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posted by BladeYJ
((I a dit these were going to get shorter...I lied....<3 sorry<3333))

The punching bag swung back and flew vers l'avant, vers l’avant only to be sent back again as I caught it with a hard kick. "Again," was the command that came from the form behind me. Normally, I'd just tell him to get off of it ou leave me alone, but the fact that this man had one hundred years of experience, was a vampire, and could easily rip me apart, pushed me to hike my foot back and slam it as hard as I could into the bag of sand. I heard the chain creak in agony as its limits were tested. "Good, again," Damian muttered, pulling me from my focused state and resulting in the sack to strike back and crash against me, sending me into the dirt. I felt the grit of the Earth's teeth tear the cloth of the uniform and scrape my skin, leaving small cuts and bruises in its wake. "Get up," he grunted. My pace at standing wasn't fast enough, for he took my arm and yanked me up, none too gentle. He commanded me to attack the punching bag again, and I complied.

One after another, I delivered blow after blow, coup de poing after punch, kick after kick--it went on for so long that my movements were nearly mechanical, as if someone else was doing them for me. Finally, I delivered a hard coup de poing and sent the bag spiraling into the ground, dust and dirt flying up from the impact. I was tired, and hot. The sky was overcast, but I was still panting, the gasmask pulling in fresh rushes of air, cooling off my burning lungs. "How's the uniform?" The deep voice snapped me from my trance and I looked at him through light blue lens.
"Good, its light, so it's easy to maneuver in."
"Is it hot?"
"No...its thin enough to let in air and thick enough to take impacts."

The suivant thing he did surprised me. His fist came towards me so quick I barely had time to react. Just as quick, I raised my hand and caught his, pushing it to the side and managing to land a kick in his stomach. Damian recovered and slammed his boot in my side, then his fist into my jaw. Bright lights went off in my skull, and for a moment my world went white. When I opened my eye, I was sprawled on the ground, a shadowy figure looming over me,"Still not good enough...I'm beginning to think toi don't want this."
"It's been one month, Damian!! I'm not going-" His boot made contact with my throat, pressing down softly and turning my words into a painful squeak.
"Tsk.Tsk. Discord, stubborn little girl's get discipline...."

My stomach tightened, if discipline was like anything I'd experienced over the past month, from obscene slurs to full fledged contact--my defiance the only thing keeping him from having his way with me every night--I definitely didn't want to be disciplined. I tried to pipe up an insult, but his boot pressed down harder until my windpipe had barely enough to room for a steady airway,"How does that sound?" He'd been talking? Because my head was swimming as my lungs begged for air, I didn't hear him say a word. Quickly, I nodded my head, trying to hold down my coughs and gasps. "Good..." he hissed, relieving the boot from neck allowing my burning lungs to be quenched with the currents of fresh oxygen.

With an aggressive bite, his hand curled around my arm and hauled me to my feet. "Ready my dear, this is where your real training begins..." One par one, his fingers were placed over my lens, the bony white digits blocking out everything--leaving me in utter darkness. I heard a soft mutter of something foreign,"Distrus." The word was cold...dark...evil, I knew it par the way he a dit it, as if it were directed toward me despite him never saying my name.

A soft breeze rustled the leaves, there was a crackling of twigs, groaning of trees, the smell of a storm. Suddenly, his hands were pulled away, and I felt him whisper from behind me,"This is your first test, make it back to the mansion in one piece and toi win...Don't try and run--I'll send my personal guard to hunt toi down and tear toi limb from limb. Got it?"

Before I could protest, I whipped around to find Damian gone and nothing but looming trees as my company. When did we get this deep into the forest? When did I get this deep into the forest. "Damn Damian..." I hissed under my breath, already looking up at the sky. The sun set in the West--I'd always watch it from my bedroom window, meaning East was the way to go. Unfortunately, today was overcast...the clouds doing their best to keep that big ball of gas hidden from my sight,"Damn sky..." I decided to follow my basic instinct and headed to the left, hoping I'd stumble upon something eventually.

minutes turned into hours as I wandered--aimlessly. The sun had long sunk behind the horizon allowing his lover, the Moon, have its turn at viewing the Earth. Though it'd be dark to human eyes...I saw clearly--the outlines of the trees, each blade of herbe swaying in the breeze--tonight was...beautiful. But with the night sky, vast and open above me, came a icy chill. It forced its way beneath the thin cloth of my uniform and pulled at my skin, causing Chair de poule to rise at every place it kissed--I hated it."That's it, I give up! toi win Damian!" My flame of willingness to find the mansion had dwindled to nothing plus than a cooling ember. I called again, hoping he'd emerge from the shadows and take me back, but when no response came, I sunk into a sitting position against a arbre and sighed.

