Fred et George Weasley Club
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added by melikhan
added by melikhan
added by angiii7
Source: tumblr
added by angiii7
Source: tumblr
added by angiii7
Source: tumblr
added by melikhan
added by sam789
Source: kim
*'What's that? a dit one of the twins suddenly, pointing at Harry's lightning scar.
'Blimey,' a dit the other twin. 'Are toi –?'
'He is,' a dit the first twin. 'Aren't' you?' he added to Harry.
'What?' a dit Harry.
'Harry Potter,' chorused the twins.
'Oh, him,' a dit Harry, 'I mean, yes, I am.' (PS6)

*'Don't, Ginny, we'll send toi loads of owls.'
'We'll send toi a Hogwarts toilet seat.'
'George!' (PS6)

*Wood: 'This is it.'
The big one,' a dit Fred Weasley.
'The one we've all been waiting for,' a dit George.
'We know Oliver's speech par heart,' Fred told Harry. 'We were in the team last year.' (PS11)

*'Where did...
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added by misspotter725
Source: warner bros, jkr, me
added by kateliness2
added by LoveSterlingB
Source: @george-weasley20 on tumblr
added by ilovereading
added by modrockz
added by Salvatore1994
Source: Fred Weasley
added by Weasleys_Girl
added by melikhan
added by modrockz
added by Weasleys_Girl
added by alessiamonari