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posted by BladeYJ
((Just to fill in 'cos it's been awhile since I posted. blade got stabbed in the arm with some needle thing with weird serum in it and blacked out.. now VOILA!))

There was always three of us.
Then there was a gunshot.
Suddenly, there was only two.
Who knew a single bullet could tear apart a family.
Who knew I could tear apart a family.


I couldn't breathe. I couldn't breathe, at all. I tried to to suck in a breath but no air came. My lungs refused to work. Why couldn't I breathe? It was completely black, I couldn't pry my eyes open. Where was I? There was no water, no air, no nothing. It was like I was in a vacuum. I tried to scream, but nothing came out. A rush of heat consumed me, shook me, burned me. The last bit of air I had stored up, left me.
I was suffocating.


One eye snapped open as a surge of fresh air entered my lungs. I gasped and sat up, resulting a fiery pain to ripple through through my body; the sources coming from my neck and thigh. As I laid back down, there was an overwhelming sense of strangeness- like I was being watched. I slowly made out the figure of a woman. "Hey, sleepy head." Her voice smooth and seductive, like velvet concealing something scandalous, while foreign hands gently took my shoulders and lifted me up into a sitting position. "You've been out for quite awhile, hon'."

I tried to respond, to make a noise, to acknowledge her presence, but my mouth refused to open. I couldn't see well either, everything was blurry, but I could tell I was somewhere that had to do with medical procedures. A hospital perhaps? The place éperlan like blood, pain, and death attempting to be masked with too much disinfectant. The walls around me, ou what I could make out of them, were enclosed and making the room feel small; the only light source was two dim light bulbs hanging from the ceiling. Wherever I was, hospital ou not, it wasn't safe.

I felt the woman's hands raise both my arms then run across my neck, collarbone, shoulders, shift down my sides, around my waist, and across my thighs. Every time her fingertips touched a certain part of my body the pain would cause me to flinch, but she didn't seem to notice- ou care. "Everything seems to be working, stiff, but working. You've been out for a few days, so I'm surprised you're even able to support yourself."

A few days!? What the hell!? A soft finger touched my chin and tilted it up, there was a blinding light in my right eye. It felt too bright, like a rayon, ray of light as bright as the sun was boring into my skull. That light lasted about three secondes in my right eye- nothing appeared in my left. Why couldn't I see out of my left eye? Was I blind?
"So what's your name, girly?"
"Mmmm?" Was all I could manage, my mouth parted slightly, but I still couldn't say the words.
"Your name?" When no response came she gave an "Oh!" and I heard her footsteps disappear only to return shortly.

There was a sharp pain in my wrist, a cool liquid, and almost instantly my jaw slackened allowing in a much needed breath. My eyesight cleared, and the woman came into view- I almost wish she hadn't. Her hair was extremely long and the color of the forest leaves, reflecting her dark spring eyes. She seemed to adorn a nurse's outfit that was, too, tight and, too, short. Midnight black stockings came up to the mid of her thigh and I could see the garter ceinture straps that attached to the hem. The frilly, pungent, scent she gave off was intoxicating- in all the wrong ways.

Her voice was impatient as she tapped her clipboard with her pen and asked a third time,"Name...!?" Right. My name. My mouth opened to speak it, but wait. What was my name. On seconde thought, where the hell was I, and why the hell was there some sleaze of a nurse feeling me up and asking for my name?
"Ma'am?" Was all I could manage out as my body stiffened from shock.
"Name. What is your name...?"
"Oh. I-I don't know..."
"What?" She took the bridge of her nose between her fingers as she hissed,"No wonder Damian picked an idiot like easy...and weak."
"Damian?" Who was he? Who was she? Who the hell was I!?!
"You know what... just head upstairs... he's in his quarters." She hauled me from, now that I realized it, the cot I was laying on and pushed me toward a door.
"Where am I?"
"The basement, dear, Damian sends all his 'patients' to me after he's done playing with them... Now off toi go." She shoved me out into the dark hallway and slammed the door shut. I was alone, to fend for myself, in this unknown place.


