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posted by Milesprowerfan
Note: Sorry I haven't been able to post. toi see, I got swine flu, so I couldn't get online. I'm better now. I'll post as often as I can, but nanowrimo began, so I'll be delayed. Oh well!


Tanomo*!” Amy called as she led Cream, followed par a fully recovered Cassidy, into the Martial Arts Center of Station Square. (*Tanomo is a typical greeting when entering a martial arts hall in Japanese.) “Wow! I didn't expect class to still be in session!” Students all around, in rows of 12, stood practicing blocks and punches modeled par Knuckles ou Myzak, who stood at the front.

“Hey!” Knuckles turned his head to glance at Amy for a split-second before Myzak exampled a knock-out punch. The echidna blocked it perfectly. “Look who's back!” He held up the gesture for hold. “Class, continue the appropriate blocks and punches for the last half-hour, then toi can go home.” He instructed, then went to hug Amy. “Good to see you, girl! Thought I'd never see toi again!”

“You too, Knux!” Amy laughed, still a little nervous about being in the center when people were still there. She then noticed the golden cat with red hair strolling up to them. The one who expertly punched Knuckles before it was blocked. “Who's your friend?” She asked.

“Name's Myzak, ma'am.” Myzak's Southern accent seemed to stain his breath as he spoke. It was indeed charming, but somewhat hard to understand. “Ain't it nice to have some womanly company? I mean, just the other jour I was wonderin' when some girls other than Lil would visit our humble, fancy do-dad establishment.” He bowed and kissed Amy's hand. “We deserve to serve ya'll coffee ou somethin'.”

Amy chuckled. “You certainly have plus manners than Knuckles ever did! Hopefully that will rub off. “And no, we're not here for coffee.” She leaned in a little closer. “We're here for...” She looked back and forth to make sure no one would here, then lowered her voice to a whisper, “We're here for information about...Eggman.”

Knuckles nodded. “Follow us, but don't say anything about this to ANYONE.” He turned towards a back door in the far corner of the room. “Mark my word, Amy Rose, lives are at steak here!” But, Amy shrugged it off. So what, She thought, he always overreacts.

He opened the door slowly when they got there. Amy expected something dangerous, like a robot ou something. But instead, she got- “Sonic?” She asked, raising an eyebrow. Knuckles slammed the door behind them. “It's just Sonic,” Amy waved it off and pulled out her cellphone. “So what? I'm not even interested in him anymore.”

This caught the blue hedgehog off guard. “WHAT?” He didn't know how to react. “For the first time in two years, and you're not wanting to marry me like toi normally do?” He sat, uncertain of whether he should be relieved ou not.

“Try having your identity stolen and then being put in the Witness Protection Program.” Amy scoffed, bored. “By the way, why are toi in here? Isn't this the-”

“Basement.” Tails' voice came from the shadows deeper in the room. “Yes, this is the private basement of the martial arts center. No, Sonic isn't allowed anywhere else in the world and- *cough-cough* this place is so dusty!” He came into the light carrying a large box. “Nice to see toi again, Amy! Or, at least half-see. My glasses are filthy!”

“You got glasses?” Amy said, taking them gently off of Tails' head to clean them. “They look so good on you!” She lightly felt all the mico-chips Tails' had installed in them. “Did toi make these yourself?”

“Yeah.” Tails blushed slightly. “I needed them because I ended up in a plane crash a few years ago. I think I was sabotaged ou something. I was in the air, and WHAM!” He set the box down with a thud on Myzak's foot. “I fell into the mountain!”

“It scared me too.” Sonic added, twirling a pencil around on the single table, tableau in the basement. “His coma lasted for about two weeks. When he awoke, he was blind. Literally blind.”

Tails took the glasses back from Amy as Myzak removed the heavy box off his foot. “The doctor a dit my eyes were damaged in the crash,” Tails added. “I'm both near-sighted and I can't see very well in the dark. That, and I can't see anything far away either. They gave me a nice prescription, but I added on to it as toi can tell. I NEED my glasses, ou else.”

