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posted by BladeYJ
 I liked it :3
I liked it :3
((I should probably stop taking seven years to post these parts.. sorry, please forgive me...Just a quick filler of the last one since it was so long ago...Blade was in the woods, and had to find her way back...met a guy...they fought a bit...he disappeared she found her way back--it took her twelve hours..and now voila! ))


I avoided the red eyes that bore into my skin like a hot brand. He was close to screaming, I heard it in his voice, saw it in his expression. Damian's jugular was protruding from his neck along with a vein that throbbed in his forehead; his hands were balled into fists and if Vexx, the nurse that I encountered a mois before, wasn't standing there I was sure he would've punched me.

"Bitch" was the word that brought me back to reality and I stared at him through light blue lens, dumbfounded. Standing, still having to look up to meet his gaze, I pushed him back, "Excuse me?"

"I said, you're a naive bitch." His voice was still calm, though I could hear the cracks of anger steaming through, "Why didn't toi kill him?"
"He wasn't on my list to kill, plus I was at his mercy. I may be willing to do some risky shit for you, but I'm not going to spit in the face of Death."
"Darling...I am the face of Death, and toi disobeyed me; I could easily wring that tiny neck of yo-"
"Disobeyed? I was told to make it back to the mansion...and whoopdiedoo, I'm here Damian, now can I get some sleep, I'm exhausted." I nodded toward the room at the end of the hallway.
"No," he took a step forward, then another, and another, until I was backed against the wall, "You aren't going anywhere...You have to pay for letting that boy go and taking until nightfall to get here."

Before he could fulfill whatever sick punishment brewing in his head, I managed to escape him and dart toward my room. I locked the door, ignoring the threats and screams and words. They didn't hurt. Nothing he did could hurt me. I moved to the vanity posté against the wall, and stared at my reflection. It was infuriating, the mask, the hood, the uniform...all his. I tore off the gas-mask and tossed it aside, then peeled off the clothing, discarding it as well. Quickly, I slid toward the wardrobe and removed a silk gown, the soft rose fabric smooth against my skin. Once I was dressed, I moved back to the mirror and met the lonely eye of the face that returned my gaze. She seemed so alone on the other side of the mirror. She needed a friend, a lover, anyone, to keep her company. She was tired of being a pet.

Annoyed with life, Damian, and the world, I collapsed onto the bed, trying not to focus on the shouting, so instead I scanned the ceiling as if it would give me some sort of answer. Of course it just remained blank, and silent, making sure I knew I was alone. I turned on my side and tried to clear my mind and block out everything for just a few minutes. But no matter how hard I tried to rid my mind of everything, one thing stayed. And I didn't realize that it would be his eyes that would stay burned into my mind, along with the image of his face. Every intricate detail was etched into my brain. When he spoke, how his jugular would throb, and I could still envision the blood surging though that artery, asking to be drunk from. I remember his lips being formed into a snarl. His smooth but sharp tone, intimidating, but I'm sure it could make someone do something without a single threat being spoken. ou the soft stubble that stuck from his jaw, hinting that his priorities were about hunting and less about being clean shaven. But in the end, his eyes stood out the most. I never saw his hair color, but that didn't matter, I knew those eyes. The crystal orbs that possessed so much hatred in them like a burning fire. Never in my life, even though I was still trying to discover who I was, have I ever seen icy blues as eccentric as those, yet I couldn't shake the feeling I'd met that gaze before.

A dull thud pulled me from my thoughts, and I turned my head to face the window, concealed par the dark, velvet curtains. When nothing came again, I faced the ceiling again and let my eye flutter shut. But the moment I let my world fade to black another soft thud broke the silence. This time I sat up, and took my uniform veste from the edge of the bed. Once I slipped it on, and drew the capuche, hotte up, I stood and moved to the window and drew the heavy curtain back. Unlocking the window, I looked out, fresh air rushing into my lungs. The herbe blew gently below, but besides the faint rays of the moonlight reflecting off the dew, nothing seemed out of place.

Sighing, I shut the window and returned to the soft bed, pulling the veste tight around me just for extra warmth, before shutting my eye again. Sleep came slowly; but when she did, her arms wrapped around me while she gently cradled me into a deep sleep. Quietly, she conjured up soft lights behind my eyelid that eventually formed into wild dreams, the most prominent one, the one that stuck out the most, scared me.

