aléatoire 101 ways to be a crazy Potterhead =D

Dance_is_Life posted on Apr 06, 2012 at 12:13AM
1. Call any girls with red hair "Ginny" and any boys "Ronald".

2. When they tell you that's not they're name, say "I didn't know there was another Weasley!" and smirk at them.

3. If someone's says they're smart yell "So YOU'RE the new Ravenclaw?!"

4. Refer to any blonde people as "Malfoy."

5. When you wake up to go to school sing "I'm going to Hogwarts!" over and over.

6. When you get to school pet the school walls and say "Oh, Hogwarts, how I've missed you!"

7. Complain that the pictures in your school textbook don’t move.

8. When you go to someone’s house complain about how the pictures don't move.

9. Call people you don't like "Filthy Mudbloods” or “He-who-must-not-be-named.”

10. When someone who isn’t smart walks past you, say "Muggles are so dumb." and keep walking.

11. If they ask you what you said, say "What do you mean?" and don't tell them.

12. Whenever someone kisses yell "Bloody Hell! Stop snogging!" and run off.

13. When you asked "Truth or dare?", yell "I am a Gryffindor! DARE!"

14. Give yourself a wizard name and only go by that name.

15. When You see someone that eats a lot at lunch, call them Ron.

16. At Halloween when you see a person dressed like a skeleton yell "RUN!! DEATH EATERS ARE HERE!"

17. Point to a rock on the ground and yell "Here lies Dobby, a free elf!" the begin sobbing hysterically.

18. When you see a cat yell "McGonagall!" Then run up and pet the cat saying how many points you’ll earn for your house.

19. When someone insist there is no secret wizarding world, say "How would you know, it's SECRET."

20. Use spells to do EVERYTHING.

21. When you do into a clean classroom or house say "Wow! You must have GREAT house elves!"

22. Start a new club at you school. Call it S.P.E.W.

23. Poke you friend and when they ask what you doing say "It's not me, it's the nargles!"

24. When someone ask you your favorite animal tell them it's either a hippogriff, thestrel, nargle, wackspurt, or any other Harry Potter animal.

25. Refer to everyone as "Muggle".

26. Relate everything you see to Harry Potter.

27. When someone is saying Happy Halloween scream, "How dare you say 'happy'?! INNOCENT PEOPLE WERE MURDERED TODAY!" (James and Lily Potter) and start sobbing.

28. On April Fool's day go around saying "Harry Birthday George! R.I.P. Fred!"

29. On Christmas when you opening presents wish aloud "I hope Dumbledore sent me my invisibilty cloak this year!"

30. If you don't get it say "The poor old crackpot must have forgotten!"

31. If you see a rather large man yell "Hagrid! Where’s my Hogwarts letter?”

32. If your friend invites you somewhere, don't show up and when they ask you why you weren't there, simply reply, "What do you mean? Of course I was there! Didn't you see the (insert name of an animal here)? I was in my Animagus Form, silly!"

33. If they accuse you of being crazy then exclaim, "You're just like Fudge! Abusing your power and making other wizards and witches think I'm mental! Stupid Dailey Prophet!"

34. If someone twists your words into a complete lie about you and spreads it, shout at them and point, "It's Rita Skeeter!"

35. If you see a large woman, curtsy/bow and kiss her hand, and say, "Madame Maxime, a please as always. Tell me, how's life at Beauxbatons?"

36. If you see a midget, pull off your sock, give it to him and shout, "DOBBY, YOU'RE FREE!"

37. Make up passwords for your bedroom that are wizard or muggle candies.

38. When you ask for something and don't say "Please", and they say "What's the
magic word?", you say "Accio"

39. When your mail is late, you exclaim "The owl is still asleep?!"

40. When your sick, you say " Professor Snape poisoned me."

41. When you break something in your house/school and your mum/headmaster gets mad, you exclaim, "Peeves did it!"

42. When someone does something mean or bad to you, scream, "My father will hear about this!"

43. You eat a green jellybean and say "Yuck, bogey flavor."

44. You look through all the channels on your T.V. trying to find the Quidditch
World Cup.

45. When you see a dog that's black, wave your hands around and scream, "Sirius! You're gonna be seen!"

46. At Forth of July and you go to see fireworks, you say; "Way to go Fred and

47. Take your Swiffer broom and run around saying, "This is my Swiffer 2000! Fastest broomstick in the world!"

48. Find any glass bottle you can get your hands on and fill it with water and
food coloring and label them with names of different potion.

49. When someone asks you where a certain item is say "Maybe the Nargles took it."

50. When they ask you what Nargles are, refuse to tell them.

51. When swimming at a lake, scream "THE GIANT SQUID WILL GET YOU!"

52. Ask them if people if they can get Quidditch on Paper-View constantly.

53. When people ask you who Dobby is, say, "He's a free elf. You ask him."

54. Go up to people and say "What's your house?". When they look at you confused say "Okay, then what's your year?". When they look even more confused, call them a stupid muggle and walk away

55. If they forget something, tell them to get a Rememberall.

56. If someone won't shut up about a certain topic, cast Silencio on them. If they ask what on earth you were doing tell them, "Getting you to shut up about {insert topic here}." They have blank faces and say, "See, it worked."