“Were toi really blind, Tails?” Cream asked, holding Cheese. “My mommy knows braille!”

Tails and Knuckles bust into laughter. Sonic didn't get it. “You see,” Knuckles said, “Tails at first couldn't see anything. Then, the good doctors gave him a few months of therapy to rebuild his eye muscles. Now, he can see.”

“With the glasses, ou I am blind again.” Tails chuckled.

“Not to disrupt ya mates,” Cassidy began tapping her foot on the ground, “but we came to learn plus about that magpie, Eggman!” She jumped high and landed hard, which shook everything. “When I get my hands around him, it'll be like those bugger-anacondas!”

“What are you, anyway?” Myzak asked. “Some kind of mutated rabbit? Seriously, though, I ain't got no clue of what ya'll are supposed to be.”

Cassidy giggled. She looked down at her brownie-colored body. Her long feet stuck out like sore thumbs. “I'm a wallaby, tomcat!” She laughed. “We're a lot smaller than 'roos, but that doesn't mean that we're not that different. We still hop!” She laughed at this remark as she jumped again. “We gots these long tail-things and HUGE feet!”

“Nice.” Amy shrugged. “To get to the point, Cassidy here was kidnapped from the Mystic Ruins a few days il y a par a robot. She escaped. I found her on the road almost dead, so I took her to Vanilla, who nursed her back to health. That's why we came here.”

“Because Vanilla helped a wallaby?” Sonic shrugged. “Thank her for us, okay?”

“NO!” Amy snapped. “We need information about Eggman. Where he is, what he's up too, and how we can stop him.”

“Amy,” Sonic tried to use a level tone. “ a monster! I can't describe him any other way. He bombed Station Square, he tried to kill Lil, and he's kidnapped people! I can't tell toi anything. Nor can anyone else. We just don't know! Don't ask me to find him for toi either. I'm an outlaw, toi know? That's why this meeting has to be secret. That, and I can't leave this stupid basement and run!”

Amy shrugged. “Oh well.” She rolled her eyes and grabbed both Cassidy's and Cream's arms. “We'll just have to find him ourselves.” She began to storm out of the room. “Besides, I'm tired of just playing it safe. I've been playing it sûr, sans danger for the past frickin' two years! Amy Rose is back!”

Myzak tapped her shoulder. “Ya'll might want to keep us up to rendez-vous amoureux, date on ya'll's expedition. I'm jottin' down an account of these events.” He then added, “it's better than scrapbookin'.” He winked as the girls left.


Three cases in 24 hours?” Espio couldn't believe it. “How are we going to be able to do that? It almost sounds like Vector!” Maybe she's stupid after all, he thought.

Once Lil heard this thought, she slapped the chameleon across the face. Small claw marks remained in his cheek. “I am far from stupid!” She hissed. “Don't toi DARE think I'm stupid!" Oops, she thought, almost gave the gift away. She leaned on the closed door. “The first thing we need to do is clean up. Then, we can actually think.”

Watch out cause here we come!♪ Team Chaotix‘s phone rang. The Chipmunks were the ringtone! Lil’s ears shot up. Her fourrure stood on end. ♪It's been a while but we're back with style so get set to have some fun! We'll bring toi action and satisfaction!♪ “Where’s that dang phone!!” She ran to a cluttered bureau and started throwing off papers. The phone continued, ♪We're the chipmunks! C-H-I-P-M-U-N-K! We're the chipmunks!♪ "Found it!” She cried in triumph. “You boys need to get a life!” Her eyes shrunk. She loathed the Chipmunks! Not to mention her irrational fear of them. She opened it up as the annoying furballs continued, ♪Guaranteed to brighten yo-♪ “Hello?” She answered, still shaking from the awful ringtone.

