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posted by cajas
Chapter 13. KILLER
IF IT WAS ANYONE BUT JACOB, I THOUGHT TO MYSELF, shaking my head as I drove down the forest-lined highway to La Push.

I still wasn't sure if I was doing the right thing, but I'd made a compromise with myself.
I couldn't condone what Jacob and his friends, his pack, were doing. I understood now what he'd a dit last night—that I might not want to see him again—and I could have called him as he'd suggested, but that felt cowardly. I owed him a face-to-face conversation, at least. I would tell him to his face that I couldn't just overlook what was going on. I couldn't be Friends with a killer and say nothing, let the killing continue… That would make me a monster, too.

But I couldn't not warn him, either. I had to do what I could to protect him.

I pulled up to the Blacks' house with my lips pressed together into a hard line. It was bad enough that my best friend was a werewolf. Did he have to be a monster, too?

The house was dark, no lights in the windows, but I didn't care if I woke them. My fist thudded against the front door with angry energy; the sound reverberated through the walls.

"Come in," I heard Billy call after a minute, and a light flicked on.

I twisted the knob; it was unlocked. Billy was leaning around an open doorway just off the little kitchen, a peignoir de bain, peignoir around his shoulders, not in his chair yet. When he saw who it was, his eyes widened briefly, and then his face turned stoic.

"Well, good morning, Bella. What are toi doing up so early?"

"Hey, Billy. I need to talk to Jake—where is he?"

"Um… I don't really know," he lied, straight-faced.

"Do toi know what Charlie is doing this morning?" I demanded, sick of the stalling.

"Should I?"

"He and half the other men in town are all out in the woods with guns, hunting giant wolves."

Billy's expression flickered, and then went blank.

"So I'd like to talk to Jake about that, if toi don't mind," I continued.

Billy pursed his thick lips for a long moment. "I'd bet he's still asleep," he finally said, nodding toward the tiny hallway off the front room. "He's out late a lot these days. Kid needs his rest—probably toi shouldn't wake him."

"It's my turn," I muttered under my breath as I stalked to the hallway. Billy sighed.

Jacob's tiny closet of a room was the only door in the yard-long hallway. I didn't bother to knock. I threw the door open; it slammed against the mur with a bang.

Jacob—still wearing just the same black cut-off sweats he'd worn last night—was stretched diagonally across the double lit that took up all of his room but a few inches around the edges. Even on a slant, it wasn't long enough; his feet hung off the one end and his head off the other. He was fast asleep, snoring lightly with his mouth hanging open. The sound of the door hadn't even made him twitch.

His face was peaceful with deep sleep, all the angry lines smoothed out. There were circles under his eyes that I hadn't noticed before. Despite his ridiculous size, he looked very young now, and very weary. Pity shook me.

I stepped back out, and shut the door quietly behind me.

Billy stared with curious, guarded eyes as I walked slowly back into the front room.

"I think I'll let him get some rest."

Billy nodded, and then we gazed at each other for a minute. I was dying to ask him about his part in this.

What did he think of what his son had become? But I knew how he'd supported Sam from the very beginning, and so I supposed the murders must not bother him. How he justified that to himself I couldn't imagine.

I could see many questions for me in his dark eyes, but he didn't voice them either.

"Look," I said, breaking the loud silence. "I'll be down at the plage for a while. When he wakes up, tell him I'm waiting for him, okay?"

"Sure, sure," Billy agreed.

I wondered if he really would. Well, if he didn't, I'd tried, right?

I drove down to First plage and parked in the empty dirt lot. It was still dark—the gloomy predawn of a cloudy day—and when I cut the headlights it was hard to see. I had to let my eyes adjust before I could find the path that led through the tall hedge of weeds. It was colder here, with the wind whipping off the black water, and I shoved my hands deep into the pockets of my winter jacket. At least the rain had stopped.

I paced down the plage toward the north seawall. I couldn't see St. James ou the other islands, just the vague shape of the water's edge. I picked my way carefully across the rocks,
watching out for driftwood that might trip me.

I found what I was looking for before I realized I was looking for it. It materialized out of the gloom when it was just a few feet away: a long bone-white driftwood arbre stranded deep on the rocks. The roots twisted up at the seaward end, like a hundred brittle tentacles. I couldn't be sure that it was the same arbre where Jacob and I had had our first conversation—a conversation that had begun so many different, Raiponce threads of my life—but it seemed to be in about the same place I sat down where I'd sat before, and stared out across the invisible sea.

