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posted by SilverWings13
 Young Roxanne Weston (age 15)
Young Roxanne Weston (age 15)
Name: Roxanne "Roxy" Conners
Age: 37 (age when she died)
Status: deceased
Relations: husband- Riley Conners (deceased), son- Daemian Weston (deceased), son- Declan Conners, daughter- Aryess Weston
Physical Appearance: fair hair, sky-blue eyes, 5'8", slim build- slight muscle
Personality: stubborn, kind, strong willed
Titles: Mistress of Revenge, Angel
History: Was born and raised in Venice, Italy as Roxanne Weston. Her parents tried to protect their only child from their family's secret: each generation of their ancestors had sent their lineage to the temple of the League of Shadows in hopes that...
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added by XxKFforeverXx
posted by Robin_Love
Name : Jesse Bennett
Alias: None
Powers: Healing Magics, combat
Occupation : Healer
Weakness/Limits : Unknown
History:Jessie Bennett came from a long line of pure-blood healers. Her race is unknown, despite how human she looks. Her donné name has been forgotten. She came to Earth much like the Man of Steel. But she was found par a traveling caravan in an Arabian desert. She grew up among them and immediately took a fondness to medicine. par accident, she found out her inhuman abilities when she was five in a dangerous situation. Almost immediately, she was sent away, to America. She spent almost...
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posted by Robin_Love
 Princess Callista Ashari Aldric
Princess Callista Ashari Aldric
Full Name: Callista Ashari Aldric
Nickname: Calli
Reason ou meaning of name: One who is most beautiful; voracious and soft spoken; Wise ruler
Eye Color: purple
Hair Style/Color: Red, to shoulders
Height: 4’ 11
Clothing Style: Medieval
Best Physical Feature: Smile

Your Fears: Being alone
Your Guilty Pleasure: Rose petals and cream
Your Biggest Pet Peeve: Abusive knights
Your Ambition for the Future: To be loved

Your First Thoughts Waking Up: What jour is it?
What toi Think About the Most: My brothers
What toi Think About Before Bed: My heart...
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posted by Robin_Love
Name: Irene Adams (I-reen-E)
Alias: Mim (M-im)
Occupation: Child
Powers: all elements, Flight
History:Irene was born the daughter of Devin and Fang Adams. She was raised in her home, with her siblings. Her days were spent lazily, being her daddy’s little girl, until she turned seven. When she turned seven, she killed her oldest sibling, Jon, in a freak accident with her newly found powers. Since then, she has lived in rivalry with her siblings for her father’s attention, which she believes is the only thing keeping her with the family.
Notes: Irene was born with naturally purple hair, something that was different from her siblings. She is the only one to inherit her mother’s power over elements.

This is a short guide to the youngest child in the Adams' family. She will have a longer one for when she's older.
posted by KatRox1
((Found this while browsing my computer… Not sure if I've already posté this… BUT WHATEVS))

She sat slumped at the mahogany desk, elbows propped onto the edge and hands kept together holding a pale picture frame. Her auburn hair was pulled up into a messy bun, and her freckles became even plus obvious with only the light of a three-wick candle in the corner of the desk. A pained smile was formed on her face, and stained tears to match.

There was a knock at her bedroom door. She quickly and quietly tried shoving the picture into a drawer, but accidently leaving a corner of it sticking out...
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posted by GlitterPuff
She sat on the bus, her boyfriend beside her. A single rose in her hand and a picture frame turned over in her lap. It was pitch black out, and few people were on the bus with them. The only noise toi could hear was the motor of the large vehicle. They stopped abruptly and the girl stood and walked to the front of the bus to get off. Her heels clicked on the ground as she gracefully came to the front and exited the bus, the man behind her. She stood still for a moment as the bus drove away, leaving her in front of her destination. Her boyfriend came up beside her and took her hand, looking...
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posted by Robin_Love
In this life, in my past ones, I've been called many names. My name becomes a mockery to others who don't know my powers. Despite the form I now am, I remember everything from my past; still feel pain from wounds long il y a healed. Some call it destiny, other fate, but it's just life. I've passed from one life to the suivant without so much as minutes passing by. I've died many times, some par my own hands. Yet it seems this is my curse, my burden to carry. I have Lost all close to me only to have new ones be taken par death. I'm a devil, a monster, a necromancer. I deserve nothing. Because of me,...
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posted by SilverWings13
The assassin took off up the stairs as quickly as they could together. par the time they reached the door leading out of the stairwell, both were slightly out of breath. Angel leaned against the door only to find it locked. She tried the handle again, then tried slamming against it with her shoulder. The only result was an ache in her shoulder.
The pair looked at each other, then at their feet where water was pooling as it rose from the basement. After a silent agreement not to waste anymore time trying to open the door, Angel took Gabriel’s weight once again and they began climbing further...
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added by Robin_Love
posted by Robin_Love
 renarde, vixen with her sword
Vixen with her sword
Click-clack, click-clack, click-. The sound stopped, inches from her spot. She took in a deep breath, steadying her breathing. She raised her weapon a little and strained her ears. Gun first, she slowly peeked out of her hiding place. There was no sign of a living person anywhere. A pair of high heels stood before her spot with nothing side. Aww crap!!! She quickly looked around and crawled over to a tower of crates. She stood and took another peek. Something pushed her from behind and she stumbled out.
She turned and aimed, but was attacked from the side. Whack! She was hit and then...
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posted by Robin_Love
 Dylan in lire glasses~
Dylan in reading glasses~
I'm not too happy with this part but let me know if toi like. If enough people like it, I'll keep it. If majority hates it, I'll supprimer and re-write. commentaire below!