I pried my eye open. There were muffled voices yelling, one seeming to be a man, the other a woman. And everything was too dark. I couldn't see an inch front of my face. Where was the vampiric eye-sight? Along with the darkness was a cold that chilled to the bone. I tried to pull the covers over myself. When I tugged at the soft blanket it didn't give into me, emballage, wrap me up, and expel the cold, it didn't even budge. Again, I gave another tug but the cover stayed. Annoyed, I blindly outstretched my arms to locate the thing that weighted the blanket. But when hands touched a solid form I pulled back and sucked in a breath. The shape quivered and gave off a soft, childish whine before speaking, groggily, "Blade..?"
Blade? Who was that? Who was speaking? Where was I? Before I can open my mouth and ask, the small boy--who had complained--turned on his side and stared at me. He had the most brilliant red eyes I had ever seen, the rubies reflected the moonlight making them dazzle in the dark. I felt his hand close around mine and, in the soft light, he gave an apologetic smile, "Blade, toi awake?" Quickly, I pulled my hand back and scooted away, falling backwards. The decent felt like a mile, and when I staggered to my feet, I brushed the long blonde locks out of my face. Long?! I had short hair! Panicked, I looked to my hands, their small size resembling a five-year-old's. I opened my mouth, feeling the tears burn, "Dante...I'm scared!" Dante? I didn't even try to say that, it was like I couldn't control my words. Quickly, I backed up, until the cool mur stopped me, leaving a good three feet between me and the bed. I heard shuffling on the lit and then the click of a chain. The light that glowed from the lamp "Dante" had just turned on was dim but just bright enough that I could see the small boy.
"Blade, it's okay to be scared, but we have to get rest," he spoke with an apologetic smile before brushing the blonde locks out of his face, which only fell back, resulting in the small boy to huff.
"But Dante..." the shouting got louder and there was a loud crash that made me wince, and still I found myself continuing, "Daddy's mad at me, I don't want him to be mad at toi too."

I watched as he slowly clambered off the lit and kneeled in front of me. Gently, he wrapped his small arms around my own body and I couldn't ignore the warm feeling in my chest. Dante pulled me close and I heard his soft whisper, "Dad's not mad, Bla-"
"Yes he is! He was mad because I broke the picture! Kelsey tried to take the blame...and now Daddy and Mommy are fighting because of me!"
"No, they aren't it's not your fault... Dad is just busy....and I don't want toi to blame yourself."
"But Daddy sa-"
"Shhh, let's go back to be-" the boy's sentence was cut off with a loud bang at the bedroom door. There was a growl and a low voice boomed for the door to be opened. Dante looked to me, and kissed my temple whispering, "I won't let him hurt you," before helping me to my feet and onto the bed. He joined my side and urged me to lay down before taking my hand, and replying to the voice behind the door, "Dad, we're trying to sleep!"
"Bullshit! It's passed both of your bedtimes! I heard toi talking! Now let me in!" The door flew open and a silhouette of a burly man stood in the entryway. He charged vers l'avant, vers l’avant and reached for me, but Dante moved between us. "Dad" grabbed him, and growled, pulling him to the corner of the room. He then grabbed me and shoved me out of it, locking the door behind me. I heard him screaming , and Dante, and soon mine, his and Dante's all rung out together as I slammed my fist against the door. I needed to get in there! I needed to help! I couldn't make out what he was yelling at Dante, but I banged the door harder and harder and harder, all while screaming as loud as I could.

The voice pulled me from me sleep, and I shot up, cœur, coeur pounding, blood pumping. Quickly, I turned to the window where the knocking was coming from and backed off the bed, grabbing the first thing I could put get my hands on. Again the voice called from behind the curtain before it was drawn back and there stood a figure. "You know..." His voice, that voice, spoke lowly, "You should probably lock your window...someone might just take the opportunity to sneak in." His capuche, hotte was drawn, but I could still see a smirk on his lips. Before he could further his spill I threw the object as hard as I could at him.

Instantly, he caught the oreiller shaking his head, is smile gone in a flash, "Pillows aren't best defense against big ba-"
"Get out!" I cut him off again. I was not about to allow him to get an advantage over me. So when he denied my offer of leaving I was taken aback a bit.

"No." He strolled around the room, examining the luxurious bed, curtains, carpet, and went on to avoid any further demands that he leave, "Nice place toi got here, so where's your master?"
"In th- No! I don't have one, I live here alone, now leave before I make you." Why was I even giving him a chance? I should've lunged vers l'avant, vers l’avant and threatened his life with my fangs, but something in the back of my mind wouldn't allow it. It wanted to know he was here when he obviously showed nothing but disgust in the forest.
"Last time I recall toi trying to make me do something, toi were the one that eneded up regretting it."
"Well, last time I recall, you were the one that nearly killed me, and look here toi are, in my room, not killing me."

