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posted by mitchie19
"When we were five, they asked us what we wanted to be when we grew up. Our réponses were things like astronaut, president, ou in my case… princess.

When we were ten, they asked again and we answered - rock star, cowboy, ou in my case, or medalist. But now that we've grown up, they want a serious answer. Well, how 'bout this: who the hell knows?!

This isn't the time to make hard and fast decisions, its time to make mistakes. Take the wrong train and get stuck somewhere chill. Fall in l’amour - a lot. Major in philosophy 'cause there's no way to make a career out of that. Change your mind. Then change it again, because nothing is permanent.

So make as many mistakes as toi can. That way, someday, when they ask again what we want to be… we won't have to guess. We'll know."
This is an outtake from the book Twilight, it came from Stephenie Meyer's official website.

(Notes: You'll recognize portions of this chapter—small bits survived and were combined with what is now Chapter 20 "Impatience." This chapter slowed down the pace of the "hunt" part of the story, but I feel like I cut out a lot of Alice's personality when I sacrificed it.)

Shopping with Alice

The car was sleek, black and powerful; its windows were tinted limo black. The engine purred like a great cat as we sped through the deep night.
Jasper drove one handed, carelessly it seemed, but the muscular car...
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These are my fave Edward citations from the Eclipse book.Enjoy them and fall in l’amour with Edward all over again.

I’ll let toi pay me back, if that makes toi happy. If toi want, I can charge toi interest.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 1, p.22

There’s no hurry. I won’t let anyone hurt you. toi can take all the time toi need.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 1, p.25

I’ll never forgive myself for leaving you. Not if I live a hundred thousand years.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 1, p.33

I don’t know how to phrase this properly. It’s going to sound cruel, I suppose. But I’ve come too close...
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posted by LexisFaith
I have decided to write a new version on Twilight. This one isn't as sappy, goody goody, ou so emo at some points. don't get me wrong! I l’amour me some twilight! but toi all have to agree, there are some parts that are too sappy, too emo, and too goody goody :) I am planning on doing all livres so here is the first "Sunrise" (get it..sunrise..twilight..yeah? no? ok) So...Here toi go:)

"Bella, could toi come to the front. Bella, the front." Mike Newton's voice echoed through the store.
"Excuse me." I smiled apoligeticly at the couple I was helping...
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As morning dawned, I turned to look outside. It wasn’t sunny but definitely not rainy. We couldn’t hold the hope of going to the town to see Charlie today.

As I gazed outside, Bella came in front of me with Nessie in her hand. “Ready to go see our family?” I smiled. “We cannot be here without them, can we?” She smiled back too.

She looked dazzling when she smiled. A few rays of sunlight which managed to come through the clouds, made her skin sparkle. I touched her hand and felt its smooth texture. Then I took Nessie form her...
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posted by DarkStranger
the funniest thing is, that I don't know why it took me so long to write this chapter. I didn't wanted to write today, but when I read all the comment's, I changed my mind. So... hope toi like it :)

Still Edward POV (when Bella leaves)

It took two secondes to understand what Bella said. And one seconde to stand up and follow her.

The trees where merged, I saw only face on Bella, in front of me. My subconscious was playing with me. I could not understand what is real what is not.

I suddenly stopped. I took a deep breath, trying to smell Bella. But I only éperlan animals, and their blood.

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*Werewolves do it better!
*Lady gaga's clothes are better than Alice's clothes!
*Bella has a secretly crush on Rosalie!
*Jasper is a pedophile that's why he felt in l’amour with Alice!
*Renesmee and Nahuel are a perfect couple
*Carlisle is gay!
*Esme has sex with Charlie every night!
*I think Felix is stronger than Emmett!
*Rosalie envies Tanya because of her beauty!
*Edward is in l’amour with Leah!
*Rosalie thinks about Jacob while she's having sex with Emmett!
*Bella is getting wrinkly
*Aro is hotter than Edward!
Time for a little celebrity gossip today and this one's the hottest there is. After smoking the box office with the current ticket sales champion 'Twilight', Kristen Stewart, the film's female lead, is heating up the web as photos of her allegedly smoking pot surfaced. In the series of six photos from the TMZ, Kristen can be seen smoking a pipe with a friend on the steps of her house. What the pipe contains isn't clear but many have assumed that it is pot. After all, that's the most common use for it.

Reactions are varied across the web with some blog commentaires expressing worry that this might...
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posted by renesmeblack

I sat up. The alarm clock suivant to Jacob's lit a dit it was six thirty. I ran as fast as I could to the bathroom, barely making it. I heard the rush of footsteps as Jacob and Emily came to my side.
Jesse woke up.
"Sam! Get Jesse!" Emily called downstairs. Jesse was their one-year-old baby. He had short, black hair that stuck out every other direction but down. He had a small, rounded face that displayed a little innocence. His smile was crooked, and it reminded me of my dad a little. The three baby teeth he had made the smile even cuter.
Jacob's hot hand took me out of my thoughts.
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posted by Bella_Swan3

When I woke up, sunlight streamed down through the window and Jacob was snoring in the corner.

I got up, and headed for the bathroom.

By the time I was done showering, Jacob was still asleep. I realised just how tired he really must have been. I dressed quietly and headed downstairs to start making breakfast. I grimaced as I pictured what I used to think of as breakfast.

I really should have seen this one coming; it was so Emmett.

I opened the fridge and screamed before I sprinted to the bathroom just in time to throw up.

