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Name: Zania (First Name; Sounds like Z-A-nia) Malin (Last Name; Sounds like MA-len)

Age: Nineteen (19)

Species: Vibra Banshee

Home: Supreta


Sound Energy

~Due to being a Vibra Banshee, she has the strongest sound powers out of the three Banshee types. Also due to her species and the fact that she has a quite large sound energy range, she has made sound energy her most used skill and ability. This is the ability and skill that she hands-down has the most experience in and uses the most. Sound energy is also the easiest for her to use out of the three energies that Banshees can use.

~Using her ability to manipulate sound, she has learned how to “throw her voice”. She has learned how to speak and manipulate the sound to make her voice sound like it is coming from a completely different direction that it actually is. She learned this technique par accident while trying to hide from two police officers who saw her and tried to hunt her down when she ran; she was attempting to manipulate the sound levels so that the officers would not be able to hear each other, but she instead accidently manipulated the sound to where one officer’s voice came from a completely different direction than from where the officer actually was. She found herself surprised at this as she watched the officers déplacer about in confusion due to the fact that they could not locate each other via tracking each other’s voices. She decided to remember how she did this manipulation, and she later began practicing it plus and plus whenever she got into a situation that would allow for her to use it. She has learned how to project her own voice from a completely different direction and a short ways away from her actual location to try to throw off chasers when she is occasionally seen and tracked, which would mean that she has quite a bit of experience with this technique, though it is far from perfect.

~Using her ability to manipulate sound, she has learned how to manipulate sound waves to make them inaudible to the normal ear and certain kinds of equipment such as cheap microphones; she was taught this technique par her father as a form of protection, as he figured that she could use it to stay silent in an emergency such as when she was being searched for ou trying to hide. She started off trying to hide her voice and her father’s voice at a young age; she was able to learn it after enough work, though it did take quite some time to be able to hide her voice from her father. Upon growing older and starting to venture out into the streets on her own, she found herself manipulating sound once ou twice to muffle and hide the sound of her footsteps and her breathing from officers, which proved to be quite successful; she later discovered that she could also hide sound from certain types of recording devices that were used against her, though those certain types were mostly cheap recording devices. This is most likely her strongest ability as it’s the one that she has had the most experience and practice with it; when venturing around, this is most likely the skill she uses most, not counting when she creates simple sound waves.

~Using her ability to manipulate sound, she has learned how to manipulate sounds so that quieter sounds can be heard; she learned how to do this while trying to focus on what someone was whispering from a distance. She is able to amplify noises to be roughly about twice as loud as they were before; how helpful this is depends on how quiet the noise was before and how far away she is. If she’s fairly close par ou the noise was loud enough before, she can usually hear what was being a dit ou what noise was happening. However, if she’s too far away, she usually still can’t hear the noise ou she has trouble making out exactly what was being said/what exactly the noise was. She tries not to use this power too often as she’s afraid that she’s going to accidently listen in on someone’s private conversation and seem like she’s snooping. She doesn’t have enough experience with this power to be able to amplify the sounds even plus ou to be able to extend the range.

~Using her ability to manipulate sound, she has learned how to change her own voice’s sound waves to disguise her voice as someone else’s voice; she started off trying to imitate the voices of people that she had heard just for fun into she thought of trying to apply her sound powers to this. At first she found herself unable to make her voice sound any different than it did without the voice manipulation, but with many, many retries on the few voices that she picked out to try to imitate perfectly using her sound manipulation, she found that she was able to manipulate her voice to sound exactly and perfectly like two voices out of the six she picked out to try to learn; out of the three voices that she couldn’t imitate, two were male’s voice and two were women voices, but deeper in pitch than her own voice. The two voices that she was able to imitate were both women voices and similar in pitch to her own normal voice. As she tried to practice plus and more, she’s learned that at her current skill level and experience with this certain ability, she can only imitate women voices and not men at the her current skill; she has also learned that while she can fairly easily sound like a voice similar in pitch to hers with a few tries, she has found it very difficult to be able to copy a deeper voice, though she can do some of the deeper voices. She has found that it takes a lot plus tries to get the deeper voice to work and even then, she finds it quite difficult at her current skill. She has used this power a few times to disguise her voice, so she doesn’t believe that this skill is entirely useless; she feels as though it may come in handy at some point. However, because it hasn’t become extremely useful just yet, this is one of her definitely lesser used powers.

