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Raymond and Gino : *walk into 1B*

Raymond : Hey, guys. *flexes* *starts doing push-ups on one arm* /:D

Gino : *waves at them*

Drake, Marcus, and Blaine : Hi.

Raymond : I'm here to get toi ladies PUMPED!!!!!!!!

Gino : And I'm here to tell toi guys what fans want out of you.... *mumbles:* But it's not like toi weren't told that already ou anything.........

Raymond : *does a whole bunch on jumping jacks* toi help these ladies first, Gi.

Gino : Well toi guys have to be super attractive and hot and sexy and stuff........ I recommend winking, flexing, montrer off your abs- stuff like that.............

Raymond : *jogs in place* Now you
ladies are looking extremely scrawny. fans want muscular, hot guys, like GiGi said. *starts punching the air* toi ladies gotta GET FIT!!!!!!! MUSCLE CHECK!!!!!!!!! *does a whole bunch of flips and lands directly in front of Drake*

canard, drake : o_o"

Raymond : TAKE OFF YOUR SHIRT!!!!!!

canard, drake : W-what? O_O"

Raymond : TAKE OFF YOUR SHIRT!!!!!! ALL OF YOU!!!!!!!!! TAKE OFF YOUR SHIRTS!!!!!!!!!!!

Drake, Marcus, and Blaine : Uhhh.....

EC : (in confessional) Gosh. With all this gay-*ss sh*t these b*tches are making me do, they'll NEVER let me on the streets again. Hey, if my homies back accueil are watching this, I'm just doing this for the money. I'm not gay.

Marcus : (in confessional) No offense, Blaine, but this guy is GAY. Wait wait... I got the funniest joke EVER!!! XD Wanna hear it? Of course toi do!!! XD Okay. Okay.... Isn't it awkward when a GPS tells a gay guy to go straight?! XD *starts cracking up so hard he falls on the ground*

Drake, EC, Marcus, and Blaine : *take off their shirts*

Gino : *o*

Raymond : *looks canard, drake up and in down* You're pretty ripped, BUT NOT AS RIPPED AS ME!!!!! *flexes and poses*

canard, drake : (in confessional) See? Working out so much and eating healthy pays off.

Raymond : *does a backflip and lands directly in front of EC* You're pretty ripped, too, but I'm, like, toi times 82,829,283,661,828. :D

EC : Uh.....

Raymond : *does a handstand on one hand and turns around* *pokes Marcus' belly button*

Marcus : Ehh...-

Raymond : You'll need a little help, my lady. *pokes Blaine's eye with his foot*

Blaine : AHH! MY EYE!!!!! >O<

Raymond : You, too!!! toi ladies need some of my workout tapes. *flips back up*

Blaine : *rubbing his eye* And where are these work out tapes? •_(\ (<He's covering his injured eye. >U<)

Raymond : *flips 3 tapes of different types of Raymond's work out tapes from his pants*

Marcus : Ewwww. eOe

Raymond : They are called "Get Your Fat *ss Up and Work Out With Raymond!"

Marcus : (in confessional) toi could fit all those words on a small DVD case? My mind is officially blown.

Raymond : It has 3 volumes so far. This is a haut, retour au début seller at the gym! I'm surprised toi ladies haven't heard of it- Oh wait. You're ladies that don't work out!!! *does a whole bunch of flips to pop volume 1 of one of his discs in the TV*

TV : *turns on*

(on the TV)

Raymond : *twerking on a mur in nothing but really short glittery shorts* -3-

(in 1B)

Drake, EC, Marcus, and Blaine : *start cracking up laughing*

Raymond : O_O WRONG VIDEO!!!!!!!!!! *instantly takes the disc out and brakes it* *pulls out another copy of "Get Your Fat *ss Up and Work Out with Raymond: Volume 1" from his pants and puts it in*

(on the TV)

