jeu de rôle aléatoire Lives Worth Living:Romance RP continued

Directingchicky posted on Jul 07, 2013 at 11:36PM
Past all of the childhood crushes and drama, done with high school and finally earning that graduation cap, several stories that were linked together in some way are finally at that point where they have broken off and created their own new experiences and lives. But what happens when they are slowly linking back together after a high school reunion? People moving back into town, gorgeous wedding ceremonies are being planned...and of course who wouldn't want to introduce their own little bundles of joy?

The drama! -swoons- The humanity! -swoons- The Romance!!!-swoons-

jeu de rôle aléatoire 1863 réponses

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Showing Replies 1001-1050 of 1863

il y a plus d’un an Strawberry0020 said…
((I'm confuzzled... ;.; Excuse my absence..))
il y a plus d’un an Directingchicky said…
((Its fine..just calm down...))

Not an hour later at the reception downtown, Faye wearing a small golden wedding band and Gavin wearing a thicker one, she was gladly in his arms as they slow danced to their first dance as husband and wife. Thouh it was quiet and sweet, her heart was thumping wildly in her chest as she laid her head against him, body swaying with his against the soft music. Finally, they were married.


Tally sat at one of the table on the side, watching the happy couple swaying their way across the dance floor. No one had ever looked happier, and it made her chest ache with happiness for her former students. Though the food in front of her was delicious looking and completely edible, none of it she touched. Along with the chest ache, her stomach was in knots and she honestly wanted to get out of there immediately. But she was staying for Faye since she had asked her to.
il y a plus d’un an Demeter13 said…
((Its okay strawberry it's Favins wedding and Dee is a brides maid so I guess.... Drew would be at the wedding too. If we're starting again at the reception I guess.... They gonna dance))

"Faye Delaware huh?" He said softly and clasped his hand in hers,"I like it." He kissed the top of her head, lips tender and warm from the few glasses of wine he'd sipped already.

il y a plus d’un an Directingchicky said…
She chuckled, her fingers twining and playing with, "I love it. Just the sound of it..." she chuckled again, closing her eyes while she savored this moment between them. She knew they had an audience sure, but she honestly didn't care. This was bliss.
il y a plus d’un an Strawberry0020 said…
Standing at the very much-desired chocolate fountain, his shoulder still hoisting up his toddler son. Dipping a marshmallow in the fountain and passing the little toothpick up to Memphis, he was pretty sure that Dee was going to murder him. But oh well, yolo. It was the spur of the moment was all. His mouth still stuffed with chocolate-dipped strawberries, he chewed savoring every bite.
"How is it, little man?" he mumbled through chewed bits of fruits.
il y a plus d’un an Demeter13 said…
"How is it? That's too much sugar that's what is Andrew Eli!" Dee scolded as she snatched her baby boy from his shoulder,"you know what this means? Do you?!" The petite woman squealed as she licked her thumb and swiped it across little Memphis' chocolate covered chin.

"God damnit Faye you have no idea how gorgeous you are?" He cooed and couldn't help but pepper her temple and cheeks with sweet kisses. "You are absolutely stunning baby girl, I have never... Ever seen a greater display of woman." He chuckled and planted his lips on hers.
il y a plus d’un an flabaloobalah said…
((Psst Demeter Sebby please))
Libby stood by the speakers, arms crossed over her chest in an awkward embrace. Of course she was happy for the newlyweds, but she didn't know them very well and this was only her second time attending a big ceremony like this. Adjusting the cream dress she wore, she fluffed up her wavy brown locks and got herself a glass of plain water.
Directingchicky commented…
Dexy too? il y a plus d’un an
flabaloobalah commented…
Suree, bring Sexy Dexy back as well il y a plus d’un an
il y a plus d’un an Directingchicky said…
"Baby..." she wrapped her arms around him, lifting her head to nuzzle their noses together, "You're getting me plenty tonight no reason to suck up." She teased, loving every single moment of this day. "You look pretty amazing yourself big daddy." She saod back, forehead pressing to his chest.
il y a plus d’un an Demeter13 said…
"Nah no one looks at the groom. All eyes were on you my Faye." Gavin rocked gently to the music, his other hand pressed gently against the small of her back.