~Using her ability to manipulate sound, she has the ability to manipulate and create sound waves. This is what she considers her most basic ability and this is the first ability that she ever learned; this is also the most trained and used ability of hers, making this ability the most experienced and learned out of all of her abilities and skills. With this ability, she has learned how to use sound waves to generate extremely loud noises to shatter basic windows and disorientate people due to causing their ears to ring and make them dizzy; this noise also hurts the head due to its high frequencies and just loud volume in general. She has also learned through quite a bit of experience and training how to focus the sound waves into certain forms and actually use them to physically attack from a distance; this is her favored method of attacking if she has to get into a battle and defend herself. She knows how to focus the sound waves into a physical blast to be able to knock someone backwards and away from her, and she also knows how to focus the energy into small blades to blast vers l'avant, vers l’avant and into who she is fighting to cause some damage.

Dark Energy

~Due to the fact that she is a Vibra Banshee, her Dark Energy powers are somewhat weak. Due to that fact, her dark powers are not as strong as her sound powers, so she usually prefers her sound powers over her dark powers. However, she does try to use her dark powers from time to time, as she does find that they’re useful to her in some situations, so she tries her best to not forget about them and use them occasionally to learn how to use them better. She doesn’t have just a whole ton of experience using her dark powers because she usually picks her sound powers over her dark ones, however.

~Using her somewhat weak Dark Energy, she can absorb some nutrients from other living things around her. She finds it a bit difficult as she doesn’t have just a ton of experience with using her Dark Energy and her dark powers, but she can usually sap away at least some nutrients from the living things around her when she tries. She usually does not use this power that often and therefor she isn’t just really experienced with this skill.

~She’s heard that par using their dark powers, a Banshee can absorb DNA and abilities from others, though she’s heard that this is extremely difficult to do. She’s tried to do this once ou twice herself in an attempt to try to see if she could pull it off and do, but so far she’s been unable to absorb anything other than nutrients. She rarely tries this DNA absorbing now.

~Using her Dark Energy, she has been able to increase her energy output at least par some using her rage when she becomes angry. However, she usually stays fairly calm and collected unless she’s being provoked, in which case she’ll slowly start to become plus and plus aggravated and agitated until she possibly becomes angry and violent depending on who’s provoking her. Due to this, she doesn’t usually have this increased output until she DOES finally become angry and attack (Depending on who toi are. She would not attack a friend unless she had a very good reason). She usually doesn’t find herself very angry.

~Her Dark Energy grants her the ability to regenerate and heal, but this happens at an extremely slow rate. It would take her roughly about a mois to grow an arm back; perhaps even just a tad bit longer due to the fact that her Dark Energy is somewhat weak.

~Using her Dark Energy, she has the ability to phase through walls and other objects. She has some experience with this ability, but she tries to be careful when she uses it as she afraid that she’s going to be seen while doing it. She also tries to be careful so she doesn’t accidently ghost too much and go through the ground ou walkway that she might happen to be standing on at the time. This ability is usually only used when she has to step through a mur ou something such as that to hide from someone ou to avoid being seen. She has some experience with it, though it’s not perfect.

~Using her Dark Energy along with a combination of the vibrations that her body generates, she can phase herself to the point of being a ghost and she can make herself impervious to harm. However, due to the fact that her dark powers are somewhat weak, this is difficult for her to pull off and it consumes plus of her energy to be able to do. She has used this a few times, but she has little experience doing this, plus it’s just difficult for her to use.

