Skipper: The penguins of madagascar Club
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added by SummerPoM
Source: Me, Paint Tool SAI, Gimp.
posted by skipperfan5431
It's a beautiful morning in the Central Park Zoo. Lilly and Skipper had just gotten married the night before, and now they were heading off to their Honeymoon in Africa! (They wanted to say hi to some old Friends too.) ;D ! "Skipper! Im SO excited to finally be going away!" Lilly a dit cheerfully as she packed her purple duffle bag. "Skipper? SKIPPER!?" Skipper didn't hear her because he was too busy trying to stuff his suitcase with flamethrowers, pistolets and other weapons of mass destruction.....Typical Skipper! "Im sorry Lilly, I just wanna make sure were sûr, sans danger on our honeymoon." Skipper replied,...
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added by Icicle1penguin
Source: Me!
added by pmmom38
added by Tressa-pom
Source: Some episodes
added by PripperNKicoFan
Source: P.E.L.T
added by Icicle1penguin
:D How Awesome it is! :D
Les Pingouins de Madagascar
musique video
added by Skiparah
Source: I dunno..
added by Tressa-pom
added by Tressa-pom
added by Tressa-pom
Source: Some episodes
added by Tressa-pom
Source: Some episodes
added by Tressa-pom
Source: Some episodes
added by Tressa-pom
Source: Some episodes
added by Tressa-pom
Source: Some episodes
added by LostPB
added by SkippX101
Source: Me
added by PripperNKicoFan
Source: Nickelodeon Penguins of Madagascar James Bond Promo
added by skipperluvs
Source: IDK
posted by Skiparah

AN/Lame title. It was the best I could think of.

The energetic tune of the bugal tone that sounded at
exactly six thirty every morning sent three penguins
leaping up and out of lit in size order. Kowalski, Rico,
and Private all stood side par side in erect posture.
They gazed strait on, Kowalski's expression solid and
serious though still half-awake, Rico, a solemn expression
on his scarred face all the same toi could see the phyco
fire in his antarctican eyes, Private, who was last in the order,
carefully wiped sleep from one lilas eye, not breaking
his posture however. After waiting several seconds...
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