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Kerry Law
fanpopping depuis October 2011
- Female, 38 years old
- Aberdeen, United Kingdom
- Favorite TV Show: Vampire Diaries, True Blood, Angel, Buffy, Les ExpertsFavorite Movie: Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Underworld 1-3, Queen of the Damned, Saw seriesFavorite Musician: Eminem, Metallica, NIckleback, Linkin ParkFavorite Book or Author: Morganville Vampire series, Any James Patterson books, Patricia Cornwell books,
mon mur

a dit …
I would really appreciate if toi could take the time to listen to my cover of 'Say Something'. Please leave a commentaire on YouTube about what toi think :) link
posté il y a plus d’un an

faîtes-moi des propositions pour my articles …
… National hommage Day!!!! A holiday I made up!!! :)
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