Raymond : *"casually" doing sit ups* *sounds all dry and fake* Oh. Hello. I did not see toi there. *flips up* toi are probably wondering, 'Why am I watching this? Where am I? Why is this attractive, handsome, sexy young man on the TV when he should be in the tronc of my car?' Well I have the réponses to answer those idiotic questions. You're fat and you're tired of being fat! toi wanna do something about it! That's why I made this work out guide to a fit life: "Get Your Fat *ss Up and Work Out With Raymond!" No, I never use to be a fat *ss like you, but I'm sure I can still help. I'll montrer toi the basic meal plan and work outs toi can have and do to give toi a plus healthier and muscular life. *does a whole bunch of flips and lands directly in a cuisine in front of a blender and a whole bunch of aléatoire foods* First, before the workouts, we're gonna make some EXTREEEEMMMEEEEE protein drinks. First, toi want to throw in some EXTREEEEMMMEEEE eggs. *just throw 3 whole eggs into the blender* Then some EXTREEEMMMMEEEE bacon. *throws some raw bacon into the blender* And some EXTREEMMMEEEEEE milk. *drops a whole carton of lait into the blender* And EXTREEEEMMEEEEE ice cream. *drops the whole bucket of ice cream into the blender*

(in 1B)

Blaine : Is that even healthy? o_o"

(on the TV)

Raymond : Now toi wanna put the EXTREEEMMMEEEE haut, retour au début on the blender. Pfffft. Only an idiot would forget to put the haut, retour au début on.

Blender : *top=off*

Raymond : *about to push the blending button*

Camera Guy : Uhh..... Raymond? The haut, retour au début is off.

Raymond : OH! Uhh..... I knew that! I was just, ummmm.... Testing you! *puts the haut, retour au début on* *pushes the blending button* Now when your protein drink is done, it should look like this. *pulls out a protein drink that looks really good and stuff and it looks nothing like the ingredients Raymond put in it* Go ahead. Try your protein drink! Then we'll get ready to PUMP! SOME! IRONNNN!!!!

(in 1B)

Raymond : *hands Marcus and Blaine the protein drinks and they look disgusting* Drink up, ladies.

Marcus and Blaine : *take the protein drinks*

Blaine : *smells it* *passes out*

Marcus : O_O

Raymond : *bends down to Blaine* *opens his mouth and pours the protein drink in his mouth* -U-

Marcus : o_O

Raymond : DRINK IT!!!!!!!!!

Marcus : Uhhh...... *sounds all fake and proper and stuff* Hey! Look! It is a flock of turtles outside!

Raymond : WHERE?!?!?!? *jumps out the window*

Marcus : Hehe. Suckerrrrr. *throws the protein drink out* *pulls out a smoothie and drinks it instead*

Raymond : *comes back inside* Heyyyy. I didn't see a flock of turtles out there. e_e

Marcus : *sounding all fake and proper and stuff again* Oh. There wasn't? What a shame. They must of ran away from toi 'sexiness.'

Raymond : Heh. I believe it. No flock of turtles and stand my awesome sexiness. -U-

Marcus : *sounding all fake and proper and stuff still* Oh looky here. I seemed to finish the protein drink while toi were gone!

Raymond : Good! I thought I'd have to baby feed it to you. Now let's get back to the DVD 'cuz we're about to start some EXTREEEMMMMEEE workouts!!!! >:D And get your little friend up. e_e

Marcus : ... *shakes Blaine*

Blaine : *wakes up* Huh? What? >_>" <_<"

Raymond : Now on with the video.

(on the TV)

Raymond : Now that toi ladies got done gulping down that protein drink, toi could see that you're EXTREEEMMMEEEly pumped for the suivant work out, and you're hydrated. :D NOW LET'S GET YOUR NOODLE ARMS INTO FULL GROWN GUN montrer HOSTS IN MINUTES!!!!!! *jumps into the air and flies (literally flies) right into his personal workout room* All toi ladies need for this are EXTREEEMMMEEE sleeveless shirts, EXTREEEEMMEEE shorts, and EXTREEEEMMMMEEE iron to PUMP!!!!! No shirts are also optional, too. :D

(in 1B)

Raymond : *gives Marcus and Blaine both one-pounders*

Marcus : Dude, seriously? ToT"

Blaine : Yeah, we can handle at least 35 pounders, sir.