After half an heure of finding ground-level, and roaming the giant mansion with a hurt leg, my hands touched the cool knob of a dark door that had carvings of demons and monsters on the frame. I assumed it was Damian's- whoever he was -bedroom. Slowly, I turned it and stepped into the dark room. It was that scent, that intense scent, what was that? blood? Why was it so prominent. It consumed me, enveloped par senses, and made my mouth water. To hold back the engulfing smell, I bit into my lip but instantly released it as a sharp pain spiked through my bottom lip. I looked around the shadow consumed room for a mirror but none came into focus out of all the haunting silhouettes.

"Still getting used to them?" A voice called somewhere deep within the darkness and I stumbled back. My mouth parted to reply but it cut me off again,"Listen, don't be afraid..I know you're confused."
"Wh-who are you?" My mouth was dry, so dry. It was hard to talk.
"Who I am is not important, what's important is who toi are? Do toi know who toi are...what toi are?"
"N-No..." I wasn't going to lie, there was no point. I was trapped anyway, maybe being honest was the key to my freedom.
"Well have a looksy..." A mirror skid to my feet and stopped as it hit my toes. Cautiously, I picked it up and looked at the deep, bleeding, marks on lip. My earlier question was answered as I found out why I couldn't see out of my left eye. It was gone; I was so in shock I didn't even react- it was hard to process that I was going to be scarred for the rest of my life. The suivant thing I caught sight of was my... fangs?

"Beautiful aren't they..."
"What am I?"
"Isn't it obvious? You're a vampire, my dear...well half."
I didn't respond, I bolted for the door. I had to get out of there. This place was crazy, I was dreaming- I had to be dreaming. Something cold and harsh gripped my shoulder and pulled me back. My head was spinning, the dark disappeared with a flash of a light that blinded me for a few mere moments. I heard the word "sit" and was pushed into a chair.
"Now.. I can answer all your questions if toi would just sit still." The holder of the voice came into view, his dark hair framing his face and contrasting his snowy skin. A white button-up chemise adorned his chest, while he wore black pantalon, pantalons sport and dress shoes. He flashed me a vibrant smile and gave me the most menacing glare with dark red eyes. And no matter how much I wanted to leave, my only option was to sit and find out the truth.
"Okay.." I swallowed down the fear and went on,"Who am I?" Was I on drugs?
"Your name?"
"Yes, please."
Who names their child "Discord"?My eye fluttered shut as I took in the word- the label -it was a nightmare, I was dead. This was Hell. I was going to burn for eternity, never feel fresh air in my lungs again, never going to feel the cool touch of water ou another human being. I was alone, defenseless, and scared.

Finally, I gained my composure and pressed on,"Where is my eye?" As if the question startled him, his expression changed from threatening to something much plus sincere, caring- empathetic.
"I can tell toi who did it, Discord. They're also partly responsible for your pearly fangs."
Someone did this to me? "Who?" I growled, anger boiling up in the pit of my stomach.
"It wasn't just one person. It was plus than one-I'll say about four ou five. This group of people tore toi from your apartment and, like some sort of twisted game, pinned toi down and pulled that pretty little eye from its socket. They took your body, slit the artery in your thigh and left toi to rot in a forest- I presumed they thought toi were dead par the time they wounded your leg."
"What!?" A sick bile rose in my throat; I couldn't believe what he was saying! Someone wanted me to die? What did I do? I didn't even remember my name, plus ou less causing someone to hate me enough to rip my eye out,"Why'd they do it?" Emotions of anger, sadness, and pain slipped through the cracks of my shattered words.
"Revenge? Fun? Who knows... those people are evil. Why they'd do it to someone like toi is beyond on my comprehension." At this point, he was holding my trembling hands. It felt like his grasp was the only thing keeping me in tune with reality- stopping me, and my mind, from slipping away into the claws of insanity.

