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1) We never get to hear about Edward's bachelor party, and did Alice even plan a bachelorette party for Bella?

2) There was not enough character development for the Denali clan. I felt like they were just empty, filler-characters to give the Cullens allies later on in the book.

3) The story of the 'immortal children' was just randomly thrown into the story at the wrong time and felt out of place. I would have rather learnt plus about the Denali clan than their deceased mother.

4) I absolutely loved the wedding ceremony that Alice planned (Go Team Alice!) and in my head, the dresses, decorations, and Edward in a tux were all beautiful. My only qualm with this scene is that I don't think Bella should have cried as she said, "I do." Plus, their little make-out session at the altar is gooey and out of place. I know that Bella supposedly loves Edward plus than anything else in the world, but she is, as a part of her nature, extremely self-conscious and dislikes attention. But that's just me being a little too picky as I go back and scan the book for the parts that bothered me.

5) I would have liked to have seen plus of the humans at the wedding reception, but oh well. (as a side note, when did Edward vomit the piece of cake he swallowed at the wedding?)

6) I loved how Jake showed up outside the wedding, but, of course, Bella has to cause even plus werewolf angst and go into the 'gritty-details' of her wedding night. I totally agree with Jake here, since he, throughout the entire book, is the only one who really wants to keep Bella sûr, sans danger and is desperate to do anything for her.

7) Ok, who else thought that Isle Esme was completely ridiculous and gooshey (yes, i do own the copyright to the word gooshey now haha). Of course, Edward just can't take Bella to Hawaii ou Europe (but far enough away from the Volturi). No, he has to borrow an island his family OWNS! *heavy sarcasm

8) I'm starting to sense a really out of character-ness for Bella. She's not objecting to any of these ridiculous things Edward is giving her and she's shoved the Jake fiasco into a 'Jacob-drawer.' Ridiculous. Even on her honeymoon she would be angsty and worrying about Jake.

9) I think Bella's nervousness and her courage as she goes out to the plage was perfect and I think that Stephenie did a great job in this scene. Although I really think Alice would have included some sweat pants for Bella.

10) Fade out to morning after, Edward's typical self-hate, and the pillows were all good to the storyline. Steph starts to use plus curse words here, which kind of surprised me.

11) Can Bella only eat eggs?

12) Bella's hormones eventually take over and she 'seduces' Edward with her dream. Kinda freaky? haha. Then she completely DOESN'T want to become a vampire, even though she had absolutely decided to become one at the end of Eclipse.

13) Ok, the cleaning crew. Come on, I mean what are the chances of having a superstitious cleaning crew who knows everything there is to know about vampire-human relations. Its just downright obvious that Steph has something planned with these people in the future, even though there's no character development with these aléatoire strangers.

14) Ok, now it starts to get ridiculous. Hasn't Stephenie told us that vampires can't get pregnant? I mean, I know that Bella still can but the idea is so utterly preposterous that I can't believe that Meyers would do this to the book. At this point I was thinking, "Did someone put a fake copy of this book in the bookstore just to fool with someone's head!? It's lire like a fan-fiction I read months ago, but somehow worse!"

15) Why would the cleaning woman, so utterly terrified of Edward's vampiric qualities, help him and give him information that he needed? How did he ask the right questions? Its not like, "Hey, Kaure, I just knocked up my human gf and we think she's kinda sorta really pregnant, so what will the weird thing inside of her do?" No. That could not happen. Even Edward with his dazzling charms could not pull off that conversation.

16) Ok, so now that I'm furious at Edward for being so careless and stupid and disappointed that Bella has gotten a personality makeover and really angry at Steph for doing this to me, the only character left to me is Jake. I will admit that I was one of the Jacob haters before the release of the book. Now, Team Jacob all the way! I enjoyed part of the book in Jake's point of view, but it seemed to drag too much.

17) Claire/Quil was cute, but the baby talk was annoying and demeaning.

18) Edward asking Jake to get Bella pregnant?! I mean, come on Stephenie. Even in his darkest pit of torturous despair, he never would have asked that. It was out of character entirely. I couldn't believe that Jake had the courage to actually discuss it with Bella because it was so out of the question.

19) Now, Rosalie is made into a hero in Bella’s eyes, only because Rose wants Bella to die so Rosalie can get what she always wanted, a child. I wish Carlisle and Edward had temporarily disassemble Rosalie because she’s annoying and cause me to lose all of the positive opinions of her I had after lire Eclipse. She just turned into a desperate, baby-starved, psycho vamp.