Seeing Jacob like that—innocent and vulnerable in sleep—had stolen all my revulsion, dissolved all my anger. I still couldn't turn a blind eye to what was happening, like Billy seemed to, but I couldn't condemn Jacob for it either. l’amour didn't work that way, I decided. Once toi cared about a person, it was impossible to be logical about them anymore. Jacob was my friend whether he killed people ou not. And I didn't know what I was going to do about that.

When I pictured him sleeping so peacefully, I felt an overpowering urge to protect him. Completely illogical.

Illogical ou not, I brooded over the memory his peaceful face, trying to come up with some answer, some way to shelter him, while the sky slowly turned gray.


Jacob's voice came from the darkness and made me jump. It was soft, almost shy, but I'd been expecting some forewarning from the noisy rocks, and so it still startled me. I could see his silhouette against the coming sunrise—it looked enormous.


He stood several paces away, shifting his weight from foot to foot anxiously.

"Billy told me toi came by—didn't take toi very long, did it? I knew toi could figure it out."

"Yeah, I remember the right story now," I whispered.

It was quiet for a long moment and, though it was still too dark to see well, my skin prickled as if his eyes were searching my face. There must have been enough light for him to read my expression, because when he spoke again, his voice was suddenly acidic.

"You could have just called," he a dit harshly.

I nodded. "I know."

Jacob started pacing along the rocks. If I listened very hard, I could just hear the gentle brush of his feet on the rocks behind the sound of the waves. The rocks had clattered like castanets for me.

"Why did toi come?" he demanded, not halting his angry stride.

"I thought it would be better face-to-face."

He snorted. "Oh, much better."

"Jacob, I have to warn you—"

"About the rangers and the hunters? Don't worry about it. We already know."

"Don't worry about it?" I demanded in disbelief. "Jake, they've got guns! They're setting traps and offering rewards and—"

"We can take care of ourselves," he growled, still pacing. "They're not going to catch anything. They're only making it plus difficult—they'll start disappearing soon enough, too."

"Jake!" I hissed.

"What? It's just a fact."

My voice was pale with revulsion. "How can you… feel that way? toi know these people. Charlie's out there!" The thought made my stomach twist.

He came to an abrupt stop. "What plus can we do?" he retorted.

The sun turned the clouds a slivery rose above us. I could see his expression now; it was angry, frustrated, betrayed.

"Could you… well, try to not be a… werewolf?" I suggested in a whisper.

He threw his hands up in the air. "Like I have a choice about it!" he shouted. "And how would that help anything, if you're worried about people disappearing?"

"I don't understand you."

He glared at me, his eyes narrowing and his mouth twisting into a snarl. "You know what makes me so mad I could just spit?"

I flinched away from his hostile expression. He seemed to be waiting for an answer, so I shook my head.

"You're such a hypocrite, Bella—there toi sit, terrified of me! How is that fair?" His hands shook with anger.

"Hypocrite? How does being afraid of a monster make me a hypocrite?"

"Ugh!" he groaned, pressing his trembling fists to his temples and squeezing his eyes shut. "Would toi listen to yourself?"


He took two steps toward me, leaning over me and glaring with fury. "Well, I'm so sorry that I can't be the right kind of monster for you, Bella. I guess I'm just not as great as a bloodsucker, am I?"

I jumped to my feet and glared back. "No, you're not!" I shouted. "It's not what toi are, stupid, it's what toi do!"

"What's that supposed to mean?" He roared, his entire frame quivering with rage.

I was taken entirely par surprise when Edward's voice cautioned me. "Be very careful, Bella," his velvet voice warned. "Don't push him too far. toi need to calm him down."

Even the voice in my head was making no sense today.

I listened to him, though. I would do anything for that voice.

"Jacob," I pleaded, making my tone soft and even. "Is it really necessary to kill people, Jacob? Isn't there some other way? I mean, if vampires can find a way to survive without murdering people, couldn't toi give it a try, too?"

He straightened up with a jerk, like my words had sent an electric shock through him. His eyebrows shot up and his eyes stared wide.

"Killing people?" he demanded.

"What did toi think we were talking about?"

He wasn't trembling anymore. He looked at me with half-hopeful disbelief. "I thought we were talking about your disgust for werewolves."

"No, Jake, no. It's not that you're a… wolf. That's fine," I promised him, and I knew as I a dit the words that I meant them. I really didn't care if he turned into a big wolf—he was still Jacob. "If toi could just find a way not to hurt people… that's all that upsets me. These ate innocent people, Jake, people like Charlie, and I can't just look the other way while you—"

"Is that all? Really?" he interrupted me, a smile breaking across his face. "You're just scared because I'm a murderer? That's the only reason?"

"Isn't that reason enough?"

He started to laugh.

"Jacob Black, this is so not funny!"

"Sure, sure," he agreed, still chortling.