"How do toi know I'm not here to kill you?"
"Because toi would've done it par now."
"You're smarter than toi look fledging..."
I ignored the commentaire and tried to get back to the subject that was plus important, "Why are toi even here?"
The man took his place on the l’amour siège against the wall, careful to keep his features concealed, "Well, toi see, after our little encounter, I came to the conclusion that you'd be better off dead. One less vampire in this world is one less innocent person that has to be fed on. So, I made it my goal to track toi down, and with my expertise, it was quite easy. And when ?I got to a giant mansion in the middle of literally nowhere I guessed this must have been where toi stayed. After a quick scan of the perimeter and noticing only one room with the light on, I guessed it was yours. Are toi scared of the dark? I've never met a vampire who actually keeps the light on."
"N-no! I! To turn it off..."
"Right...So to make sure that the room was yours, I looked around and found some small rocks, small enough so they wouldn't break the glass, and threw them at your wind-"
"Are toi sure toi were tracking me down to kill me ou ask me on a date?"
"Don't flatter yourself...Anyway, before I was rudely interrupted, I threw a few rocks at your window. When toi took the bait and looked out the window, it confirmed that, that was in fact your room. Just make sure toi weren't expecting anything, I waited for an half to one hour. But toi see, when I climbed up to your window seal, with the help of those hideous gargoyle statues...are they really necessary?"
"Go on!"
"I heard screaming. I think it was you, it sounded like toi were scared ou in pain. So I knocked, and knocked, and knocked. When toi wouldn't answer I even called a few times, until finally your yelling stopped. I didn't know if toi were dead ou what so I took it upon myself to enter. Only to find toi were very much alive...That brings me to my question. What in the hell were toi dreaming about that made toi scream like that?"

"I-I don't know...It wasn't really a dream, plus like a nightmare....And in it there was a boy and..I was a child..but it wasn't me and then a man came in and pulled me out of the room and I wanted to help the little boy but the door was locked and everyone was screaming," I rambled the words, staring at the wrinkles in the lit sheets. I didn't want to tell him. Why was I telling him!
"You didn't know the boy?"
"No..I've never seen him and he doesn't look like anyone I know...but he kept calling me par my name."
"Your name?"
"Well, no, someone else's..."
"What did he call you?"
"I can't really remember I th- wait... Wait! Why the hell would I want to tell you? toi came here to kill me! This is all a set up to distract me so toi can slit my throat when I'm least expecting it!" When I looked up from the lit sheets the man was gone from the loveseat--I knew it! The bastard was distracting me. He was a cat and I was the mouse--he was just toying with me before the kill! Quickly, I moved to light switch so the room went completely black. I couldn't help but tense, despite seeing almost perfectly. I went to grab the silver dagger I had kept on the vanity, but it was missing. Turning on my heels I darted for the window, but instead of sailing through the opening, I slammed into something hard.

Before me stood the man his frown too visible with the low-light vision. I backed away but his hand gripped my wrist, his rings cold against my skin, and I felt the tip of the dagger waver just in front of my neck. His voice was the thing that shattered my mur of defense and I swallowed hard, "Any last words, kid?"
"!" As hard as I could, I forced my knee directly into the groin of my attacker. His breath escaped him and he surrendered the dagger into my hands before keeling over onto the ground. With the opportunity available, I sunk atop him and held the dagger as close as I could to his neck, my blood was pounding in my ears and one thought boomed loudly. This whole time I had survived off of blood packs, never fresh they tasted like plastic due to what they were stored in and were never as satisfying. Almost absent-mindedly, I dropped the dagger and leaned forward, my fangs scraping against the thin dermis of his neck. And just as I was about to dig in I heard the man whimper and it snapped me from my thoughts. "What?"
"I was just messing with you!" It was nearly a beg .
"I wasn't re-really going to hurt you...God, that hurt like a bitch!"

"What? What makes toi think I'm going to trust you." I pulled back seeing his face for the first time. His capuche, hotte had fell and his short blonde hair was platinum in the moonlight along with the piercing diamonds he possessed that peaked beneath his nearly shut eyes.
"I-if I was going to kill you...I would've done it in the woods...even now if I wanted to kill you, I could easily flex my wrist and slit your throat. Now please...get off of me."
I told myself not to move, commanded my body to stay put and drive my canines into his neck, but still I found myself standing and moving to turn the lights back on. He managed to get to his feet, still panting as he struggled to stand straight. A twinge of guilt settled in my stomach and rubbed my arm, "I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to..."