20) I do l’amour the titles for Jake's chapters. They're just so...Jake.

21) The italicized type for the thoughts of the loups garous was a tad confusing.

22) Its great that Jake forms his own pack and I now l’amour Seth and Leah. Team Leah! Because she’s independent and can hold her own.

23) It was so obvious from Jake’s first thought of Bella drinking blood that she would end up doing it. If vamps are supposed to be so much smarter than humans, then how did these idiots not think of having Bella digest blood. It seems like all of them are rapidly losing their IQ.

24) With the biological explanation of Bella’s baby, it seemed like Stephenie was trying to make the idea of mutant spawn plausible, which was utterly ridiculous and annoying.

25) Ok, Bella drinks blood. And. She. Likes. It. WHAT?! This story makes no sense and Bella has Lost all of her humanity. Wasn’t she horribly repulsed par blood from the very start? As a side note, why does Carlisle have a virtual hospital at his house and why does he have human blood if he’s a vegan vamp? He a dit the blood was for Bella when she changed, but why would she drink human blood if she was trying to be a veggie vampire like the rest of her family? No. Sense. Whatsoever.

26) Too much werewolf angst and tension that wasted about 100 pages. I suffered through the 700 page book.

27) I l’amour how Leah gets furious with the pack if they think about seeing her naked and the blonde jokes are hilarious. Plus I l’amour the dog nourriture bowl and You. Got. Food. In. My. Hair.

28) Rose gets so territorial it’s ridiculous.

29) A fontaine of blood? Ok, now the birth scene. Gruesome. It was stupid of Carlisle to leave hunting when Bella needed him the most. He should have done a C-section ou something. Her spine cracks? I think Steph is just playing it up to montrer that Bella is sacrificing everything she has, just to leave her dead with a husband who is going to commit suicide because of her death but has to suffer and take care of her mutant spawn. I can add pregnancy and birth to my liste of phobias because of this horrific, violent birth scene. Thanks Steph.

30) I thought that once people’s hearts stopped beating, it was impossible for venom to bring them back to life. Oh well, since we’re so far out with vampire bébés why not add some plus impossibilities to tick us off. I mean, I know that the world of vampires is not reality, but still, it must have some rules and boundaries and the rules can’t bend and break for Bella just because she’s ‘special.’

31) RENESMEE?! What kind of a name is that?!

32) WHAT?! Jacob. Can. Not. Imprint. On. Bella’s. Mutant. Spawn. If I wasn’t for Team Jacob I would have laughed at his unluckiness. But of course, Steph is trying to make this a happy story for everyone, even though it’s just turning out into a disastrous death spiral of crappy writing. For the other three books, the problems throughout the book for at least one character were the things that made the livres seem like reality. In this book, it reads too much like a fairy tale with everyone living their own happy, perfect lives. That does not happen. Reality is not a fairy tale with happy endings. Bella and Edward can’t just walk off into the sunset, abandoning their problems and expecting all their troubles to disappear forever.

33) The representation of the pain was good, but when she awoke as a vampire, something didn’t feel right to me. I finally realized what was the matter. The Twilight series up until this point was focused around the central problem of Bella remaining human and attracting bad luck because of her blood. I was halfway through the book and the main problem of the entire series was over. The rest, I realized, was just going to be fluff. And I was right.

34) Her ease at becoming a vegan vamp is just sickening and utterly absurd.

35) Bella has Lost all of her personality when she becomes a vampire. She is no longer self-conscious and dependent upon Edward. She’s intelligent now as a vampire (sorry but her stupidity in parts of the other livres annoyed me) but I think Bella was right about one thing when she was a human, that she wouldn’t be the same after her transformation. And she was right. There is no one in this book that we can relate to now. All the characters have been distorted and Lost all of their former characteristics.

36) Renesmee is just annoying the hell out of me. She’s the perfect, most beautiful child in the world who’s already able to communicate, doesn’t make any messes, has special powers, and is adored par everyone. It’s just sickening. When Bella says, “my little nudger,” it makes me cringe.

37) Bella is just strange when she gets mad at Jake when he imprints on her freako spawn. Why should she be mad at Jake? She already knows that imprinting is involuntary. She’s just having another human spaz attack, but as a vamp with perfect self-control. Jake, at least, gave the creature a decent name, Nessie, instead of freaking Renesmee.