Raymond : I eat 35 pounders for breakfast. e_e *hands then 100-pounders*

Blaine : *manages to hold it up* Wow. ._.

Raymond : See? The protein drink helps toi lift HEAVIER weights!!! :D *turns to Marcus*

Marcus : *falls on the ground trying to hold it* eOe

Raymond : *facepalms* Did toi NOT drink the protein drink?!?!?

Marcus : *mutters to himself* plus like eat..... *speaks up* Um. No. That sh*t. Yeah. It looked like someone's ashes mixed with bird shit and radioactive, acidic sewer water. T_T"

Raymond : So toi DIDN'T drink it?!!?!?

Marcus : No. Did toi see Blaine? He passed OUT from the smell of that dog sh*t!!

Raymond : Well you're gonna have to drink it!!

Marcus : Over my dead body, Nancy. >:U

Raymond : *sighs* Fine. Have it your way. *punches Marcus in the face*

Marcus : *falls straight on the floor* o_o"

Raymond : Ladies, hold your friend down!

EC : With pleasure. TUT *goes and holds down Marcus's left arm*

canard, drake : Uh..... *holds down Marcus's right arm* Sorry, Marc. This is only for the drink.

Marcus : I DON'T WANT THAT D*MN POISON!!!!! *kicks his legs, trying to get free*

Blaine : *sits on Marcus's legs* -U-

Marcus : GAAAAHHH!!!! I this I just broke my bones. I felt and heard a snap. D:>

Blaine : HEY! I'm not even fat!!! D:<

Marcus : Gosh, I feel like I'm in some type gang bang sh*t. D:

Raymond : *grabs a protein drink* Open your mouth, darling. >:D

Marcus : *closes his mouth shut* o_o"

canard, drake : *pries open his mouth*

Raymond : *pours the protein drink in his mouth*

Marcus : *gags*

Raymond : avaler, hirondelle IT!!!!!

canard, drake : *closes Marcus's mouth shut*

Marcus : *forces himself to avaler, hirondelle it*

canard, drake : *stops touching on Marcus's mouth*

Drake, EC, and Blaine : *get off of Marcus*

Marcus : That. Was. Disgusting. eOe


Marcus : *gets back up and wipes the dirt off of him* Well it needed plus spices. Maybe rosemary ou sage- Well not that I would know what those are. Hehe. Those are for girls. >_>"

Raymond : Mhmmmm.... e_e

Marcus and Blaine : *pick up their weights*

Raymond : Since toi ladies picked those weights up easily, I'll leave the shorts part out. vUv

(on the TV)

Raymond : Now I hope toi ladies are holding those weights up. If your not, WHAT ARE YA WAITING FOR?!??! A PERSONAL INVITATION TO PICK IT UP?!?! GRAB. THAT. WEIGHT!!!!!!! *clears his throat* Anywho, the first workout we will be doing that'll get your arms up and no time are squats. First, point the weight straight in front of you. *points the weight straight in front of himself*

(in 1B)

Marcus and Blaine : *point their weights straight in front of themselves*

(on the TV)

Raymond : Then, spread your legs so they're parallel to your shoulders. *spreads his legs so that they're parallel to his shoulders*

(in 1B)

Marcus and Blaine : *spread their legs so that they're parallel to their shoulders*

(on the TV)

Raymond : Now stick your *ss out as if you're about to twerk, and make sure your standing straight up though. *sticks his butt out and stays standing straight*

(in 1B)

Marcus and Blaine : *stick their butts out and stay standing straight*

(on the TV)

Raymond : And just squat down. *begins doing squats* I suggest toi do about 20 of these. Then your arms will be pretty buff. Put this video on pause, and then that'll give toi enough personal time to do some EXTREEEMMMEEE squats. :D

(in 1B)

Raymond : *pauses the video* SQUAT, LADIES! SQUAT!!!!

