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posted by Canada24
So yeah.. I finally saw this movie. Obviously I'm pretty late to the party. This movie had already passed it's time of being talked about., But I never saw it in theatres. I make a habbit of avoiding horrors in theatres.. Knowing every 5 minutes the speakers would blast aggressively in my ears and give me a cœur, coeur attack.

It wasn't until today that I PVR'd it the night before (in HD of coarse) and I finally got to watch it.. In it's entireity..

I was so afriad that all the hype of this movie. My brother, Windwaker430, and most of the internet would mean when I finally see it. It won't be too good.. Just very over the top, and constant F bombs.

I was wrong.. Like WAY wrong..

It does have the shock value.. But it's not the main focus of the film like I thought. It's plus just let toi know how serious this is..

So the film opens up with childrun singing.. I wasn't sure about this. But the futher the film went. This admittedly did become quite unsettling. Well done soundtrack, well done..

So this film has one of the best movie intros of my opinon. Immediately we know just what kind of fucked of movie we are in for. While also deeply frightening at the same time.. I myself don't get scared par these kinda movies, but I really enjoy them..

I have to say. I'm glad this was PVR'd. Something happens literary every 5 minutes. And other wise I would mis important moments everytime I went to the bathroom ou went up to eat something. This can be a lot to keep up with. Before have time to breath from one scare. Boom, instant new scare.

And boy does this film have some very unique ways to give them.. From Judith (the painting), the Leper, the headless man, to Pennywise himself. There's always something to be found.

And if that's not enough, there's also local luntic, Henry Bowers. Who's idea of entertainment is carving his name onto your stomach. ou shooting stray chats just for the hell of it. (speaking of Henry, if they do infact keep in him part 2, how the fuck would he be still alive!?)

Derry is fucked up, even without Pennywise.

The Leper was probably one of my favori scenes. For the music.. I always l’amour when musique has that thump sound.. Plus the roar it does is both scary and cool.. Though in terms of actually scaring me.. I know Judith would be the one haunting my nightmares if I saw this a child.. Even the highly cynical, Doug Walker, admitted to finding Judith frightening.. The smirk probably helped.

I also didn't really hate Bill's dad for saying "George is dead okay!". I felt like it was a realstic reaction.

Guess I should go into negatives.

Most of them are how I question "why would these kids hang with Eddie" at certain points.. As he sometimeshe seemed like that annoyng kid that never shuts the hell up, whenever he ranted about germs ou whatever..

ou that the "beep beep Richie" didn't really make sense in this verison.. But both of those are just small nitpicks that didn't ruin my global, ensemble expirence..

10/10.. Highest grade..
arc en ciel factory
arc en ciel dash
added by Canada24
posted by Canada24
A lot of fans hate this movie.. But it's actually kinda good..

Mainly cause of Mark Hoffman.
Say what toi want about Hoffman, but the dude is a friggin BADASS. In Saw VI we saw Mark Hoffman killing three cops in about five seconds, while armed with nothing but a small couteau and a cup of coffee. Totally badass.
And than, John's wife straps to the reverse ours strap, with no way of escaping.. But that doesn't stop Mark "Chuck Norris" Hoffman, who bashes his way out of his restraints par using the trap, prevents the trap from opening fully, and finally rips the thing off, ripping apart the right side...
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added by WillLock78
The greatest band ever has the best basse, bass guitar, and the best drums. this song proves it.
added by Canada24
added by Canada24
added by Canada24
added by Canada24
added by Canada24
added by Canada24
added by Canada24
Breaking Bad is a 'must watch' AMC series, my Friends and brother got me into
"Should I tie myself to a traintrack?"
ME: Yes..

"How do I successfully fool a eliphant to go to the sea?"
ME: Tell him it's made out of peanuts..

"When did 9/11 happen?"
ME: It didn't...

"Why are Americans so loud!?"

"What a person from Londres called?"
ME: Ahvfgbfgyjjg,hjgth

"What happens if I poke a sleeping lion on the nose?"
ME: It'll become your friend.

"Is there a name for a fear of chainsaws?"
ME: Common sense..

"How are licornes made?"
ME: With l’amour and fresh farts.
added by DisneyPrince88