An awkward cough left Sebastians mouth as he tried to get his little vixens attention. And then again, louder and even more obnoxiously obvious than the first. The blonde haired Frenchman shuffled a step towards her.
il y a plus d’un an Directingchicky said…
"No, think that my eyes were on you the entire time." She promised, smiling gently. "Is it safe to say that I cannot wait until the reception is over? I can't wait until its just us, a private cabana, and the beach..." she sighed happily, "So romantic."

Tally sat at one of the table on the side, watching the happy couple swaying their way across the dance floor. No one had ever looked happier, and it made her chest ache with happiness for her former students. Though the food in front of her was delicious looking and completely edible, none of it she touched. Along with the chest ache, her stomach was in knots and she honestly wanted to get out of there immediately. But she was staying for Faye since she had asked her to.
il y a plus d’un an flabaloobalah said…
Libby wasn't fazed by the blonde man's attempt to catch her eye the first time. As soon as he moved closer, however, things changed. She frowned at first, since she didn't even know him, but that turned into a timid smile. Libby was dreadfully shy and polite, after all. She set down her glass. "...Hi there." she said in a sweet voice.
il y a plus d’un an Demeter13 said…
The poor boy almost choked on his own saliva when she spoke to him, a honey sweetness in her voice that melted his heart, covering up her choking episode with another obviously fake cough. "H-hello." He managed a timid smile that graced his blazing cheeks.

"I can't wait to just get away from Larry and Mickey." Gavin chuckled soft in her ear as he turned his head to look at the shaggy blonde and dark skinned shop hand who were both watching them intently with giddy and girlish smiles.

((Ill post for Dexy in a seccy!))
Directingchicky commented…
I shall wait then il y a plus d’un an
flabaloobalah commented…
"dark skinned"? whut il y a plus d’un an
flabaloobalah commented…
the way she worded it almost made it sound she was.. oops il y a plus d’un an
il y a plus d’un an flabaloobalah said…
((Omg sebby you cutie))
Libby immediately noticed the bright pink tinge his cheeks. "Are you, I mean.. okay?" she asked in a soft voice, fidgeting with her hands.
il y a plus d’un an Demeter13 said…
He sighed and swore fluently in French under his breath,"yes yes I am fine I j-just I'm- I'm Sebastian I guess." Sebastian's words came out in a rush of hot hair that carried the sharp scent of cinnamon.

"Tally." His deep voice crept into her cloud of thought as he slipped into the empty, ribboned chair next her,"talk to me tally." Dexter demanded quietly.
il y a plus d’un an Directingchicky said…
Faye giggled and turned head to face said shop hands, blowing them a kind kiss and waved. She loved those boys, they were like family to her Gavin, actually...they were family. Everyone at the shop was. She couldn't have done anything without them in some fashion or form, and she would always apprecoate them. "Oh don't say that hon. You'll miss 'em within a day."


"Why should I?" She didn't bother to look at him. It was official, she wanted to be done with him. Over the years she had tried to convince herself that he had grown up, and stopped letting his penis control him, but he had proven her wrong over and over. She wanted to move on now, so why should she even speak to him now?
il y a plus d’un an Demeter13 said…
"Because you want to. I know you do." Dexter narrowed his steely, bright eyes at her, his irises a stormy blue sky and pupils the darkest shade of glassy ebony,"I'm sorry about what I said before I really am."

"Not when their gonna be calling every hour on the hour to get the saucy details of our first time as a married couple." He rolled his bright hazel eyes that differed so greatly from his brothers and fathers cold gazes.
il y a plus d’un an Directingchicky said…
"No you aren't." She replied coldly, her hand holding a small fork poked at the serving of fish on her plate. "You are never sorry, never have been and I am certain you never will. You knew what saying those things would do yes? Drive me away like every other woman in your life." Finally she turned to him, and bright blue eyes met his harsh and cold ones, "Congratulations Dexter. It worked." With that, she tossed the napkin from her lap.onto the table and got up.