Marcus and Blaine : *start squatting* *instantly their arm muscles start getting bigger*

Blaine : What the... o_o"

Marcus : Uhhh..... /:U

Raymond : STOP!!!!!

Marcus and Blaine : *stop squatting*

Blaine : But we only did 5. D:

Raymond : GiGi, explain. vOv

Gino : Well, um, the fans don't want toi steroid-muscular... They want a little muscle on the arms....

Marcus and Blaine : Ohhhhhh. .o.

Raymond : Mhm. vUv Now let's get back to this video. It's almost done so chill. *presses play*

(on the TV)

Raymond : Now that toi ladies are done with those squats, toi should be RIPPED!!! C: Our suivant and last workout will be sit-ups. They'll get toi some abs. I'm sure toi ladies know how to do these. All toi need to do is 5. *gets on the ground and does sit-ups*

(in 1B)

Marcus and Blaine : *get on the ground and start doing sit-ups* *instantly start getting abs*

Raymond : STOPPPP!!!!!

Marcus and Blaine : *stop at their 3rd sit-up* *get back up*

(on the TV)

Raymond : *gets back up after his 5 sit-ups*

Camera : *zooms into his face*

Raymond : Now that's all the time we have. Hopefully toi ladies are now men, and toi have some EXTREEEMMMEEE muscles. In my other tapes, there will be other easy workouts to get even plus muscles in other different parts of your body. Have a great muscle day. :D

Camera : *fades out*

Credits : *play*

(in 1B)

Raymond : *turns off the TV and takes his disc back* And that's how toi get muscular. vUv

Marcus : (in confessional) And I didn't think this guy would do anything! That's crazy how a disgusting protein drink and two simple workouts would give me these washboard abs!!!!! :D

Raymond : *wipes a tear from his eye* My two women have grown up. eUe

Gino : Um.... Me and Raymond have to get to 2B and help them work out...... So....... Bye.......

Drake, Marcus, and Blaine : *wave goodbye*

Raymond and Gino : *leave 1B and go to 2B*

(in 2B)

Raymond and Gino : *walk into 2B*

Gino : Uh......... Hi, guys........ Um.......... I'm Gino, and that's Raymond.......... toi guys probably know our names already......... Anyway, your fans want some rockstar guys that can be pretty hot........ I suggest toi guys be really enraged with your music, but act really attractive at the same time...........

Raymond : *pushes Gino out the way* Now that GiGi done running his mouth about stupid stuff no one cares about, I'll get to the important stuff. vUv NOW RIP THEM D*MN SHIRTS OFF, LADIES!!!!!!!!!!! >:U

Jason, Jake, and Liam : o_o" *take off their shirts*

Liam : *looks at Jake's abs not obviously* TUT

Liam : (in confessional) WOWIE ZOWIE!!!! WHAT A HUNK!!!!! DID YA SEE THEM pistolets ON HIM?!?! HAWWWTTTTT!!!!!!! :D

Raymond : *jumps in front of Jason* *inspects him* Eh. *shrugs* Your pretty ripped.

Jason : Of course I am. vUv

Raymond : *backflips in front of Jake* *looks him up and down* You, too. *front flips in front of Liam* toi HAVE to be weak! *inspects him* WHAT DA F*CK?!??! NONE OF toi LADIES ARE WEAKLINGS??!?

Jake : Uh..... No. I guess we're not. ._.

Raymond : Well I feel unneeded here. D:)

Jason : :T

Raymond : Come on, GiGi. *grabs Gino and holds him like a football* Let's get out of here. Our work here is done. v_v

Jake : Listen, sir. We're sorry that our working out makes toi sad.?

