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Well, looks like I'm late to the party again. After the latest Nintendo Direct that ended things off with an incredibly hype trailer for Smash 5, montrer off Mario and Breath of the Wild Link staring down the Inklings from Splatoon, and with nothing else after that, it drove people insane. So, with Smash 5 coming out this year, we all know what our thoughts are. Who are they gonna bring into the game this time? When Brawl introduced Sonic, we all were kinda happy. Heck, despite how much our minds were blown that Snake was in Brawl, we could see it being possible. But with Smash 4 introducing characters like Ryu, nuage Strife, and Bayonetta of all characters, this opened the door to endless possibilities. If Bayonetta, a character from a game filled with swearing, violence, and lots of sexual imagery, could make it into Smash, anyone, and I mean anyone (Assuming Nintendo has a companies rights) can be in Smash. The sky's the limit. So, with this in mind, I want to just talk about the characters that I would actually be happy to see, be it Nintendo characters ou guest characters. And, of course, these have to be characters that I would expect to see in the games. I can't just say, "I want to see Spyro", because that probably won't be happening. With that out of the way, let us begin


Boy, when it comes to making fighting games, Namco Bandai... ou Bandai Namco.... Namdai Bamco? Those guys that make Tekken. When it comes to fighting games, it seems that asking those guys is the best possible thing to do for Nintendo. They can create some of the best fighting games like Soul Calibur and Tekken. And hey, they worked on a game with Nintendo characters, so what's stopping them.

#10: Pokemon from Pokken Tournament

Okay, at best, a few of the characters could appear in Smash 5, but if not, can I at least get Luchador Pikachu as an alternate skin? That would actually be really good. Jokes aside, people were always wondering if we'd get a Pokemon fighting game, one that differentiated from the RPG gameplay that the series was custom to. toi could have Machamp in the game as a plus grappler type, have Blaziken be a plus fast moving fighter, put Lucario in the game for the ten millionth time in a row. I know that there are a ton of Pokemon characters already added to the Smash games, but what better way to promote a fighting game, which I believe has been ported to the Switch, than to get these types of Pokemon and have them fight in Smash bros. Hell, toi could add the characters from the new DX game, such as Darkrai ou Scizor. It would only make sense to try and promote a new IP in a beloved franchise.... But seriously, if I can at least just have the Pikachu Libre alternate skin, than that will be acceptable too.


As I a dit before, Bayonetta appearing in Smash Bros. opened up brand new opportunities for who can appear in Smash. And hey, since Platinum Games is plus than happy to push Bayonetta into Smash (After all, we wouldn't have gotten Bayonetta 2 ou be getting Bayonetta 3 without Nintendo funding it), I say toi might as well go all the way. But what Bayonetta character do we use. I could say Jeanne, but does Smash really need another clone character *Cough* Dr. Mario *Cough* Ganondorf *Cough* Toon Link *Cough* Any dark character *Reused joke cough*. No, I don't think so. So that just leaves us with one guy... And it's not Luca.

#9: Rodin from Bayonetta

Yes, the games merchant. As a playable character in a fighting game. Stay with me on this, I promise this will make sense. Despite Rodin being a merchant for a majority of Bayonetta, that doesn't stop Rodin from having his own fair share of scrapes with the anges sent to kill Bayonetta and anyone involved in the fight. Rodin is capable of taking any damage and dishing out plus than he receives. We could always use plus fast male characters in this game, maybe something like a quick character that slowly builds up damage over time. But, of course, for those who have managed to get the necessary Halos to purchase a special fight in Bayonetta (Also, spoilers for an optional boss in Bayonetta), Rodin becomes a super boss that will kick your ass. I'm not joking, this is a tough fight. Perhaps this boss fight can be brought up as a final smash. I mean, come on, Nintendo. toi l’amour Bayonetta. I l’amour Bayonetta. We all l’amour Bayonetta. montrer us that l’amour and put plus characters into Smash. We know toi wanna. Kamiya knows toi wanna.


When Nintendo announced that the Wii Fit Trainer was going to be a character in Super Smash Bros., people were a little mixed about that. A game that was all about yoga and exercise. How would toi work that into a fighting game. And they did. And she was grea- er...she wasn't the worst character in the game. She wasn't Yoshi levels of garbage. That aside, this makes people wonder what else they could implement into Smash. And I think I know the perfect thing

#8: Nintendo Labo

Okay, I know I a dit this in the last one, but PLEASE stay with me on this one. So, what we have is the Nintendo Labo, a feature made exclusively for kids, with the intent of creating something out of a cardboard box. It sounds simple, but it seems to work really well. A cardboard box that can turn into a multitude of things. A motorcycle to hit opponents quickly, a fishing rod to grapple enemies from a distance, and even a fighting robot, maybe as a final smash. It could be controlled par a little piece of cardboard, and may work in the same vein as Mr. Game and Watch, only plus charming and less unnecessarily uncanny. The kind of creativity that went into Nintendo Labo really makes me wonder what kinds of ideas they can put into this, what they can do to make this actually work for a Smash game. And there is an actual gif online, right now, created par Javed L. Sterritt, where he created an image of a little cardboard man swinging around a Switch controller and turning into a piano to do a downsmash. See how much charm this idea can create. This kind of character in Smash gives me the same vibes as Nintendo Labo itself does. It's simple and it's kinda childish, but it's charming, and I really do like it. But toi know what isn't charming?


