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So I’ve been looking around for “What character would be your girlfriend” in personality quizz but I almost NEVER find any, so I thought I’d make one myself.

Note: For this I did not add any future-tense characters like Saber, Sissy, ou Relm, but if toi guys want I can make one about the future characters some time too.

question one
What is your personality in a nutshell?
1.    Fun-loving, random, energetic.
2.    Calculating, aggressive, prone to anger issues.
3.    Friendly, patient, very outspoken about my beliefs.
4.    Anti-social, personal, secretive.
5.    Shy, always afraid of offending people, smart.
6.    Flirty, mischievous, self-absorbed.
7.    Adventurous, cocky, a bit quirky.
8.    Mostly serious, a bit temperamental, defensive.
9.    Wall-flower, not trying to prove anything, pretty normal.

question two
Which of the following traits do toi want in a girlfriend?
1.    Someone who likes to be random.
2.    Someone who can hold her own.
3.    Someone who sticks up for herself.
4.    Someone who is a good listener.
5.    Someone who cares about making toi happy.
6.    Someone who is beautiful.
7.    Someone who likes to take risks.
8.    Someone who will always be there for you.
9.    Someone who won’t judge you.

question three
If your girlfriend had any skills/powers what would they be?
1.    Being an all-around beast when it came to fighting.
2.    Leadership.
3.    Fit but still well-shaped.
4.    Magic
5.    Magic.
6.    Stealthy.
7.    Climbing.
8.    Great with aiming.
9.    It wouldn’t matter. As long as they could l’amour me.

question four
How did/would toi two meet
1.    I found her in a aléatoire place and she befriended me instantly.
2.    I was actually a little afraid of her when we met, but that changed over time.
3.    I was in school and she bumped into me.
4.    I saw her alone at some place and thought I’d say hi.
5.    She was hiding from me actually. I pretended not to notice, but eventually befriended her.
6.    I was gaping at her being so pretty, which she noticed.
7.    She saved my life.
8.    I’d known her for a long time, but it had always been business till I started asking some personal stuff, and we became friends.
9.    I can’t remember.

question five
toi ask her on a date/to be your girlfriend. How long has it been since toi two met that toi asked this, and why?
1.    Around two years. I hadn’t thought of the idea until I realized that I really liked her.
2.    It’s been a good few months. She wouldn’t let me ask till she knew me better.
3.    A an maybe. I was kind of crushing on a lot of girls, but she was my closest friend, and the other girl got taken.
4.    It’s been a few months. I only really asked her because I thought it might be a good idea to find out if I like her like that ou not.
5.    A mois I think. She’s really cute, and I really like her, so I kind of rushed things.
6.    A week. She’s a hot chick and if I don’t get her now, someone else will.
7.    About a year. I’d been making some passes along the way, but she seemed nervous about the idea for a while, so I gave it some time.
8.    Quite a few years actually. At least five. We’ve known each other for a long time, and we’ve always kept it as only friends, but I thought I’d like to “go to the suivant level”.
9.    I don’t really remember, but she seemed kind of lonely, so I thought I’d give it a go. She’s really nice, so why not?

question six
Where do toi go for the date?
1.    We just hang around anywhere. She’s not the fancy type, and that’s fine with me.
2.    It’s proper, if a bit un-romantic, but still nice. We have a nice dîner in her house ou a fancy restaurant.
3.    We get some pizza and watch a romantic movie together.
4.    We go to a park and listen to some nature musique while having a picnic.
5.    I tried not to overdo it and just got some food, and we ate at the beach.
6.    We go to a nice restaurant and enjoy the nightlife (Not the bed-type for all toi perves out there -_-).
7.    We go dancing in the moonlight.
8.    I couldn’t really decide because it was a little awkward, but we shared a dîner and talked. It was nice.
9.    We hung out at a restaurant at first, then went accueil for a movie.