"Ah but you see darling, that is why we leave our cellphones here and only gove the cabana number to certain peoe for emergencies. Simple." She said with a laugh, looking up into those warm summer eyes that held her captive for over six years.
il y a plus d’un an flabaloobalah said…
Libby bit her lip. "Nice to meet you, Sebastian I Guess." she said, holding back innocent laughter at his little fumble. "I'm Libby." she held out her hand for a friendly handshake, inhaling the sweet sharp scent of cinnamon.
il y a plus d’un an Demeter13 said…
He breathed a sigh of relief and straightened up taking her hand and shaking it slowly while he chuckled,"I'm sorry, Libby-" he said trying out her name on his tounge,-"I'm just a tad bit intoxicated and and absolutely awful at flirting." Sebastian admitting with a shy smile.

"Clever girl." He laughed softly and leaned over her, touching his nose to hers cutely. "So who are these.... Emergency contacts you've arranged hon?"

Dexter stood as well and grapped her wrist, his long fingered hands encasing it in an iron grip,"I was stupid okay? Caught up in the moment I didn't even have time to process what you were saying! Okay? So so j-just talk to me about this okay?" His voice deteriorated to a soft almost whisper as he spoke.
il y a plus d’un an Directingchicky said…
"Let me see..." she sighed as she thought about it, fingers still llaying with his, "My father would be one, and I trust him not to interrupt us. And maybe one of the guys at the shop. Someone who is trustworthy."


"You knew what I was saying!" She snapped quietly, whipping around tl face him, "You told me I was lying to you, lr that the baby was someone else's. How do you think that made me feel huh? You were the one who stuck it wherever you wanted, not me." She glared up at him, almost four years of anger coming out in one sentence, "Not to mention, you never cared enough to ever ask me before hand if I was okay. But you got what you wanted right?"
il y a plus d’un an flabaloobalah said…
Libby giggled, hearing her name on his lips. "It's okay. I can't flirt to save my life either, Sebastian." she admitted. "So what brings you here?"
il y a plus d’un an Demeter13 said…
"Marty. Definitely Marty." Gavin smiled as he watched Marty, his father figure since he'd began working at the shop. The older now silver haired man was helping himself to the pastries set out. His two sons, formerly known as the shop rats now sixteen and fourteen. Damn that made him feel old.

"The catering." Sebastian replied and bit down on his lip as he realized how awful that sounded," No no I'm not here for the food I came to make the food." He explained roughly as another round of blazing crimson cheeks and timid smiling began.
il y a plus d’un an Directingchicky said…
"Definitely." As the song concluded, Faye sighed and pulled away, standing at arm's length with Gavin. "Grab a partner honey, let's get people dancing." With a broght smile, she went and grabbed said silver haired man and brought Marty over to the dance floor to dance with her old friend.


"You knew what I was saying!" She snapped quietly, whipping around tl face him, "You told me I was lying to you, lr that the baby was someone else's. How do you think that made me feel huh? You were the one who stuck it wherever you wanted, not me." She glared up at him, almost four years of anger coming out in one sentence, "Not to mention, you never cared enough to ever ask me before hand if I was okay. But you got what you wanted right?"
il y a plus d’un an Directingchicky said…
"Definitely." As the song concluded, Faye sighed and pulled away, standing at arm's length with Gavin. "Grab a partner honey, let's get people dancing." With a broght smile, she went and grabbed said silver haired man and brought Marty over to the dance floor to dance with her old friend.