Dark Souls, that's what! (That was a smooth transition if ever I saw one). It's as charming as Youtube commentaires trying to defunct the entirety of the Remastered. Okay, seriously though, people can say what they want, and I won't deny that Dark Souls Remastered looks just a little too clean for a Dark Souls game. But, regardless, it's time for me to get my fanboyism out

#7: Solaire from Dark Souls

Soliare, the perfect character from the franchise. Everyone loves this grossly incandescent fellow. And I am just gonna stop the references right there. But seriously, if there was ever a time to add a Dark Souls character into Smash, it would be now. Sure, some may say that Dark Souls is better than to be exploited in such a manner, but toi have to remember that Dark Souls 2 and 3 exist.... so.... too bad. Anyway, with the remastered coming out, along with a Solaire Amiibo coming out... I mean, come on, toi gotta use the Amiibo now. toi may as well just put Solaire into the game. I mean, what's the harm in doing so? Sure, it would just be another sword wielding character. But, hey....... just throw away several terrible feu Emblem characters and it's a clean slate. But seriously, Solaire is plus than a swordsman. He can throw lightning bolts, and use other spells. Maybe bring in another player to help him like in the game. toi never know what they could do with this. Sure, they could do nothing, but it's plus fun to dream.


Is it just me ou did Zelda characters, despite having a chance at a promising roster, get the short end of the stick, especially compared to Pokemon and even plus especially feu Emblem? That's not to say the Zelda characters in this game were bad, but just not a lot of new faces. I wanted to choose Ghirahim, but we already have enough sword wielders in Smash. And I can't include anyone from Breath of the Wild because I still have yet to play it (College is a rough time). So, after beating Twilight Princess, toi all can probably guess who I want to see.

#6: Midna from Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

I know that there already exists a Midna Assist Trophy in Smash 4, but that means nothing thanks to the exact same game. Little Mac was an Assist Trophy in Brawl, and look at him now. So I can now safely have hope that even those who are Assist Trophies can have a chance at being playable characters. Anyway, I don't know if it could be just Midna. Not to say she couldn't get stuff done on her own. Her large hand could definitely do some damage. Maybe she could be partnered up with loup Life and be a combo team, something akin to Rosalina and Luma, where Midna could be sent vers l'avant, vers l’avant to fight the opposing enemies and Link is better with dealing plus damage. And as for final smash, Midna could always turn into that giant hulking beast that we saw near the end of the game in Twilight Princess. That definitely looks like something fatal. Skull Kid is too old now for a Smash game, Ghirahim would just be hated for being another sword guy, and really, what other companion is a competent fighter? Maybe Tetra, but she would most likely be a skin. Midna, on the other hand, if in the right hands, could be a very interesting addition to the roster.


Hey, remember those times when we all thought Rayman would be in Smash? Remember there were pictures and everything? And then we all found out it was a big lie? Well, I'm still gonna suggest he be in Smash anyway.

#5: Rayman from Rayman

Rayman may have been pretty populaire back in the day, got killed off for the attention of Rabbids, and then brought back into a pretty neat platforming franchise, and with Ubisoft and Nintendo teaming up to make Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle, it's plus likely than ever that they could have one of their characters put into Smash. Sure, the Rabbids are plus likely to appear in Smash, but I hate them. Rayman, however, I could never hate. It's hard to hate a man who lacks limbs and a neck. Rayman could probably use his insane abilities to do long distance attacks, maybe use his propeller ability to save himself from getting knocked off the screen. Sure, it sounds like a simple character, but Rayman could possibly be a character that is all about doing miniscule damage while avoiding any damage done unto themselves, so it could be an interesting concept. And really, if done the right way, it can be one of the most hilariously annoying characters to go up against in Smash. And I think that, if Nintendo and Ubisoft are going to work together, they should at least use this to get plus characters for Smash... But no Rabbids, please.


Remember when I a dit that Spyro has no chance in hell of being in Smash? Well, I still stand par that. Spyro has no chance in hell of being in Smash. But Crash on the other hand, now that's a much greater possibility.