"I-It's fine....shit..." He made his way over to windowsill and took a seat, sighing.
" turn for the questions."
"What's that?"
"Why didn't toi kill me?"
"I don't know, I usually have no problem, no seconde thought, nothing like that, when it comes to killing a target...but those screams were beyond any...person I was sent out to kill. They were so broken..I couldn't bring myself to bring anymore pain to toi after hearing them," he got to his feet and leaned out the window, placing one foot over the side, "Well, I better get going...Maybe we'll see each other again, on better terms huh?"
"Yeah," I was staring at the ground, my head clouded with thought ,"Wait! One plus question."
He seemed reluctant, wanting to leave but nodded to himself, "Okay...shoot."
"What's your name?"

"My name? Fine, I'll owe toi for not ripping my throat's Declan." With that he was out the window. And I looked up, mouth agape in shock. Did he say "Declan"? There was a sick feeling that turned in my stomach while my cœur, coeur dropped. Shakily, I got to my feet and went to the drawer where I kept the folder, that Damian had donné me a mois ago, of the people that I was told to hunt down--the people that had done this to me. I flipped to the page that had the picture of a man drawing his hood. All features concealed except his mouth and jaw. On the hand that was pulling the hood, were three rings, bronze, silver and gold--just to confirmer that it was him and erase all my chances at convincing myself that it wasn't. Maybe it was coincidence, maybe there was someone out there with the same rings; on the same finger; on the same hand. Unfortunately, I was proven wrong again as I directed my sight to left. The snippet suivant to the picture a dit "Name: Declan Conners".


posted by Robin_Love
Don't ask please

You're going to let her go?
Then toi know what toi must do.
“I do.”
She placed the cup to her lips, drinking down the warm liquid. It tasted foul, like warm lait with onions. But she made no face to indicate so. She tossed a light blue powder around in a circular motion. She muttered a short chant, eyes taking on the appearance of a blazing fire. She could hear the slow beating of a drum, the cry of a viscous bird, the howl of a wolf. She moved, as if she were dancing. The beat got faster and her feet responded. She moved until the powder was gone. And all at once,...
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posted by FangYJ
This will appear after Last Resort :3 

I'm not sure if I loved my parents 

  One night Malcom and Teddy Parker are murdered, their son, Shane, is one of the last people to see his powerful parents alive. 

And I'm not sure that they loved me

  Shane and his brothers are to suspects to the murder. And as Shane begins to remember of disturbing past events, he's force to ask this question: What is the Parker family truly capable of?  

But I'm going to find out who killed them, even if it was me. 

Shane Parker had the life at his school. The looks, the friends, and the money. But one thing...
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 <3 *fangirls*
<3 *fangirls*
Tyler walked down the hall and passed Blade's room. Her door was still closed, unlike the others, and locked. Confusion rossed hi face but he continued into the main room, of The Cave, where the christmas arbre was standing. He observed the scene. Phoebe and Dylan where cudding on the couch, Lexi was tearing through the presents, Aisling was waiting for Fin to get her a drink, and Fang and Devin where sitting, and laughing, listening to Mel's story about Santa.

The fire-caster made his way towards Mel,"Santa, eh?" He laughed. Mel glared at him,"I saw her! She was giving out pesents!"
"Right, Mel,...
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posted by SilverWings13
The following is a response to link par McLovin. Enjoy~

"-and I don't even know how long we're going to be here. I mean, we're already spending Christmas and probably New Year's as fugitives in a foreign country with two unfamiliar Russians- I mean don't get me wrong, I l’amour Sasha and Vika's a great roommate and I'm totally grateful that they were willing to take us in. But I just wanted to be home in time to spend the holidays with the team and my boyfriend."
Aryess ceased her pacing and fell onto the sole canapé of the living room. Declan, who had listened to his sister's ranting for an impressive...
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White walls surround us
No light will touch your face again
Rain taps the window
As we sleep among the dead

Days go on forever
But I have not left your side
We can chase the dark together
If toi go then so will I

There is nothing left of toi
I can see it in your eyes
Sing the anthem of the anges
And say the last goodbye

Cold light above us
Hope fills the cœur, coeur
And fades away
Skin white as winter
As the sky returns to grey