"You knew what I was saying!" She snapped quietly, whipping around tl face him, "You told me I was lying to you, lr that the baby was someone else's. How do you think that made me feel huh? You were the one who stuck it wherever you wanted, not me." She glared up at him, almost four years of anger coming out in one sentence, "Not to mention, you never cared enough to ever ask me before hand if I was okay. But you got what you wanted right?"
il y a plus d’un an flabaloobalah said…
Libby turned on a knowing smile as she listened to him ramble and his cheeks flushed tomato red. "Okay. Everything tastes excellent, by the way." she said, bowing her head slightly and batting her eyelashes.
il y a plus d’un an Strawberry0020 said…
Gilchrist, passed out on the couch, he woke up to the sound of old guitar hero games buzzing and the smell of liquor vomit. Groaning, his head pounding he rolled off of the couch lazily, stumbling to his clumsy feet. There was Chance standing in front of the HD tv and the Wii with his little plastic guitar, playing the notes virtually in versus mode with Grayson.
"Ah, shit! I broke my note streak! God dammit..." he muttered.
Bewildered and still trying to piece what the hell happened last night, Gilchrist blinked around at the house. It was a mess. Photo frames were tilted and knocked off of the walls, half of his boxes from moving were dumped out, and his old stuffed animal from when he was a kid had a condom stuck its face. He gagged in utter disgust, a little from the condom and a little because of the smell. He soon remembered...
"What time is it?" he muttered tiredly.
"Oh, good morning, Sleeping Beauty. Some party you threw last night!" Chance said, his eyes not quite leaving the screen as he fretted with the guitar. "But I don't know... Like, three thirty-something."
"What? In the morning?" he asked.
"No, in the afternoon. Why?"
He held his head in sudden terror.
"My family's supposed to be coming over for dinner at six!" he panicked. "No... No no no... Oh dear god, no... This place is a wreck, I smell awful... THERE'S A CONDOM ON MY TEDDY BEAR..." he rambled on more of the bad things going on and the reasons why he was in deep shit as Chance paused the game and blinked at him. He really didn't know what to say that could help him... He was right. His house looked like someone threw a bomb in it.
"Uh..." Chance stammered. "Are we in trouble?"
A little nervous with the possible outcome of this, her eyes darted a little in concern.
"Well, the old elementary school is came up with this new daycare program for mornings and afternoons now." she began. "So... When or if I find a sturdier job, I can drop the baby off on my way there and depending on the time I get off, I can pick her up afterwards."
The only problem was that she was protective of her. She never remembered her early childhood days, so she never knew the struggles of going through one, let alone growing up and having to protect one. She wasn't married, she had this part-time job since she was sixteen, but she still tried and she still fought to be the best mom that she could be. She was worried though. She wouldn't leave her kid with anyone else outside of her family, but it was probably going to be her only choice if they were ever going to get out of their small townhouse.
"I mean, is that alright with you, or..?"
She wasn't even sure if it was alright with herself.
Not able to help smiling a little, he shrugged.
"What? It can't be that bad can it?"
Lies. All lies.
"Besides... It's a special occasion, it's not like it's crack." he exasperated, though he knew chocolate was the crack of all children. He chuckled nervously. "Heh... Right?"
Boy, was he dead.
((I thought this was pretty adorable... I'd say this would be perfect picture for Memphy when he was smaller.))
 ~*~*~*~*~*Gilchrist/Chance*~*~*~*~*~ Gilchrist, passed out on the couch, he woke up to the sound of
flabaloobalah commented…
*faints from cuteness* il y a plus d’un an
il y a plus d’un an flabaloobalah said…
Grayson laughed a little once he got ahead of Chance, who fucked up on his guitar solo as they battled on the Wii. Gilchrist looked disastrous, and so did the house. They didn't mean for things to get so out of hand, after all; that chicken was probably still strutting around somewhere, and there in the kitchen, a woman with blue hair and no pants was sprawled over the table facedown. Oh, well. What did you expect from a wild party thrown by three drunk guys?
Strawberry0020 commented…
LMAO! XDDDD il y a plus d’un an
flabaloobalah commented…
Sounds like the Hangover pretty much XDD il y a plus d’un an
il y a plus d’un an Demeter13 said…
"He won't sleep Drew! Which means after all this I'm gonna have to stay up with him! Look he's already got the crazy eyes!" Dee lifted him above her head as the little boy laughed hysterically.
"Yeah no more sugar for you brat." She then turned her accusing playful eyes on her husband,"and there will be no sugar for you tonight either." She added sassily and ran her eyes over him and slid her free hand down her curves as she rested Memphis on her hip, her arm circled delicately around the giggling boy.