question seven
What is your girlfriend’s fourrure color (or skin color X{D)?
1.    Black
2.    Dark Brown
3.    White
4.    Silver
5.    Gold
6.    Pink
7.    Light Brown
8.    Does it matter?
9.    Grey ou dark grey

question eight
Your girlfriend is complaining about something toi think is stupid. What do toi do/What do toi say to her?
1.    “Calm down!”
2.    I say nothing. I do not want her mad.
3.    “Are toi sure that it’s THAT important?”
4.    I ignore it. She’ll figure it out.
5.    She’s obviously annoyed par this, so I try to calm her down and help the best I can.
6.    I chuckle and say “You’re so cute.”
7.    I reluctantly try to help.
8.    I try to convince her that it isn’t that important ou bad.
9.    “Maybe it’ll get better later.”

question nine
How MORAL are toi compared to your girlfriend
1.    She’s a little friskier than me, but I don’t do anything.
2.    Morals? HA! We don’t need no stinking morals!
3.    We’re both extremely moral, and never do anything we shouldn’t.
4.    I’m a bit less moral than she is, but she doesn’t seem to care.
5.    She’s very moral herself, but I’ve got a lot to work on.
6.    She’s not moral, but I don’t know about myself.
7.    She’s not THAT moral, but she doesn’t like anything… immoral. I’m somewhere in between.
8.    We don’t do anything immoral, because it could ruin ou relationship.
9.    I don’t know. Medium both ways?

question ten
You’ve been going through some tough times with your girlfriend, and another girl is trying to get you. Your girlfriend sees her flirting with toi and…
2.    Asks toi what toi are going to do about it.
3.    She’d inform the girl that she and I are dating.
4.    Glare at me till I did something about it.
5.    Run off in tears.
6.    She’d try to flirt me back.
7.    “HEY! MY MAN!” *runs up in the girls face*
8.    She’d ignore it but ask me about it later.
9.    She’d try to apologize about everyone to get me back, even though I was being a jerk.

question eleven
toi see your girlfriend talking with another guy, and can’t help feel unnerved par it. What do toi do?
1.    I get a little worried, but I doubt she’d cheat on me.
2.    I’d use this as an excuse to break up later on.
3.    I’d rejoindre in and try to keep things from getting awkward.
4.    It’s not like her to flirt with other guys. I wouldn’t care.
5.    I’d go all defensive, and try to get rid of the guy.
6.    I’d fight for her.
7.    Even though he’s bigger than me, I’d try to make him back off, and get a little upset at her for talking with another guy.
8.    She has friends. So? It doesn’t mean anything.

Bonus question
Which character did toi think toi got?

