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posted by TakTheFox
Sonic fan Character profil Creator

Dimension 4


Name: Dimension 4
Reason for name: Dimension 4 is the fourth dimensional version of the Chronos Soul. There was only supposed to be three.
Nickname: Dimi
If character has one, REAL name: Tris
Reason for Name: No one knows that this is his real name… not even him

Birthdate: unknown
Age currently: Around 19
Age at beginning of story: Around 18


Species: Cat-Mobian Core Time Soul

Primary Color (Main fur/skin): silver
Secondary Color (Mouth, chest, ect.): silver

Eye-color: glowing blue
Other Eye-details: None

Does character have hair?: Yes
(If so, the following)
Color of hair: Blonde ou Silver
Style of hair: shaggy, wavy
Does character have this type of hair often?: Yes

Height: 3.9
Weight: 110

Scars/Markings (Tattoos, ect.): None

Distinguishing marks: Takris symbol on his forehead (you can’t see it through his hair and hoodie)

Body type (Fat, skinny, healthy, fair, ect.): Fair, slightly skinny

Tail?: No

Accent: A mixture of American and Irish
Nationality: None


Head: None
Neck: None
Top: Black hoodie over a grey T-shirt
Waist: None
Bottom: Grey pants that cover feet
Hands: none
Feet: grey shoes
Does character have variations of outfits?: Not really

Is there anything special about the character’s clothing (boots, gloves, scarf, ect.)?: No
Is there a special backstory behind the Clothing?: He chose the outfit from memory, but doesn’t know why he likes the type so much. This often causes him to be mistaken for an Identity… which he isn’t.

Jewelry?: None


Weapons?: Yes
If so, what types?: Soul Sword
Are weapons carrying special properties?: His soul sword can appear psychically, and has time-based properties
Is there a special backstory behind the weapons?: Probably, but no one really knows what
Does character use these often?: No

Other items: None

Does character have a mode of transportation?: Yes
If so, what, and how many?: Sometimes Rin ou other Identities turn into transportation devices for him, but he usually uses a hover-board

Any pets?: No


Likes: Peace, quite, hiding, being stealthy, relaxing, traveling, mysteries
Dislikes: boredom, being interrupted, egoistic-people, being rushed, when Rin does stupid things XD

Querks: None
Tendencies: None

Does character have an addiction?: No

Is character friendly?: Yes
Is character Depressed?: Not really

Is character violent?: He can be, but he usually holds back

Does character enjoy lire a book, playing a physical game, playing a video game, ou watching TV?: Probably lire a book, but physical games as well

Was character’s personality different before the story began?: No


How would character react to a large-mass conflict (Giant robots, super-form evil people)?: Calm. He would make his first priority getting people out of the way, and making the least amount of damage to public property.
How would character react to a small-mass conflict (Quarrels, arguments)?: He would ignore it ou try to resolve it quickly, and he usually does

If character was offered a large amount of money to kill someone, would they do it?: No. He’s never needed money, and he doesn’t like to kill people.

How does character first approach people?: “Hello. My name is Dimension 4. I was sent to… (or) Is there anything toi need…” and so on
How does character react to being approached?: Hello. I’m Dimension 4. Nice to meet you.”

How would character react to someone complimenting in a flirtatious way?: “Um… thank… you? *cough* KENFI *cough* XD
How would character react to being teased in a flirtatious way?: He’d probably chuckle

If a complete stranger asked character out, how would they react?: “… I’m sorry, have we met before?”
If a friend asked character out, how would they react?: “Oh… well… M…. maybe…?” He doesn’t get much time to do relaxing things, ou socialize like that, so he’d probably say no, not because he wouldn’t want to, but because there wouldn’t be time.

What would character do if they found a large amount of money on the ground?: “He would pick it up and ask around for if someone dropped it, then put it in Lost and found ou something like that.
How would character react to someone trying to steal from them?: He would chase after them, and give them a chance to give it back, and if they didn’t, he’d have Rin freak them out.

Greatest source of strength in character's personality (whether s/he sees it as such ou not): His patience, kindness, and understanding
Greatest source of weakness in character's personality (whether s/he sees it as such ou not): He sometimes is slow to act, and overthinks at times

Character's soft spot: His friends
Is this soft spot obvious to others?: Yes

Biggest vulnerability: Water basically. He can swim, but if drowned he will die. He doesn’t fear water though.

