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posted by ShadowFan100
Character Chart
Character's full name: Razor Rex
Reason ou meaning of name: Due to his powers--razor blades
Character's nickname: None
Reason for nickname: None
Birth date: The rendez-vous amoureux, date is unknown but the an he was born is: 999997977 BC (No, seriously, I used a calculator to be sure I got this right)
Powers: Razor blades (meaning, he is able to form sharp razor blades from his bones, through his body to use as weapons to fight ou defend himself with)
Theme: None

Physical appearance
Age: 9,999,999,990 now (1,000,000,018 when he reawakens in Shock's last Saga. And again, I had to check to make sure his age was accurate)
How old does he/she appear: 18
Weight: 56 pounds
Height: 5ft
Body build: average
Shape of face: Repile-ish face
Eye color: Green
Glasses ou contacts: None
Skin tone: Red
Predominant features: IDK
Type of hair: None, he's bold :D
Hairstyle: Bold
Voice: Unsure
global, ensemble attractiveness: Average
Physical disabilities: None
Usual fashion of dress: Well...when u look at him, u will think of Tarzan. He wears a black loin cloth. Although, he does wear gloves and shoes, along with some arm bands

Good personality traits: Protective, kind, has a good sense of justice and morals. He is also able to take charge when needed--when there are fights ou any form of chaos going on. He's also loyal to those he knows, but doesn't always trust easy. He is also not scared to montrer sympathy towards others.
Bad personality traits: At times, he can be too serious. He tends to say certain thing he doesn't mean, that winds up hurting the other person in some way. He also has this thing where he bottles up all of whats bothering him
Mood character is most often in: Happy
Sense of humor: Unsure
Character's greatest joy in life: Back in his time, his greatest joy was his first love, Princess Nara
Character's greatest fear: His fear already came true back in his time, when the first Scythe group threatened and destroyed his accueil of Dinopolis. But I guess his newest fear being alone
Why?: His family, and accueil was taken away from him, so he basically has no one to love
What single event would most throw this character's life into complete turmoil? It already happened: his kingdom was destroyed
Character is most at ease when: staring at a sunset. He watches the sun to get his mind off of trying to figure out what he's gonna do with his life in the present
Most ill at ease when: Around Darren Scythe, since he is....somewhat connected to the group who destroyed his home
Enraged when: He is told he is worthless, ou is made fun of for being a dino
Depressed ou sad when: He thinks of his life back in Prehistoric Mobian times
Priorities: Helping Shock put a stop to the current generation of Scythe Hunters, especially the current leader: Darren
Life philosophy: Unknown
If granted one wish, what would it be: To have his family and life back
Why?: He misses it
Character's soft spot: Unknown
Is this soft spot obvious to others? ?
Greatest strength: His powers
Greatest vulnerability ou weakness: When he lets what people say get to him
Biggest regret: Not being able to save his kingdom from Scythe
Minor regret: None
Biggest accomplishment: Escaping from the modern Scythe HQ, after being released from his icy slumber
Past failures he/she would be embarrassed to have people know: Same as his regret
Why?: Cuz
Character's darkest secret: haven't thought of one yet
Does anyone else know? No

Drives and motivations: The fact that Scythe took his accueil from him drives him to stop the modern Scythe
Immediate goals: Killing Darren Scythe
How the character plans to accomplish these goals: Whatever it takes
How other characters will be affected: Dunno

Country: Dinophia
Hometown: Dinopolis
Type of childhood: Unknown
Pets: none
First memory: Unknown
Most important childhood memory: Unknown
Why?: Because it just is
Childhood heroes: None
Dream job: King
Religion: Unknown
Finances: None

Current location: In the series, he's currently still La Reine des Neiges in ice
Currently living with: No one
Pets: None
Religion: Unknown
Occupation: None
Finances: NONE

Mother: Unknown
Father: Unknown
Spouse: Princess Nara (dead)
Siblings: Unknown
Relationship with them: X
Children: None
Other important family members: Unknown

Color: Dark green
Least favori color: Yellow
Music: Ancient kinda music
Food: berry
Literature: None
Form of entertainment: Training
Expressions: smiling
Mode of transportation: None