I must have dozed off because when I opened my eye the silver orb was in the middle of the sky, casting haunting shadows upon the ground and making the dark parts of the forest....even darker. I scanned the area, it was all shades of dark green and black, no actual color was in sight, not until I saw two crystal pools staring directly at me. Instantly, I was on my feet, body shifted into a defense position, fist raised, legs spread and stable, and with the most aggression I could muster I growled,"Show yourself!!"
I watched as the blue crystals blinked, as if their holder didn't hear me.
"Did toi hear me!" I shouted, clenching my fists tighter, I had no patience for games--everyday I was being toyed with, and it was getting old.

Again I shouted and this time, I got a reply from a male voice,"Fine, fine sheesh..." It was plus of a chuckle, a tease, as if I was the souris and he was the cat. I watched as he emerged from the shadows. A capuche, hotte was drawn over his face, all that was visible was an irritating smirk. His outfit was different shades of gray and black, helping him blend with the if he was as shadow. On his hip, in a sheath, was a sword. On his feet, boots, worn from months, maybe even a an ou two, of use. "I'm out what?"
"Don't take a step closer...and give me your weapon."
That smirk on his lips curled into a grin as he unsheathed the weapon. Its blade reflected the moonlight, causing the sword to look like someone crafted it from the stars themselves--it was blinding as he weighed it, tossing it hand to hand,"And if I don't?"
The question was unexpected, but logical, he was armed, I wasn't. Quickly, I tried to think of something menacing,"Or I won't let toi leave this forest alive."
"You?" A cackle escaped his ever-grinning lips,"How old are toi kid? Twelve? Fourteen maybe?"
"What!? I'm...eighteen!!!"
"Eighteen?" His lips pursed, I felt him examining me, despite the fact I couldn't see anything beneath the cowl,"You're like five inches tall...shouldn't a little boy like toi be looking Playboy magazines and dealing with puberty?"
"Woah...Woah..WOAH! Back up!? Boy?! I'll have toi know that I am one-hundred-and-ten-percent woman! And just because I'm a little shorter than others does not mean I can't kick your smart cul, ass into suivant week!" I watched him through azure lens, my face hot with anger and embarrassment.
"Ohhhh! You're a girl?'re obviously lacking in..ah..nevermind. Let's make this quick shall we? We fight, I win, I drag your body off to some loup pack, and 'poof' you're gone."
I was practically fuming,"Quick? Who a dit I was an easy fight?!" I didn't even let him answer; my foot hiked back and just as quickly kicked up toward the hand that was holding the weapon. I watched as it landed off to the side before lunging vers l'avant, vers l’avant to give the prick a taste of his own medicine.

Unfortunately, he was just as quick. He caught my hand in his own and slammed me into the tronc of the tree.I almost headbutt him, but a sharp prick in the center of my throat stopped me. A blade, protruding from some sort of contraption on his wrist, was digging to the flesh of my neck, leaving me pinned to the tree. Something caught my eye, it wasn't the glint of the hidden-blade, the snarl that was on his lips, the moon that was high in the air--no. It was the three rings caressing his finger. One golden, one silver, one bronze...reflecting the light like precious jewels. "Well?" His aggressive tone pulled me from my focus and for once I saw the the blue eyes he possessed, narrowed with anger and agitation--in my defense he was the one that wanted to toy with me.
"Wh-what?" It hurt to talk. It hurt to swallow. It hurt to breathe.
"Why shouldn't I kill toi right here and now, give me one reason....fledging because as far as I know the only good vampire is a dead one."
He knew. "How do toi know?"
"That rank scent of destruction on you....I can hear the hunger in your words...the strength in your movements--no human could have spotted me in the darkness. So tell me."
The words stung like thorns, but instead of getting angry, I was back to staring at the rings, and instead of using my one chance to save my life my mind beat me to the words,"What are those rings for?"