Which of the 7 deadly sins does character fight (or give into, willingly ou not)?
(lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, pride) Possibly envy

Which of the 7 virtues does your character have (or fight against)?
(chastity, abstinence, leberality, diligence, patience, kindness, humility) diligence, patience, kindness, humility

Optimist ou pessimist?: He is Optimistic, but appears pessimistic at times
Introvert ou extrovert?: Extrovert but doesn’t care
Drives and motivations?: The thrill, and how productive it might be

Talents (hidden ou not)?: He is a good fencer, martial-artist, and artist (what? XD)

Extremely skilled at: Handling problems, planning
Extremely unskilled at: Doing “What is necessary”

Good characteristics: Gentleness, pate-… WE ALREADY DID THIS!!!!!

Character flaws: … WE ALREADY DID THIS!

Mannerisms: Arms crossed (like Shadow XD)

Peculiarities: Unknown

One word character would use to describe self: Extra

One paragraph description of how character would describe self: “I’m an extra arm and leg basically. I do what I need to do, and I help when I can. I think that I may be a bit oblivious though.

What does character consider best physical characteristic?: His patience

What does character consider worst physical characteristic?: The fact that he can’t shoot with anything XD
Are these realistic assessments?: Yes

What four things would CHARACTER most like to change about self? (#1 most important, #2 seconde most important, etc.)

1.    “Um… Why would I want anything changed?”



A.    – Core abilities
1.    – Invulnerable. Being a Mobian Core makes his body almost completely unbreakable.
2.    – He is naturally faster and stronger than a normal mobian
3.    – He can sense hostility, and connect psychically with other people at times
B.    – Time Abilities
1.    – Freezing, speeding up, ou slowing down time.
2.    – Erasing items from time
3.    – He can see visions of past ou future events
Note: Time abilities are very weak, and take up a lot of his strength
C.    – Dimensional abilities
1.    – Because he is both a core and from another dimension, he cannot be harmed physically
2.    – For some reason he can also turn into a human if needed
3.    – He cannot forget anything

Elemental powers?: YES
If so, what?: TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 8D

Physical skils

Flexibility: 7
Strength: 5
Speed: 6

Mental Skills

Memory: 10
Text-book knowledge: 10
rue knowledge: 9
Computer knowledge: 8
Other Knowledge: 7

Most recognized Skills
1. His invulnerability
2. His memory
3. His stealthiness


Color: Blue
Music: naturist, Celtic, techno
Art (Gory, nature, romantic, ect.): Nature, romantic
Food: Food? XD
Book: Unknown
Actor: Jonny Depp XD
Historical character: Unknown
Present character: Unknown
Fictional character: Unknown
Type of transportation: HOVER-BOARDS! 8D
Physical game (Tag, Hide-and-seek, ect.): hide-and-seek
Video-Game: Assassin’s Creed series 8D
télévision show: None
Movie: Unknown


Hometown: He was originally found on Mobius-Zone-8
Did character always live there?: No
If not, where else?: EVERYWHERE!

Basic summary of character’s life before story began: His life began at the beginning of the story


Does character have parents?: Unknown

Does character have siblings?: Yes in a way
If so, who?: Tak Chronos, and Trisell Chronos
how many?: two
Relationship with Siblings?: Tak is nice, Trisell isn’t
Are Siblings still alive?: Yes

Were siblings a large impact in character’s life?: Kind of.

Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Nephews, Nieces: NO

Is there a specific special family member, ou members, that character is close to, ou is an important part in character’s life?: Not really


Does character have children?: No… that would be cool though


Job?: Searching for Identities
Does character enjoy job?: He does most of the time
Has character had other jobs before this one?: No

Current-home: Traveler

Is character wealthy?: No, but he’s never needed money in the first place


Who are Character’s Friends (If they have any)?: Rin, Kenfi, Kaiya, Yxari, houx (he’s the only one who likes houx XD), Paris possibly

What would character consider a friend to be?: The people toi want to be with

Which people have influenced character the most?: Rin, Kaiya

Who does character openly admire?: He has respect for Yxari, but not in a romantic way
Who does character secretly admire?: He doesn’t know it, but Kaiya

Who are character’s enemies?: TOO MANY TO COUNT!
Have they always been enemies?: Some yes, others no

Is there a story behind the character and their enemies?: In a way
If so, what?: Too complicated

Is character married?: No

If not…

Does character have a crush on someone?: Kind of
Does the person like character the same way?: Yes