“Hey! It’s Sky!” an excited voice came from the other end. NOT a chipmunk. Oh good. Lil breathed out. “Guess what, Lil? I got a job! I’m at the musique station, and I begin working tonight! Isn’t that awesome?”

“Oh…cool…” Lil put a hand to her forehead and rubbed it. Nervous habit. “I’ll have to stop par later, okay? What are toi doing?”

“I’m a singer!” Sky joyously sang on the other end. She seemed pretty excited about the job. Lil gagged silently. Something stank in the air. Lil spun around and glared at Vector. Farts were disgusting.

“I’ll let toi go now, hon.” Lil said. “Bye!” She hung up the phone. She breathed out. “We have a lot of work to do. The best place to look for a mystery is to go into town and just listen. Work will find us.” She ran out of the house with her manteau on.

Vector, Charmy and Espio shrugged after she left. “Should we follow her?” Espio asked. “She is a strange one.”

“COME ON!” Charmy shouted, pulling both Vector and Espio out the door after Lil. “WORK WILL FIND US!”


Shadow needed to see Lil again. No matter how he reached her, he needed to. It was imperative. He had decided to follow Sky around, since Sky was Lil’s roommate. Of course, he wasn’t a stalker, like Rouge would’ve thought if she had seen him, but he was growing desperate.

As Shadow soon discovered, Sky worked at the musique station. Waiting until the coast was clear, he casually walked in. Shopping wasn’t something in the hedgehog’s genes, but he needed to blend in; perhaps even coax something out of Sky as well.

“Hey Shadow!” A guy named Tober called over from the back of the building, ruining Shadow’s cover. Shadow swore. “If there’s anything toi need,” Tober continued, “just ask Sky, okay? Good!”

Sky looked up from her Hottie Hedgehogs magazine. Her dark red eyes met Shadow’s. He remembered whistling at her in the mall. He breathed out, slowly. He’d rather not talk to her directly, but Tober had ruined his master plan. “I need help looking for a CD,” he leaned on the desk. Sure, He thought, attract plus flies with honey than vinegar. Be charming, and she’ll tell toi everything.

“What CD would toi be looking for?” Sky asked, putting the magazine away.

Shadow thought on his feet. He didn’t like listening to musique that much, but he came prepared. “Uh…Crush 40...Lost and Found.” He shrugged. Of course, Shadow didn’t particularly like Crush 40 at all, but they worked. He needed to acquire Sky’s attention and trust.

“Let me see…” Sky opened a map, as if it’d montrer the exact location of the CD. While she was looking, Shadow sped off and found the CD himself, and then returned before she looked up. Running at the speed of sound can be useful that way. “Okay, I found it.” She stood up and led Shadow to the shelf. Shadow shrugged again and followed. All part of the act, he thought to himself.

She pulled off the CD as Shadow pulled out a newspaper. He opened it to, “Sports,” something he wasn’t interested in, nor was he about to. He just was trying to act casual. “You’re Sky, right?” He asked. “You’re Lil’s roommate?”


Shadow looked up. Sky was daydreaming. “Hello?” He asked, waving a hand in front of her face.

“Yeah, I guess…” She dreamily answered. Shadow raised an eyebrow. Sky was probably answering a question in her dream. She snapped out of it. “And this DARK discrimination!” She became suddenly angry. Her dark red eyes flashed. “Why, I was kicked out of my apartment!” Tears began to fly out of her eyes. Shadow looked at the headlines of the front page. DARK discrimination was written all over it. He then rolled his eyes. She was reacting to the newspaper.

Shadow then pretended to act like the gentlemen he wasn’t. He picked up Sky’s hand and kissed the back of it to try and calm her down. “There now, it’ll all end soon. Nothing like this ever lasts long.” He then noticed something about Sky. They stared into each other’s eyes for about two minutes. What am I trying to do to you? He winced, letting go of her. He gave her money for the CD. “I’d better get going,” he said, suddenly frustrated. A flash of lightning struck outside, making the lights flicker for a second.