Hobbies: He likes to explore around the modern world
Plays a sport? No
How he/she would spend a rainy day: Taking a nap
Spending habits: Dunno
Smokes: Nope
Drinks: No
Other drugs: No
What does he/she do too much of? Dunno yet
What does he/she do too little of? Dunno yet
Extremely skilled at: hand-to-hand combat
Extremely unskilled at: singing
Nervous tics: Unsure
Usual body posture: Good

Optimist ou pessimist? Optimistic
Introvert ou extrovert? Extrovert
Daredevil ou cautious? cautios
Logical ou emotional? Logical
Disorderly and messy ou methodical and neat? Neat
Prefers working ou relaxing? Working
Confident ou unsure of himself/herself? Unsure. He doubts himself in his role as a Prince/Future King
Animal lover? Yes

How he/she feels about himself/herself: Alright
One word the character would use to describe self: Loyal
One paragraph description of how the character would describe self: I am the Lost prince of a might never understand. I am loyal, determined, strong and do
What does the character consider his/her best personality trait? His loyalty
What does the character consider his/her worst personality trait? None
What does the character consider his/her best physical characteristic? His eyes
What does the character consider his/her worst physical characteristic? His feet

Relationships with others
Opinion of other people in general: He sees most people as his friends, though he is very aware that others are against him, due to him being of royalty. But he doesn't get overly judgmental--he does give people a chance to prove themselves worthy of his trust. However, that nearly backfired when his role as King was threatened (back in his time, that is)
Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others? Yes, way too much actually. He also prefers not to cry in front of others
Person character most hates: Darren Scythe
Best friend(s): Outside the story, he is Friends with Shock the Dog, Julitza and...well, not many. He doesn't want a lotta people to know of his existence
l’amour interest(s): Back in his time: Princess Nara. Now? None
Person character goes to for advice: No one
Person character feels responsible for ou takes care of: his time, he was about to be responsible for a whole country (you know, about to be KING and all that) but now....he feels responsible for his new friends
Person character feels shy ou awkward around: dunno yet
Person character openly admires: His father
Person character secretly admires: No one
Most important person in character's life before story starts: Princess Nara
After story starts: Nobody at the moment

Assuming they're strong emotions, how does this character deal with ou react to:

Anger: Most times, he can resist it very well. But other times, he will forms his razor blades all around him, and give out a load, intimidating roar before attacking

Sadness: He will hide his face--run away to be alone in an isolated area, and cry

Conflict/Danger: He can handle this extremely well--he was raised to handle this and be prepared in any situation. He'll be calm, cool and collected and knows how to take charge

Rejection: Not good. He will most likely hide away somewhere, and be all depressed

Fear: He usually doesn't montrer much fear, but when he does, he tries his best to be calm

Change: U would think he would hate it, but he actually doesn't mind it. Outside the story, he has adaptive to life in the Modern World pretty well. he finds most of it quite fascinating

Loss: Same as Sadness

Flirting: U wouldn't think he is, but he is actually somewhat shy, and doesn't flirt

Pain: Fair

Stress: Unsure

Peer pressure: He's not stupid, so he won't give in that easily

Guilt: He'll hang his head low, and end up finding a place to think about this

Being wrong: He doesn't mind it

Being criticized: Same as Being wrong

Praise: He's use to this, but doesn't want it all the time. To him, if someone were to praise him alot, he would see it as "butt-kissing" up to him, and he hates when people just pretend to like him when they don't