Write the number of each answer toi got and post it in the comments, then I’ll put it all together.
salut ppl! I'm back and here is episode 2 part 2! Now let's start!
Icefire:Hello Molly & Jake
Molly:Hello icefire.
Icefire:So toi are -
Molly:Jason go up to your room.
Jason:Yes mom.=(
(Jason goes up to his room)
Icefire:So toi to are wanted?
Molly:No. We where famed.
Jake:And we need toi to take care of Jason & Crystal.
(crystal starts to cry)
Molly:It's ok crystal just shhhh..........
Ok I'm just going to skip to the sad part!
Ok it's night time and some ppl get inside the house and try to get Molly & Jake.
Well that's all folks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know right!
posted by steve-the-dog
let the story begin Steve the dog is laying in the grass. Man this sucks being stuck on an island theirs nothing to do but eat and sleep i need something exciting thrilling something to get the blood pumping a dit Steve in deep thought at that moment he thought of something A PIRATE that’s it a dit Steve as he got up and started running towards town anybody got a ship he asked everybody. Finally someone gave him a makeshift radeau that not even a feather would touch. well i guess this will do for now a dit Steve as he set off OK now to get to business first things first i need a crew a first mate a navigator a cook a musician a engineer and plus
well i guess we get first mate first i think ill set out north a dit Steve setting sail in the modern world we live in today soon he fell asleep when he woke up he was greeted par be continued
Here's something."What was that!" Shadow said. Goes back inside."Hey Sonic I need your help outside, I heard something out there!"Shadow said."Why are toi telling me go tell that to Emily!"Sonic said."Heak no! I well give toi two reasons, 1 reason: I'm afraid she might make fun of me again, Reason 2:She want believe me.So get your but up and start walking!" Shadow said."Ok ok I'm going already and let go of me!" Sonic said."No I'm afraid that your gonna leave me."Shadow said. Outside (Again)."Can toi let go of me now?"Sonic said. "Yes now help mr find out what made that sound."Shadow said."Ok." Sonic looks behind the trash can."Hey Shadow look what I found a puppy!"Sonic said."So that was the thing that made the sound?!?"Shadow said."yep."Sonic said.
The end. This is the last one so no quishtens!
Chris held the gun up and shot. It hit a buzzbomber. Chris felt a tingling feeling in his stomach and chuckled. "MUAHAHAHA." He ran around, firing everywhere, hitting badniks, knocking down hills, and making loops collapse. "BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!" He shouted, running along. "This is SO COOL!" he shouted. About an heure had passed, and Green colline Zone had been torn apart and filled with smoke and ruins and now looked like piles of blocks and dirt and scrap metal. He ran away, but then ran into a blue hedgehog. "Did toi do this?!" It said. "Ummmm..... toi DIDN'T SEE ME AND I WASN'T HERE!" Chris...
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meanwhile at the lab

dr f: u see this is very bad since

brenden: wiat u made a doll of me ad it turned evil

alexa: yes we did u see wen u helped out at the lab (still need to wright that) we wanted to thank u so we dieced to make something to help u we made brenden doll

tober: took me forever to sow

alexa anyways we animated it but it dident happen to go right u see the chip we used ws sadly encripted

dr f: that colud guy seemed relible

lily: wait wait wait did u say colud

dr f: yes his name was could

brenden: where takeing this case

alexa: thank u soo much

dr f: u will need this (hands brendens doll tracker)

derreck: u made a tracker

dr f: in case this kinda thing happend

brenden come on guys lets go

team ok

to be continued
plz read chapter 1-24 before lire this

as we awoke in the prison every one else was asleep still i had a hard time getting to the bars of our cell so i crawled to them and started banging, rattling them and yelling, "i wanna see Valice! i want to see valice! now! ill destroy this palace let me see him now!" everyone else started to wake up from my ranting "weds whats with the screaming?" asked tuesday rubbing his eyes in his cell "wait wednesday?! Wednesday Rane Misery your back!" yelled Dare standing up and running to the bars of his cell followed par Rush and Kodi. "u were all sitting...
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My first story, so, if toi wanna make suggestions, post of a forum ill make in a bit.

The old streets eminated of fossil fuels burning, roadkill and sadness. The ally was scattered with boxes, empty glass bottles and pieces of old news paper. In the distance, a siren went off and chiens yipped to eachother in thier own language. The streets felt cold and filled with the sorrow of the people around.
My body felt cold as ice. I longed to be warm and safe. I wished I had some money to get something to eat, but who would listen to a stray? No one. I curled up in a ball, attempting to get warm, as I drifted into a small rest.
I worried if the wrong person would find me here in this ally, alone in this cold, dark allyway. I dismissed this worry and held the arms of false hope, whispering false facts into my freezing ears.
I believed the false hope's bitterly cold arms were a sign I was alive.
posted by cookiemaster
A crowd roaring for a song, waiting for her to come out, but Bluebell wasn't to sure on what her song should be... She made far to many over the holidays, now it's her concert today... Her boss walked over to her. "Have toi made up a song yet, Bluebell?" He asked. Bluebell shacked her head. "Hurry up! their waiting for a song!!" Then he walked away. Bluebell then had an idea on her song... "I've got it... the one my mother sang to me when i was small.." She said, then got up. She walked out onto the stage, everyone cheered for her. Bluebell to the mic off the stand, and held it. "I'm sorry...
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{warning it get really boring and stupid around here most persons stop lire at chapter 6}

