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Battlestar Galactica

I was wondering if people could explain why I should watch this show? It has been mentioned alot with mostly positive reviews but I would like to hear from the fans rather than the 'expert critics.'

6 answers | my answer: It is simply one of the smartest shows ever. It rai...

from witch episode is when wilson is on speed?? tnx:)

1 answer | my answer: 3x22 Resignation House grinds up amphetamines and...

i know there have been references to House in other shows.....

9 answers | my answer: They've referenced House several times in Supernatu...

HOLY BLONDE CHEERLEADER BATMAN!!!!!!! I just got my fanatic!!!

12 answers | my answer: As it seems, the lucky amulets, the salt and the ex...

Has anyone seen linalin aka Carol?

1 answer | my answer: Donna, Carolina has been under the weather lately t...

Why is there no new episode??

1 answer | my answer: The winter hiatus has started. Most TV networks sto...

What ever happened to the SPN interview? It seems to have disappeared ou is it just me?

2 answers | my answer: Linalin was busy but she's preparing Brysis' interv...
livres à lire

Apart from TWILIGHT,,HOUSE OF NIGHT AND NIGHT WORLD,,, are there any other series livres that are as good as them ????? cause ive read them all over and over again and need a new series??? OPPS SORRY AND VAMP DIARIES...... HELPPP MEEEE!!!!!!

20 answers | my answer: I strongly recommend "The Dark Tower" series par Ste...
livres à lire

I want to read some Stephen King's books, which do toi recommend?

1 answer | my answer: It all depends on what toi want to read. A must re...

what is your favori movie?

25 answers | my answer: Schindler's liste and Silence of the Lambs.