Raymond : Don't be sorry. vOv

Gino : We'll be outside, so I suggest toi guys come out also........

Raymond, Gino, Jason, Jake, and Liam : *leave 2B*


Raymond : *grabs a megaphone* OKAY, LADIES AND MEN!!!!! GET YOUR *SSES OUT OF THOSE D*MN RVS AND DROP AND GIVE ME 20!!!!!

Riley, Ronnie, Trinity, Ember, Drake, EC, Marcus, Blaine, Gabriella, Molly, Autumn, and Lilyth : *go out of their RVs*

Gabriella : I'll drop and give toi 20 reasons why toi should SHUT THE H*LL UP!!!! >:U

Trinity : *has her hand like in a high five position pointing to her other hand with is in a fist* *the fist is punching her high five hand* Yeah! I'm with her! >:T


Trinity and Gabriella : >:U


Gino : *grabs the megaphone* Uh..... She's very nice, and I'm sure toi all will enjoy her......... (Sureeeeeee. XD)

Raymond : *grabs the megaphone back* ALL OF toi LADIES WILL BE GETTING HER!!!!!!! NOW GET YOUR *SSES BACK INTO THOSE RVS!!!!!! déplacer IT, déplacer IT, déplacer ITTTT!!!!!!

Gabriella : I'll déplacer your balls to the haut, retour au début of Niagara Falls!! >:U

Raymond : >:O

Riley, Ronnie, Trinity, Ember, Drake, EC, Marcus, Blaine, Gabriella, Molly, Autumn, Lilyth, Jason, Jake, and Liam : *go back into their RVs*

Raymond and Gino : *go into 1H*

(Now people, I'm talking about a serious topic. The topic is "A Teagen Fanfic". Yeah. I practically only have 2 viewers for that: Epic Lady and Ares. I kind of hate when people don't see my stuff when I put some hard work into it. Like I could of been hanging out with my Friends instead of making that. I made a conclusion that people only look at stuff if they're ou their OCs are in it, and I'm kind of irritated par that. So if I don't get at least 7 commentaires from 7 different people on the suivant part of "A Teagen Fanfic" and I know toi read it, no plus "Total Drama Insanity," and that's how I'll end things. Anyway, how'd toi like it? Did I express your character well? Do I need to improve on anything? Leave your commentaires in the commentaire boxy thingy. The suivant part will come soon hopefully. :P)
 Team Red ( LEFT TO RIGHT: Xavior, Sayu, Matt )
Team Red ( LEFT TO RIGHT: Xavior, Sayu, Matt )
*where we left off*

Avory: Guys, look!

*they all look off in the distance, a bunch of flowers*

Miranda: This must be the right way! Nice job Avory.

*they collect the three fleurs they need and try to find the other side of the rainforest, cameras go back to Team Red*

Matt: These aren't the fleurs we need... they're nothing like the ones Ryan showed us...

Sayu: Let's just keep looking. They'll have to montrer up some time.

Xavior: These aren't even the right flowers. Let's just turn back around. It wouldn't make sense to keep looking here.

Sayu: I guess...

*cameras go back to Team Blue*

John: OK. Let's...
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“Hello everyone, I’m Stella Carver and we are live from the set of Total Drama Musical!” A girl with long blond hair said. She wore a red dress and had blue eyes with black eyeliner around them; she wore purple eyeshadow and rose high-heels. “I’m here at one of the many Hollywood studios, but this one is the set of the brand new hit show, Total Drama Musical, I’m currently awaiting our contestants’ arrivals. During this season, our contestants will have to sing, dance, and act their hearts out in order to win the $100,000 grand prize. Each week, our teams will be donné a theme...
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The florescent light bulbs above everyone gave off a slight buzzing noise only made louder par the silence of everyone in the classroom. Shawn stared out the window as the football field was seen in the distance. He flipped his pencil around his fingers as soon the school cloche, bell rang loudly in the classroom.