Painfully, I forced myself to continue talking,"And the fangs?"
His grip on my hands tightened at the slightest and I couldn't tell if it was comforting ou threatening,"Your fangs? Yes....your fangs. I happened to be walking through those woods around the time toi got dumped like a worthless vessel. And though I usually don't save people, I couldn't stand to let that virgin blood go to waste. As I approached you're limp body, I noticed, toi were still alive. You're remaining eye was glazing over and toi were close to death. I could smell it. I sat there thinking over if I should convert toi into a fledgling- since virgins are the only one's who can be transformed. I-"
I interrupted him and watched as his expression flicker to something irritated, but he quickly corrected the slip-up. Why was upset? He just addressed something personal. Very personal"How did toi know I was a virgin."
"I could tell... the scent toi gave off screamed at my senses, and I couldn't resist that perfect throat toi possessed. It was gorgeous, and when I dug my fangs into your supple flesh, the sensation was like ecstasy."
I didn't know if I should've been flattered ou creeped out- he was the one who saved my life. This guy, man, thing, had just appeared out of nowhere; I had no idea if I could trust him. For all I knew he was just waiting to dine on me. "Why can't I remember anything..."
"Uhm....It had to do with that little wiccan, one of the people that was participating in your slaughter. She possesses magic; I'm guessing she cleared your memory just in case toi survived- in this did. I'm terribly sorry, but I can fill toi in on all the details as long as toi agree to something."
"It's plus to the benefit of you, I'm just going to help because I believe it's right," He pulled a folder out of no where and handed it to me. As I opened it and flipped through the pages, he continued,"That file is about the four people that attacked you. It contains pictures of them and just a short description I put together on my own knowledge."

I brushed my fingers over a picture of a girl with dark onyx hair. The photo seemed to be snapped without her consent, for she was walking, head low, looking to the left only a tad, as if she didn't want to be seen. I figured she was eighteen, nineteen at the most. Her fair skin complemented her vibrant eyes. In all, she was beautiful; I could see how she could get away with murder because I'd never suspect her. The short paragraph stated her name: Becca Stevenson, she was a sorceress, and that she'd be a tough opponent.

I looked to the suivant picture, it was another girl. She was smiling at someone out of the photo, her hair was a mix between brown and black- almost a dark chocolate- and she had greenest eyes I'd ever seen. Her name was Phoebe Rouge, she could morph her body to be adamantium plated- making her nearly invincible. It also stated she was a lot older than she appeared but gave no age.

My eye fell upon a photo of a male; he had a capuche, hotte drawn concealing all but the lower half of his face. This was Declan Conners? The picture wasn't even a full profile, just the bottom half. After I gave up on the image, I moved to the description. Declan was highly dangerous, trained to kill, and fluent in various languages. It stated he had to be seen first because if not death was inevitable.

Lastly, my fingers ran over the ripped edge of a picture, it was a boy, blonde hair, deep blue eyes, expressionless face,"What happened to this one?" I muttered, examining the torn photo, it was ripped, its other half missing.
"Oh...? That's... Terror. I found the picture ripped in half near your body. I never found the other half, I think it was him and another person, girlfriend maybe." There was a sense of agitation in his expression and words, so I decided not to push it. Quickly, averted my eye to read about him. It read that this male was evil, dark, and tortured his victim's for fun. He'd take advantage of helpless human girls. The one thing that stood out the most was the fact that he was a demon. He was strong, almost incapable of being killed. Kill ou be killed."

Shaking my head, I shut the folder and looked back to him,"So what am I suppose to do, I can't possibly go up against four specially trained fighters."
"That's where you're wrong, Discord, I have plans for you."
"What kind of plans...?"
He took my hand and pulled me out the seat,"Follow me and you'll find out."


((Also, I did not go over spelling ou grammar mistakes, I wanted to finish this because I've been working on it for like three weeks.. -.- So sorry.))
posted by DiscordYJ
((SO this is all taking place after that Deception series I wrote(and never finished but I am écriture an epilogue to finish it off). Anyway. Like R_L a dit this was a mutual agreement. Couples break up. It happens. I would like to thank her for being so awesome and calm about it. ily. anyway this is Blade's side))

She paced back and forth in her own apartment. The light outside had disappeared as if giving up on her and leaving her without any support in this decision. The darkness had shrouded the den, not a single light in sight. The curtains had been drawn and all light-switches cut off. She...
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posted by KatRox1
((Found this while browsing my computer… Not sure if I've already posté this… BUT WHATEVS))

She sat slumped at the mahogany desk, elbows propped onto the edge and hands kept together holding a pale picture frame. Her auburn hair was pulled up into a messy bun, and her freckles became even plus obvious with only the light of a three-wick candle in the corner of the desk. A pained smile was formed on her face, and stained tears to match.