He took one long stride and caught me in another vice-tight ours hug.

"You really, honestly don't mind that I morph into a giant dog?" he asked, his voice joyful in my ear.

"No," I gasped. "Can't—breathe—Jake!"

He let me go, but took both my hands. "I'm not a killer, Bella."

I studied his face, and it was clear that this was the truth. Relief pulsed through me.

"Really?" I asked.

"Really," he promised solemnly.

I threw my arms around him. It reminded me of that first jour with the motorcycles—he was bigger, though, and I felt even plus like a child now.

Like that other time, he stroked my hair.

"Sorry I called toi a hypocrite," he apologized.

"Sorry I called toi a murderer."

He laughed.

I thought of something then, and pulled away from him so that I could see his face. My eyebrows furrowed in anxiety. "What about Sam? And the others?"

He shook his head, smiling like a huge burden had been removed from his shoulders. "Of course not. Don't toi remember what we call ourselves?"

The memory was clear—I'd just been thinking of that very day. "Protectors?"


"But I don't understand. What's happening in the woods? The missing hikers, the blood?"

His face was serious, worried at once. "We're trying to do our job, Bella. We're trying to protect them, but we're always just a little too late."

"Protect them from what? Is there really a ours out there, too?"

"Bella, honey, we only protect people from one thing—our one enemy. It's the reason we exist—because they do."

I stared at him blankly for one seconde before I understood. Then the blood drained from my face and a thin, wordless cry of horror broke through my lips.

He nodded. "I thought you, of all people, would reali2e what was really going on."

"Laurent," I whispered. "He's still here."

Jacob blinked twice, and cocked his head to one side. "Who's Laurent?"

I tried to sort out the chaos in my head so that I could answer. "You know—you saw him in the meadow. toi were there…" The words came out in a wondering tone as it all sunk in. "You were there, and toi kept him from killing me…"

"Oh, the black-haired leech?" He grinned, a tight, fierce grin. "Was that his name?"

I shuddered. "What were toi thinking?" I whispered. "He could have killed you! Jake, toi don't realize how dangerous—"

Another laugh interrupted me "Bella, one lone vampire isn't much of a problem for a pack as big as ours. It was so easy, it was hardly even fun!"

"What was so easy?"

"Killing the bloodsucker who was going to kill you. Now, I don't count that towards the whole murder thing," he added quickly. "Vampires don't count as people."

I could only mouth the words. "You… killed… Laurent?"

He nodded. "Well, it was a group effort," he qualified.

"Laurent is dead?" I whispered.

His expression changed. "You're not upset about that, are you? He was going to kill you—he was going for the kill, Bella, we were sure of that before we attacked. toi know that, right?"

"I know that. No, I'm not upset—I'm…" I had to sit down. I stumbled back a step until I felt the driftwood against my calves, and then sank down onto it. "Laurent is dead. He's not coming back for me."

"You're not mad? He wasn't one of your Friends ou anything, was he?"

"My friend?" I stared up at him, confused and dizzy with relief. I started babbling, my eyes getting moist. "No, Jake. I'm so… so relieved. I thought he was going to find me—I've been waiting for him every night, just hoping that he'd stop with me and leave Charlie alone. I've been so frightened, Jacob… But how? He was a vampire! How did toi kill him? He was so strong, so hard, like marble…"

He sat down suivant to me and put one big arm around me comfortingly. "It's what we're made for, Bells. We're strong, too. I wish toi would have told me that toi were so afraid. toi didn't need to be."

"You weren't around," I mumbled, Lost in thought.

"Oh, right."

"Wait, Jake—I thought toi knew, though. Last night, toi a dit it wasn't sûr, sans danger for toi to be in my room. I thought toi knew that a vampire might be coming. Isn't that what toi were talking about?"

He looked confused for a minute, and then he ducked his head. "No, that's not what I meant."

"Then why didn't toi think it was sûr, sans danger for toi there?"

He looked at me with guilt-ridden eyes. "I didn't say it wasn't sûr, sans danger for me. I was thinking of you."

"What do toi mean?"

He looked down and kicked a rock. "There's plus than one reason I'm not supposed to be around you, Bella. I wasn't supposed to tell toi our secret, for one thing, but the other part is that it's not sûr, sans danger for you. If I get too mad… too upset… toi might get hurt."

I thought about that carefully. "When toi were mad before… when I was yelling at you… and toi were shaking… ?"

"Yeah." His face dropped even lower. "That was pretty stupid of me. I have to keep a better hold on myself. I swore I wasn't going to get mad, no matter what toi a dit to me. But… I just got so upser that I was going to lose you… that toi couldn't deal with what I am…"

"What would happen… if toi got too mad?" I whispered.