He stormed out. It began to rain. He hadn’t expected the girl to be so…naïve…like Maria. He shook his head. He swore loudly to himself. He decided not to follow her anymore…just to acquire something else. He looked over at his motorcycle, which he had rode earlier. A violet umbrella lay suivant to it. He opened it, finding a note which read, “Looks like toi can use this, dumpling! ~Rouge. P.S. Sweep her off her feet.” He smiled at the note.

Sky came out of the building. The downpour instantly soaked her. She ran to a bench and cried. Shadow noticed that her veste didn’t have a hood. “How do I get home?” She asked, crying into her lap.

“October rain is the worst.” Shadow leaned over her with the umbrella. Her wide dark red eyes stared back up at him. “Need a ride?” He asked. He tossed her the umbrella, which was plus feminine anyway. He walked over to his motorcycle and started it up. He motioned to Sky to come on. He gave her an extra helmet. “Hold on tight.” He smiled. He began to get soaked as Sky let go of the umbrella and put her hands around his waist. This sent shocks up to his brain. He hoped the annoying jitters wouldn’t come. Romance is pathetic, he thought. Why do I crave it if it can ruin everything!


It was raining. Lil wanted to say very colorful language at the moment. Team Chaotix trailed behind her long strides. “I don’t need them,” she a dit to herself so quietly so no one would hear. “All I need to do is solve three cases and allow them to get the credit so I can at least have a job.” She stormed ahead. She didn’t like the rain. It was better than The Chipmunks, she admitted.

“LIL’S AFRAID OF THE CHIMPMUNKS!” Charmy laughed, not minding the downpour. “THEY ANNOYED HER, SO SHE ATE THEODORE!” Vector and Espio laughed. Obviously, this was a guy joke, because Lil didn’t get it. She wanted to sob. Anymore jokes about her being scared of the chant furballs would make her go insane!

They walked down main street, passed various stores and windows. Almost no one was out. The storm must’ve scared everyone off, Lil thought. “Help!” An old red hen ran out of the bakery. “Someone help me! I’ve been robbed!”

Before Lil could even say anything, Vector had dashed over. “Team Chaotix Detective Agency, at your service ma’am.” He bowed. “We’re here to help. What seems to be the problem?”

“I’ve been robbed, toi ninny!” The hen clucked. “Didn’t toi hear me squawking for help?”

“We heard you,” Lil interrupted, pushing aside Charmy and Espio, who were blocking the entrance. “So we came to help. Would toi allow us in so we can…search for clues?” She smiled sweetly. She remembered Old Mother Hen from anywhere. Old Mother Hen made biscuits, cookies for the police department on every holiday, including all the birthdays. They always tasted good, especially since they weren’t made with milk, because Old Mother Hen too was lactose intolerant, just like Lil.

“Of course.” The red hen squawked and showed the company in. The warmth of the lit feu in the hearth embraced them as they entered. The soft dim glow gave a homely feeling to the small bakery. “My cash register is missing!”

“Mother Hen!” A huge hound bellowed. He entered the bakery with such fury, Lil was scared that he’d ruin everything. “My wife’s diamond collier is missing! She last had it in this bakery an heure il y a in her purse. Don’t toi remember her montrer it to you? It’s now missing!”

“People, please!” Vector raised his hands. “We’ll help both of you!” He nodded at Espio, who pulled out a notebook. Charmy handed the chameleon a pencil. “Now,” Vector said, thinking for a second. “When did the cash register get stolen?”

“Precisely four minutes ago.” Old Mother Hen squawked. “After Goosie jars, gander helped me pull our loaves out of the oven. This was new, since Goosie almost never helps me with the hour-long bread.”


“Don’t jump to conclusions, Charmy!” Both Lil and Espio cried at the same time. “We might want to check the kitchen, though,” Espio added. “Just in case.” They then followed Old Mother Hen into the kitchen, which was ablaze with artificial light, unlike the main room.

