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posted by twilight-7
étoile, star then italics is Loretta speaking. Just italics is Kayla.

Kayla’s POV

I pushed against Loretta, pushing her away. I knew I had a chance to regain control of my body again. It was me who had screamed after Edward. I fought her, feeling her spirit near to me. It was strange being in my own head but not able to do anything other than watch and think. She was in command of everything while I sat helplessly in a small l’espace in the back of my own head. All I could really do was sort of hit myself against my skull, annoy her into recognising I was here. It caused her some moderate pain but not me.
“No!” she screamed. “No! I want to stay!”
“Loretta, let her have her body back,” Zachariah said. He held her still to stop her fighting me. I didn’t know what to do exactly to get her out of my head. All I could do was push her to the back of my mind and keep her there par building a little mur around her.
I could feel myself flying vers l'avant, vers l’avant in my own mind, feel strength and power returning to me. I moved my head to the right and then to the left and smiled for a brief second. I had my body back.
“Zachariah,” I said. I felt his hands on my arms. His skin was warm and soft on mine and for a seconde I didn’t want him to let me go. Then I realised that was Loretta thinking. “It’s Kayla. Let me go, I have to go after Edward.”
His eyes narrowed and his grip became tighter.
“How do I know you’re really Michaela?”
“Because Loretta is too weak to do this.” In one fluid movements I broke his grip and decked him. He looked up at me from the ground, his eyes sad.
“Is she gone?” he asked quietly.
“No,” I sighed. “She’s still here. But she’s not going just yet.”
“Why?” He picked himself up.
“I need her to prove to Edward I wasn’t trying to get off with you.”
*Why should I help you? She a dit to me.
You were the one who destroyed my life. I shouted at her. You waltz on in to my mind, thinking toi own my body and then try to cop off with your still living husband while forgetting that I might just have a partner of my own.
“Tell Charlie I’ve gone to see Edward,” I told him. “But don’t tell him what happened. He doesn’t need to know.”
Zachariah nodded and walked away slowly. I turned around just at the exact moment he did. I could feel all of Loretta’s emotions and it killed me. Not only could I feel my own pain of losing Edward but I could also feel hers of losing Zach and Kyo. That’s the pain I had been feeling this morning. I wasn’t grieving over her death. I certainly wouldn’t now.
*You’re not a nice person.
Because I’m the body snatcher here.
I tuned her out to think of where Edward would go to. I knew he wouldn’t come back to me. He’d be thinking all sorts now. We were both alike in the way we thought of ourselves. We both thought we didn’t deserve each other. I was just a human/Azdi. There wasn’t much about me that Edward would like. I wasn’t extraordinarily beautiful like Rosalie, I wouldn’t live forever, he had to resist my blood. Edward considered himself a monster, he couldn’t spend his life with me because he lived forever while my days were numbered, he a dit he didn’t have a soul and the liste continued.
“Kayla!” Charlie again. I turned around to see him walking towards me with my cell phone. “Alice for you.”
“Thank you.” I took the phone and as soon as it was against my ear Alice’s silver voice, distorted with rage, was shouting down my ear.
“You! You’re the reason why the wedding isn’t there! You’re running off with another man! How dare toi break his cœur, coeur like that?! I am not happy with you, Kayla, I am furious! I am coming down there and I am going to beat some sense into you! Why did toi do it?! Why?!”
Alice wouldn’t let me speak. She continued to shout at me and ask why and accuse me of killing Edward and breaking his cœur, coeur and she called me a few nasty names that was unnatural to hear from someone like her.
*Will she really do all she’s threatening? Loretta asked, her voice nervous.
If she does I am so going to beat your Supernatural spirit ass. I replied.
Alice didn’t need to breathe so there was no pause in her rant in which I could drop in a word so I just cut across her.
“Alice, listen to me.” I a dit quickly before she could pick up from where I had interrupted. “It wasn’t me trying to get off with Zach. It was the spirit of his dead wife that’s possessed me with the aid of her young son.”
Alice laughed.
“Please, spirits of dead people?”
“Please, vampires?”
“Point taken.” Alice paused for a moment, evidently thinking. How could I prove to her some dead woman was sharing my head with me?
*I have a name.
And I chose not to use it. Now be quiet ou I’ll mentally kick you.
Quit that, toi dead hag!
* What’s my name?
How old are you? Five?
“Kayla, are toi listening to me!” Alice’s voice shouted down my ear bringing me out of my argument with Loretta.
“Sorry,” I said. “I’m arguing with the dead woman.”
*Who’s five now?
Still you.
“Kayla, please be sensible for two minutes,” Alice a dit wearily down the phone. “Edward is thinking of things that he shouldn’t be right now and they’re leading to some bad situations. toi have to get to him.”
“Where is he?”
“He’s at the house but he’s leaving in ten minutes. No one can stop him.”
He was leaving? No he couldn’t leave. He couldn’t. How would I explain to him if he left? I wouldn’t be able to catch him.
“Where’s he going?”
“I’d rather not say.”
That meant something bad. Where was so bad that Alice wouldn’t tell me.
“It isn’t Italy, is it? Alice, please tell me it’s not Italy.”
“You told him to go, Kayla.”
“I didn’t!”
Loretta, if toi weren’t dead I’d kill toi with my bare hands!
*What’s in Italy? She had the decency to be scared.
“If what you’re saying is true then the spirit told him to go, but he thinks it was you. When toi told him to go he took it as if you’d broken up with him and didn’t want to see him. He accepts that toi don’t want him anymore but toi know he can’t live without you.”
*Is he going to kill himself?
I ignored her and tried to think of a way to explain to Edward what was going on. Alice was sceptical about what I telling her. I could hear the doubt in her voice. No one would believe me and I could hardly use Zach as a witness. Edward would think he was just covering for me so I didn’t feel responsible for his suicide.
“Alice can toi stall him?”
Alice hesitated. “I’m not sure. Carlisle is trying to reason with him and Emmett and Jasper are threatening to physically restrain him.”
“Let me speak to Carlisle,” I asked her. “He’ll believe me.”
“I didn’t say I don’t believe you,” Alice sounded annoyed.
“But toi didn’t say toi did, now put Carlisle on.”
*Edward is a vampire? Loretta asked me.
Then how can he commit suicide? He’s virtually indestructible.
“Kayla, what is going on?” Worry was dominant in Carlisle’s voice but I also heard a little bit of anger too.
“Carlisle, please believe me when I say this. It wasn’t me. I would never do that to him.”
“I have repeatedly told him that, Kayla, but he is adamant that it was you.”
“There is a spirit of a dead woman possessing me and it was her. The man I was supposedly leaving Edward for is her husband. It was her all over him not me. I didn’t tell Edward to go. He won’t believe me if I tell him and I don’t know how I can prove it to him.” I was crying now. “Help me Carlisle. Please.”
“Get here as fast as toi can. Run, Kayla, run.” It was all he a dit before I heard the dial tone.
So I ran.
added by neeki
added by kitkat211
Source: Emmaline
Seth's POV
Chapter 1