"I'd turn into a wolf," he whispered back.

"You don't need a full moon."

He rolled his eyes. "Hollywood's version doesn't get much right." Then he sighed, and was serious again. "You don't need to be so stressed out, Bells. We're going to take care of this. And we're keeping a special eye on Charlie and the others—we won't let anything happen to him. Trust me on that."

Something very, very obvious, something I should have grasped at once—but I'd been so distracted par the idea of Jacob and his Friends fighting with Laurent, that I'd completely missed it at the time—occurred to me only then, when Jacob used the present tense again.

We're going to take care of this.

It wasn't over.

"Laurent is dead," I gasped, and my entire body went ice cold.

"Bella?" Jacob asked anxiously, touching my ashen cheek.

"If Laurent died… a week ago… then someone else is killing people now."

Jacob nodded; his teeth clenched together, and he spoke through them. "There were two of them. We thought his mate would want to fight us—in our stories, they usually get pretty pissed off if toi kill their mate—but she just keeps running away, and then coming back again. If we could figure out what she was after, it would be easier to take her down. But she makes no sense. She keeps dancing around the edges, like she's testing our defenses, looking for a way in—but in where? Where does she want to go? Sam thinks she's trying to separate us, so she'll have a better chance…"

His voice faded until it sounded like it was coming through a long tunnel; I couldn't make out the individual words anymore. My forehead dewed with sweat and my stomach rolled like I had the stomach flu again. Exactly like I had the flu.

I turned away from him quickly, and leaned over the arbre trunk. My body convulsed with useless heaves, my empty stomach contracting with horrified nausea, though there was nothing in it to expel.

Victoria was here. Looking for me. Killing strangers in the woods. The woods where Charlie was searching…

My head spun sickeningly.

Jacob's hands caught my shoulders—kept me from sliding vers l'avant, vers l’avant onto the rocks. I could feel his hot breath on my cheek. "Bella! What's wrong?"

"Victoria," I gasped as soon as I could catch my breath around the nauseous spasms.

In my head, Edward snarled in fury at the name.

I felt Jacob pull me up from my slump. He draped me awkwardly across his lap, laying my limp head against his shoulder. He struggled to balance me, to keep me from sagging over, one way ou the other He brushed the sweaty hair back from my face.

"Who?" Jacob asked. "Can toi hear me, Bella? Bella?"

"She wasn't Laurent's mate," I moaned into his shoulder. "They were just old friends…"

"Do toi need some water? A doctor? Tell me what to do," he demanded, frantic.

"I'm not sick—I'm scared," I explained in a whisper. The word scared didn't really seem to cover it.

Jacob patted my back. "Scaled of this Victoria?" I nodded, shuddering. "Victoria is the red-haired female?" I trembled again, and whimpered, "Yes."

"How do toi know she wasn't his mate?"

"Laurent told me James was her mate," I explained, automatically flexing the hand with the scar.

He pulled my face around, holding it steady in his big hand. He stared intently into my eyes. "Did he tell toi anything else, Bella? This is important. Do toi know what she wants?"

"Of course," I whispered. "She wants me." His eyes flipped wide, then narrowed into slits. "Why?" he demanded.

"Edward killed James," I whispered. Jacob held me so tightly that there was no need for me to clutch at the hole—he kept me in one piece. "She did get… pissed off. But Laurent a dit she thought it was fairer to kill me than Edward. Mate for mate. She didn't know—still doesn't know, I guess—that… that…" I swallowed hard. "That things aren't like that with us anymore. Not for Edward, anyway."

Jacob was distracted par that, his face torn between several different expressions. "Is that what happened? Why the Cullens left?"

"I'm nothing but a human, after all. Nothing special," I explained, shrugging weakly.

Something like a growl—not a real growl, just a human approximation—rumbled in Jacob's chest under my ear. "If that idiot bloodsucker is honestly stupid enough—"

"Please," I moaned. "Please. Don't."

Jacob hesitated, then nodded once.

"This is important," he a dit again, his face all business now. "This is exactly what we needed to know. We've got to tell the others right away."

He stood, pulling me to my feet. He kept two hands on my waist until he was sure I wasn't going to fall.

"I'm okay," I lied.

He traded his hold on my waist for one of my hands. "Let's go."

He pulled me back toward the truck.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"I'm not sure yet," he admitted. "I'll call a meeting. Hey, wait here for just a minute, okay?" He leaned me against the side of the truck and released my hand.

"Where are toi going?"

"I'll be right back," he promised. Then he turned and sprinted through the parking lot, across the road, and into the bordering forest. He flitted into the trees, rapide, swift and sleek as a deer.