Mind Energy

~Due to being a Vibra Banshee, she has almost non-existent mind powers. Because of this, it is extremely hard for her to use a mind power and keep it working. She has heard that Banshees have the mind powers of lire and controlling minds, using and creating mind energy constructs, and levitating and controlling things with their minds. She has tried to do these things before in an attempt to see if she could get her mind powers to work, but she’s discovered that it is very hard to do. She believes that one time she was able to hear a single small thought from someone while trying to use these mind powers, but even then it took an incredible amount of focus and concentration, and the thought seemed to disappear almost as quickly as it came to her. At another moment, she believed she got an empty can to déplacer even just a few inches through trying to use her mind powers, though that has been the only time, plus she’s not sure if she actually moved it ou if the wind moved it a bit. These have been the only two times that she has been able to get her mind powers to work, therefor she has little to no experience with them.

Other Banshee Abilities

~As a Banshee, she has the ability to fly. She uses her Wituls to help her keep balance while she is flying. She has some experience with flying, though she hasn’t done it just a whole lot.

~As a Banshee, she has metal Bones in her body which act as a kind of shell to protect her inside her body. Her ears will also close up when she is in danger, leaving only her eyes and mouth unprotected.

~As a Banshee, she has Wituls; two on the back of her head, and one on each knee and elbow. She knows how to harden her Wituls and grow them out to a longer size; she also knows how to use them in a fight as a weapon. Her father taught her a few ways to use her Wituls in a battle just in case she ever needed to defend herself. However, she prefers to use her sound powers to fight at a distance instead of charging straight ahead and using her Wituls. She will, however, use her Wituls if whoever she’s fighting gets close enough for hand to hand combat as she believes it’s plus practical to just go ahead and use the Wituls instead of trying to shoot them with sound energy at close range. She’ll use her sound powers to knock someone back if she needs a quick breather, however.


Zania was born to two happy Vibra Banshee parents who lived and hid in a closed down apartment building that could be accessed via a hidden doorway in a dark and small alleyway. For most of her life, her parents tried to shelter her away from all of the stories of the Refine and all of the stories of Banshees being killed and hunted; however, she caught onto these stories fairly quickly and knew about them for quite some time even though her parents tried to shelter her. She had heard the stories before when she had been outside with her parents and they scared her plus than anything else when she was younger; she would often have dreams about the Refine and uncontrollably imagine the horrors and what happened to the Banshees during the day. This led to her fearing to venture outside and fearing to be away from her parents in her younger age; it also led to a fear of hearing about the Refine and a fear of hearing the name that Banshees were called: “Hellborn”. To this day, she still has an uncomfortable feeling when she hears about the Refine ou hears the name, which causes her to try to walk away ou avoid hearing the talk any further in any way that she possibly can.

While she was young, her dad tried his best to teach her how to use her basic sound powers just in case she would ever need them; he also tried to teach her how to muffle sound so she could keep herself silent if she ever needed to be quiet ou sneak around someone who was searching for her ou Banshees in general; for this same reason, he also tried to montrer her how to phase through objects to hide, but it took her a while longer until she was able to get her body to phase long enough to pass through objects. She decided that it was usually easier to just block out the sound she makes and hide that way instead, though she did keep the phasing in mind as she grew older. Her father also taught her how to use her Wituls as a mean of defending herself if she ever had to engage in close combat. Her mother was usually not exactly very happy to see her being taught how to attack people, but she understood her husband’s reasoning that she might need to know those skills to defend herself from the people who seek to attack and destroy Banshees. Her father was also admittedly not too excited about teaching his daughter about violence and fighting, but his reasoning told him that it would be best if she at least knew the basics of how to work her powers.

Her parents tried to raise her to think positive thoughts. They didn’t want her to grow up harboring intense hatred for everyone and the world as they were afraid that it would only hurt her in the end and she would grow into a very amer individual. Whenever she heard about the Refine ou whenever she heard bad things about the Banshee, her parents tried to reassure her that it was okay and they tried to prevent her from hearing any plus on the subject. Her parents always tried to smile around her and they always tried to get her to smile whenever possible, which lead her to being a bit of a cheery individual in her younger years. Her parents also tried their best to teach her how be patient and how to walk away from others without insulting them back and making the situation worse. At her current age, she usually does try to stay calm and just walk away from arguments and insults instead of trying to argue back and fuel the fire. Her parents did manage to raise her to where she tries to think positive thoughts about people, though she does find it quite hard from time to time considering all the hate that she and the Banshee species as a whole are met with. She has also grown to where she usually keeps her opinions to herself. At first she only kept her opinions to herself because she didn’t want to start arguments with people ou fuel any arguments, but due to the habit of keeping quiet and not saying any opinions, it’s become a bit of a habit to keep quiet on opinions in general.