There was a knock at her bedroom door. She quickly and quietly tried shoving the picture into a drawer, but accidently leaving a corner of it sticking out...
continue reading...
posted by khanna266
Ashton had just finished training,and so he decided to try to talk to a few people."Hey Jaime and Ari congratulations on your engagement,"he congratulated them,"Thank you!"they thanked him.He then passed par Elliot,"Hey Elliot I heard toi might be getting a recording contract!"He a dit with excitement,"Yep!I really hope I get it!"Elliot replied back.Then he saw NightWing,"Hey mate how toi doing?"he asked,"i'm doing fine thanks"he replied and thanked him. Ashton then left the room and went to the kitchen.He opened the fridge,and got a carrot and started walking around eating the carrot.Then out...
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added by Kurls_Basd
Source: Rosario Vampire
added by DiscordYJ
Source: Tyler using the internet
added by Robin_Love
added by Connor_Veritas
Source: Google
added by SilverWings13
Source: Tumblr
Frostbite along with her boys Koda and Guardian were all on the bioship with Superboy, Gunfire and Wondergirl, but Martina was handcuffed and chained with an inhibiting collar.
"We're here." Superboy announced.
"That doesn't make any sense we're in the middle of no where." Koda state.
There ship stood in camouflager mode in the middle of the Sahara desert.
"So what'd we now?" Inquired Wondergirl. The ship held a steady position everyone quiet in the it, but soon they all existed and when to the sandy ground below. There all stood cautious waiting of something to happen.
"We give incoming." Superboy...
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posted by Robin_Love
 renarde, vixen with her sword
Vixen with her sword
Click-clack, click-clack, click-. The sound stopped, inches from her spot. She took in a deep breath, steadying her breathing. She raised her weapon a little and strained her ears. Gun first, she slowly peeked out of her hiding place. There was no sign of a living person anywhere. A pair of high heels stood before her spot with nothing side. Aww crap!!! She quickly looked around and crawled over to a tower of crates. She stood and took another peek. Something pushed her from behind and she stumbled out.
She turned and aimed, but was attacked from the side. Whack! She was hit and then...
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posted by GlitterPuff
Name: Elizabeth Dawn (Goes par Beth normally)

Height: 3 feet 3 inches

Age: 6

Birthplace: Gotham City

Hair color/length/style: Long white/silver hair

Eye color: A blue-ish grey ou a dark grey

Accent: American

Religion: Doesn’t really know

Marital Status: Single…. SHE’S 6!

Noticeable Physical Attributes: Needle holes on her arms from IV’s, a scar on her forehead that is always hidden par hair

Handicaps (emotional/physical/mental): 6 YEARS OLD HELLO PEOPLE

Overall Health: Dead

Style of Dress: Fun colors, normally a dress with tights and cute mary janes

Personality Traits: Happy-go-lucky, energetic, how...
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posted by Mclovin_69
Name: Lana ( Lah- nah) Barrett

Alias: Lumos ( Loo- Mus)

Gender: female

Age: 17

Appearance: Light blonde hair that almost looks like it could be white, and dark greenish-grey eyes.

Personality: she is a very innocent kind of person who isn't very open ou confident in herself. She doesn't look happy and refuses to smile unless toi can figure out how to make her.

Height: 5,5

Powers/Abilities: she has the ability to control light and generate it to herself to make her plus powerful and strong. She uses light as a defense to defend herself par blinding someone but isn't sure of the true potential of her powers.

(( this is literally a small bio on her cause I'm still trying to figure out stuff on her and develop her as a character and I know I know, I suck at making characters. Especially when they are girls. toi guys better force me to use her ))
posted by Kurls_Basd
Ashley crashed on a piece of the third floor that is hanging over a roaring feu below but still attached to the rest of the floor above her. She groaned in pain then fragments from the ceiling suddenly started falling. She blocked her face with her hands severely burning them. She screamed from the burns, the heat of the feu had started to take its toll on her, she filled the wet sensation of water on her back she widen her eyes gathering her hair. She looked at it it was melting to add to all this the carbon monoxide caused her to cough uncontrollably. Suddenly she hears her name...
continue reading...
posted by killer24
(part 4 sorry for the wait)

