Potter ou any of its characters but they belong to J.K Rowling. This is non-profit fan fiction.
Now first of all let me state that I’m a true harmony fan and I hate any other shippings of girls with Harry. Because I am firm believer that harry is for hermione and no one else can come between them!
Now getting on to the point, before I read HBP I never bothererd to even give a seconde thought for Ginny weasley. Who was she any ways? I never bothered for her at all. So I dindt in any way notice her. But the thing started in HBP and I grew so sick of her!

Now lets see how ginny weasley came into the story!
Until the Chamber of secrets, ginny was just like any other muggle mentioned in the...
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I don't consider the Harry Potter Wiki as reliable. Because according to its canon policy: if Rowling hasn't specifically denied something about a film in the livres ou in other words, whatever the films say is to be first and foremost promoted in the articles as a canon fact instead of the books' facts.

In my logic it should be the other way around. That the books' canon should be promoted first and foremost - exactly becasuse the livres are the tier 1 canon and the films only the tier 2 ou 3 even - and because we can not be sure what about the films are from Rowling's hints and what are just...
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"Mother! Let's go! We need to go to Diagon Ally!", Draco rushed his mom. "Alright! Alright! Don't rush! There will be plenty of things left to buy", Narcissa snapped at her son. They soon headed off for Diagon Ally.Draco read the letter.

Dear My.Malfoy
We are pleased to inform toi that toi have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and
Wizardry. Please find enclosed a liste of all
necessary livres and equipment. Term begins on September 1. We await your owl par no later than July 31.
Yours Sincerely,
Minerva McMGonagall
Deputy Headmistress
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft And Wizardry
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He’s back.

And Naperville was there to welcome him.

More than a thousand fans of the world’s favori wizard gathered at Naperville’s AMC Showplace Theatre for the midnight premiere of “link” It is the first installment of a two-part film, based on the final book in the J.K. Rowling series.

Many in attendance had pre-purchased their tickets weeks il y a and started arriving at the south Naperville cinema as early as 6 p.m. Thursday. An heure before the scheduled release, fans were seated in eight of the 16 theaters, and additional showings were scheduled for 3:15 a.m. Friday.

While striped...
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It was a beautiful, bright, sunny morning, and everyone was outside, having the time of their lives, for school was near. All except one boy on troène, privet Drive.

Harry Potter sat on his bed, locked in his room, waiting for his owl, Hedwig, to return. She had gone to deliver letters to Harry's Friends four nights il y a and still hasn't returned.

The Dursleys had gone to a summer party. They were probably having a great time, while Harry was in his room. The party was supposed to last until midnight. Harry started to feel sleepy, then the room went black.

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posted by hannahbanana99
I first thought Harry Potter was really stupid. Then one jour it was on Disney Channel and there was nothing else to watch so I watched Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone. At the end of the movie I was shocked. I LOVED IT!!! I got the whole series of livres and got 1-5 the films for Christmas. Now I read each book 3 times and probably know every single word for the films 1-6. I am so crazy for harry potter that i did this. There was a harry potter and the half blood prince movie montrer time at 3:00 a.m.!!!!!! Me and my cousin (18 yrs. old counsin) stayed up till 2:45 in the morning and went to go see harry potter 6 at 3 in the morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was so intrested in the movie i didnt even fall asleep. We were the only ones in the movie theatre
Possibility one: Offer yourself as a babysitter for Hagrid's pets.

Especially recommended to: People who are not afraid of a painful death

Assumed probability of success: Depends on your skill

Possible reason for failure: Hagrid has just locked himself up in his cabin, refusing to listen to your offer, because of the latest attack on his self-esteem.

Side effects: Might break Hagrid's cœur, coeur if toi get into a close relationship with him.

Possibility two: Dig up Voldemort's corpse, take a Polyjuice Potion with a part of him and montrer yourself in public.

Especially recommended to: good actors and actresses...
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Genre: Angst
Rating: PG-13 (Just to be safe.)
Author: WolfAngel'JR (in FanFiction.Net -bendaimmortal here.)
Characters: Barty Crouch Jr., Barty Crouch Sr. & Mrs. (Caroline) Crouch.

Summary: The Crouch family, the jour they save the son from Azkaban. Begins with a look into Junior’s feelings throughout his an in there but focuses on the jour they save him. As always, in my very different interpretation. This is a one-shot.


A/N I know most people see them in a completely different light but no flaming, please because this view does make all the sense in the world and it is actually...
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posted by e2mma2weasle3
10 Ways to Annoy Bellatrix Lestrange

1) Suggest that Voldemort thinks that Pettigrew is a plus capable Death Eater than she is.
2) Send apparitions of the Longbottoms after her, never letting her rest.
3) Post Harry Potter fan type things all over her Azkaban cell.
4) Keep bringing up her sister, Andromeda, in conversation.
5) Keep bringing up Tonks in conversation.
6) Impersonate Voldemort and make her believe that he’s into peace with Muggles.
7) Cut off her hair and dye what’s left orange; toi can tell her that her appearance improves with the “Annie Lennox” look.
8) “Confiscate” her...
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1. Relate everything they say to the Harry Potter livres and/or movies.