i awoke in a pitch black room. the walls and floor of the room seemed to made of clouds. dark stormy looking clouds "so u have awakened Princess Wednesday Jaxee Shocker III the Hedgehog" a dit a voice from the far end of the room. the mysterious person knew my name my FULL name! then the mysterious person emerged from the darkness. it was a cloaked figure with yellow eyes that u could see from under the manteau and i could tell it was a female. "i am the fate of...
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{this fanfic has pretty much no plot they just go save a bunnie my god!}

so this was heaven a land of clouds a land of hope and dreams "wat the hell" a dit misery just waking up "this is heaven" asks rane also waking up "i gess so" i a dit and i stood up the clouds were quite fluffy and jumpy then misery took a handful of clouds and puts them in her mouth so i slap her hand and say "wat the heck u dont just go around eating stuff" i say "mmmmm tastes like biscuits, cookies yummy" she says with her mouth full
"come on lets go we have a mission guy" rane says getting...
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posted by PhoenixRoyale
Note; Do not bash me for the things I say ou like. It is annoying, and it gets on my nerves that people make fun of toi for what toi like, ou flame toi for hating something.
Hello! :D Most of toi know me, but for those who don't, my name is PhoenixRoyale. This article was made so toi can learn all about me. ^^ So, let's get started~

What is your name?
Not saying it, but if toi want, toi can call me Phoenix, ou Feeny! :D Just like Maya called Phoenix in the Phoenix Wright trilogy. >:3

How old are you?
Eleven. :P

YOU'RE 11?!?!!!1
It's not that surprising. X3

What are your talents?
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"How I did I get this new outfit? Well, I'm keeping it." Tak walked par and said, "Where'd toi get that?" Tak said. "I really don't know..." Zim said. He walked outside. He saw a flag. It had an M on the left side, an X in the middle, and a G on the right. "Huh." He said. He saw a strange creature that looked like a traverser, croix between a hedgehog, a cow, a cat, an elephant, and a monkey. He had a wristband on his arm with the same sign that was on the flag. "My name is Stuler! Don't toi just l’amour me? rejoindre the Gary/Mary- Stu army!" He said. A group of people ran up behind Stuler and gave a strange...
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posted by Ashuras-shadow
How strongs your imagination? Are toi capable of doing anything toi want? If your answer is yes to any of these questions then maybe just maybe toi can set foot into my world of terror,romace,hatred and a desperate hunger,and loss of loved ones...

My names Jessy ...

And this is my



"OUCH!!" I screamed in pain. Usualy when i scream like that my parents come running in the door...Awkward nothing happened. I feel my neck (my fingers dip into two indentations on my neck) "MOM,DAD!?!" I yelled helplessly. Still i had gotten no responce. I grabed my scarf and...
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This is Boreas Profile
Name:Aurona Kaila De Naivha Boreas

Age:10,000(24 disguise) Sex:Female

Blood Type:Impossible to Analyze

Type:Hare ou Rabbit

Attitude:Nobility,Aggressive,Smart,Honest,Cold Hearted,Neat,Athletic,Considerate,Intelligent(note that Intelligent and Smart don't have the same meaning)Virtuoso,Lucky,Workaholic.

Type:Hare ou Rabbit

Eyes Color:Bloodish Ruby Red

Skin:White and Grey


Ability:Have the power of the La Reine des Neiges Hydro and Cold North(Her powers will be Solid Hydrosphere like ice,snow,hail and ect.)

Height:170 cm.

Weight:31 kg.

Main Attributes:Agility,Immunity...
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posted by dargox
Name: slicer
Race: wolf
Sex: male
Age: 20
Aligment: hero
Powers: aura, and speed
speed: with sword 400-700mhp, with out sword 700-1000mhp.
fighting style: he fights with a 900lb sword with a combo of speed and aura.