“Okay let me see. This isn't right...why do I even bother with this?”
The bluenette leaned up against the counter, a clipboard in hand and lire glasses on. He made a few grunting noises of disapproval, the pencil twirling between his teeth. His eyes scanned over the charts and half-assed explenations written down before he set it aside.
“Well that was a waste of time.”
He pulled off the glasses and rubbed his eyes tiredly....
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posted by SilverWings13
Happy belated b-day, RL!!

Tara set her heavy school bag onto the floor beside the footboard of her lit and tossed. The text livres bounced on the mattress when they landed on the comforter. Pre-Cal slipped off English IV and fell to the carpet when the girl collapsed onto the bed.
She glanced at where the novel of numbers and formulas and torture had just been, wondering if she should retrieve it, ou if maybe she just left it on the floor it would disappear on its own. Maybe under the dresser to collect dust along its spin, mold in its rough, headache-inducing pages.
As she pulled herself into...
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posted by Blitz359
////Sigh....there's, like, one ou two plus parts after this one.////////

Richi looked up at his friends, his eyes empty and cold, as if the feu that once fueled his emotions had finally snuffed out. They glanced over at the two bodies in the shadows par the corner, and an audible choke escaped from his mouth. "We're done here." stated Richi, his words monotone and meaningless, and he stepped away from the decapitated corpse. Before Richi could say anything else, a long beep emitted from the remains of Giovanni's metal suit. Without warning, the ground under the teens began to tremble and rumble,...
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posted by GlitterPuff
Well, here yah go peoples.

Name: Nye Driscoll

Alias: None

Sex: Male

Age: 16

Appearance: Choppy blonde hair, green eyes, glasses (usually wears contacts), pale skin, tattoo on left bicep

Personality: Quiet but friendly, mannered, treats women respectively, always happy to lend a hand

Birthday: January 15

Relationship Status: Single, and always has been

Civvies: White designed T-shirt, baggy jeans, converse, black hoodie (hood up most of the time), and a band of bracelets

Powers/Abilities: Able to see into the future (The farthest is a mois in a half), military soldier training

Weapon(s): A pocket knife...
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posted by khanna266
 Rei in her civvies dress
Rei in her civvies dress
name:Rei Sohma-Yun
civvies:White dress,white traverser, croix necklace,and bourse, sac à main that says JESUSinside of a fish
hero outfit:White midrift,White mini skirt,long white boots hair up in ponytail
lookslike:Blonde hair gray eyes fair skintone long! hair usually down
powers:calls anges to help her,flies, white magic,makes poison like a scorpion,and heat vision
Family:brother Victor (i'm gonna make his oc soon)
BG story:She was sent par God to come down to earth to stop evil from spreading and so was her brother who is intending to cause a bit of mischief himself,while Rei tries to find her own selves true self and makes Friends with Klei and August.
 Rei at church
Rei at church
posted by Robin_Love
The team trooped out of their mountain as the time for fireworks came closer. Their mentors had donné them the jour off seeing as how it was Independence jour and some of the League members had not yet returned. Most of the others had decided to watch from the haut, retour au début of their accueil minus Connor who decided to stay inside due to his superhearing. Cassie decided to sit on the herbe rather than rejoindre everyone else. The night was cool and she wanted to be alone. So much had happened since she had joined and with Diana off somewhere, Cassie felt a little alone. Besides, it might do her some good. She hadn't...
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posted by Robin_Love
They stood opposite each other, the table, tableau between them. They could hear the others moving around outside, but neither looked away.
“You have to go back,” she a dit at last.
“Not without you.”
“You know I can't! My duty is to them, to these people, to this mission. And toi can't stay. Your feu is no match for the challenge, the magic, that lies ahead.”
His fist pounded on the table, tableau and she jumped, surprised at him. He had always been plus suave, plus wild, than heated though she knew it was there.
“Damnit Bec! Why?! Why, for once, can't toi just think of yourself?”
He moved around...
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posted by AislingYJ
I already introduced her, but since I'm pretty sure no one actually read her bio the first time, here we go again!!! I'm gonna start RPing with her now, for reasons.
Name: Carmen Vidal
Alias: Moanna
Occupation: Hero
Age: immortal but looks 16
Appearance: about 5’6”, slender, lightly tanned skin, short wavy brown hair about shoulder length, dark brown eyes, Hispanic
Personality: sassy, sarcastic, rebellious, headstrong, friendly, bitchy to anyone she doesn’t like, really nice inside even though she’s super sassy, outgoing, confident
Civvies: She usually wears old fashioned clothing; dresses,...
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