How character perceives themself: He probably wouldn’t

How others perceive character
Friend: Mr. Cool
Enemy: The other guy (the enemies don’t usually dislike him for some reason)
Parent: Parent?
Sibling: *shrug*
Offspring: OFFSPRING!? XD

First impression character makes is: Friendly, calm, a bit cautious
What happens to change this perception?: People being hostile. If they are, he’ll usually leave them alone

What do family/friends like most about character?: His calmness
What do family/friends like least about character?: His boringness XD


Immediate goal(s): None

Long range goal(s): Find all the identities

How does character plan to accomplish goal(s)? with Rin’s help

How will other people around character be affected?: Probably not positively, but not usually too badly

How does character face problems?: He plans ahead
Kinds of problems character usually runs into: Killer robots, IDENTITIES, thieves, ect.

How does character react to NEW problems?: He treats it like any other problem

How does character react to change?: “*shrug* Meh”


Past loves: For a very short time, he considered the possibility of him and Yxari, but he didn’t think much of it
Current loves: KAIYA

Is relationship complicated ou simple?: COMPLICATED
Why?: Their job comes before l’amour unfortunately

Reason for relationship:?

Has character cheated on l’amour before?: No

Does character love?: Yes

Does l’amour know about character?: Yes


Where can character story be found (Title and URL)?: Not available
Is character a main character, side, ou background?: Side-main

Where can picture of character be found?: Not-available

Sonic- franchise-Information

Does character have contact/relationships with Cannon-characters?: No

Can character achieve a super-form?: Yes
If so, from what, and what type(s)?: Takris form, Chronos form, Chaos Form (super form)

Does character live on Mobius?: Not really. He travels to different ones

If so, is it on SEGA ou ARCHIE Mobius?: ARCHIE/FAN

Is it in future, past, ou present tense?: ALL

Does character have blood-relations with cannon-characters?: No


posted by Dragonfruit44
Nat and Tiny were walking through the newly growing forest. Trees were growing back to full health, but many didn't make it through the fire. New trees started to grow from the old ones. The forest almost looked as good as new " I'm amazed it only took 3 weeks for the forest to go back to being normal. " Nat said," It grew faster than I thought it would." Tiny agreed," It's mainly from the help of Rose. She helped sprout new trees and grow bushes. And also the ashes. Plants seem to grow better in them. I just hope that the animaux come back, the forest wouldn't live completely without them."...
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posted by SilverFox73
These days in émeraude Town were interesting ones, to say the least. It had all started when word on the streets a dit that there was a rouge team of strangers robbing every bank, every home, every jewelry store. toi name the place, they had every piece of cash that place had. Our story turns to Jake and Cario in their apartment building one morning. It's was Cario's turn to make breakfast, so he strolled into the cuisine and started to make his signature flapjacks. Jake plopped onto the canapé and turned on the TV, and it flashed on to montrer a news channel special report. "Be sure to keep your...
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Hey-hey guys, It is I: Matthew Allen Phillips, but please call me Matt and I am introducing the official channel for this club:


Now toi may be asking...

-Q: What is the point and/or goal of this channel?
-A: To give some fans a easier way to mettre en ligne and to hopefully make the club a bit plus popular.

-Q: Who is going to run the channel?
-A:I figure we could do a "Admin system", Some users on this club who can be trusted will be donné the mot de passe to the account.

-Q: What will be uploaded?
-A: vidéos revolving around sonic fan characters, of course.

-Q: Can this channel be used to commentaire on other videos?
-A: I feel it's professional to only commentaire on the vidéos that are uploaded to this channel.

-Q: Can it be used to subscribe?
-A: I already subscribe the channel to so folks who have affiliation with this club and sonic stuff all around.
posted by Dragonfruit44
Bard was happy that his plan worked better than expected," as toi may know, toi caused a big forest feu and managed to knock out Rose. Since that's done I'll tell toi the plan, I was planning on destroying that forest montrer Rose would repair it, that way she would be really tired and would t be able to stop us. Thanks to Selena, the plan was pushed further into action then I thought." Selena was leaning against a wall, playing with a fireball. When she heard her name, she looked at Bard and gave him a angry glare. Bard smiled back at her," Now we can run this town like we want it!" Bard cheered....
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(A prequel to an article I wrote a while ago. toi may not recognize some characters and they may require some back story but they’re some of my main cast now so yeah .Told from Silhouette’s POV. Enjoy.)