Love: He's...kinda shy. But once he has fallen in love, he gets use to it

Being hated: He doesn't always handle this too well. It gets to him easily

Humiliation: Same as the one above
posted by TenanahBluefern
Shane walked through the front door of his apartment, mail in his hands, and shut the door with his foot. Tenanah was just lounging on the canapé and noticed something in Shane's mail. As he walked into the kitchen, Tenanah followed. Shane sat at the table, tableau and looked through the mail. He found a purple slip of folded paper and frowned.
 "What the--"
 "Shane? May I see that?" Tenanah interrupted. As Shane was handing it to her, it spontaneously combusted and they both flinched. It landed on the table, tableau and branded an insignia onto it. Tenanah stared at it with fascination. Shane however, was not...
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2 HOURS LATER... Chris eventually had fallen asleep. Chris had sort of cried himself to sleep, but he wasn't aware. He didn't know what sleeping ou crying was, so he was kinda even plus panicked cause wet stuff was coming out of his eyes. He woke up, remembering that he was stuck underground. He was still frowning. It was now nighttime. There was a crack in the ground, and he could see moonlight shining in. He sighed, then layed down and put his hands behind his back he was still frowning. MEANWHILE, ABOVE GROUND... The creature that Robotnik made had gotten out of the lab. He was no longer...
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posted by thetacoman
Once upon a time, Tydus, Torren, Mef and Zanehorn were in the magical land of cacahuète, arachide beurre when Zanehorn had an idea.
'LETS ALL WEAR cacahuète, arachide beurre =D' he yelled.
Torren jumped into the cacahuète, arachide beurre and hugged Tydus tightly, eventually asphixiatining him and causing his demise.
Then Zanehhorn ran around with only cacahuète, arachide beurre on while Torren and Mef threw chocolat at each other.
Tydus' dead body was re-animated par a cacahuète, arachide demon and he attacked everyone yelling 'TROLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLORAEG!!!!!!!!!!'
Mef ate Tydus and resumed throwing things at Torren and Zanehorn remained covered while making out with Seuris in a corner.
And Tydus was watching down from Heaven, talking to St. Micheal.
Tydus pointed to Torren. 'He's my brother (3' he said.
'And you're proud of that?' Micheal asked.
'Not really,' a dit Tydus going back to eat some andy clouds'
"See this is what toi get for being a fighter" a dit Rhianna trying to fix up Angelique "Not my fault I'm one" Angelique replied half asleep. Rhianna was puting the last stich when a fast blur went through the trees. Angelique tried to go to the trees but Rhianna pulled her back "The suivant thing I need is to put stiches in you" Rhianna a dit trying to keep Angelique stil "why dont toi just teach me how so I can do it himself" angelique a dit with a innocent look on her face "believe me I would but your not the healer are you?". Extream sighed as he walked out "what's all this comoation about?"...
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Zim, Tak, and GIR enter the place where Sonic characters originated.... pixels.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~They had to get that guys name. ou something. "This is SO fun......" Zim said. They were once again hiding underground. Zim was playing "Sonic Advance 3". Tak was painting her fake nails, with the fact that Irkens don't have nails. "Aren't they pretty?...." She said. Even GIR was gloomy. He took a stick and wrote on the underground walls, "Tes es booring." With a frowny face. "Tag." He said, and poked Zim. "Hey... Do toi guys have GBAs and GBA links?..." Zim said....
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--------------------------------------------------"I see toi have found the Master Emerald....I'm impressed! But if toi really want to destroy Mobius you'll need the other emeralds. toi will need the Super Emeralds and the Chaos Emeralds." Scourge said. "Luckily, I a volé, étole one from Shadow, so toi can just use Chaos Co trol to transport to get them all."Scourge said. "Hand me one!" Zim shouted. Scourge handed Zim the emerald, and Zim was off. Zim and GIR found themselves in a spinning world with colored blocks, green fish, and the chaos emerald. He and GIR were unable to...
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posted by thetacoman
Neptun frowned at the bottom of the sea, hating the Old One.
He was cursed to be confined to the sea, all because the Old One was afraid.
Neptun was at the bottom of the sea because he was in l’amour with his sister Siria. The Old One knew it was mutual, and knew of a prophecy saying a newborn from the Few would overthrow him, and seperated the two.
He received no news at the bottom of the sea, and had no knowledge that his Mother was with child.
So he was determined that the child that overthrew the Old One would be his and Siria's.

Neptun was near ready for bed, when he saw a sword appear before him. Followed par a vision.
(pretend this is italics) Neptun drove the sword victoriously through the Pyramis of the Old One.
He saw his life as he desired it.
With Siria.
(nu longer italics)
"Yes," a dit Neptun. "This is what I desire."
Neptun grabbed the sword and swam to his château to prepare.
The Military fought harder and Harder against the Demons attacking the city,But it was all in vain,The Military was soon almost completely destroyed,Helicopters were on the ground and on fire,Bodies lay everywhere.