Lil scanned the area. She then noticed something among the flour on the ground. She picked it up gently and blew on it. It was a tiny 24-carat diamond. “I believe Charmy may be right, gentlemen.” She said. “Did Goosie wear gloves?”

“No.” Old Mother Hen said, confused.

“Then,” Lil said, “I’ll bet that the fingerprints on these are his.”

“Sorry!” Goosie ran into the kitchen. “I forgot…” He stared at everyone. “Oops.”

“Goosie Gander,” Lil started advancing towards him. “I’m Lil, also known as Black Cat from the police. We have the right to call the police, and until their arrival to contain you. toi have the right to remain silent, and anything toi say ou do will be used against toi in the court of law.”

Goosie paused. “Nah!” He said, flinging a pan at Lil. She dodged it neatly, but it hit Charmy. The jars, gander than disappeared.

“Charmy!” Lil ran to the bee. “Sorry! OMIGOSH! He’s not answering me! What did I do!” She picked him up off the floor. The pan was embedded in the wall.

“No time for remorse!” Vector shouted. “Lil, Espio, follow that gander! I’ll take Charmy and get the police!” Espio then grabbed Lil par the arm and pulled her out of the room. The chase had begun. Something made Lil go all dazed. Vector knew what he was doing? Had she underestimated him? They actually knew what they were doing!

They crashed out of the bakery. The downpour became almost impossible to run in and the wind blew against them. Then, they saw Goosie run down the street, against the rain. This slowed him par a lot. “After him!” Lil cried over the boom of thunder above them. They trudged after him, inching their way against the wind. Lil almost fell over, but Espio caught her. The wind blew harder. The downpour shoved them off their feet. “We’re never going to catch him!” Lil shook her head in defeat. “We’re not even at the end of the street!”

“He’s not going to get away!” Espio shouted over the storm. He sounded hoarse, as if he had been screaming for a long time. Thunder cracked. Espio took out on of his knives. His ninja training took over. The howl of the wind increased. Then, the chameleon threw the knives at the gander. As if time itself stopped, the knives sliced through the air despite the rain, which drenched our heroes. Instantly, Goosie tripped and fell into the slimy wet road.

“Gotcha!” Espio helped Lil over to the fallen gander. The rain even lightened up a bit. “Lil, toi know procedure better than I,” Espio said, inviting Lil to take the lead.

“Right.” Lil replied, standing over Goosie. “Like I’ve said, toi have the right to remain silent, and anything toi say ou do will be used against toi in the court of law, including this little act of…” She paused. “Oh my god.” She looked at Espio and smiled. “We caught a gem thief! We actually caught him! The police has been on his trail for months!”

“And I would’ve gotten away with it too,” Goosie snapped, “if it weren’t for toi meddling-” Suddenly, police sirens blared in the distance. Two police cars and a few motos came up to the three. A few cops jumped out from the cars and handcuffed the gander, who didn’t like the fact that he had been caught.

“Lil! Espio!” Vector ran from the bakery. “We called the cops, just like we planned! And Charmy’s alright!” This made Lil run up to the crocodile and hug him. Espio felt a little jealous.

“You guys certainly have improved, if I dare say so myself.” came a female voice from one of the motorcycles. The three looked up to see Tabby, Captain Stott’s personal renard assistant removing a police helmet. She jumped off the vehicle and strode towards them. “I was so sorry toi were laid off the other night, Black Cat.” Tabby patted Lil on the shoulder. “But it looks like you’ve found a team after all…hopefully toi can teach them a thing ou two. Anyway, they offered me your job, but I refused.” She then looked down, as if ashamed of something. Lil tried to look for a deeper response, but none came until Tabby concluded, “I have a case for toi guys to solve, but it’ll have to wait until you’re home.”
posted by MephilesTheDark
This, like my '100 things I hate about this club' is completely opinionated and such. This time, flames will be used to roast the flamers own flesh. (Not that I expect much of that, because this is LUL OPTOMISTICCCC HURRDEDURR.)