For moment, he seemed caught off guard, but that quickly dissipated as his lips formed back into a vicious snarl,"None of your business, even if I did want to tell you, I wouldn't, nothing good comes from beings like you." He looked into the light blue lens of my mask, but saw nothing, not my face, not my eye, not my humanity--just a monstrosity. "You know what, kid, you're not worth my time." With that he pulled back and shoved me hard, back into the tree--my breath escaping me in a hard exhale.

I felt that red anger ignite in my stomach and spread like a raging fire. When I looked up, he was gone, not a trace, as if it had all been an illusion. Slowly, I got to my feet, pressing a finger to the small cut on my neck...I looked to the sky and looked at the fading moon beginning to fade as the first hints of light peeked over the horizon. What felt like a thirty minute conversation must have been an heure ou two. The rays of light came from the East allowing me to know which way to go, and with that I let out a frustrated scream before stomping into the woods, heading back to the mansion. If I ever saw that man again.. I wasn't going to hesitate to rip his throat from his neck and watch the light fade from those crystal eyes. I was tired of being treated like a I was going to stop taking shit like one.
Raven and I made this little precious I call him my precious because he is my precious and yayyyyy... hehe...

Name: Barrette James Andreevich
Alias: Mad Emotion
Age: 15
Appearance: wavy red hair, yellow-green eyes, bronze wings, pale, tall and thin
Powers: flight, can feel other peoples emotions par touching their hands
Personality: Cocky, lovable, tenderhearted, a little crazy and is totally up for fun
Civvies: Leather jacket, blue tee-shirt, jeans, sneakers.
Hero 'stume: Black body armor with red highlights, black combat boots.
Bio: fougère and Nikita's son from the future. After the death of his mother shortly after his first mois of life, he was kidnapped par the School. Once he escaped at age thirteen, he found his father again, and joined the hero industry. He came back in time to prevent the death of his mother.

RP? No RP? Merh don't care.
Name: Amethyst

Actual Name: Rocky Spirit

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Date of Birth: October 31

Appearance: Pale skin, purple hair that goes down her back and bangs that cover her right eye, purple eyes, about 5 foot 4 inches, slim body build, very skinny (can see a lot of her bones)

Personality: Serious, a bit anti-social((I am not anit-social *nods*)), paranoid (when people try to touch her), sweet hearted, kind, stressed

Civies: black ski mask, sky blue infinity scarf, black long sleeved shirt, light brown parka, sky blue gloves with grips, regular colored skinny jeans, black high heel boots

Hero Outfit:...
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~{A/N}~ Ciel's POV. *Bows* Enjoy. ~{A/N}~

I am the shadow, and the smoke in your eyes,
I am the ghost, that hides in the night

I watched from the shadows, the young girl sitting in the window still. The long window was open, letting in a cold breeze, and snow. Her eyes narrowed at the distance, scars obvious in this light.
"What do toi want." She spoke.
"Why are toi down here?"

Boom-Lay Boom-Lay BOOM!
Boom-Lay Boom-Lay BOOM!
Boom-Lay Boom-Lay BOOM!
Boom-Lay Boom-Lay BOOM!

I shook my head, laying the picture face-down on the desk. The memory would hurt me plus than I already was, and I wasn't ready for...
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posted by WingsOfDeath
*Shrugs* Something to read.

Ciel sat in the small cave, lire the small words engraved in the wall.

Amongst the flesh of the sacred gem, plus scars and wounds she ever needed... She wore them with pride, claiming the blood on her enemies hands.
Swords she holds cut her deeply, but have also healed her wounds, gliding through the air, wounding everything that would lay a claw on her.
A courageous young soul, her mind corrupted at a young age.
Ebony hair grew long, vines entangling with one likes spirits, whispering to each other.
Emerald eyes that could unlock your secrets through any barrier...
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posted by Robin_Love
He paced back and forth in his room. He couldn't sleep, couldn't eat, knowing that Tara was in the hands of a relentless murderer. He racked his brain for any kind of solution, any plan. But he didn't even know where she had been taken.
He had to figure that out first. Alek moved to his desk, scanning every piece of weaponry and equipment. His eyes fell on a small box. It could fit in his palm, round with a latched top. It was only about two inches tall, an inch deep. It wasn't very heavy despite the authentic silver rim and latches.
The box itself was a navy blue velvet. It looked like it...
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 " dark scary place"
" dark scary place"
(( Flash Back ))