The last of the Military ran off to the only weapons they had left,High powered Turrets,Anti Aircraft Guns,And Stingers,Those where they only things they had left,Their where 100 Soldiers left,And they all helped build sort of a Barrier and dug trenches.

The Military Fought against the Demons in a final battle,Thousands of Demons died,But... After that battle,Only 10 Military Men...
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This is after Krov shot himself, Liozy fitted this verse almost perfectly, Also this will kinda be written story/poem style
She stays there, in the corner of the dark room. Her hair once used a almost white blonde but now it is stained with scarlet blood. She picks up a small packet, pills. She crys silently as she buries her face in her shaking hands, her beloved was gone. Dead and silenced for ever. He took his own life away with a pull of a trigger.

He was gone forever, she was dead inside.

It had been a mois now, she counted, today was the jour that...
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This is when toi get fucking sick of life, also this will explain what my characters really feel on the inside. Everybody mentioned in this belong to their own owners. This also is based from the song toi could be a hero by
"Hey Russian Jerk!" Rima, a yellow and black angelhog, shouted walking over to a white Russian ours named Krov, who smiled at Rima, not seeming to have taken any offence, in fact, he was wincing on the inside, holding his chest tight.
"Yes Rima?" Krov said, for one of the first times he does not insult her, he is too weak today,...
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"So what the heck are toi planning? I want to know what it is now." A grey chameleon asked in a rough tone.

"Oh, it's called PATIENCE." Anaya a dit angrily, tapping her foot rapidly on the marble floor.

"We could try and get Shane and Nazo to stop working for Zak somehow," Myka said. "Maybe even drag Keegan into this."

"Keegan?!" Anaya's eyes widened. "Are toi serious?! The guy's an angry ball of fuzz!"

"It doesn't matter!" Myka snapped. "We'll need his help, whether he is moody ou not."

"I don't think I've ever seen him moody," Shiro said.

"Can we get on with this please?" Myka asked, trying to think...
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Firstly,I wanna thank MasterLink For being an awesome Rper,Epic friend,and makes meh laugh,But sadley he is not on here anymore,A moment of silence please...

Osiris for being the replacment of Master Link... Sorta.... XD Anyways,The guy is a fun guy,Don'tcha know?

MephilestheDark for being a Like,TOTALLY EPIC FRIEND,TOTALLY. XD And for having epic artz,characters,Rps,Humor. Geez... I can't liste it all. XD

Princess Viviana for Being an awesome rper,but sadley she recolors,and is not here either... ANOTHER moment of silence...

ThirdDevision for being just plain Epic.

Pheonix Royal Just met the gal,AND SHE'S ALREADY AWESOME. XD

And Finally,LadyLyric (Or AktatheWolf,I forget... ^^;) For being meh first fans.

"Haze... Wake up... Haze...." a dit a voice.

Haze woke up,only to be found that he was in the middle of an abandoned playground,fog everywhere,almost like a maze.

"W-Where am I?" He asked himself.

"Welcome to hell Haze,YOUR hell." a dit the voice.

Suddenly students from his past started to surround them,he could only see their white eyes,glaring at him,and chanting,"Play with us Haze,Play with us.... Forever...."

Haze began to back up into a monkey bar,and turned around,a deformed little girl stood in front of Haze,and it appeared that her skin was melting off her.

"Play....." She said.

Haze jumped...
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"Why don't toi mind your own... BUISNESS!!!" Yelled Xiz as he sticked his hand out,engulfing Typhoon in flames.

"Heh heh heh." Chuckled Xiz.

"Really? Is that all toi got?" a dit the hedgehog from inside the inferno,the flames cleared around him,and showed a spiral of wind around Typhoon,sheilding him from the blast.

"What?! Why toi little!" Suddenly a Slash went across his chest,then Typhoon jumped,and then slammed his foot in Xiz's stomach. Typhoon then,uppercutted Xiz,foot still in stomach. Xiz went back alittle,rubbing his face.