“Come on guys! We’re almost to the campsite!”

toi could hear the excitement in Natsumi’s voice. She was plus energetic than ever. We had been planning this camping trip for a few weeks now. It was me, Max, Natsumi, Astrid, and little Jake. The sun was pounding, but a nice forest breeze kept us cool. It was to be like a vacation for us, no worries and out in the nature. What could...
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posted by NoctusLynx
"So who's next?" Cooro asked.

"What, toi want to tell your story now?" Tenemae scholded.

"No, no," Cooro corrected, "I just was asking an honest question.

"Actually, I think we'd all like to hear your story," Gatage said. "After all, toi are the most reserved of all of us."

"Which gives me all the plus reason to keep quiet," Tenemae shot back.

"Come on, don't be like that," Cooro told Tenemae.

"Unless you're hiding something," Menae slickly stated.

"I have nothing to hide," Tenemae assured.

"Then prove it, flicky!"

"You're plus related to a flicky than I, Menae. But, just because I'd rather have my...
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This is an article version of the video I was gonna make because my allergies are too strong and I can't actually breathe and talk at the same time anymore! :D

So number one on this liste is if toi are uncomfortable with gore ou homosexuals, please pull out (even though it is VERY unlikely your characters would be involved, I totally get it if toi want to either pull out ou not enter in the first place uwu; )

SECONDLY. What even is this game about? Well it's about a scientist who creates 9 essentially immortal beings who loathe their creator and...
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posted by SilverFox73
Name: Jake
Species: Wolverine
Personality: Serious, aggressive
Powers: None
Skills: Claw cutting, close combat, speed, slight parkour
Story: Jake originated from a tribe a vicious wolverines, and he was one the greatest members of the tribe. Even though he loved spending time with the people of his tribe, he also wished that he could be part of a plus modern civilization. In fact, every week he would head to a big cliff to look over a nearby town, émeraude Town. One day, Jake had decided that he would make his way to the town and start a new life there. He announced his dismission to the tribe and...
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Once they arrived at the fountain, Rin was still talking, “…I mean if I did that maybe it would get harder, but I don’t know how to lower my memory abilities, so I guess I’ll just remember everything all the time, which isn’t too bad I’d say, because it’s like cheating, only it’s not, and it makes me feel all happy inside… and kind of cheatish, but oh well. I’m getting the feeling talking so long might be annoy-“

“You think?!” Kal snapped. “We’re here…” Kal and Nick put Jesse down then scooped up some water and splashed it in his face.

They watched closely for...
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Chapter Two: Blending

Rovor stood in front of a large holographic screen. He was in a slightly darkened metal-walled room, with Arma-9 guards around him. On the other side of the screen there were images of various mutated mobians, a giant robot, and a few unidentifiable creatures.

“And these are the only ones to have escaped?” Rovor asked calmly.

“Correct.” An unidentifiable voice replied from the screen.

“And how many of these are ours?”


Rovor looked down a bit. His locked-hands tensed a bit from behind his back. He looked back to the screen and continued “How many...
continue reading...
posted by LukkyRosa
Lukky, She was kind,smart,energetic and mature for her age.
"The key isn't working to my apartment..." She a dit softly. She went downstairs to get the key checked out. They a dit "It's covered in Rain, You'll have to copy another key" Lukky went outside to go to a Key Copy Machine. She put it in. "I do not see why it's not working..." Then suddenly, Someone got her from behind. She started crying. She didn't know what she did wrong.
"WHAT,WHAT HAVE A DONE TO DESERVE THIS! Then she escaped. She didn't know what happened. She didn't loose anything. She ran away. She didn't know where she was ou were she went.She began to walk, Therefore cry at the same time. Rain began to fall. "Fuck, I have to get accueil ASAP."
Everyone has a different opinion on what a troll is. Here’s what I would call it from experience.

•    Someone who directly attempts to bother someone else without a care for their opinion ou feelings, without stopping.
•    Someone who plagiarizes/copies someone else’s work and does not give credit/claims it as their own work.