1. This won't get HALF the awesome response I got for it's brother article.
2. So many roleplays to choose from.
3. There are some awesome character designs.
4. The 'community' feel.
5. Religion is usually unimportant.
6. Lack of republicans. (Or at least obnoxious ones.)
7. The fact that the only reason I even know what a republican is is because someone from here taught...
continue reading...
posted by ripperoo1
Journal Writing

"October VI, MMXI," I scribbled in a small book that I used as a journal. I thought and thought about what to write next. Nothing happens in my life, really. My typical jour is composed of playing chess, reading, and caring for my father who is too old to do simple things. Many would say that the way I live is different from normal, modern life. I live in a castle. My father is the king. Therefore, I'm the prince. I do everything for my father, so many people just look at me as the king's representative. I wish that something happened to my life, something interesting....
continue reading...
So a lot of the time when I'm in a forum it ends up that it's either me, Gracethefox, ou Sarathedog, that are the only ones staying on a forum, and I gotta say, it gets old, and BORING. I mean sure, WE aren't boring. We l’amour rping together in forums, but we can't do it with JUST us the entire time.

Now I know a lot of people CAN'T get online at times, and when that happens there's nothing wrong, but when people CAN and just don't, it gets really annoying. I'm not saying that toi have to get back on, but everyone just disappears and doesn't say why.

My guess is boredom. They get bored, and lazy...
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posted by silverstream101
Im only making this 1 part...unless people think im missing detail then ill do another 1 in plus detail...making it longer. 1st person told par starting when she was 5. yes yes...i know i change their ages alot...but 20 WILL STAY. but as a the present time Nova will come in at times.

I sigh bored as i sit through my normal morning lecture.

"i can tell we Lost u again Nova" says a yellow w/ orange tips cat.

I smile sheepishly, "sorry mom...but its the same thing every day" i reply

A red cat replies, "ok Star...if shes so bored how about we tell...
continue reading...
posted by CosmoLuvsTails
I will follow Him
Follow Him wherever He may go,
And near Him, I always will be
For nothing can keep me away,
He is my destiny.

I will follow Him,
Ever since He touched my cœur, coeur I knew,
There isn't an ocean too deep,
A mountain so high it can keep,
Keep me away, away from His love.

I l’amour Him, I l’amour Him, I l’amour Him,
And where He goes,
I'll follow, I'll follow, I'll follow.
he'll always be my true love, my true love, my true love
from now until forever, forever, forever

I will follow Him,
Follow Him wherever He may go,
There isn't an ocean too deep,
A mountain so high it can keep,
Keep me away, away from His...
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posted by Giz_4ever
One night stand

Let me tell you.....

Jennys getting her stuff in my room
Puts on her jupe and shes looking good
Six AM and shes leaving soon
Says what a crazy night I had
A real good time

But her Kiss tells me its goodbye
Just like nothing happened last night
But if I had one chance
Id do it all over again

One night stand I dont think shes coming back for plus
She was only looking for a one night stand
I dont think shes coming back for plus
No no