"Jacob!" I yelled after him hoarsely, but he was already gone.

It was not a good time to be left alone. secondes after Jacob was out of sight, I was hyperventilating. I dragged myself into the cab of the truck, and mashed the locks down at once. It didn't make me feel any better.

Victoria was already hunting me. It was just luck that she hadn't found me yet—just luck and five teenage werewolves. I exhaled sharply. No matter what Jacob said, the thought of him coming anywhere close to Victoria was horrifying. I didn't care what he could turn into when he got mad. I could see her in my head, her face wild, her hair like flames, deadly, indestructible…

But, according to Jacob, Laurent was gone. Was that really possible? Edward—I clutched automatically at my chest—had told me how difficult it was to kill a vampire. Only another vampire could do the job. Yet Jake a dit this was what loups garous were made for…

He a dit they were keeping a special eye on Charlie—that I should trust the loups garous to keep my father safe. How could I trust that? None of us were safe! Jacob the very least of all, if he was trying to put himself between Victoria and Charlie… between Victoria and me.

I felt like I might be about to throw up again.

A sharp rap on the truck's window made me yelp in terror—but it was just Jacob, back already. I unlocked the door with trembling, grateful fingers.

"You're really scared, aren't you?" he asked as he climbed in.

I nodded.

"Don't be. We'll take care of you—and Charlie, too. I promise."

"The idea of toi finding Victoria is scarier than the idea of her finding me," I whispered.

He laughed. "You've got to have a little plus confidence in us than that. It's insulting."

I just shook my head. I'd seen too many vampires in action.

"Where did toi go just now?" I asked.

He pursed his lips, and a dit nothing.

"What? Is it a secret?"

He frowned. "Not really. It's kind of weird, though. I don't want to freak toi out."

"I'm sort of used to weird par this point, toi know." I tried to smile without much success.

Jacob grinned back easily. "Guess you'd have to be. Okay. See, when we're wolves, we can… hear each other."

My eyebrows pulled down in confusion.

"Not hear sounds," he went on, "but we can hear… thoughts—each other's anyway—no matter how far away from each other we are. It really helps when we hunt, but it's a big pain otherwise. It's embarrassing—having no secrets like that. Freaky, eh?"

"Is that what toi meant last night, when toi a dit toi would tell them you'd seen me, even though toi didn't want to?"

"You're quick."


"You're also very good with weird. I thought that would bother you."

"It's not… well, you're not the first person I've known who could do that. So it doesn't seem so weird to me."

"Really?… Wait—are toi talking about your bloodsuckers?"

"I wish toi wouldn't call them that."

He laughed. "Whatever. The Cullens, then?"

"Just… just Edward." I pulled one arm surreptitiously around my torso.

Jacob looked surprised—unpleasantly so. "I thought those were just stories. I've heard legends about vampires who could do… extra stuff, but I thought that was just a myth."

"Is anything just a myth anymore?" I asked him wryly.

He scowled. "Guess not. Okay, we're going to meet Sam and the others at the place we go to ride our bikes."

I started the truck and headed back up the road.

"So did toi just turn into a loup now, to talk to Sam?" I asked, curious.

Jacob nodded, seeming embarrassed. "I kept it real short—I tried not to think about toi so they wouldn't know what was going on. I was afraid Sam would tell me I couldn't bring you."

"That wouldn't have stopped me." I couldn't get rid of my perception of Sam as the bad guy. My teeth clenched together whenever I heard his name.

"Well, it would have stopped me," Jacob said, morose now. "Remember how I couldn't finish my

sentences last night? How I couldn't just tell toi the whole story?"

"Yeah. toi looked like toi were choking on something."

He chuckled darkly. "Close enough. Sam told me I couldn't tell you. He's… the head of the pack, toi know. He's the Alpha. When he tells us to do something, ou not to do something—when he really means it, well, we can't just ignore him."

"Weird," I muttered.

"Very," he agreed. "It's kind of a loup thing."

"Huh" was the best response I could think of.

"Yeah, there's a load of stuff like that—wolf things. I'm still learning. I can't imagine what it was like for Sam, trying to deal with this alone. It sucks bad enough to go through it with a whole pack for support."

"Sam was alone?"

"Yeah." Jacob's voice lowered. "When I… changed, it was the most… horrible, the most terrifying thing I've ever been through—worse than anything I could have imagined. But I wasn't alone—there were the voices there, in my head, telling me what had happened and what I had to do. That kept me from losing my mind, I think. But Sam…" He shook his head. "Sam had no help."

This was going to take some adjusting. When Jacob explained it like that, it was hard not to feel compassion for Sam. I had to keep reminding myself that there was no reason to hate him anymore.