So I'm running's been rather boring since the Volturi came lièvre 3 months ago. Not that I liked the idea of a bunch of creepy vampires visiting,,that too to kill Nessie, not to forget the rest of us who tried to defend her.There's no to Jake's happiness, now that we know that Nessie is gonna stop growing in 6 years and a half..or so.
She looks like a beautiful 4 an old even though she's just 7 months old.
My sis still has some problems but she's improving. Mom and Charlie have been close but she denies everything that we ask about their relationship. Mom...
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posted by cajas
Chapter 23. THE TRUTH
I HAD THE SENSE THAT I'D BEEN ASLEEP FOR A VERY long time—my body was stiff, like I hadn't moved once through all that time, either. My mind was dazed and slow; strange, colorful dreams—dreams and nightmares—swirled dizzily around the inside of my head. They were so vivid. The horrible and the heavenly, all mixed together into a bizarre jumble. There was sharp impatience and fear, both part of that frustrating dream where your feet can't déplacer fast enough… And there were plenty of monsters, red-eyed fiends that were all the plus ghastly for their genteel civility....
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posted by eclipselov

The pain was horrible. I couldn't take it anymore. I opened my eyes to find darkness surround me. I try to scream. But all that comes out is a low moan. I know im becoming something different than what I already am. Im probably going to die. I don't mind much. Just to get out of all this pain and darkness. I can hear my own cœur, coeur beating. I wonder if my family would miss me. But for some reason i don't remeber who they are. My memories are slipping away. I've never been plus afraid than right at this moment. I have to get a grip on who I am....
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*by Stephenie Meyer*