Now Im left up in my lonely room
She left her underwear and her perfume
I never thought that it could be this good
And I still feel a little on my...
continue reading...
Scarlet: *goes back in the house*
She heard loud cries of a little baby and entered her baby sister's room.
Crimson: Whaaaa!!!!
Scarlet: Crim, we gotta go.
Crimson: Whaaa!
Scarlet: *picks her up*
10 YEARS LATER............
Crimson: Pass it here, Synthos!
Synthos: *throws it*
Crimson: *catches*
Synthos: let's stop for now.
Crimson: Sure. *eyes flash*
Synthos: Another vision?
Crimson: Yeah.....
Synthos: What was this one about?
Crimson: I saw a girl...... She looked like me, but older.... I think I have a sister, Synthos.
Synthos: Don't be ridiculous. That's not possible. But if it is......
Kurt: Crimson, back...
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posted by ShadowWolf337
Blood's Past
Chapter One:
Ten an old Miles Blood Prowler wakes up and walks downstairs to eat breakfast "Good Morning Honey" a dit Erica Prowler (Miles Mom) "Morning mom!" a dit Miles happily, "where is dad?" "Oh your dad went to work early this morning" Zoey walks down stairs and tackles Miles playfully and the two go outside and play. Erica goes to the T.V. and turns it on then the news comes on "I have just received that Dr. Robotnik has attacked the robot manufactureing factory" an explotion is heard "Oh no thats where West works!" a dit Erica "there are survivors here is a liste of names" "West Prowler! Kids get in the car now" "Okay mom" a dit Zoey and Miles,
Two Hours Later...
    "It was Dr. Robotnik! he has gone insaine" a dit West weakly "Miles here i grabed this for you" West hands Miles a small computer "What is this dad?" West coughs "its a computer with a voice i call it T.D."
posted by ILoveSonic21
Norma the hegehog
Alignment: good
Likes:adventure,having fun, helping others, mint, chocolate, nice people, happiness.
Talents:drawing and singing,karate,and is a ninja as a side job.

Norma the hedgehogs backstory is this:
when she was little she had a normal life she was and still is a happy go lucky girl and her parents l’amour her so much, but that one jour ten years il y a she was playing tag with her best friend Jagger the echidna and out of nowhere he gets kidnapped par bounty hunter with a mask and she promised her mother not to use her powers in public...
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posted by Akiko_the_Cagon
The wind howled at the windows of the orphanage, a small girl sat near it, watching outside as the rain pounded on the weak building, the aged place already having plenty of holes and wearing from years of nature's abuse.
The girl was a petite, faded cerulean blue souris with hair traveling down her back to her knees with eyes as black as coal, she seemed utterly depressed despite her young age of 7. Her mourning state matched how she dressed for an amateur's funeral, a long black dress that worked like a fontaine dress, drenching her in dark satin.
"All must make sacrifices to live, yet the...
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posted by CosmoLuvsTails
 Kyra Levenine
Kyra Levenine
"Dad's here, guys!" Called Kyra's big sister, April, from downstairs. Kyra grabbed her suitcase and went downstairs. It hadn't been the same since Mum and Dad had gotten divorced the an before. "Kasey, Ivy, C'mon!" yelled Kyra. "We're coming, we're coming!" Kyra's twin brother shouted down to her. Their Dad walked through the door. "Nice to see you're doing well with the kids, Julia" He a dit to his ex-wife. "Same to you, Kaylen." Mum said, coldly. Ivy ran to her Dad "Daddy!" She smiled as she ran up to him. "Hey, Dad." a dit Kasey.
"You all up for a good weekend, then?" Their Dad grinned....
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posted by cookiemaster
I quickly ran over to my husband, Ximy, and put down some lunch for him on the table. I could see par the look in his face he wanted me to just 'chillax' as he called it.

"My love, just calm'll put stress on our child..." he said.

"I know, I know, but I've got so much things to do that I haven't done!" i replied.

I then looked at a liste of things I had to do. I crossed out the suivant thing on the liste which a dit 'make lunch for Ximy'.

"there." I a dit to myself, but talking openly for anyone to reply. "2 plus things on my liste of 30 things to do."