"Will they be angry that I'm with you?" I asked.

He made a face. "Probably."

"Maybe I shouldn't—"

"No, it's okay," he assured me. "You know a ton of things that can help us. It's not like you're just some ignorant human. You're like a… I don't know, spy ou something. You've been behind enemy lines."

I frowned to myself. Was that what Jacob would want from me? Insider information to help them destroy their enemies? I wasn't a spy, though. I hadn't been collecting that kind of information. Already, his words made me feel like a traitor.

But I wanted him to stop Victoria, didn't I?


I did want Victoria to be stopped, preferably before she tortured me to death ou ran into Charlie ou killed another stranger. I just didn't want Jacob to be the one to stop her, ou rather to try. I didn't want Jacob within a hundred miles of her.

"Like the stuff about the mind-reading bloodsucker," he continued, oblivious to my reverie. "That's the kind of thing we need to know about. That really sucks that those stories are true. It makes everything plus complicated. Hey, do toi think this Victoria can do anything special?"

"I don't think so," I hesitated, and then sighed. "He would have mentioned it."

"He? Oh, toi mean Edward—oops, sorry. I forgot. toi don't like to say his name. ou hear it."

I squeezed my midsection, trying to ignore the throbbing around the edges of my chest. "Not really, no."


"How do toi know me so well, Jacob? Sometimes it's like toi can read my mind."

"Naw. I just pay attention."

We were on the little dirt road where Jacob had first taught me to ride the motorcycle.

"This good?" I asked.

"Sure, sure."

I pulled over and cut the engine.

"You're still pretty unhappy, aren't you?" he murmured.

I nodded, staring unseeingly into the gloomy forest.

"Did toi ever think… that maybe… you're better off?"

I inhaled slowly, and then let my breath out. "No."

"'Cause he wasn't the best—"

"Please, Jacob," I interrupted, begging in a whisper. "Could we please not talk about this? I can't stand it."

"Okay." He took a deep breath. "I'm sorry I a dit anything."

"Don't feel bad. If things were different, it would be nice to finally be able to talk to someone about it."

He nodded. "Yeah, I had a hard time keeping a secret from toi for two weeks. It must be hell to not be able to talk to anyone."

"Hell," I agreed.

Jacob sucked in a sharp breath. "They're here. Let's go."

"Are toi sure?" I asked while he popped his door open. "Maybe I shouldn't be here."

"They'll deal with it," he said, and then he grinned. "Who's afraid of the big, bad wolf?"

"Ha ha," I said. But I got out of the truck, hurrying around the front end to stand close beside Jacob. I remembered only too clearly the giant monsters in the meadow. My hands were trembling like Jacob's had been before, but with fear rather than rage.

Jake took my hand and squeezed it. "Here we go."
posted by LexisFaith
Mason had started school a few weeks il y a and was basking in the moment. The jour he came accueil from his first jour he proceeded to tell Edward and I exactly how his jour went, which lasted all through dinner.

Bella and I had been accueil for half an heure when Mason walked in the house and ran straight up stairs. Something was wrong. His normal routin consisted of comming in, slamming the door, dropping his backpack off at the foot of the stairs, and greeting us for his afternoon snack.

"I'll go check on him." I kissed Edward's cheek and bounded up the stairs to Mason's room. I gave his door a few light...
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posted by LexisFaith
Edward POV

I walked into the house, everyone wearing a grin.

"Daddy!" Alicen whisper yelled. She had done an amazing job keepnig this a secret. she ran to me and I picked her up in my arms. "I missed you, Daddy."

"I missed toi too, Little Soldier."

I could hear Bella's voice telling Jasper to get out of the kitchen. I kissed Alicen's head with a chuckle and set her back down on the floor.

One par one, the women left the kitchen, giving me a hug as they passed. I walked inot the kitchen, instently being hit with the smell. I knew Mom's turkey was in the oven, Rose's pies were sitting on the island,...
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Now has learned that little 9-year old Mackenzie Foy is inches away from signing on to play Renesmee, Edward and Bella’s vampire/human l’amour child that’s a central role in the final installment of The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn.It’s not yet clear how the diminutive actress, who’s appeared in one episode each of télévision shows FlashForward and ‘Til Death, will portray the character who ages a full 17 years in only seven. Sources have suggested that director Bill Condon will employ similar digital effects to those used par David Fincher in The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, where Foy’s face would be digitally transferred onto the face of a younger child. It’s also probable that the studio will hire a younger child in some capacity, too.

Tell me what do u think?
posted by LexisFaith
I was sitting in a iron chair outside my new 2 story house, complete with white siding, and a porch swing.