2. Say they look like a Harry Potter character of the opposite gender.

3. Quote Dobby.

4. Hog the computer 24/7 while logged onto MuggleNet.

5. Read out loud to them whenever they can't get away from toi (Example: When in a car ou an elevator). If toi don't have a book with you, recite from memory.

6. Give them Harry Potter merchandise for their birthday and Christmas and demand that they keep it and treasure it forever.

7. Rewrite their favori song with Harry Potter lyrics and sing it constantly.

8. Crowd their boîte mail with...
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I have loved harry potter sinse i first saw the movie. I read all the livres 14 times each. there so good. My favourite character is Lucious. he is so cool. i also like voldemort,hes cool. Its the best. I went to c the new movie and its soooooo good. I l’amour harry potter.it is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...
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OMG i just loved to wrote this chapter, i don´t know why, it´s a little bite sad but i really l’amour it.
Hope toi like it
Please tell me what toi think

It didn´t take me too much long to realize that who was coming was my brother and Filch, they were doing the usual round par Hogwarts to check if everything was how as it should be... whitout Sirius Black.
I remembered that Severus had, literally, forbidden me of getting out of my room after dîner time for being to dangerous now that Sirius Black had escaped from Azkaban and he was looking for a way to get into Hogwarts.
I looked at him again...
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posted by Lunatic

Although I hate to admit it, it ought to be put into two different movies, much like the way Peter Jackson put content from the Two Towers into The Return Of The King.

It would mean that we'd get a much better movie than that last one which was like watching a car crash. (I had to look away.) The scenes look great, but we never get to see the events ou hear the lines before being wisked away to see another set and be deaf to another set of lines we ought to hear.

I really don't want that to happen again, because lets face it, it sucks. Thus, two films would be better. The first three...
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Heyyy I'm back from holiday! I missed écriture articles so much! Throughout holiday, I continued thinking of fanpop and article ideas through my head. Oh, phew! I'm not running out of them. Because I analyzed Albus Dumbledore in my head and diary, and ready to post it on Fanpop.

If toi read my other articles, toi know that the films introduced me to the universe of Harry Potter. I might be a little late to it, since the club isn't really active than a few fans but still, I keep écriture reviews. I really loved Dumbledore in the movies: He's that sweet, wise and smart headmaster of Hogwarts. When...
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There is a populaire theory among non-Harry/Ginny-fans that Harry only fell for Ginny as a result of her giving him a l’amour potion. They claim that Harry's feelings developed too suddenly to be natural and that Ginny was obsessed and desperate enough to do this in order to win Harry. They also claim that the prevalence of l’amour potions and potions in general within Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince hints that a l’amour potion was used. The theory is particular populaire among film-only fans.

The first problem with this theory is that Harry's behaviour doesn't match that of the only other example...
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The new Harry Potter game is all about the life in Hogwarts
Warner Brothers’ new mobile game celebrates the place that is as much loved par fans as the characters in the Harry Potter series

Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery which has now been released for Android and iOS, is already topping the charts on the Google Play Store and pomme App Store.
Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery which has now been released for Android and iOS, is already topping the charts on the Google Play Store and pomme App Store.
Abhijit Ahaskar
Harry Potter livres and films have been adapted into mobile and PC games many times...
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All who Died in Harry Potter(Most of Them Anyway)

Cedric Diggory, Professor Quirrell
Dobby, The Basalisk
Bilius Weasley, Barty Crouch Sr.
Igor Karkaroff, Aragog
Tonks, Bloody Baron
Professor Lupin, Helena Ravenclaw
Mad Eye Moody, Helga Hufflepuff
Bellatrix, Godric Gryffindor
Voldemort, Salzar Slytherin
Fred Weasley, Regulus Black
James Potter, Rufus Scrimigeour
Lily Potter, Gregorovitch
Severus Snape, Grindlewald
Ollivander, Vincent Crabbe
Albus Dumbledore, Lavender Brown
Sirius Black, Colin Creevey
Peter Petigrew , Nagini
Octavius Pepper
Charity Burbage
Bathilda Bagshot
Hi everyone, since the release of the book here in Malaysia a couple of weeks ago. Here are my thoughts and why I'm excited to get the soft cover copy of the book soon, as well as my expectations.

The Characters

Okay, since the characters are the same. Despite that it's set several years after the events of the Deathly Hallows, it also features Harry's seconde son, Albus in it and will continue the Potter bloodline in the story.
I am very happy that the majority of the old characters, including Harry, Ron and Hermione are all back. Not to forget, Draco Malfoy, Harry's nemesis and his son too,...
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added by shenelopefan
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
fan video
ron weasley
Daniel Radcliff