Attack and special:

Signature: aura force, aura blast, aura exploshin
aura cool down time 1 to 3 hours

Specials: aura sences, aura boost, aura sheal, healing aura, and his hiden power call chaos summons it use three chaos emeralds to let slicer go super and only works when he is in danger

Commend attacks: spin blade, speed blade, dash blade, homeing blade, aura spin dash, aura dash punch, aura slash, speed punch, speed kick, speed slash, claw Slash and combo attacks

Chaos power:

3 emerald-super form

7 emerald-chaos form (note this is his hyper form)

7 emeralds+master emerald-nova form (note this is a new form that goes beyone the hyper form)
shock and i were in an action tv montrer and we both had to go to new york to make the movie but we both had to go in seprate planes but shock put a fake on his plane and he ran away to go to my plane but it was to late par the time he got there so he had to go all the way from L.A to New york.So he had help from Amy perlata(shadow's sister)to travel all that way on the road.It was 13 days and no sign of shock but they got a replacement but it was not the same.The replacement did a terrible thing and flooded the whole studio!I got stuck on a hommage and nobody came back to save me!thats when shock got my hand and saved me.I was unconcious when he found me but then i came back.I was so happy to see my bff again and then we both told each other"I thought i Lost you."and we gave each other a hug.THE END :)its kind of like bolt:)
 the story was inspired par bolt :)
the story was inspired by bolt :)
don't jump into a story unless toi started from the beggining!
--------------------------------------------------"Hello,Scourge." A voice coming from out of the dark said. "Did toi finally catch Sonic?! ou even better, Shadow?!" The voice asked excitedly. "No, sir. I caught someone better."Scourge replid to the voice. "What?! Who could I need plus than them?" The voice said, confused. "Some plus people to work with." Scourge said. The voice finally stepped out of the dark. Out came a fat man wearing a red jacket,a big mustachio, And a big black chemise covering his legs and feet. But mainly, he...
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Okay! Don't read this until toi read part 1! (Thats right all toi haters, I'm making part 2 anyways!)
--------------------------------------------------...or was it? THE suivant MORNING! "Alright, Gir!Time to start the INVASION!" Zim shouted as soon as he woke up. "Imma make waffles!" GIR shouted. "No time! We have to blend in!" Zim and GIR quickly got on their disguises. They both noticed elaborate loops and twists everywhere. The mysterious blue hedgehog from earlier came speeding by, then stopped."Who are toi guys?" the myserious blue hedgehog was confused. Usually he knew when new people were...
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posted by SimyTheHedgehog
You're my Cassy

I lie alone, on my bed.
Only 1 person, is in my head.
It happens all the time, but hey, that's me.
I feel it in my heart, we were meant to be.

I just can't get toi out my mind.
Our l’amour is such a constricting bind.
There is no 'you' ou 'me', only 'we'
You're not just an angel, you're my Cassy.

since the jour I met you, feelings started to show.
Was it love? Well, way back then, I didn't know.
When I feel the calm wind, my mind's at ease.
Because it makes me imagine your hair in the breeze.

You never seem to leave my mind.
You are just there all the time.
My cœur, coeur belongs to you, and yours belongs...
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posted by thetacoman
I sat on the sickbed, sulking. "You can't make me leave," I complained.
"C'mon, Festus!" a dit the stronger twin. "We can set feu to mentally handicapped children! ou whatever goths do for fun."
The taller twin elbowed him.
"Look, Festus," a dit Tall. "You can walk out, ou we can put toi in a bubble and float toi out."
Strong folded his arms and stood behind Tall like Mr. Creaux did when Mrs. Sueland yelled at me.
"Fine," I grumbled.
I put the capuche, hotte of my new manteau over my head as we went outside.
"Why is it so bright here?" I asked, annoyed.
"This IS the city of Light," answered Tall.
"And there's a...
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