Now what is NOT a troll
•    Someone who insults someone else in a heated argument. If two ou three people are arguing, and the lips are flying, who’s really trolling if they’re all doing it?
•    Someone...
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 Reason #1
Reason #1
reason #1.
Rachel's weakness is Dark magic, therefore, Sonic can erect a barrier around Rachel to protect her from the Dark magic in the atmosphere around them. (this cant, however, protect her from Dark energy directed at her par an attack)

Reason #2:
The only thing that Sonic can't do, is swim, henceforth, Rachel, being part mermaid, can work with sonic when forced into an aquatic environment.

(once again, please, no hate comments, this is an "opinion article", so i would appreciate it if toi would keep yur hate commentaires (if any hate comments, tho i cant see how toi could have any hate commentaires with something like this) to your own thoughts. thank toi very much!)
 Reason #2
Reason #2
posted by Dragonfruit44
Rose stared at Nat in disbelief. "What?!" She said. Nat sighed, " I've had these dreams lately, just suddenly coming to me. It was about me wondering into the woods and I kept hearing a voice. I followed it to this hole, where I was pushed in and while I was falling, I saw two dark figures looking down at me. One of them was your brother." They all stared, then Flare looked into the hole. It looked as if it was a bottomless pit. "Rose my brother is down there? Why would he go down there?" Nat got up and walked to the hole. " There's only one way to find out. We have to take our chances and...
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posted by mephiles97
The Rasoul Saga

Chapter 10: Captured Again

Kyle had, thankfully, managed to carry Mancer back accueil to his house without Vice ou anyone else deciding to attack. Kyle felt very tired and out of stamina par the time he reached his house, but at least he was able to bring Mancer there without harm. Mancer was still unconscious from the fight with Vice, and didn't montrer any signs of waking up soon.

"Finally... It feels good to be home..." Kyle thought to himself as he used his abnormally long tail to turn the doorknob and open the front door. He walked inside, using his tail to close the door behind...
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posted by XxTeNTeNxX
Cristofori , aka Cristo, was born in a circus, her parents where young, skillful acrobats , she learned how to do many tricks with her parents and the other circus members too , they where her family, she was so happy for everything lie had donné her--But one dreadful night...Cristo was practicing alone outside the circus , when she heard loud crackling coming from the stables, she ran desperately, but when she arrived , all the stables had caught on feu , the flames took the animaux along with them. Cristo ran to the well and picked up a bucket of water, then tried to put out the flames,...
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posted by SilverSamurai9
Your part of the Glop Squad and your squad is sent on a mission to the SHOOP galaxy but before toi leave a new guy appeared to aid u in the mission his/her name is Karo so now the team has Gamma and Zakk and together they will go on intergalactic quests far and wide they'll even do stupid tasks like mowing the lawn ou walk your dog so any way they'll do anything for you.But anyway the glop squad was cruising around the galaxy and Gamma sees that a unknown planet is in the way but before Zakk could steer clear of it the gravitational force pulled them in and they crashed on the mysterious planet
posted by TakTheFox
Name(s): Athro(male) and Sifris(female)

Age: Both are seventeen

Species: Erm… oh boy
Athro and Sifris are mostly Snow Leopard, but they were enhanced with mutated Banshee-Mobian-bones. However this does not give them any banshee powers whatsoever.


The metallic Bones that Athro and Sifris have an extremely rare ability that allows them to regenerate their cells. How this is done is that their claws and feet have small holes that can stick into the ground, and suck up all the nutrients close to them, which are turned into either energy, ou they are turned into small bomb-like sacks that...
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posted by mephiles97
The Rasoul Saga

Chapter 8: Seeing Mancer Again

Kyle laid on a large, soft bed, although this lit wasn't his own. He was in the hospital, still in a fairly bad shape from the fight with I2 and Ruby. He still couldn't believe that Virus had turned them against him like that... And he couldn't believe that I2 was gone. He released a heavy sigh, closing his eyes slightly at all of the thoughts that swam around in his head.

In the room with him, there stood Kagen, Casey, and Ruby. Kagen turned his head to look at his golden furred hedgehog friend, laying his ears back against his head. "It's going...
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...I'll tell toi right now, I've had a dangerous life up to this point, but I've managed to survive without powers, thanks to my friends, enemies, and pure luck. Sure, being a traverser, croix between a Cat and an Echidna, AND being a Bisexual, things can get a bit strange...but I've made it through, and now toi get to hear all about it. But we're not starting as late as you'd think...we're starting all the way back to when I was first born...back in Mystic Cave Zone...
All I know is this: When my mom, an Echidna at about 25, went into labor, my father, the fearless, 26 an old lion, put her on his...
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