38) Bella gets a loveshack for her birthday? Are toi serious? Totally fanfic.

39) CHARLIE?! What? Ok, now I’m furious at Steph. Everything Bella sacrificed as a human is coming back to her like her choice to become a vampire had no adverse consequences. Plus, I’m pretty sure Charlie WOULD freak out if he saw Jake get naked and then transform.

40) Carlie? Now this is totally cheesy. I’m cringing too much.

41) I know the strength of newborns is supposed to be much stronger than the strength of an older vamp, but come on, Emmett’s strength feeling like a feather? That’s too extreme.

42) Bella receives a jumbo diamond from Aro. Totally aléatoire and unnecessary.

43) Irina going to the Volturi? If Irina was mentally scarred par the fact that her mother was killed because of her immortal children creations, then why would she want the Cullens to experience that kind of grief and unending torture? I mean, why would she want to be a ‘purist when it came to the law?’ Can’t she hear the spawn’s heartbeat? Seriously, if vamps can hear what is happening miles away, can’t they hear a half-human’s heartbeat?

44) I think the idea of meeting all the other Amazonian and Scottish vampires is an awesome idea, but since they’re so many of them, I feel like each is just a printed name on the page with no depth.

45) When Alice writes in her note, “There isn’t time to write,” it annoyed me because aren’t all vampires able to write super-fast?

46) Why has the entire treaty disappeared and why does no one care about it anymore?

47) The whole sub-plot with J. Jenks had potential to be cool, but it fizzled out because it went nowhere. Plus, all that effort Bella went through wasn’t needed and it just wasted plus pages in this already long and stretched out book.

48) I think Alec’s talent is totally bamf. Eleazar is an awesome name, too.

49) I think the shield power is really weird but necessary in order to find an answer to solve this droning, convoluted plotline when the Volturi come. par this time I was suffering so much that I only skimmed the paragraphs.

50) Bella gets all defensive about Renesmee which gets old really quickly.

51) I suppose its Steph’s good intentions, but the thing between Sue and Charlie is kinda weird. Its nice that Charlie has someone to cook for him and someone to talk to, but as long as they don’t get married ou anything…which would be really creepy in my opinion. It’d be like, hey, lets have Charlie marry the wife of his dead best friend. Eww. No. That can’t happen.

52) Kate/Garrett is kinda cute, but really undeveloped and a little empty in my opinion.

53) Bella saying goodbye to Renesmee (eww the name is just so wrong and strange and eww) is just a waste because we all know that the Cullens will win against the Volturi like they always do. It’s just wasting paper on family gushy-ness which is sickening.

54) I absolutely l’amour how the Volturi appear into the meadow because of its graceful creepiness. They produce an aura of unquestionable power and fear when they walk in their organized, graceful formations.

55) Of course, the Volturi have their moments of stupidity and can’t hear Renesmee’s heartbeat even thought their hearing is one thousand times better than human hearing.

56) Wait, so loups garous are no longer werewolves? They’re…shape-shifters? Wow, thanks Steph, I really needed to know.

57) The Volturi seem fine after they destroy Irina, actually happy to be there with the weird half-human mutant spawn. Then, they apparently have a sudden onslaught of PMS and immediately change their minds. Who knew old vampire men were so hormonal?

58) Garrett suddenly has his speech-moment which was really nice, but at this point, nothing could salvage the book.

59) Why does everyone have a little make-out session when they think they are all going to die? Annoying. Gooshey. Repetitive.

60) I like how Alice suddenly appeared with their ‘savior mutants’ but I really missed her throughout the book.

61) Happy Ending? Ugh. Out of character. Too perfect. Unrealistic.
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added by AdaLove
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Source: diviant art
posted by princesskay4
    Rosalie and Jacob argued for weeks before Jacob finally accepted that I was staying, although he wasn't happy about it. Nobody really was, except for Rosalie, Emmett and Esme. Even Carlisle was a little sketchy about me, being the seconde vampire he didn't create, the other being Jasper. I eventually learned all the names of everyone I lived with, although I didn't see much of Edward, Bella and Renesmee, for Ness's parents were worried about a newborn who was having a little bit of trouble controlling her thirst.
    Eventually I became Alice's Barbie...
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posted by emmaliecullen18
Emmett's POV.