While she was younger, because she had gotten a fear of being outside and away from her parents after hearing about everything that a lot of people would do if they saw a Banshee, she rarely went outside, if ever. Because of this, at a young age, she rarely knew anything about the outside world other than the stories of the Refine and the attacking of Banshees. This led to her fascination in the stories that her mother and father would tell her about nature; she was not fond of hearing about what people did, but she would always look vers l'avant, vers l’avant to hearing their stories about the sun, the sky, the clouds, the flowers, and so on. She would often ask her parents any moment she got what everything looked like over and over again; her parents usually found it a bit tiring to constantly explain what the outside world looked like to their daughter, but they always loved to watch as her eyes would light up with excitement and they would l’amour to watch as a large smile would grow on her face. Out of all of the things of nature that her parents would explain to her, she always found the most fascination in the stories about the stars in the sky and the moon. Even though she was afraid of going outside, a part of her deep inside longed to view these beautiful stars and the moon that she had heard about hanging in the night sky.

Due to the fact that her parents were trying their best to raise their daughter in hiding, they did their best to teach her at accueil in a form of homeschool that they could teach her themselves. She proved to be fairly smart and learned the things that she was being taught quite quickly, though she’s far from being what some people would consider a “genius” who knows everything. Due to being raised in an alley on the streets, she picked up on what people call “street smarts” quite quickly as well. Now at her current age, she tries to learn plus whenever she possibly can for education. While she was taught everything that she needed to get par in life, she still believes that she needs at least a bit plus education from time to time.

When she was twelve years old, her parents wanted to actually take her outside and montrer her some of the things that they had been telling her about while she was young. However, at that time she was still quite scared at the idea of venturing outside for long and she was worried that something was either going to happen to her ou both of her parents. In an attempt to calm her down and make her feel better about going outside, her mother decided to give Zania a collier that she had actually gotten for herself; the collier was purple and blue with a soft yellow ribbon-like string which could tie around her neck. When she asked her mother what the collier was, her mother simply told her with a smile that it was a good luck charm and that it would protect them from anything bad happening to them. Due to the fact that she was still quite young at the time, she believed what her mother had a dit and decided to wear it when she went out with her parents, believing that the special collier would protect them. When she stayed out with her parents and got to witness the outside world for plus than just a few minutes, she found herself mesmerized par how beautiful the sky and the scenery was; her parents could only smile when they saw how excited and amazed she was once observing the scenery. Remembering how much she wanted to hear about the stars and the moon, her parents decided to montrer her what the night looked like once the jour was over. Later that night, once the city had fallen silent, her parents carefully snuck themselves and their daughter out of their alleyway accueil and up to the rooftops of some of the buildings. Once up on the rooftops and sitting down, her parents told her to look up. Upon looking up, her eyes went wide and a large smile came on her face as she was able to see the beautiful shining stars and the large full moon that she had wanted to see so desperately ever since she had started hearing the stories about them. It was then that she decided that she loved seeing the stars and the moon plus than anything else that she had ever seen before.

Upon growing up, she learned that she didn't really believe in good luck and bad luck, and she realized that the collier didn’t actually do anything other than just make her look nice. However, because the collier was donné to her par her mother, she still considers the collier special and she wears it to this day. She also still loves to go outside during the late night and view the stars and moon; her favori time to do this is when the full moon is out. Whenever she goes to view the stars and moon, she always makes sure to try to get up to a building rooftop where she can see the stars and the moon in a closer and better view; this relaxes her plus than anything else.

She currently lives alone, but remains near to her parents for sentimental reasons.

That is the backstory of Zania.