Jacob, my twin brother, and I had been living with Cheif cygne in Tennessee for the past 5 months. We were only here untill we turned 18, which, since Monday, wouldn't be for another year.

We both loved Charlie donné he was our "uncle". He was one of Mom and Dad's good Friends who found out that they had "died" in may and he was the only thing close we had to family here on Earth. Yes, here on Earth.

But what he doesn't know, is that Dad is very much alive, and so is Mom. One is still in...
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posted by twilight-7
I opened my eyes slowly, not wanting to really see what was in front of me. I could picture the destruction that would be around me. Alice had crashed the car. She promised me she wouldn’t but she had.
But wait a minute. Was that a breeze? Could I feel a breeze on my face? That wasn’t right. I was in a car that was probably the shape of a bretzel now.
I was in the middle of a road. Literally. I was sat in the middle of a road. Ahead of me I could see a car crash. Wait.
That was the car crash I was in two secondes ago. Well, I was supposed to be in. I definitely remember sitting in the passenger...
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posted by LexisFaith
This is continues after Friends Forever 6. I hope toi all like it. :)


"Saber!" I called to her through the tall chainlink fence. "Saber!" She came out of her tanière, den and walked over to where I was standing. Saber was a female white tiger. Her mother Mika died when she was a cub. She was the only one of the littler.

"Hey girl." I ran my hand between her eyes and she nudged my palm with her nose. I laughed and threw the chunk of meat over the fence.

I graduated from college two years ago. Ten years il y a I parted from Edward. Thinking about his name alomst...
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posted by LexisFaith
I kissed Edward and pulled myself out of his arms to answer the door."Officer Mark." Why was he here? "Is there a problem?" I hadn't done anything to get arrested in a couple months.

"Afternoon, Bella." He nodded. "Is Charlie here?"

"Um, no, he's in Seattle for the night. Maybe I could be of some help?" I opened the door further and stepped aside. "Come on in."

Charlie and Mark worked together before Charlie published his first book. I had known Mark since I was a kid. He nodded in thanks and stepped over the threshold.

"Mr. Cullen. Fancy meeting toi here."

"Please call me Edward. Mr. Cullen is...
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posted by groovychicklisa
Chapter 8


7 weeks later.
I really didn’t want to see anyone ou anyone to see me for that fact. She left 7 weeks ago, since then I attempted suicide 3 times, but every time someone found me. The first time my Mum Esme, The seconde time my Father Carlisle and the last time my big brother Emmet when he came accueil from college for a break.
I tried to remember her as the darkness took over me, I wouldn’t feel this pain anymore. I heard noises someone crying. Who is it I thought to myself. Suddenly I felt pressure on my wrists, the voices then became clearer. It was my mum, she was...
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posted by Summer_Leanne
Here's an update! Thankies so so much for lire and commenting, everyone! So far as I know, from your comments, toi don't mind drama. Tell me what toi think about this one! Thanks and l’amour toi guys! <3
“Would toi like some tea, Summer?” Esme sweetly called to her, “No thank you, Esme.” Summer chimed politely, “I can drink and eat what humans do, but I don’t really prefer it.” Esme glanced back at Summer with a dazzling smile, “I understand, dear.” Everyone had gathered in the living room, all whispering a conversation...
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posted by decullen
I woke up,It was only 9.30.I was only asleep for three half hours.I opened my eyes to see Edward standing there.How did he get in I locked the door.

"How did toi get in?"I asked him.He smiled and pointed to the window."Why?"

"I forgot to tell toi something to toi before toi left."He a dit and sat on my bed"I l’amour you."Then he kissed me.I smiled.

"I l’amour toi to."I a dit and kissed him.Which let to something else........

5 Months later

I woke up and opened my eyes.Edward was suivant to me.I smiled.Shit he slept.

"Shit."I said.He started to wake up.

"Morning soon to be miss Cullen."He a dit and kissed me.

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posted by amy_r_cullen
“Renesmee come hear Jacobs arrived”. I called after her,
She darted into the living room leaving everyone in her Renesmee sized arbre house.

“Hi Nessie, how are toi today”. Jacob beamed to her, “Arrrrr… not Nessie Renesmee” Bella warned.
Renesmee was use to Bella reacting this way when Jacob called her Nessie so she just ignored her and concentrated on Jacob who had something raped up in his had.
“Ness… sorry Renesmee can toi close you’re eyes please. Jacob asked

“Okay Jacob” Renesmee a dit wearily.
Jacob walked round Renesmee and placed a collier around her neck.
“You can...
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posted by ybet_cullen18
Chapter 2: Pregnancy

I woke up from my daydream and continued to face the present.

After he had left, i found out something that sent shivers on my skin.