It took six EMT's and two teachers - Mr. Varner and Coach Clapp - to shift the van far enough away from us to bring the stretchers in. Edward vehemently refused his, and I tried to do the same, but the traitor told them I'd hit my head and probably had a concussion. I almost died of humiliation when they put on the neck brace. It looked like the entire school was there, watching soberly as they loaded me in the back of the ambulance. Edward got to ride in the front. It was maddening.
To make matters worse, Chief cygne arrived before they...
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I personally l’amour the Twilight series of novels (and now movies), but I know there’s been a lot of controversy regarding them. auteur Stephenie Meyer, a conservative Mormon, places many of her values and beliefs in the story, such as creationism, linking the Quileute tribe with a link, and most notably the relationship between Bella and Edward in which he asserts total control over her life and she surrenders almost completely (I’m convinced that this is just a big fantaisie and not a representation of how she thinks women should live, though). This has raised definite controversy from the...
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posted by cajas
chapter 22. FLIGHT
DEMETRI LEFT US IN THE CHEERFULLY OPULENT RECEPTION area, where the woman Gianna was still at her post behind the polished counter. Bright, harmless musique tinkled from hidden speakers.
"Do not leave until dark," he warned us.
Edward nodded, and Demetri hurried away.
Gianna did not seem at all surprised par the exchange, though she did eye Edward's borrowed manteau with shrewd speculation.
"Are toi all right?" Edward asked under his breath, to low for the human woman to hear. His voice was rough—if velvet can be rough—with anxiety. Still stressed par our situation, I imagined....
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The Newborn War had just started in the clearing.If Alice was correct.Only half an heure to go,to declare Bella was safe,in my arms.And not jacob's. Then i heard the yelling,screaching,and tearing,of the war.Going on just in the clearing.The newborn's thoughts going through my head,my mind.Of how,what angle they would choose to attack my l’amour ones,and then the pack.Emmett's thoughts going through my head.He was pleased with himself.Jasper was being a little too protective of Alice,takeing on every newborn that lauched after her.One of the newborn's i had to admit,very clever.Went to hide for...
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Edward's POV

“Edward, hold me,” Bella whispered in a vulnerable, soft voice.

I swept her into a firm embrace, terrified par her quivering frame, oh how soft and penetrable her skin was! The monster in me purred sadistically, tempting me to bite into her thin flesh. I resisted with a heroic effort, pushing the evil thought away.

“I’m here, love,” I replied in a smooth voice, “Are toi sure that toi want to go through with this?”

She feebly pushed me aside, ou attempted to plus accurately. I took a step back, letting her have her way....
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I shouldn't think about her, not now..
I know she followed me into the forest when I left her, maybe she got lost. No, leave it! Bella's not stupid, she will survive. It is for her own good that I'm now trying to find Victoria, so she won't meet any vampires in her life anymore. 'Edward, are toi OK?' Ofcourse, I could have known Jasper would feel my anxious mood. Since I left I didn't pay enough attention to the thoughts around me. 'Sure, Jasper, I'm fine, don't worry about me.' We were running South, where Alice told us she saw Victoria, but we didn't find her trail yet. 'You're worried about...
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posted by dinosteph
End of Chapter 5

“Bella! Hospital!” She a dit louder, noticing I made no movement the first time.

I glanced back at her worried face. “What? Why?” Still not moving.

She pointed to my stomach. “That's why!” She glanced towards Edward. “Help her will ya” She a dit as she grabbed my bag. Edward took a couple steps towards me.

“I can help myself” I a dit as I struggled to sit up. He froze, just watching me. I swung my feet over the side of my lit and stood up slowly. I took two steps before the pain stirred.

“Edward!” Alice said, not impressed. I leaned forward, noticing how dizzy...
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posted by dinosteph
salut there,
This is a story I started, it takes place after Bella's birthday in New Moon, I'm kinda sure of the direction I want to go in but feedback is always appreciated. This is my first fan fiction ever.

Neither one of us talked on the drive home. I kept my eyes focused on the trees as we sped down the highway. I glanced down at my throbbing hand noticing the red blood staining through the bandage. I reached into my bag and grabbed plus of the gauze that Carlisle packed for me. I felt my whole body still trembling as I wrapped plus gauze around, anything to not be able to see the blood soaking...
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 One of the pictures of the mother's child....
One of the pictures of the mother's child....
I recently found these pictures in the Renesmee Carlie Cullen fanclub.

A mother was montrer us pictures of her little girl, saying she thought her daughter would make a great Renesmee. And quite frankly, I agree with her :)

I admit, I don't know a lot about her daughter's jouer la comédie skills. I plan on asking her when I send her a message. But I think her looks go well with Renesmee's; the curly strangely bronze hair, the chocolat brown eyes, and being so beautiful!

Well, basically, this article's purpose is to ask all of toi if this mother should definitely take her daughter to audition for the role...
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added by greyswan618
added by greyswan618
added by Melissa93
added by sunrise_90
Source: twifans
added by sunrise_90
added by Andressa_Weld