Personality Information

Zania has grown into a respectable young woman who tries to think of others’ feelings before speaking. She tries to be friendly, though she doesn’t usually approach people all that much herself as she’s afraid that she’s going to approach someone who has something against Banshees. Due to this fact, she usually waits for other people to approach her instead, ou she waits until she sees that the person is nice to Banshees before approaching them herself. She usually keeps her opinions to herself out of fear of offending someone ou making someone angry as it’s pretty much become a habit for her to do so and stay quiet. She still has a fear of the Refine and tries to avoid the name as much as she can and she attempts to walk away from any conversations that are centered around it; she also tries to walk away from any conversation that speaks of Banshees as “Hellborns”. She tries to keep a smile on her face and she tries to keep herself in a positive mood as much as she can, though she can find herself angry from time to time and she can find herself upset. She is quite docile, but she does try to prevent herself from being walked on ou taken control of constantly.
Noctuslynx and I are making a Fighting forum for everyone to try. It will tie in with the canon, cannon universe of our stories, and yours as well unless asked otherwise. This means that toi can be in the story if toi survive long enough.

In the forum there will be matches supervised par either Noctuslynx ou myself to make sure there aren’t any signs of foul play. BUT there isn’t just fighting. In the forum toi can go explore and even go to your worlds and other people’s worlds depending on the events, but note that toi may be pulled into a fight par a plot-character at some point.

If toi want to...
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So the character “Rynk Hellborn” (For those not knowing about the last-name part, “Hellborn” has nothing to do with demonic anything. It’s simply a name which I can explain later if you’re wondering.) is probably my most populaire Sonic fan Character, and probably only surpassed par Rin, ou possibly Slender. (OYO)

The character has made her debut on the Mobius Academy series, being written par myself, and Gracethefox (To read the first part go here ~ link )
She’s appeared as a cameo character in The Rasoul Saga, written par Mephiles97 (To read go here~ link )
And she actually DID get...
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Zone: Black Garden Zone
Countdown: 295 Days Until Darkness
POV: Gamma the Hedgehog 3rd

Time: 7:59:99 AM (7:59 EST)
Day: 2/27/14

Not gonna look back...just gonna keep on running...not stopping...not turning back towards my past...only looking on towards my future...not allowing anything ou anyone to slow me down, just moving on...

Dashing vers l'avant, vers l’avant through the area, Gamma needs to stop and take a breather, so he does so beside the Black Garden Statue. Why...why do I have to have these powers...WHY?! Gamma collapses to his knees and buries his face in his hands, as a memory of the past comes...
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The first few years of my life went par without much trouble. Dad and I lived together, peacefully and almost bored-like, in the Mystic Cave Zone until that day... that dreadful day...
It was pretty peaceful until about 10:00 am that morning...that was when we saw him...a blue streak, almost impossibly fast, ran right past us. Shortly after, HE showed up...with his army of robots, he chased me and Dad out of the cave. Being a 3 an old, and having plus Echidna than Cat, I couldn't exactly stay on my feet very long, but that's when Dad set me on my under-developed paws, kissed my forehead,...
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Okay, to start, there were only about 1,200 fans in this club when I started up, but almost every single one of them was active, minus the club owner. My fan base took off quickly, rising to 45 in the first month, making me think I'd have a lot of fun with this site. And I did. Up until a short while ago, this club was the only club I'd ever play on. That was when I figured out how to make my own club, and the drama began...
Let me tell you, I'm not a big guy on fighting, verbally ou physically, but once my ADHD sets off, you'd better run the other way FAST. The first person to learn this...
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Name:Crescent Age:15 fourrure Color:Black Hair Color:Yellow Clothes: A rose jacket, dark green tank top, dark rose skirt, brown boots, brown boots favori Bands:Within Temptaion, Three Days Grace, Tiffany Giardina, Crush 40 Intrests:Spending time with her Friends Friends/Allies:Sonic the Hedgehog, Amy Rose, Rouge the Bat, Miles "Tails" Prower. favori Food:Ramen Noodles.
posted by TakTheFox
So a lot of the time I find myself rping with more female characters than male character.
First off though I’d like to point out that I am not…
~ A brony
~ homo/bi-sexual
~ An anime/and/or/hentai fan (EW)
~ in need of a girlfr-… okay maybe, but that doesn’t count X{D

Aside from that the first reason why I rp with girl characters so often is…
1.    Popularity
Of my many characters the only popular guy characters I have (Note: Not using Mobius Academy: Evolution characters because that deals more with who is around than popularity) are...
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Ok, so don't take any of this the wrong way guys, it's what makes me mad and pissed of.