A storm outside was brewing blowing through the trees, threatening to knock them down furiously. He sat on the floor flipping through a picture book, she smiled down at him as she looked back down at the words in her book. He let out a giggle lire the small sentences in his book, she laughed a bit with him still staring down at her book as the rain poured outside with small crashes. She jumped and gasped when a loud crash of thunder echoed through the house hearing a scream, she felt the bottom of the blanket she was under lift and pull down, she looked seeing the book sitting...
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posted by SilverWings13
The troop of teens walked on in silence, thinking over the scene of the interrogation in his ou her own way. Nic hung to the back, watching Richi carefully with distrust and caution. The others walked in pairs- Vika and Alek, Valeriya and Scotch, Aryess and Richi.
"We should go somewhere sûr, sans danger to discuss our plans," Val a dit as they waited for the light to change at an intersection.
"We have plans?" Nic murmured.
"Yeah, the house," Richi said, ignoring the fire-caster.
"No!" Vika exclaimed, causing the others to give her perplexed looks. "I mean, if my papa hears what happened, he'll never let...
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posted by Robin_Love
 Not at all important in this part. Felt like I needed a pic though
Not at all important in this part. Felt like I needed a pic though
The knock sounded on her door, just as she expected. She didn't déplacer to open it, returning to putting her stuff in hidden spots. She wasn't surprised when he was suddenly leaning against the wall. She just kept busy.
“Welcome home.”
Tara made no response ou sign that she even heard him. She just went on with putting away the clothes she would re-pack later on. He grabbed her arm, forcing her to stop. She looked at him blankly.
“You know toi did the right thing coming here. Don't act like I forced you.”
Tara nodded, choosing to ignore that last comment.
“Get ready. I'll meet toi in ten...
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posted by InfinityYJ
Okay, so most of these were made up when I first made Fin, but then the rest I just made up today with help because I'm an idiot and wanted 13 reasons why Fin's lucky number is 13. Because, toi know, an 2013.. *shrug* Idk man some of these are really weird but they're all damn true.
[Remember that I was only like 12 when I first made Fin.]

1. She was born 13 minutes after Robin

2. Born on the 13th stop on the (circus) tour

3. 13 stuffed animaux she slept with

4. 13 hours awake everyday

5. 13 when (first) she died

6. She dies every 13 years

7. 13 reincarnate form of the phoenix (don't got a clue...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
Kitty sat on her open window sill looking down into the alley below. Her head tilted while she watched thugs dig around in the dumpsters below.
"It has to be in here somewhere!" one of the thugs threw a can to the ground.
"What are we even looking for?!" Kitty stepped off the window sill and to the feu escape trying not to draw attention.
"The collier we supposed to give to Penguin! I had it on the roof and that pesky cat knocked it from my hand!" Kitty smirked and climbed down the feu escape dropping behind the thugs.
"Looking for something, boys?" Kitty hooked her finger in the necklace...
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Name: Reyna (Ray-na) Jackson
Alias: Hyde
Occupation: Translator; vigilante; student
Powers: Levitation, magnetic fields, explosive energy, “wings” that can repel radiation
Weaknesses: If she expels too much power, she will pass out. She is not invulnerable to weapons that aren't magnetic. She can only levitate herself and only for short periods of time.
History: Reyna's mother is a poacher, her dad is a scientist. She grew up in New York. Reyna was teased because of her mother's work and her dad's money. Reyna had a lonely childhood. And a hard one. Her father was mentally insane. Since her...
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posted by The_Writer
Name: Rose Walker
Code-name: Vendicta
Age (as of DWF): 24
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 121 lb.
Hair: Choppy, short red with occasional rose streaks.
Eyes: Green
Attitude: Girly girl, fashionable, flirty
Important Facts: Her father was formerly Governor of New York until Rose was 16, moved to Minnesota and became Governor there.
Civilian Clothing: rose tank-top, leather trench-coat, jeans ou leather pants.
Hero Clothing: Black skin-tight pants, Purple boots, rose haut, retour au début with black highlights, black sleeves, rose elbow length gloves. rose half-domino mask.
"Powers": Flight, pyrokinetic, strength, varying invulnerability...
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posted by GlitterPuff
Twan walked into the infirmary, his clothes covered in splatters of blood. He slowly walked into Rene’s room. Amethyst looked above her magazine, seeing him walk into Rene’s room. The purple haired girl set the magazine down on the table, got up, and followed the blonde haired boy into the room as quietly as possible. The boy sat down in the chair suivant to the red heads dead body, his eyes watery. Amethyst stood in the back of the room, leaning back on the wall, watching. The blue eyed boy took Rene’s hand, squeezing it, trying not to break down completely. The purple haired girl just...
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posted by Willow_Cyrus
Name: Amara Thompson 

Age: 6

Appearance: long straight black hair with grey eyes and fair tan skin.