"Zellic, babe, calm down... Just sit down...
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posted by night-vamphog
suivant day.
    Aldinach wakes up laying on the floor using his arm as a pillow. He sits up and rubs his eyes. ''Wonder how S.W.A.T. handles things,'' he lays back down on his stomach and sighs. He notices two female guards walking by.
    ''What do toi think we should do with the two that we're arrested yesterday?'' asks the purple cat in the black chemise and blue capries with short purple hair who is also carrying a scythe.
    ''I'm not sure. I think I heard something about execution though. Fun sight to see! Wouldn't it Shaylyn,'' the...
continue reading...
posted by night-vamphog
Later that jour Aldinach and Night start to get ready. ''Hey Ravage!'' Night yells up from the basement. ''Call your friend and tell him to get ready!''
    ''Okay mom!'' Ravage calls his friend and tells him to get ready and that they shall be there soon. ''So I'm guessing that we're picking him up?'' he goes downstairs.
    ''Yeah. We're just going with that toi won some contest ou what ever and got to ride with us if he asks. Just tell us where his house is and toi can go in and get him,'' Aldinach says.
    ''You guys ready!'' they...
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posted by night-vamphog
The suivant jour when they get accueil from school they hear something going on in the back. They go back there to see Aldinach and Night fighting. Aldinach dives down and punches Night in the chest. She grabs his fist and throws him into a arbre trunk. He gets back up and charges at her. Night's hands go on fire. Typhon jumps in the middle of them. Aldinach almost kicks her in the head and Night almost punches her with her burning hand.
    ''Whats going on?! Why in the world are toi two fighting!'' Typhon says not even flinching from their attacks.
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posted by night-vamphog
Eleven years later Ravage and Typhon are both fourteen and in the eighth grade. When the both of them get accueil Aldinach and Night are in the kitchen. Ravage goes into the living room and sits on the canapé to do history homework while Typhon goes into the kitchen.
    ''Hey mom?''
    ''Yeah Typhon?''
    ''I was wondering if over the weekend I could invite a friend ou two over.''
    Night stops what she's doing and sighs then looks over to Aldinach. ''Think we should tell them now?'' Aldinach nods at Night. ''Ravage...
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posted by TakTheFox
Name: Kenfi
Age: 3-million and seventy-four
Appears to be: 17 XD
Usual outfit: She seems to want to wear anything girly, but has worn two outfits plus than others. A fourrure veste with long black pants, and a purple t-shirt with blue jeans.
Eye-color: Blue, but her eyes seem stripy… in a way
Distinguishing Marks: The little cœur, coeur and fleur designs on her ears, feet, and hands.

Color: Red
Music: Techno
Food: No one ever sees her eat anything
Expressions: Smiling flirtatiously, smirking
Book: None
Quote: “what a girl wants”
Expletive(s) (swears): No
Mode of transportation: She likes Limos but...
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act 1- crisis city
A gray hedgehog, clad in a black jacket, walked over to a seemingly abandoned alleyway. She turned, purple eyes gleaming with suspicion as she eyed the shadows, as if everything in the world was turned against her. “C’mon, it’s me, Gyro.” The hedgehog muttered, tapping on a nearby wall. A rumbling sound answered her greeting. Suddenly, the mur opened up, exposing the steel door beneath. “Prove it.” She sighed and took off her jacket, montrer whomever was talking the glowing mark beneath, which looked like an X. “Come in.” gyro stuck out her tongue and cockily...
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For My Country “The Talia Entries”

Preview Chapter: Glass-bones

The location: A large country, living in the sky. It is called “Ge Si Eir” Some believe that it is like the mystic Angel Island, but it is simply very well hidden. It sits in the Geshair Mountains of Mobius-zone-42, ou as the natives of the planet call it “Mobocan”. It is a perfect mixture of medieval and futuristic times. It is blocked par a giant black gate, which has thwarted all attacks. Its current enemies are the Supretoes. The two have been warring for almost a decade now, though the country is very used to it.

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Chapter four: The Good The Bad and The Rin

Location: Mobius-zone-8, Faconicks, Meridona, South-Tropan, Mansion

Date: Wednesday, March 12th, Second-Line-2101

Time: 9:10 A.M.

“Officials still have no idea as to the reason for this event.” A news reporter informed through the télévision screen. “It is suspected to be a possible meteor, ou earthquake that triggered the destruction of downtown-West-Tropan, but there are also suspicions that this could be the result of a terrorist strike! We’ll have plus information later.”

Nick, Kal, and Jesse watched with both nervous and tired faces. What...
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