Believe me it's never easy to accept to go out for a rendez-vous amoureux, date with a whining girl like Bella when toi know it'll cause toi a wwe match...
I was strolling down the rue when I heard a few people talking about the family that shifted in the neighborhood. Generally toi won't find much of chattering going on
at this point of the jour but everyone just seemed to chant the name 'cullens' along with some other words like hawt, unnatural, beautiful and many other stupid stuff
that people used to describe Bella and Emmett (haha...that's me). I will have to look upon this family and get some...
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 now available in trade paperback, coming soon to Kindle
now available in trade paperback, coming soon to Kindle
I [Edward Fairfax] was lucky enough to be able to sit down with Jenni Frendswith, the auteur of the new novel Stonecraft, now available on Her book is a part of a web-hosting program at the homesite of auteur Fletcher Rhoden ( where there is contact information and a discount code and link. In the interests of full disclosure, my own book vues of a Progressive Christian is also on the site.

Q: This is your first book, Jenni. What made toi want to write, and why this story?
A: Well, I’ve always been a reader, read just about anything I could find. I guess...
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 I l’amour Story that turned out to be REAL!! I BELIEVED!
I Love Story that turned out to be REAL!! I BELIEVED!
(In another Response, I share this OPINION OF "MINE" to all... and the Reason I choose to Boycot this Illusion.)

Dear Everyone,

I'm not casting any first stone upon Kristen. She IS free to do as she pleases. I'm just simply walking away from her, as anyone to ever take seriously again. Yes, I TRUSTED HER! YES! I BELIEVED IN HER! YES! I BELIEVED IN ROBERT & KRISTEN!

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I realize that I was too hard on Kristen. Rupert is probably plus to blame than her. He should've known what he did was wrong. You'd think par now that a 41 an old would be plus mature than that. His behavior with 22 an old Kristen might lead to the demise of his marriage with, Liberty Ross. There is nothing plus hurtful than destroying a married family, especially with kids. Those little kids deserve to be happy and laughing and playing rather than cry and suffer the pain of having their parents separated. One would expect Rupert to be wise beyond his years, because, he is, after all, almost...
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“Extra’s” Ben Lyons headed down to San Diego for the first jour at the Con, where the “Twilight” frenzy began four years ago. He caught up with Stewart and Pattinson, chatted about “Breaking Dawn, Part 2” -- and whether they’ll ever work together again now that’s it over.

Stewart told Lyons, “Oh dude, we will work together again. And I'm not being coy, but sometimes I have a few actors that I worked with before that I'm like, ‘We have to keep doing this together’ and he's definitely one of them.”

Pattinson, who has been écriture scripts on the side, concurred. “I would...
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posted by emmaliecullen18
( Yipieee!!! completed a mois here on fanpop!! :* ..LUV IT )

Emmett's POV.
Dear Lord,

You l’amour playing games...especially chess. Let me remind toi Lord that chess requires a sharp mind and a focused player. Let me also remind toi that I have and am none of it. toi sure have donné me...

Love Check Mate....

Help me! -------Yours lovingly

Stupid Child.

I was thinking on how to tackle the vampires if there were plus than we expected when suddenly Edward's cranky voice boomed in my room.HuH! and Rose a dit that he had velvet voice...whatever. "HEY EMMETT" He shouted at the haut, retour au début of his lungs.These...
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Emmett's POV.

All I ---- “Jasper!!!!” Alice's shriek cut me off. Tough Love.

“What is it ?” Jasper asked in a very Devil – May – Care voice. Why such drastic change with the remote control….I thought to myself. Must be another vision. “Holy Shit!” was all that came from my mouth along with a few profanities that would’ve got me in trouble if Esme ou Carlisle had heard them. What I saw was totally umm…ah..aa…unrelated to what I thought. There were clothes all over the place and I swear I could not see the flooring of the room which was covered par 6 – inch heels (minimum...
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posted by Renesmee_08
salut guys! I know its been so long since I haven't written any article.So here toi go!:) Thanks for reading!

Chapter 2 : Birthday.

I was trying desperately to not let myself fill my mind with hope and excitement.I was imagining how we would celebrate.School zoomed par quickly. I paid hardly any attention to teacher.My mind was not at school..but far away,at home.Once class ended I ran accueil as fast as I could.I ran inside the lovely house and hugged my mother..Suddenly, I noticed my mom held me in a tight embrace.Something just wasn't right. "Sweetheart, Edward, your father couldn't make it today.He...
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