“Ok everyone have a nice day, remember tomorrow is the big test, remember to study.” The teacher tells everyone as a herd of kids come rushing out the classroom. All except Shawn who is the last to leave, holding his bag across his shoulder forlorn. The once permanent goofy smile now gone...
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This is A OCxOC fan Fic so it's SawyerXRebecca Rebecca is Courtneyfan785's OC
"SAWYER!" His mother called from downstaires
Sawyer was Lost in his gameworld as always
"ILL BE RIGTH THERE JEEZ!" he kept playing as he liked and he failed at the last level he wasn't to happy "Grrrr!" CRASH! he threw the controller at the window breaking it and stromed down
"QUIT FOLLOWING ME WERIDO!" Rebecca yelled as she was running from Keith
"but I want youuuuu!" Keith was like Rebecca's stalker he NEVER left Rebecca alone expect...
continue reading...
posted by Animetama

Name: Kelli Nikki Dietze

Born in: Dallas Texas

Has lived in: Portland Oregon, Vancouver Washington.

Lives now in: Calgary Alberta

Age: 16

DOB: April 20th 1995

Height: 5'0"

Weight: 87lbs

eye color/glasses: no glasses, sky blue.

hair color/length: brunette, shoulder length.

Likes: Reading, drawing, math, video games, hugs, cats, jour dreaming.

Dislikes: dogs, bugs, being judged.

Fear: bullies/mean people.

Five good things: imaginative, cute, smart, nice, ambitious.

Three bad things: quiet, reserved, a magnet to unfortanat events.

Bio: When Kelli was little she was always the quiet one. Her oldest sister...
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posted by NeonInfernoLord
Gwen searched through her drawer for something, she tossed bras, panties, all personal items out the way as she soon pulled out a small square piece of paper. On the front cover were the words ‘HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION EXTRAVAGANZA!’ She held it as she then closed her eyes. Her mascara was running all down her face, her midnight blue streaked hair looked as if rats had been sucking on the strands, and her face was even paler than usual, if that was possible. She kept her eyes closed as soon images of bright light flooded her mind, she saw what looked like a gun being shot but it was interrupted...
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posted by NeonInfernoLord
The ambulances and paramedics were surrounding the boathouse. A body bag was seen being carried into one of the ambulances. Most likely, the rest of Harold’s body. His mother was seen crying as his father held onto her, crying as well as they couldn’t even stand to watch the ambulance as it drove off. Gwen and Duncan sat on a log as Gwen held her face in her hands, she was getting deathly afraid of the events happening to her, 3 deaths, weird premonitions, this dark, eerie feeling that seemed to follow her no matter where she went…strange.

“You want to go home?” Duncan asks her as...
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posted by Courtneyfan785
Name:Hunter Leon Gomez(NOT related to Selena Gomez XD)

Nicknames:Squirt,Momma's boy,and Huntin' Hunter


Date of Birth:May 13th,1995(friday the 13th)

Eye Color:Green

Hair Color:Blonde


Weight:90 lbs



Place of Birth:Palm Beach,Florida


Bio:Hunter has always been a shy boy.His mother is super protective of her kids,she freaks out when they are gone.He has 8 other siblings.Jordan,Connor,Olivia,Maxxy,Lee,Ethan(Ella),Brody,and Colby.He is Currently dateing Erin.He Loved her from the minute he layed eyes on her.Hes planning on getting married...
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posted by smartone123
We have looked deep into Nikki Goldmans life to find some supriseing stuff as i tell toi her TRUE story.Well lets go back in time to her childhood,and suprise toi with something un known to everyone but her family.Her real name is lea Gliden,and her mom is dead leaving her with her father who abuses her.Ok we'll skip to her 11th birthday,the jour where she runs away

"get here toi bastard child"he growels,a feet away from where i hide,squahed in like a bug,a cold hard wood bottom,the shelve enough to hide me,and for him not to notice.It was all ok until my nose was itchy so i quickly scrached...
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posted by LadySpaz
Warning:This is a Yaoi fanfiction.
Rated PG-13
Explicit sex scenes.
Strong language.

