Young Roxanne Weston (age 15)


Princess Callista Ashari Aldric

Alias: Mim (M-im)
Occupation: Child
Powers: all elements, Flight
History:Irene was born the daughter of Devin and Fang Adams. She was raised in her home, with her siblings. Her days were spent lazily, being her daddy’s little girl, until she turned seven. When she turned seven, she killed her oldest sibling, Jon, in a freak accident with her newly found powers. Since then, she has lived in rivalry with her siblings for her father’s attention, which she believes is the only thing keeping her with the family.
Notes: Irene was born with naturally purple hair, something that was different from her siblings. She is the only one to inherit her mother’s power over elements.
This is a short guide to the youngest child in the Adams' family. She will have a longer one for when she's older.

Vixen with her sword

Dylan in reading glasses~

Rei in her civvies dress
civvies:White dress,white traverser, croix necklace,and bourse, sac à main that says JESUSinside of a fish
hero outfit:White midrift,White mini skirt,long white boots hair up in ponytail
lookslike:Blonde hair gray eyes fair skintone long! hair usually down
powers:calls anges to help her,flies, white magic,makes poison like a scorpion,and heat vision
Family:brother Victor (i'm gonna make his oc soon)
BG story:She was sent par God to come down to earth to stop evil from spreading and so was her brother who is intending to cause a bit of mischief himself,while Rei tries to find her own selves true self and makes Friends with Klei and August.

Rei at church