#4: Crash Bandicoot from Crash Bandicoot

Now, while Crash is a Sony mascot that was created merely to mock Nintendo, even having entire ads that were all about Crash standing outside Nintendo's office and shit talking them, seeing Crash in Smash (Ha!) may be a plus likely than we thought. Crash, no longer being a Sony product and having been bought par Activision (Oh god...), and with Activision appearing as one of the third party developers for the Switch, it could be a possibility that Crash could end up in Smash. Think about it, Mario, Sonic, and Crash Bandicoot, the holy trinity of console platforming mascots, together at last. Crash would most likely do his usual attacks. Spinning, sliding, using the Wumpa Gun. Maybe get Aku Aku as a final Smash and just run around in a frenzy and destroy everyone he comes into contact with, similar to Wario's final smash in Brawl. I won't lie, of all these choices, Crash seems like the one that is the most far away from being possible. But, if par some miracle, the stars align in a way that we can have Crash rejoindre Sonic and Mario in the brawl to end all brawls, than I think that would make a 90s kid tear up.


Another Nintendo IP, and one that I think has a slight chance of appearing in Brawl. It's good to see that Nintendo is making completely new IPs, and it's good to see that even they have a chance at being in Smash, as proven par Splatoon's Inklings appearing in the trailer for Smash 5. So what's stopping these guys from appearing in Smash?

#3: Fighters from ARMS

ARMS, another fighting game just like Pokken Tournament, and even plus perfect for an appearance in Smash than Pokken. ARMS is filled with a bunch of characters. Spring Man seems like the best choice to add into the game, but if they can't add everyone, they could always be added in as skins. Do it like a Bowser Jr. thing like it was done in 4. As for the characters, there isn't really much else to it. Just throw the punches as the arms go insanely long and stretch out to hit the opponents in the match. I honestly have no idea what they could do with a character that can do that, but I know that they have some tricks up their sleeves. Heck, maybe with the multitude of ways toi can customize your fighters arms, toi can probably put that into the characters fighting style to create a different attack. And I know these characters got finishers. toi practically have these guys' Final Smashes made for you. All that's left to do is do the deed and get these guys in Smash!


Man, I really am glad that indie games are getting the praise they deserve par big name companies. Back in the day, if toi wanted to make a game, toi had to go to college, find a job, and hope that your ideas don't get shot down. But today, all toi need is a good idea and a good attitude and toi already have the Kickstarter waiting for you. And Switch is just a homeland of indie games. And all just begging to be noticed par Nintendo

#2: Indie Game Characters

There are so much indie games that I could choose from that have a chance at making it into Smash, so this is the Indie Game Lighting Round. Shovel Knight because he's got an Amiibo! Can use his shovel to fight and shit. Santae because she's been on Nintendo consoles since the start. Can use her hair to fight. Undertale because Undertale. And if it makes any sense and doesn't ruin things for the sake of spoilers, put Sans in there. Cave Story, have the characters be plus projectile using, like Samus. The Binding of Isaac. toi can do something there, I'm sure. I just really like The Binding of Isaac. Yooka-Laylee, the closest we'll actually get to having Banjo-Kazooie in our game. And I like Yooka-Laylee, sue me! Enter the Gungeon. Just please, I need this in my life. And I don't know if Hotline Miami is a game that will be on Switch, but if it's possible, then please make it happen. Even if it may scar some kids.


I want him! toi want him! The world wants him! toi all know who it is and I won't stall any longer!

#1: Waluigi from Super Mario

Waluigi, one of the greatest characters in, probably all of gaming. How could toi refuse to not have Waluigi as a character in Smash. He's got a Pinball game named after him, yet no spot in Smash. I mean, we all need Waluigi in our li-

Okay, seriously, time for the REAL number one.

#1: Travis Touchdown from No plus Heroes

Once I heard the news that Travis was getting a new game, I was happy for Travis. When I heard that Super Smash Bros 5 was coming soon, I was happy for the Smash community. It was only when I connected the two that I realised just how great this was. There is, absolutely, no better time than now for this to happen. No plus Heroes is starting to become a cult classic series, a new No plus Heroes game is on the horizon, and Smash Bros. 4 has Suda51's full support to let Travis be a character in Super Smash Bros. We cannot reach a better moment than this, people! But how would Travis play? Well, I expect him to use his Beam Katana. Maybe even switch them out during battle, swap to the heavier hard hitter, ou maybe switch to the dual wield swords. It sounds broken, but I'm sure there's a balance somewhere. And as for a final Smash.... I honestly don't know. I want to say he get the ability to turn into a tiger and chases people down. I want to say he gets on his motorcycle and destroys the stage. But I think the one I want the most is him getting inside his giant robot Glastonbury and just annihilate any unfortunate soul caught in the blast. Please, Nintendo. I will gladly accept that King K. Rool will never be in a Smash game for as long as Sakurai lives, but please, let me have at least this. Let me have Travis be a character in Super Smash Bros. If he makes it into Smash, I can die with no regrets.
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Ninjas want sprinkles on their ice cream.
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Source: A Car Company
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Source: A Car Company
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Source: A Car Company