Still chant unaware that his 'brothers' are in mid combat he looks from face to face finally stopping on a face he hoped he wouldn't see again for the rest of his life.....
The duchess of France charlotte Durand the girl he used to get to her dad (as well as her country) was in the crowd looking at him with a blank expression
"well we're done for, we should have known"

"oh shut up the vans out side once the data has been stolen we are outta here"

"true but if she's here then her Friends will be too and they'll distract Ajax and Kane"

"dammit Alex she wouldn't hold a...
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posted by Kurls_Basd
Lelisa's bio is very short but as time goes now i'll keep updating it

Name: Lelisa
Alias: feu Slayer
Powers: Controls fire
Appearance: Red hair and eyes.
Age:18 yrs
Abilities: combat fighter.
Relations: Daughter to Alanna and younger sister to the ultra guradian (Serenity)
Attitude: devious, sarcastic
History&Past: All of Lelisa's life she has been helping her mother, Alanna, find her sister the ultra guradian, Serenity. Lelisa has never met her father since Alanna killed him. From a young age she was taught to kill and fight par her mother. As she grew up she became jealous of a sister she never met since her mother puts everything in finding the girl. Despite this she still desperately searches for Serenity for her mother sake.
Notes: Lelisa has the ability to enrich herself with flame also turning her hair into fire.
 Lelisa in her mode
Lelisa in her mode
posted by khanna266
name:Cross Stone
civvies:nothing special
hero outfit:none
weapons:iced nunchucks
powers:preminitions,puts curses on people when she learns there names,super strong
BG story:When she was born she was donné her powers par an evil monk.She is japanese,but she was born in Spain.She was told that on the jour of her 18th birthday she is supposed to destroy Mars and Venus ever since she was told that she has been trying to figure out a way to stop it from happeneing.

<3<3<3<3 Hope toi liked it she may seem scary but she's actually veryfriendly

ps: she is best Friends with Lily.
is't that awesome!
 traverser, croix and her pet...uhh don't know what it is
Cross and her pet...uhh don't know what it is
posted by Kurls_Basd
"I found something," Melody said, picking up a quiver. Aisling and Gravityboy walked up at Melody, Aisling collected the quiver, she stared at it for a moment, it was Aquapoint's. They had been searching these woods for days and had found nothing. Aisling continued to stare at the quiver though relieve something was definitely wrong with the situation.
"Melody I think we should wait for backup,"
"Aisling's right, finding these clues so quickly that we weren't finding before is definitely not luck."
"I cant wait I have to find her,"
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posted by MafiaYJ
Babylon stood in an alley, another one, as she liked them best, breathing heavily from the incident with the Demon. Adrian had killed him quickly and easily. But he was a watcher, she was not.
She was scared, for the first time in her life, Babylon was scared to die. Ethan a dit she could possibly meet an end this way, become one of them. Never in her life, did she want to both live and die, than at this moment then.
She made sure the cape was pulled tightly around her, and walked on. She was going to hide in a church. An old one, one she knew had been left alone many years il y a from a fire....
continue reading...
posted by Robin_Love

Name: Carly Shea
Alias: Vixen
Occupation: Hero in training
Powers: agility, enhanced speed and hearing, enhanced vision, claws, teeth (cause it's really not fangs), and enhanced attack mode, stealth.
History: Carly is from another planet. While her planet is not completely destroyed, she was sent away as a way to save the population. She landed on Earth and immediately was found par a family of foxes. They took her in until she was three years old. At that time, a hunter found her and tried o sell her for money, but a boy saved her, took care of her, and taught her everything he knew. Carly...
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"so toi think toi can beat me, it's a joke" stated Ajax looking at him from the opposite side of the capsule
"Why are toi even doing this?, I mean hurting me is one thing but hurting others like Mafia par saying your going to kill me is just wrong" spoke Alex not bothering to look back at him
"details, if I can't physically take toi on but I can mentally.
you know toi can't kill me because I'm the deepest hidden part of you, yet I can kill toi because your Web also, meaning your not really me"
he states yet another fact
"Yeah yeah, ultimate doom and all that but really toi know I will try and...
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