Days go on forever
But I have not left your side
We can chase the dark together
If toi go then so will I

There is nothing left of toi
I can see it in your eyes
Sing the anthem...
continue reading...
posted by Robin_Love
“It's not a big deal! You're being so demanding!”
“You promised me toi would be accueil before hand!”
“I got caught up!”
“You should have called us!”
“You're not my parents!”
“But toi are in this family! toi need to listen when we tell toi things!”
“Why do toi care?! You're NOT my mom and toi never will be!”
“Room! Now!” Fang interrupted.
Irra shot him a glare but marched off, mumbling about anges and mischief. She slammed the door to her room closed and sat in the haut, retour au début corner of her bed.
“Stupid foster parents!”
She took the hat off her head and ran a hand through her...
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posted by Gunfire
Name: Blood River
Id: Eztli
Age: Unknowen, but looks 17
Apearance,: Dark hair, skin somtimes looks red, but is realy plus latino like, eyes olmost always look red thouw the real color is unknowen.
Cloths: always weirs animel Bones on his cloths, somtimes wears robes, othertimes wears plus tribal clothse.
Personanly: bloodthisty, agrasif, zelos, likes to gets up close and persanol.
Powers: bloodmagick, gets stronger when around blood, vodoo.
Wapons: knives, macuahuitl, spears, axe's.

Background: As a jong boy Eztli geot Lost in the jungel, wher he found a shrin to the blood god, and the place seemd...
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posted by InfinityYJ
OOC: As toi can see, I need a title... The plot type thing is at the bottom. Read away, and tell me if I should continue ou not!

Thirteen Years Ago.

In a circus trailer shrouded par the forests of Romania, a mother and father cradled two children in their arms. John cooed softly to the baby girl in his arms, while Mary rocked the boy.
A sharp rap on the trailer door made both parents look at each other in terror, then to their daughter, sleeping soundly. “Hide her,” Mary hissed desperately. “Quickly!”
John rushed to the bedroom and sat on the bed, wrapping the baby in blankets until only...
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posted by Robin_Love

The system announced him. She froze, still in debate. She could feel her cœur, coeur beating in her chest. She hadn't expected him back so soon. She grabbed her bag and headed out of the room. She set the bag down when she saw him. He looked at her and she could feel her cœur, coeur breaking again. She ran over and kissed him. He kissed her back, pulling her closer. After a few minutes of continuous kissing, they pulled away. He looked into her eyes and moved the hair out of her face.
“Don't go,” he whispered.
“I have to,” she whispered back.
“Becca told us what happened...
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"I'm trying to find a present for Holly, but have no idea—hey!"

"Uh-oh." Barbara said. "No."

"C'mon, Babs!"




"Why not?"

"I'm a fiery red-head, houx is a sexy blonde."

Sam smirked. "You find houx sexy?" he asked, a hint of amusement in his voice.

Barbara's blue eyes widened. "I mean, toi see her as—that is to say that from the male perspective—"

Sam nodded in a "go ahead" gesture, but the Gothamite just glared at him.

"Go to hell, Grant."

"Someone's not happy."

Barbara hid her face behind the magazine.
“You never let Wally have a choice, Bruce!” Artemis exclaimed. “He’s a grown man! Not some child for toi to boss around!”

“No,” Wally a dit quietly, still looking at the suit. “Barry and Bruce are right. The world will always need a speedster. I have to take up the mantle.”

Batman touched his comm. He sighed. “I think some other people need some debriefing. Back in an hour.”

“So, you’re going back?” Artemis asked as the Dark Knight’s footsteps faded away.

In the distance, the zeta hummed to life. “Yes,” Wally said. “I have to. But I want to ask toi a favor too.”...
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posted by InfinityYJ
Era’s P.O.V.
Two hundred years. That’s how long I’ve lived. I’ve seen things that most people have never, will never seen in their lifetime. Back when I was still young, back when this all began for me, it wasn’t like this. Metas were accepted. If toi had powers, toi were hero material. But now that’s all over.
It took us years to fully stop the Kroloteans, and then there was literally almost nothing. Just the usual villains. And soon there wasn’t anything. 100 years passed, and all the original Heroes and villains passed. Soon the newer ones did too. After another 100 years of...
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"Damn, it's dark." Nightingale noted to her comm as she walked into the sub-basement.

Lights flicked on one par one with a deep, echoing sound. Standing in the middle of the clean, white, utterly empty basement was Red Revenge. Nightingale's dual pistols were aimed at the Black Hero in the blink of an eye.