Entire fanfic is in Logan's POV.

A-aaah.. Ry..~

My toes curled tightly as Ry sucked loudly.
I could feel his tongue gliding around the tip and the saliva dripping down from his lips. He stopped. I looked down at him, making an unsatisified moan.


He looked up at me with lustful eyes, lips dripping.

"What is it?" He kissed my inner thigh.

"W-why are toi doing this now? I-I have to work s-"

His lips locked into mine and I let out a soft, surprised moan. He pulled away slightly.

"Because.. I don't want...
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Chris:Yo!Welcome to Camp Wawanakwa!Somewere in Muskoka Ontario!Here will compete 22 campers to win 100 000$.They have here nourriture *laughs* Disgusting food!Tapes all over!A Campfire Ceremony!Cabins for boys and girls!You will see plus in Total...Drama...Island!

Theme song...

Chris:The first camper is.....Beth!
Beth:*hugs Chris*Hi, Chris!It's so incredible to meet you!Wow!You're shorter in the real life!
Katie and Sadie:EEEEEE!Hi!
Chris:*covers his ears*Hey!Welcome to Camp-
Harold:Are here comfortable beds and math studies?
Chris:Yes...And no!Next!
Gwen:*sighs*Hi!You're staying here?
continue reading...
posted by CHERRY111898
Name: Hazel Katlinn Garcia

Age: 17

Stereotype: The Sarcastic Bitch

Sexuality: Now straight (She used to be bisexual)

Likes: Music, dancing, singing, shopping, makeup, and jokes.

Hates: Girly girls, the color pink, perverts, bats, and cheese.

Date of Birth: July 8, 1994

Nicknames: Kat, Phycho, crazy haired girl, and Linn.

Bio: Hazel is a girl that likes to be different. She's really known for her sweetness and out going personality. But, she can be a little rude towards people. She also hates it when someone calls her a freak. Hazel can be a chienne most of the times. She used to be bisexual, but she...
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posted by bcthestrongest
In duncan dream
Duncan:*by himself*
Ariana: salut
Duncan: *looks up* well well aint it my cutie
Ariana: *blushes* aw how cute duncan
Duncan: *smirks*how about that Kiss
Ariana: *nods*come get me duncan
Duncan: *gets up and kisses her*
Ariana: i l’amour u juvenile
Duncan: l’amour u too
*end of dream*
Duncan: *awakes and gets up*
Ariana: *outside for a dip*
Duncan: *behind her*hey beautiful
Ariana: *jumps and scowls*o its u again
Duncan: u thought about that kiss
Ariana: i wont Kiss u if u were the last boy on earth
Duncan: aw that hurt can u fix my cœur, coeur dollface
Ariana: *rolls her eyes*never juvenile
Duncan: u say that now *walks away*
Ariana: that boy is so cute *smiles and goes back in the water*
posted by gothemo1234
(emochick has long on)
(musicdude has long on)
harrit:what do u want trent >:|
trent:do think gwen will get back together with me
(emochick has log off)
trent:not again
(baddude has longon)
duncan:great its u again
trent:what did i do?
duncan:ever since gwen broke up with u u wont shut up about here
(makeoutgirl has long on)
duncan:tell him bridgette
bridgette:whooooo whoo what i just got myslef into
(imcool has long on)
harload:trent wont shut up about gwen
(emochick has long on)
harrit:yeah hes a real man he just dump bye a girl XD
trent:shut up u guys
(gothgirl has long on)
continue reading...
posted by Courtneyfan785
Name:Emily Kate Vicson Nicknames:Em,Emy,And Sunshine Birthday:July 24,1995 Age:15 Friends:None Dating:None Bio:She Lives In Gorgia With Her Mom,Step-Dad,2 Brothers,And 3 Sisters.Her Father Used To Abuse Her And Her Little Sister.She Used To Always Be Covered In Cuts And Bruises.Her Mom Got Divorced With Him And Meet Someone Else And Got Married To Him.She Loves Her Step-Dad Very Much. Bounas:She Does Ballet
August 5th, 2006