When I was done with the unpleasant business, Jacob was standing...
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I will try to write as much as I can today because tommorow I will be going to Orlando and will not have alot to write. But I will try to wrie at night and the jour after that if I have time.
Bella's POV

"Alice?" I a dit will searching around the room looking for her. No one answered.
"Alice!!!" I a dit with plus volume. Still, no one answered.
"I don't think Alice is home. I bet she went hunting." Edward whispered.
I sighed. I walked back upstairs and decided to take a shower. So did Edward. Afterwards, I tried to give myself a makeover. But, it didn't turn out so well. My hair looked normal again...
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posted by Brown_x_Eyes
Edward: Happy Birthday, Bella.

Bella: Screw my birthday, I don’t wanna grow up!

Edward: You’re like Peter Pan, except you’re a girl!

Bella: About that…

Edward: What?

Bella: Nothing.

Edward: Let’s go to my place.

Bella: Giving in? The perfect present…

Edward: Hell no! toi think I’m weak?! WELL I’LL montrer toi WEAK! –Bends down to Bella’s neck-

Bella: Edward, wait for Victoria to kill me. She has plus practice.

Edward: Let’s go inside!

Alice: Surprise! Big huge party to be celebrated par only 8 people! WOO!

Bella: I totally didn’t see this coming…

Esme: I baked toi this wonderful cake!...
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posted by just_bella
The ours backed off my body and charged me again. I screamed in fear, and it stoped about 10 feet away from me when it backed up and did it again.

I realized the ours was toying with me, I wished that it would end this already. I was in so much pain, everything hurt and the forest around me was beginning to blur probably from blood loss.

The ours backed up again, hopefully to end my life when I hear another animal coming into the area.

There was a moment of complete silence, which only lasted for a minute. The following sound was something I won't forgett, it was the sound of the ours fighting....
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posted by just_bella
WOW I can't believe this is part 10 alreay, i'm so glad that people enjoy this. It's really fun/addicting to write. Here's the suivant chapter :)


Esme came over and put her hands on my shoulder and gently kissed my head.

"Oh honey, toi must have been so scared. I'm sorry to hear that your old family was so horrible to you." She said, I smiled at the way she a dit "old family."

I smiled up at her and looked around at my true family. Esme the caring/loving mother who would do anything for us. Emmett the big/strong/caring brother who acted tougher...
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Well I tried to post this in the link section but it just didnt work so I figured that I would put it here...

Here is a link to a Twilight/New Moon extra- Being Jacob Black....

It is the story of Jacob from when we meet him first in Twilight until the end of New Moon. It is interesting.

posted by 2468244
Sellotape an end to
Sellotape an end to
Sellotape an end to
Sellotape an end

Sitting pretty, uptightly
The knots keep toi at my side
Upstairs in corners eyes blink for the call
Up and out, my beacon
Will choke, if yours is taken
I'd have four plus lines
Four plus lines

Sellotape an end to
Sellotape an end to
Sellotape an end to
Sellotape an end

Harder thoughts, mosquito
Right down my fickle hands
Machine surprises meant for me
Up and out, my beacon
Will choke, if yours is taken
I'd have four plus lines
Four plus lines

(Sellotape an end to)
It was broken way
(Sellotape an end to)
So we’re on the pages first
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posted by 2468244
La, la, da, da, da
La, da, da
La, la, da, da, da
La, da, da

Life on earth is changing
Life on earth is ending
And time on earth is ending
And time on earth is changing

La, la, da, da, da
La, da, da
La, la, da, da, da
La, da, da

Life on earth is ending
Life on earth is changing
And time on earth is changing
And time on earth is ending

La, la, da, da, da
La, da, da
La, la, da, da, da
La, da, da
La, la, da, da, da
La, da, da
We can never go home
We no longer have one
I’ll help toi carry the load
I’ll carry toi in my arms
The Kiss of the snow
The crescent moon above us
Our blood is cold and we’re alone
But I’m alone with you

Help me to carry the fire
We will keep it light together
Help me to carry the fire
It will light our way forever

If I say shut your eyes
If I say look away
Bury your face in my shoulder
Think of a birthday
The things toi put in your head
They will stay here forever
Our blood is cold and we’re alone, love
But I’m alone with you

Help me to carry the fire
We will keep it light together
Help me to carry the...
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posted by 2468244
I done me wrong
I done all wrong
All the wrong I done
I’m sure to live quite long

I done all wrong
I done me wrong
All the wrong I done
I’m sure to live quite, quite long
All the wrong I done
Will be undone in song
All the wrong I done
Will be undone in song

If you’re doing wrong
If toi done all wrong
toi can rest assure
You’re gonna live quite long

If toi done all wrong
You’re doing wrong
toi can rest assure
You’re gonna live quite, quite long
All the wrong toi done
Will be undone in song
All the wrong toi done
Will be undone in song

We’re doing wrong
We all done wrong
If we did no wrong
I’m sure we would be gone
White demon l’amour song down the hall
White demon shadow on the road
Back up your mind there is a call
He hears it coming after all
Of this time
She likes the way he sings
White demon l’amour song’s in her dreams

White demon where’s your selfish kiss
White demon sorrow will arrange
Let’s not forget about the fear
Black invitation to a place that cannot change
While strangely holy, come for a rain

White demon widen your heart’s scope
White demon who let your friend go
White demon widen your heart’s scope
White demon who let your friend go

Let us be in love
(Let us be in love)
Let’s do old and gray...
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