1: Continuesess Role-playing.
I know some people l’amour to Role play, I do to. It's just...Isn't it annoying when your sitting there chatting, then someone contacts toi over meebo. toi click on it and they jump STRAIGHT into role playing without even saying "Hi". I certainly HATE it, no offense friends, I'm not naming them.

2: A busy/away sign means no contacting.
When I have a busy sign saying something like, "Busy right now, écriture a essay" ou "eating dinner", that doesn't mean 'I MUST CONTACT HER TO ANNOY...
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posted by FrizTHedgehog
Who is this masked man? The Golden Man?
If toi listen to his theme, you'll get a good idea....
Other than that he has l’espace control similar to the the TomTom Gang in Blinx2, thus meaning he can open mini Black Holes, Worm Holes, and basically do anything that has to do with space. But where did he get that technology?
A few years back El Dorado broke into Friz's lab late at night and a volé, étole experimental equipment, this was before he was El Dorado.
He become El Dorado when he was traveling through Universes and Planets, he found A Planet with entire Cities, Towns, And Villages made of gold, Then...
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posted by RawrMonster123
This club is having serious problems. Do toi know what that is? It's ORIGINALITY!!! So that BlazeCat girl made a Truth ou Dare RP. suivant thing toi know that Kittiez girl made one. 1st I thought that was fine, but then I thought about it, and that's plain copying. SilverAnime122 made a RP on her FC Dominique transforming into her Toxic form. Then before toi know it that BlazeCat girl makes one that her FC "Sharmaine" transform into a monster from some damn brownies. Like, give me a Dorito and I'll turn into Barney. -.-" That girl that "owns" that FC Diane apparently doesn't. Like really? toi know that's art theft, right? And it wouldn't of, I think, if toi asked for permission and gave credit. Plus, toi can't draw if toi don't try. -.-" I know I suck but I keep trying. RECOLORS COUNT!! And I don't even need to add the other copiers. toi guys know who I'm talking about. So people, please, BE. ORIGINAL!!!
posted by silveranime122
 Marth Stegtion
Marth Stegtion
This all the information about Marth.

Name:Marth Stegtion/Project-M
Birth Date:April 17,1995
Power:Speed and change of body hight
Abilties:Understand all lanagues,see at night clearly,far distance hearing,running as fast as Sonic,unlimited hight change
Bio:Was born in the middle of the forest par his parents.Raised until his parents were murderd one night when he was 12.Had to raise himself ever scence.
Job:Has to be a F.B.I. agent in order to be free.
Relationships:He is Dominique's boyfriend.
Likes:Being known as good,with his friends,knowing his Friends are honest to...
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posted by TakTheFox
Part Four

Rynk had arrived in a different city now. It was less populated then her own, but it was not the population that she interested. She walked across the city’s outskirts, until she had found a still-occupied military base.

“This had better be it.” She a dit to herself. The lynx-girl then walked up to the gates of the base, and asked if she could meet with someone who she could question about certain files.

“Are toi serious?” The man at the gate asked in his booth.

“Well… I was… now I’m slightly less serious, but-“

“You can’t just be handed files like that, Miss…”...
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posted by TakTheFox

The scenario: Creation, and containment of a new stable species.

“Is he controlled?”


The Location: Base-X. X for unknown. In the Metro-city of Mobotropolis Mark 21. On the planet Mobius Zone 12, ou as called par the natives “Iblicis.”

“Is he complete?”


The date: The fourth after-apocalypse-world, ou plus commonly called “Fourth From-Ashes”. an 5500. January 1st, Saturday.

“Is he… contained???”

“… Completely.”