It's getting closer to the end of the season, and I'm spending every jour at the pool.
I didn't go to the pool once all summer, so my bathing suit is kind of small. But bathing Suits – Avocats sur Mesure expand once toi get into the water, right?
I come accueil wet everyday.

August 7th, 2006

I mean to write in this notebook every day, but sometimes I forget. And sometimes I come accueil and from the pool and my hands are damp and the pen slides around in between my fingers and I get drops of water on the paper. And this is a really nice notebook, so I'd hate to soil it.

August 7th, 2006

I wrote this...
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posted by iPsychic
Name: Caitie
Age: 13
Nickname: Kit-Cat.
Sibling: Twin brother Jake.
Hair colour: Brown
Eye colour: Green
Personality: Bouncy, bubbly, always happy and a great gamer!
Likes: Hanging out with friends, playing video games, making own short movies, beanies, playing the saxophone and always having fun!
Hates: Girly girls, make-up and pink!
Fav Colour: Purple, blue and green.
Fav Food: Candy, chocolat and soft drink! (Is why she get’s hyper).
Birthday: 12th of October
Bio: Caitie grew up in a small town in New South Wales in Australia and lived there until she just turned 13. When she was 13, they moved into the city in Sydney into an apartment and still doesn’t like the new move. She enjoys her time making short and funny movies, playing video games, playing the sax and hanging out with her friends. She hopes to be either an auteur ou a director and déplacer to the USA when she’s older.
Sawyer:Ladies up in here tonight
No fighting
(We got the refugees up in here)
No fighting
No fighting
Shakira, Shakira

Sawyer:I never really knew that she could dance like this
She make a man want to speak Spanish
Como se llama? Bonita, mi casa, su casa
(Shakira, Shakira)

Rochelle:Oh baby when toi talk like that
You make a woman go mad
So be wise and keep on
Reading the signs of my body

Rochelle:And I'm on tonight
You know my hips don't lie
And I'm starting to feel it's right
All the attraction, the tension
Don't toi see baby, this is perfection

Sawyer:Hey girl, I can see your body moving
And it's driving me crazy...
continue reading...
Briony:Well, I Think Duncan Is About To Get What He Deserves. I Really Wish I Hadn't Done Something So Stupid! I Need To Redeem Myself, But How?
yaya:i pick Duncan he needs to go he is a bad person for me
Maria: I ca't belive we won this is so cool and I gety to spen the entire evening dancingwith tyler....and a bunch of other people of coase *laghs nevously*
duncan:harold is such a winy little wimp i need to vote his but out
Rachel: OMG we won! We relly, relly won! And the best part of all, i'm on the same team as Lulu! EEEEEEEP! *get's a scared look in her face* Oh no! I'm turning...
continue reading...
Diamond:Well lets get sta-

Katie:Ms.Diamond We still have plus campers coming....

Diamond:*crosses arms* UGH! Do something and get me Coffee!

Katie:Yes M'am *walks off*

Diamond:Umm suivant Camper...

Jackie:*Come off boat* Teehee!!
Diamond:ummm okay?

Jackie:WHOA! its not how imagined it....

Diamond:*Rolls eyes* get used it...

Jackie:*walks to the rest*

Diamond:Next Camper Shawn!!
Shawn:*Gets off* salut

All girls expect rayon, ray and Leigh:*Drool*

Shawn:I get that a lot *smirks*

All Guys:*roll eyes*

Diamond:*stops drooling* Umm whoa...

Shawn:O.o *walks to the rest*

Diamond: Our Last and Final Camper Rethus!!

continue reading...