I was pregnant.

It was difficult for me to accept the truth. Of course, any teenagers at my age who will get pregnant would feel what i felt. Nervous. I told Charlie about this and luckily, he accepted my teenage pregnancy very well and even supported me in my decisions. I could'nt let my child die, of course. But i also couldnt raise him without a father. But my mom confronted me. I shouldnt waste my time thinking of him.

Of course i hate him....
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posted by lollipopszx3
All-Nighter, Fun, Kiss

Two weeks have passed since the circus incident. They gave me a swirly for my acting. It was in Emmett's washroom, which makes me want to barf, even thinking about it.

It was the night before school started. We are trying to pull an all-nighter at Edward's house. We have been doing this as a tradition since we were ten. We think we could really do it this year.

It was three o'clock in the morning. Edward's parents think we are asleep so we have to be extra quiet. I looked over everybody. Emmett was busy entertaining himself with a plate of food. Jasper was lying in a corner...
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*Werewolves do it better!
*Lady gaga's clothes are better than Alice's clothes!
*Bella has a secretly crush on Rosalie!
*Jasper is a pedophile that's why he felt in l’amour with Alice!
*Renesmee and Nahuel are a perfect couple
*Carlisle is gay!
*Esme has sex with Charlie every night!
*I think Felix is stronger than Emmett!
*Rosalie envies Tanya because of her beauty!
*Edward is in l’amour with Leah!
*Rosalie thinks about Jacob while she's having sex with Emmett!
*Bella is getting wrinkly
*Aro is hotter than Edward!
*by Stephenie Meyer*


When I woke up I was confused. My thoughts were hazy, still twisted up in dreams and nightmares; it took me longer than it should have to realize where I was.
This room was too bland to belong anywhere but in a hotel. The bedside lamps, bolted to the table, were a dead giveaway, as were the long drapes made from the same fabric as the bedspread, and the generic watercolor prints on the walls.
I tried to remember how I got there, but nothing came at first.
I did remember the sleek black car, the glass in the windows darker than that on a...
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*by Stephenie Meyer*

TWILIGHT - chapter 18 - THE HUNT

"Let's go, Bella." Edward's voice was low and bleak.
This whole time I'd been rooted in place, terrified into absolute immobility. Edward had to grip my elbow and pull sharply to break my trance. Alice and Emmett were close behind us, hiding me. I stumbled alongside Edward, still stunned with fear. I couldn't hear if the main group had left yet. Edward's impatience was almost tangible as we moved at human speed to the forest edge.
Once we were into the trees, Edward slung me over his back without breaking stride. I gripped as tightly as possible...
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posted by Isabellaashley
films tend to be no plus than two hours long. For most that is long enough, especially when toi are sitting in a theater. But is that really enough time to fit all of are beloved eclipse moments. I know all of us hardcore Twilighters would sit for hours upon hours in a movie theater, but we do need to look at this rationally. In twilight there were some scenes that cut from the movie that were major things in the book and having those things out of the movie caused a uproar in a lot of boards and forums. But did having those things cut really make a difference, people who hadn’t read twilight,...
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Damn Bike. I can't it to run right. What am I doing wrong? Maybe it's because Bellas on my head. Her and that Leach. I could be there for here. I could keep her warm. I'd be her sun. But no ofcouse not she'd rather have the lifeless blood sucker. Rage went down my veins and Then My body started to shake. Oh shit.. I ripped another pair ou paints. I could not keep doing that to Billy. He was trying so hard. I ran into the woods. But Ofcourse Paul had to be on watch.. The angoney i felt having to hear his thoughts. I ran harder and harder trying to focase on the woods get my mind of her.. Bella....
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This is my longest chapter yet and is deddicated to my sister who told me to post my stories on the net. Enjoy!

Nahul was standing opposite me and the rest of us but there was a problem, behind Nahul there was a pack of sixteen blood thirsty, red eyed vampires.
“It’s just like Victoria,” I heard dad mutter, automatically placing himself in front of mum and I. I had heard about Victoria before, the crazed vampire who had wanted to kill my mum when she was human; she had created an army of newborn vampires and my dad had eventually ripped her head off with the help of Seth (my best wolfish...
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*by Stephenie Meyer*


During lunch the clouds started to advancce, slinking across the blue sky, darting in front of the sun momentarily, casting long shadows across the beach, and blackening the waves. As they finished eating, people started to drift away in twos and threes. Some walked down to the edge of the waves, trying to skip rocks across the choppy surface. Others were gathering a socond expedition to the tide pools. Mike - with Jessica shadowing him - headed up to the one boutique in the village. Some of the local kids went with them; others went along...
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