Chapter one: Happy New Year

Five hours prior…

A almost glowing-red male cat lay unconscious on the floor of what appeared to be a hotel living-room....
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posted by smartone123
name: Moshi

age: 17

Nickname: panda boy,shy guy, and freak

Stereotype:friendly but shy with passion for alot of things

Race: American and chinese

Hometown: forests,china

Birthday: June 4

Astrological Sign: Gemini

Species: great white panda

Gender: male


Allergies:talcum powder

Sexual preference:both

Occupation: highschool

Way of speaking:no way at all,but would be smooth and soft if could

Theme Song(s):
Pierce The Veil - Chemical Kids and Mechanical Brides

Tonight Alive-"wasting away"

Personal Quote:"it doesn't matter what the outside shows,the inside shows the real story"...
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[Warning: minor spoilers sort of...]

I remember how we were born. A stern father who hated us. A beautiful mother who found us disgusting. A pair of parents who abandoned us. Left us out on the rue in a unstable town. To die. We were punished for something we did not ask for. For our supposed digesting deform we have.

Conjoined twins. That is what me and my brother, Amore were. Connected at the skull and shared a brain. We didn't ask for this. I l’amour to be close with my brother, but not this close.

For years, we lived in alley ways and on the streets. Making money for montrer people our gross...
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posted by Kal_Sphinx
Chapter six: Oops

Location: Mobius-zone-8, Faconicks, Meridona, South-Tropan, Mansion

Date: Date: Thursday, March 13th, Second-Line-2101

Time: 11:21 A.M.

Rin started up the computer, then quickly opened the file named “disposition-analysis”. Inside this one there were documents, videos, pictures, and so on. Rin scrolled down through these; ignoring them complete, which did not make the others happy, but they a dit nothing.

She finally came across one that was called “Communication-Uplink”. She clicked on it. As soon as she did, a progress-bar appeared on the screen, and a web-cam window...
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Rynk’s profile

Character's Full Name: Relmiss Nyra Avi
Reason ou meaning of name: Unknown.
Nickname: Rynk
Reason for nickname: It’s the only name she knows, and the one she made up for herself for no reason.

Birthdate: She’s fifteen, but no one knows her exact rendez-vous amoureux, date of birth. Somewhere in April possibly
Astrological Sign: uh… the moon?

Age: 15
How old does s/he appear?: 16 ou 17
Eye Color: Mint, with faded blue pupils
Glasses ou contacts? No
Hair color: Black
Distinguishable hair feature: Sometimes it looks as if it has stripes on it, but no one knows why
Type of hair (coarse,...
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posted by TakTheFox
Rynk story

Note: This is not planned to be a permanent series, but basically guide-lines to Rynk’s past.

Part one

I had the same dream again. The dream of a giant black tower, with spikes all around it. It used to scare me so much when I saw that, but now it just confuses me. Unfortunately it’s not the dream that becomes the least of my problems. I don’t know why but for some reason every time I have that dream, I wake up as a captive of someone. Here we go again.

In a large darkened room, a female lynx is tied to a chair, with a large black bag over her head, and armed mobians surrounding...
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This is a look into a mind that many don't wanta be in but toi won't think the same again
(Warning:maybe be awkward and perverted for younger peoples.Also there are aléatoire appearances of OCs)
Ok let's take the leap into a regular jour of Storm

Just another jour in a jour of making people give me money and then coup de poing bad guys but at least i get to cook even though it sucks!whisles absently as her eggs she cooks started to turn from golden to blazing fire....I wonder if tenma will get together with harma?well it isn't my fav couple but their cute..!

"STORM!!"I snap back at the sound of chucks voice...
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AGE!!!!!!!!: IMMORTAL LOLOL!!!!!!!!!!!




BIO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!: ALEJANDRO WAS BRN IN MEXICO (OLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) N THN HE RRLZED DAT HES DA CHOSEN 1 2 SVE DA WURLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

YEH N HES A PLAYA N STUFF N HE HAS A MUSTASHE N STBBLE SO YAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NJOY DIS PIC!!!!!!!!! I MDE IT SO YAH!!!!!!!!!! XOXOXOXOXOXOXO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!