57. If friends ask you why you're not doing your homework say, "I am, it's Transfiguration homework."

58. When you see pudding say "Oh look pudding. I should take some for Luna"

59. If someone’s worrying a lot, them there’s no need to worry, Weasley is our king

60. When at a sleep-over, while they’re asleep draw the dark mark on their arm.

61. The next morning scream “Why? You could've stayed at the good side but nooo you just had to follow 'He-who-must-not-be-named'.”

62. When being scolded, hold up your wand to your head and say "Avada Kedavra." Then fall on the ground pretending to be dead.

63. Also do this in class.

64. When you see someone sad walk up to them offer them some chocolate, pat them on the back, and say “It's okay,the Dementors are gone now”

65. Walk up to a random person, and ask, “Hello madame/sir. I was wondering if you could tell me what exactly is the function of a rubber duck?”

66. When you hear someone saying mud cut them off and say “Don't you dare call her/him/me a mud-blood.”

67. When there is a competition going on at your school tell the competitors in the first round “You have to be careful and catch the egg.”

68. When you see someone with a hood up yell Expecto Patronum and when it doesn't work say “Oh no the memory must not have been strong enough.”

69. At the start of the school year when they ask you what classes your taking this year say “I'm taking Astronomy, Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Herbology, History of Magic, Potions, Transfiguration, Ancient Runes, Arithmancy, Care of Magical Creatures, Divination, and Muggle Studies. But don't worry I've got a time turner.”

70. When a teacher wearing a necklace gets mad at you try to take off the necklace saying “Take it off it's making you do this.”

71. When the teacher sends you to the principles office say “Oh okay. What's the password. Is it still Lemon Drops?”

72. When you go to the library ask the librarian if she/he has an available copy of The Tales of Beddle The Bard.

73. When they say no ask for Hogwarts a History.

74. When they say no again say “Bloody hell doesn't this library have any good books!? My father will hear about this.” and stalk out.

75. Whenever they say the word Voldemort, start screaming at them hysterically, calling them things like 'filthy half-blood'.

76. Smack them in the head repeatedly every few seconds or so. Insist that there is a Wrackspurt on them.

77. Grab random objects like garbage on the ground and hold it for a few minutes. Then look disappointed and sigh and say sadly, “I've missed my Portkey.”

78. Pretend to sleep and yell, "DON'T KILL CEDRIC/DOBBY!"

79. Refuse to say who Cedric/Dobby is and cry whenever they ask you.

80. Draw the Dark Mark, glasses and a lightning bolt on your friend when they're asleep. When they wake up yell, “IT’S IMPOSSIBLE! HARRY POTTER IS A DEATH EATER!" Then tackle them.

81. When your family/friends are watching a sport, walk through the room and yell "REAL MEN PLAY QUDDITCH!" and walk back out.

82. Speak in Parsltounge to snakes.

83. When people walk into you and apologize say, "Don't be sorry, my dear sir/madame, for nothing could upset me today! Rejoice, for You-Know-Who is gone at last! Even Muggles like yourself should be celebrating this happy, happy day!" and hug them, then skip away.

84. When someone upsets you yell,' Avarda Kedarva'

85. Throw a fit when they don't drop dead.

86. When the door won't open yell random Harry Potter words like, 'Fortua Major, Sherbet Lemon, Fairy Lights, Balderdash, or Banana Fritters'. If that doesn't work yell 'Alohomora'.

87. Kick the door if it doesn't work.

88. Speak in Pastletounge to your sink and claim that you're trying to get into the Chamber of Secrets to rescue Ginny.

89. Tell the nerd that they belong in Ravenclaw.

90. When you see birds, yell “OPPUGNO!”

91. When people don't do what you want scream at them “IMPERIO!”

92. Run down the shopping isle yelling 'TO HOGWARTS!'

93. Pick up a stick and say 'Wingardium Leviosa.' Throw it as far as you can.

94. Whenever you here 'Friday by Rebbecca Black' say loudly, “Damn you Bellatrix LeStrange. You killed the wrong Black!”

95. Go up to every ginger person you see and say “You must be a Weasley"

96. Grab someone’s nose and when they ask what your doing tell me that Voldemort told you to get him a nose

97. Call your Headmaster/Mistress {Principle} 'Dumbledore', your Deputy Headmaster/Mistress {Vice Principle} 'McGongall', the meanest teacher 'Snape', the funniest teacher 'Hagrid', the nicest teacher 'Flitwick' and the P.E teacher 'Madam Hooch'.

98. Tell people your favorite sentence in the world is “Turn to page 394.”

99. Sit on class, and pretend you lost your pencil and go "Those damn Nargles have it again!"

100. When your class ask what a Nargle is, refuse to answer them.

101. On the first day of school, bring your sorting hat in and place it on any new kid’s heads and sort them into houses

Just saying, I have done all of these... Different people's reactions will vary... Have fun with these =D

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