"You look excellent by the way." He tried his hand at flirting but then it all came crashing down as he had raised his voice louder than he usually would. "Well that was redundant..." Sebastian sighed and palmed his hand against his forehead.


"Faye! No no I'm fine! My joints!" He lied, she more than anyone knew after 45 years under the greased up hood of a car that his joints were anything but bad. It's just that his dancing was
il y a plus d’un an Demeter13 said…
Directingchicky commented…
Dexter il y a plus d’un an
Strawberry0020 commented…
Ish okay gurlfran. She gon' getchu yo Dexter. il y a plus d’un an
Directingchicky commented…
Much obliged il y a plus d’un an
il y a plus d’un an flabaloobalah said…
Libby giggled. "Thank you, and yes, that was redundant." she said, trying to not make him embarrassed about that little error he made in complimenting her. "But it's okay. I'm bad at it too."
il y a plus d’un an Demeter13 said…
"We can be bad at it together?" Sebastian suggested rubbing the back of his neck bashfully, that was all he could manage at the moment without throwing up from the pressure of embarresemant and talking to pretty girls.
il y a plus d’un an flabaloobalah said…
Libby frowned. She wasn't sure if she was ready for another relationship quite yet... but Sebastian was growing on her already. "Take me out to dinner first." she said, hoping he wouldn't be offended by her refusal.
il y a plus d’un an Demeter13 said…
"I'm sorry! I am Tally.... I just wasn't expecting it okay?" Dexter mumbled and rubbed his thumb over his knuckles feeling the bones and tendons in his long fingers bashfully. He honestly and genuinely felt awful for what he'd said oblivious that it would hurt her as much as it did.

"Actually?" He asked incredulously,"your not shitting me?" It was probably on of the worst pickup lines he'd ever used and it worked. Maybe he was better at this than she letting on. Then again he doubted that
il y a plus d’un an Strawberry0020 said…
"Okay... I only have two hours and something minutes to clean this place up..." Gilchrist chimed to himself, pacing around.
"Oh... Well... Okay. I guess I'll seeya around. Good luck, man." Chance said with a shrug as he scooped up his shoes and shirt from the coffee table.
"OH NO!" Gilchrist roared. "You're going to help me!"
The suddenly, there was clucking...
"What the-?" Gilchrist said baffled, looking over his shoulder. "What the hell? Is that a chicken?!"
Rubbing his neck without a good-sounding response, Chance shrugged. "I-I really don't know how that got in here... It must have been one of the guys from the farmhouse from the town over."
"The next town over?! How many people came?!"
"I... Can't really count how many... It was like a damned concert in here last night." Chance confessed.
"Whatever! Just get it the hell out of my house!"
Chance sighed...
"Fine. Here, chicken chicken..." he whistled, following the animal off into the kitchen.
There was a loud crash heard suddenly and Chance was sputtering out of the kitchen, tripping and stumbling a few times while screaming. There was the chicken jumping and pecking at him.
The crazy bird jumped and squawked at the three boys in superiority as Chance and Gilchrist ran and skipped like sissies around the living room.
((*Sighs* Idiots.))
"What?!" Drew whined. "It's a party though! He's a kid... He can just run it off, right? I mean, look. He'll get tired and crash, and then viola. He gets a goodnight's rest. See..." he nudged her with his elbow a little stalling playfully. "Who's a good daddy?"
il y a plus d’un an Demeter13 said…
"Drew....." Dee couldn't help but smile, her narrowed eyes softening into those saucer wide eyes,"you are sweetheart, your a good daddy." Damn her for loving that doofus and his goofed up brains.
il y a plus d’un an Directingchicky said…
"Oh hush Marty and dance with me." She said with a laugh and tugged the older gentleman onto the dancefloor. She fgured por Marty wasn't up to dancing like a teenager, so luckily the song was still relatively slow and partially fast paced. "It means a lot that you came you the both of us."