Powers/Skills: she has the ability to feel others pain and hurt feelings, usually stronger with the ones she loves. ( will not have powers when born)

Relations: biological parents are Bentley and Aryess, niece to Rene, granddaughter to Declan. seconde cousin to Jet.

Personality: very bubbly and cute to be around, she's a sweetheart and usually always giggles ou smiles unlike Bentley.

Civvies: a black ou grey jupe with leggings and a long sleeved haut, retour au début with little brown boots.

Past: DNA was collected...
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"Amara.....sweetie how exactly did toi get here? " Aryess asked as Bentley carried Amara in his arms, " ummmm" Amara put a finger to her bottom lip deep in thought, " can toi remember? " Bentley asked as he and Aryess continued walking down the street. " Where were toi all this time...where did toi come from sweetie? " Aryess a dit looking at her. Amara burried her cheek in Bentleys chest blinking back tears " a dark place mommy.....a scary place..." Amara breathed out, " baby don't worry you're sûr, sans danger now..." Aryess muttered. Amara suddenly gasped out a cry clinging to Bentley tightly " no im...
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posted by Robin_Love
Don't ask please

You're going to let her go?
Then toi know what toi must do.
“I do.”
She placed the cup to her lips, drinking down the warm liquid. It tasted foul, like warm lait with onions. But she made no face to indicate so. She tossed a light blue powder around in a circular motion. She muttered a short chant, eyes taking on the appearance of a blazing fire. She could hear the slow beating of a drum, the cry of a viscous bird, the howl of a wolf. She moved, as if she were dancing. The beat got faster and her feet responded. She moved until the powder was gone. And all at once,...
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posted by FangYJ
This will appear after Last Resort :3 

I'm not sure if I loved my parents 

  One night Malcom and Teddy Parker are murdered, their son, Shane, is one of the last people to see his powerful parents alive. 

And I'm not sure that they loved me

  Shane and his brothers are to suspects to the murder. And as Shane begins to remember of disturbing past events, he's force to ask this question: What is the Parker family truly capable of?  

But I'm going to find out who killed them, even if it was me. 

Shane Parker had the life at his school. The looks, the friends, and the money. But one thing...
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 <3 *fangirls*
<3 *fangirls*
Tyler walked down the hall and passed Blade's room. Her door was still closed, unlike the others, and locked. Confusion rossed hi face but he continued into the main room, of The Cave, where the christmas arbre was standing. He observed the scene. Phoebe and Dylan where cudding on the couch, Lexi was tearing through the presents, Aisling was waiting for Fin to get her a drink, and Fang and Devin where sitting, and laughing, listening to Mel's story about Santa.

The fire-caster made his way towards Mel,"Santa, eh?" He laughed. Mel glared at him,"I saw her! She was giving out pesents!"
"Right, Mel,...
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posted by SilverWings13
The following is a response to link par McLovin. Enjoy~

"-and I don't even know how long we're going to be here. I mean, we're already spending Christmas and probably New Year's as fugitives in a foreign country with two unfamiliar Russians- I mean don't get me wrong, I l’amour Sasha and Vika's a great roommate and I'm totally grateful that they were willing to take us in. But I just wanted to be home in time to spend the holidays with the team and my boyfriend."
Aryess ceased her pacing and fell onto the sole canapé of the living room. Declan, who had listened to his sister's ranting for an impressive...
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White walls surround us
No light will touch your face again
Rain taps the window
As we sleep among the dead

Days go on forever
But I have not left your side
We can chase the dark together
If toi go then so will I

There is nothing left of toi
I can see it in your eyes
Sing the anthem of the anges
And say the last goodbye

Cold light above us
Hope fills the cœur, coeur
And fades away
Skin white as winter
As the sky returns to grey

Days go on forever
But I have not left your side
We can chase the dark together
If toi go then so will I

There is nothing left of toi
I can see it in your eyes
Sing the anthem...
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