"You're on my property." Revenge stated in a 'Im the boss' tone. "Stand down."

Nightingale hesitated a seconde plus before dropping the pistols into the low riding holsters on her hips. She'd changed her costume. Black body-armor with yellow highlights and markings. Her same weapons were in place...
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Warnings for fluff and crappy endings.

One week later.
Kyra smiled as she entered the cave. “Happy holidays!” Tanner shouted as she entered, startling her and lighting her hair on fire. “Dude!” she laughed. “Don’t do that!”
She walked into the hall to go down to her room, and walked back out into the living room after having caught Aisling and Rowan under the mistletoe. Not without having taken a picture, first.
She smiled at Delta and quickly ducked when a snowball was suddenly flung her way. “Sis! Seriously!” She only laughed when plus snowballs came flying at her, and she created...
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posted by Obscurity98
(( toi all better know who these people are, cause if u don’t, just skip to the end and I’ll give toi the story in layman’s terms. ))

Harley’s arms were chained, and blood stained everything around her. And the blood wasn’t even hers. She coughed, when a voice boomed from the shadows, “Why if we could not get the Last Son of Krypton, just get something better. Exact powers, same weaknesses, but more. Stronger, plus power. The Last Daughter of Krypton. Give into hopelessness my dear. Freedom is a lie.” A body came closer, wrinkled face, bobbed white hair, and sly and dangerous eyes....
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
 Civvies :3
Civvies :3
Name: Brendan Adams.
Alias: Fang
Occupation: Hero
Age: 16
Relationship: Married to Devin..WHEE!
Powers: Flight (wings) if he stays still and doesn't make sudden movements he can blend into his surroundings, super strength (not Superman strength but its above average mans strength), super senses (RAPTOR VISION FTW!)
Past: Created as an experiment in a place called “School” Fang grew up dark, and drawn back, escaping from pure hell at the age of 10, the flock traveled the world, determined to end all experiments. At age 12, Fang divisé, split from the group and went off on his own, (personal reasons...only Devin knows) Fang adapted the life of crime and murder until he was 13, then was found par Batman and brought onto the team.
Other: -hates needles and electricity.
-has a younger sister.
-keeps most things to himself
-Let's see 6 children total. 4 Biological, 2 adopted. *hint hint: DEVIN! :P*
 A picture. Just for Devin~
A picture. Just for Devin~
Short chapter is short.

Harley walked out the infirmary, glancing back warily inside as she made her way to the living area. When the occupants saw her, a couple sat up straighter, hoping for some good information. A small smile spread across her face as she said, “She’ll live.”
Ariel sighed in relief, as did many others, while Fang nodded once, the ghost of a smile on his lips. Revenge stood as Rene came into the room, all seriousness. “There’s a small problem, though,” she murmured into her hand.
“What kind of problem?” Tanner asked, concerned. Eric watched Rene closely, while...
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posted by MeridianYJ
Meridian walked on the rive line, the water slipping over her feet like sheets of liquid sky. She looked at the sunset, the wind blowing at her white hair, like snow. She sighed and looked into the water as it came and went. "I am going to die, all because of the Curse of the White Hair." Her silver eyes scanned the shore, as she came upon a poisson flopping on dry sand. With the quick motion of her wrist, sea water became and orb around the small fish, allowing it to live another jour of life.
She whispered at the small fish, "You get to live another jour oh Small Insignificant Fish.Because of...
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Her boots clattered trough the town of Wonder on the thirty seconde floor as snow fell from the sky above , he walked behind her running his fingers through her golden locks. She let out a shaken breath as he whispered for her to turn into an empty dull lit alley way, her grey eyes had fear in them as she tried to make them montrer courage, she thought about him for those few months that felt like years to her. She worried constantly about him and began to wonder if he was trying to get her back like he a dit he would in that message she received from him all those months ago. She flinched as she...
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posted by CoaxochYJ

Mel walked into the Cave, when she sensed a presence. She looked over the the corner, where Becca was stroking her knife. As the warrior looked up at the winged girl, she stopped stroking her knife.
"Where's Tyler?" She asked. Mel shrugged, causing Becca to face-plant into the floor. Mel's eyes twitched, as Becca made mummers into the floor. Mel hooked her arms under Becca's, and lifted her up, this was odd.
"TYLER!" Becca screamed suddenly, causing Mel to jump, and drop Becca onto the couch. Frantically, she rushed into Becca's room, grabbed the Tyler plushie, and zipped back into...
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