"Fine." She muttered and pulled her hand away abruptly, "I accept your apology. Now leave me be. We have nothing to talk about okay?" He never would have wanted their baby anyways, so why would he even bother to ask about it now?
il y a plus d’un an flabaloobalah said…
((I am crying with laughter right now because the chicken XDD))
Grayson squealed like a girl as he jumped on the couch, cowering in fear because of the psychotic bird that looked like he was going to kill them. He launched a shoe at the chicken, who squawked and flapped its wings with ferocity. With a nervous groan, he reached out with careful hands to grab it. It just wouldn't cooperate! It nearly bit his hand off and clawed at his arm like mad! "WHAT DO I DO NOW!" he screamed, his entire body shaking with laughter and terror.
Out of nowhere, the woman in the kitchen with the bright blue hair pulled herself off the table. "I'm out, you fucking pussies." she announced in a gravelly voice, reaching into the sink to grab a leopard print bra and shorts before heading for the door.
"No, I'm not. Pick me up at six tomorrow night? And as for the meal, surprise me." she said more confidently. A real date, with someone who wasn't a total nutjob. She could barely wait!
il y a plus d’un an Demeter13 said…
"You have nothing to say to me?" Dexter cocked an eyebrow and slipped his hand from hers,"you decided not to tell me five years ago when it happened?"
The older man nodded slowly in complete understanding,"he's told me a thousand times." Martin jabbed his thumb in the direction of Gavin's where abouts.
il y a plus d’un an Directingchicky said…
"Would you have cared Dexter? Honestly?" Crossing her skinny arms over her chest, she frowned at him, "I know for a fact you have gotten a girl pregnant before, and probably more than that considering how many you have slept with within the last five years, what would have made me any different? You said it yourself, all I was was sex for you."


"Well there is no harm in me telling you once more is there?" She said with a small grin, dancing with both of her hands in his, the silk of her elbow-length gloves gentle and soft to the touch, "Are you having fun?"
il y a plus d’un an flabaloobalah said…
il y a plus d’un an Demeter13 said…
Sebastian's blue eyes widened as he raised two dirty blonde eyebrows in surprise,"yes ma'am." His half hearted shy smile wiggling into a full blown grin. An evening that had begun with a cough and screaming compliments had ended with an already planned date.
"More fun than we had at Larry's birthday party that's for sure." A playful smile graced his laughed and sun wrinkled cheeks. Larry's birthday had been spent in the coffee room of the shop, chugging whiskey as fast as they could. They all ended up vomiting on each others toes and with awful hangovers.
"I'm trying to care tally! And believe me I thought it was just sex for you too goddamnit!" Dexter whisper/shouted as their argument caught the attention of a few guests.

il y a plus d’un an Directingchicky said…
"Lower your voice." She hissed, stepping forward so they could continue quietly, "And I am not in the mood for more lies. If you remember right, I never agreed to a just sex relationship back then. I may have gone along with it yes, and just expected that. But I also expected a faithful sex buddy at least. Why wasn't I enough? Answer that!"