"Impressive,you seem to be plus tougher then I first suspected......
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4/6/11 3:33am - Dear JOURNAL,NOT DIARY. Me and the others,where walking through the jungle,no food,or water,on occasions,Mother would suggest too eat Caboose,I a dit no every time,Who would like too eat a stupid android,and that's literally when I say Stupid,why in fact,Caboose thought a chameleon was a pie! A frikin PIE! Not only the fact he kept it for the whole trip,and kept on trying too eat it when he has NO MOUTH,honestly,this journal is the only thing keeping me sane right now.... I just wonder what the others are up too-

"Hey Haze!" a dit Mother,as she snatched away the "Journal" away...
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"Nocturn huh? Well that's a weird name." a dit Haze.

"Well at least my name isn't 'Haze'" Nocturn snapped back.

"Right,hey,have toi seen my helmet?" Haze asked the stranger.

"Oh,you mean this is your helmet?" Nocturn held up Haze's helmet,it's visor shattered,and blood stains covering it.

"Why would toi need this peice of junk?" a dit Nocturn,puzzled.

Haze growled as he speaked,"I NEED THAT HELMET!"

Nocturn jumped back,"Okay,okay geez,let's just FIX the damn thing first!"

Haze crossed his arms. Nocturn walked off,and motioned for Haze to follow. He did,eventually they went to a camp.

"Alright Haze,welcome...
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A little Q&A with my new Haze the Hedgehog character,You'll see him in the Typhoon stories! :D

Q: Does Haze get nosebleeds sometimes?
A: Yes,but toi can't see it.
heh heh,helmets are awesome.

Q: Can Haze talk?

A: Does Haze have a girlfriend?
Q: Erm,no?

Q: Is Haze better then Shadow?
A: ........Who's Shadow?

Q: Does Haze EVER take his casque off?
A: NO!

Q: Is Haze religous?
A: My visor is a CROSS.

Q: Does Haze fight alot?
A: Only when I have to.

Q: Can toi turn your casque White instead of Black?
A: Somehow that sounded racist.....

Q: Which sword does Haze like better,a Longsword,or Katana?
A: Katana,cause it's faster.

Q: Can Haze tell jokes?
A: Knock knock.

Q: What does Haze think of fangirls?
A: As long as they don't steal my helmet,clothes,etc. I'm fine with them.
posted by marksmen456
"Er,Ugh!" a dit Typhoon,getting up from the cold ground. "That damn bounty hunter will pay..." He said,weakly. He floated all the way back up,and ran off.

The Commander slammed his hand on the ground,"I WANT THAT HEDGEHOG DEAD,YOU HEAR ME? DEAD! Send in Shadow and Rouge to help Alyosius!"

The Soilder responded,"Yes sir!" And ran off.

"Ugh,What am I going to do?! Every time I try and put him here,he keeps getting out,HALF of my troops are dead because of HIM! One hedgehog! Something that not even the great Alyosius can kill!"

"Calm down already,I'm sure we'll be able to kill Typhoon with Shadow...
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posted by NickleBackFan
Murderer stuggled to open his eyes. When he finally did he saw Carter and Kat suivant to him. "Hey sleepy head 'bout time ya waked up." Kat said. Carter nodded. Murderer looked back and forth. "I'm sorry but who are you?" he a dit confused. Kat giggled. "You should take a look at your self first." Murderer looked down at his hands. "Hmmm skin?" He a dit surpised. Then he looked at Kat. "So toi are Kat in human form." Kat nodded. Murderer looked over at Carter then looked back at Kat with a helpless look on his face. "It's Carter." Kat laughed. "Oh." Carter stood up. "Well now that we are done reinorducing...
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Rocket ran to Olley. "Hey Olley can i borrow a voice recorder?" He asked. "Sure" Olley a dit as he gave it to him. "Oh no i need a small one." "Oh ok." Olley gave Rocket a small one and took back the big one. "Thankies." Rocket a dit as he ran back down to where Izzy, Bullet, and his Dad were. Carter was tapping his foot in announace. "Why did toi call me back here?" He asked. Rocket put the voice recorder in one hand and patted his dad on the back with that hand too. "Ohhhhh you'll see." Rocket a dit in a fake cheerful tone. Rocket took his hand away from his dad's back. The voice recorder was...
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