Faye laughed, shaking her head at the man with a chuckle, "Don't you dare compare our wedding to Larry's party. I still have the video footage from that day as blackmail." She teased micheiviously.
il y a plus d’un an flabaloobalah said…
Libby nodded eagerly, feeling butterflies in her stomach. "I'll see you around, Sebastian."
il y a plus d’un an Demeter13 said…
"You will.... I-ill uh ill see you at six." Sebastian's hand covered the back of his neck as he rubbed it bashfully.
"I realize that!" Martin laughed and spun Faye delicately and then brought her back to his chest before placing a chaste kiss on her cheek, fatherly and tender. "I'm so very proud of you and Gavin both Faye."
"You were my fucking teacher Tally all you were looking for was a good fuck weren't you?" Dexter narrowed his eyes at her questionabley,"I honestly knew. I knew we were getting too attached I had to screw it up some how."
il y a plus d’un an flabaloobalah said…
"I'll see you at six." Libby repeated as the butterflies settled into her stomach, and she gave the stammering Sebastian a little wave of her wrist before walking off towards no one in particular.
il y a plus d’un an Directingchicky said…
Faye giggled, spinning as gracefully as she could and hugged her 'other' father close, smiling sweetly at him. "Thank you." She said quietly, sighing in content. It meant a lot to her that Martin was proud of her and Gavin. They had come a long way and Marty had helped through a lot of it.


"No I wasn't!" She snapped quietly. "If you would remember back then, I refused you how many times? I actually wanted to keep my job. But yes, I somehow grew attracted to you." When he made that last statement her eyes narrowed. "Funny, if you had grown attached to me you would not have fucked the entire school! Good bye Dexter." Once again she turned her back to him.
il y a plus d’un an Demeter13 said…
"You will both make fine parents." Martin said softly and smiled gently at the little girl he'd come to love for seven years he'd known and practically parented her in his free time at the shop. She would now have her own little girl or boy that would grow up with two amazing role models to look up. Persistent, stubborn and at some times so niave but never the less Martin knew that this child would grow to be as great as them.
" Six." He nodded enthusiastically- a little too enthusiastically- before mumbling six o clock over and over again before realizing... Where was he going at six? To pick up his fine catch of an American woman? "Hey Libby!"

(( so guys get this I'm scrolling through my tumbler and the intergalactic net when I find an ass load of favin and Andree pics. I FOUND ANDREES BABY I FOUND PAIGE.))
last edited il y a plus d’un an
il y a plus d’un an flabaloobalah said…
Turning on her heel, Libby dropped her chocolate covered strawberry like the clumsy sped she was. "Yeah?"
il y a plus d’un an Strawberry0020 said…
Not even paying much attention to the rather joyful, blue-haired woman, the screaming man ducked and dodged the bird a well as he could, his heart pounding. Gilchrist and Chance. Two military men. Afraid of a chicken.
"WELL THANKS FOR YOU THE HELP!" Chance called out after the woman as she left.
Gilchrist jumped behind the couch by instinct. All he needed was the bugger to sit still or a split second.
"GILCHRIST DO SOMETHING!" Chance howled, his arms getting pecked at as the angry chicken pecked at his arms and feathers swarmed around his head.
"I-I'M TRYING!" Gilchrist shouted right back.
All of a sudden, the door swung open with a huge slam and the chicken was nowhere in sight. There was a loud, cluck... and the silence.
"Have you guys seen my chicken?" a random country frat boy asked in a panic.
Grayson and Gilchrist's jaws were nearly on the floor. In utter shock and a mess of feathers in their hair, they simply just shook their heads.
"Oh, man... Just please let me know if ya find it." the man said before inconspicuously closing the door and leaving.
There was the chicken smashed behind the door. They just sat and blinked at it as it slid to the floor. Then simply looked at each other. Chance gave his friend an adolescent smile.
"Got it."
Drew smiled back at her, his hands in tucked in his pockets smugly.
"I know, I know." he said with girly sway of the hips. "But you can go back if you want. I was gonna go take the kid for a walk. It got kinda stuffy in here... There's bound to be a little kiddie park somewhere around here."
il y a plus d’un an flabaloobalah said…
Grayson covered his head with his hands, but looked up as the guy with the cowboy hat made his appearance and left as soon as he came in, looking for his bird.
"Holy shit... did we kill it?" he asked innocently, grinning.