Les Pingouins de Madagascar Club
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posted by krazy4kowalski
Chapter One: The Price of Love

Before I begin, I need to offer some explanation for my title. fan fiction, par definition, is a story that stars the characters from the book/movie/TV montrer etc. without using any plots from it. This story is no exception. But toi can’t just read through my story like many other (often wonderful) fan fictions: toi need to think.
This is the mind frame toi should be in while lire this fan fiction: There is a reason. There is a reason why Rico regurgitates weapons and tools. There is a reason why he speaks very little and has a large scar on his beak. There is a reason Kowalski mentioned Doris the dauphin in “Gone in a Flash”. There is a reason Dr. Blowhole has a robotic eye. There is a reason why Skipper constantly slaps Private and yet shows a tender spot toward him in nearly every episode. And most importantly, there is a reason Manfridi and Johnson keep popping up somewhat randomly in multiple episodes, each time supposedly dying a gruesome death.
As devoted Penguins of Madagascar fans, it is our jobs to speculate those reasons. We should not be content with just “It is ‘cause it is” ou “It’s just one of the creator’s jokes”. No, there are reasons out there, fans!
The ones displayed in this fan fiction are most likely not the right ones. They’re not supposed to be. They’re MY reasons. But don’t stop lire because toi think my explanations are preposterous. I needed ‘outside of the box’ thinking to write this and that’s what toi need to read this.
Well, I rambled. Fail at a good intro. Anyway, enjoy my story. The suivant chapter will come out soon.

Our story begins with six penguins standing in their habitat. A crowd of spectators surrounded them but without their usual enthusiasm. For the penguins are not cute and cuddly, no, they had far plus urgent matters to attend to.

That morning on Manfridi’s pillow, there was this note:

My Flightless Foes,
It is my great pleasure to inform toi that your time is short. We have the entire zoo under surveillance and the minute one of toi even mention any sort of retaliation; all of Manhattan will become no plus than a smoking crater in the ground.
These are my demands: toi will come to the White House at 8:00 pm this Saturday. toi will enter unarmed. Remember, I am watching toi and I will know if Rico isn’t completely clean.
Lastly, toi will follow my further instructions at the rendezvous without hesitation. Failure to do so will result in dire consequences and urge toi not to test my honesty. toi will assist me before your deaths. par
not cooperating, toi are only hastening your doom.
I will see toi on Saturday, penguins,

Dr. Blowhole

“I knew this jour would come,” Skipper a dit when the zoo closed, “The last time I faced Blowhole, I was solo. Now I have an entire team to look after.”
Manfridi and Johnson were offended. They were Skipper’s closest Friends and were possibly even better fighters than him. To imply that they could not handle his nemesis was a terrible insult.
Kowalski was examining the note. “It’s strange,” He a dit finally.
The penguins looked up hopefully.
“Manhattan can’t become a smoking crater in the ground. It’s an ISLAND!”
“Kowalski, just get to the point,” Rico groaned, “Have toi found any loopholes ou not?”
Although Rico was Kowalski’s closest friend, they nearly always quarreled. But when they worked on inventions together, toi couldn’t pry them apart. Kowalski liked to brag that his IQ was much higher than Rico’s. Rico countered that the few points that separated them could easily be changed par a “swift bump on the noggin”. He would take out his anvil for good measure. Kowalski would shut up.
However, Rico was able to mix his nearly Kowalski level brain with his position on the team. Every explosive in the HQ was made par his own hands (well, flippers, but toi get the point!).
“Nope, seems air tight,” Kowalski replied fretfully, “We can’t risk doubting his threat. If he does indeed posses a weapon of mass destruction, we have to assume he’ll use it.”
“Then we have no choice but to start packing our bags and get on the suivant flight to
Washington.” Skipper said.
Rico pulled a plane schedule out of the backpack he carried everywhere. Practical Manfridi always feared that one of the zookeepers would spot the pack, but it had never happened. It had always blended in with his black feathers. Of course, the pack had other drawbacks: Rico often complained about how difficult it was to reach into it every time the team needed a tool ou weapon. But since no other option could be found, Rico just had to get used to it. And, of course, after 5 years as the Explosives expert, he had.
After finding a 3:00 plane, the operation seemed plus and plus real- and deadly.
“C’mon, men!” Johnson complained, “We have nothing to fear. We can take on that boring bottlenose any day!” But it sounded plus like he was reassuring himself.
“Yes, but I’m plus worried about that whole “You will assist me before your deaths” part,” Private whimpered.
Skipper had thought long and hard about whether ou not to allow Private to come on this mission. He was the youngest manchot, pingouin and still had most of his baby fuzz. In fact, Skipper was still not sure he should have even let Private rejoindre the team. But he had promised Roberto he would train his son.

Although Private thought he had never seen Blowhole in his life, he had indeed been part of a battle with him.
It was mid-June, almost a decade before. Skipper had gone to the 3rd floor of the Empire State Building to meet Roberto. The manchot, pingouin was the leader of the team over at the Bronx Zoo and met with Skipper once a an to discuss anything that was of importance to either of them.
But the an before, Skipper and Roberto had an argument. A new female had been brought to Roberto’s habitat and, with a giant grin, he had announced that they were engaged.
But Skipper was angry. He told him that nothing could endanger a team plus than romance. To Skipper, nothing mattered unless it helped toi survive. But Roberto thought differently.
“Love and combat can work together,” he had argued, “What is it that compels toi to rescue the innocent? Is it not love?”
Skipper still disagreed and the meeting ended abruptly. A an later, he received an unexpected telegram from Roberto asking him to continue their annual meetings. Thinking there must be an important reason, Skipper accepted this invitation. When he arrived at The Empire State Building, it was already dark. ‘It’s almost winter,’ he thought. Against his better judgment, he had proceeded.
At the third floor, he saw a penguin’s silhouette. But instead of Roberto’s charming British accent, Skipper heard a whine.
In battle position, he cried out, “Show yourself! I’m armed” This, of course, was not true, but it always sounded intimidating.
The whining ceased and became a cry. Roberto stepped out of the shadows.
“Please, Skipper, keep it down!” he hissed, “My son is trying to sleep!”
“Son?” Skipper’s cœur, coeur beat rapidly, “You, her, why?”
“It was love, Skipper. A thing you’ll never understand. I came to introduce toi two. I hoped that a chick’s innocence could get toi to realize what you’re missing. But I suppose I thought wrong.”
“How could you?” Skipper asked in a strangled voice.
“I knew this was a mistake,” he turned to leave, “But my life is now no concern of you. My future belongs to young Joshua.”
Skipper was amazed. His closest friend was giving up everything for that puff-ball in his flippers. Already, he despised the baby penguin. It had robbed Roberto of his life.
“Goodbye, old friend,” Skipper said, “I would ask toi how your team is, but I see you’ve replaced them with your son.” he uttered that last word with the most possible contempt.
Roberto had seemed hurt. He walked away without another word.
Skipper began the long walk accueil feeling strangely hollow. ‘Maybe a little shut-eye will do me some good,’ he thought. But he wouldn’t get any. Not that night.
For suddenly, a great cry arose from near the zoo. Roberto. Skipper slid on his belly towards him.
To this day, Skipper is unable to forget the terrible scene he found there. Roberto was on the ground, a large gash on his forehead dripping blood down his face. The chick was crying again, suivant to his father, and staring with terror at the large figure before him.
It was Dr. Blowhole.
“I’ll ask toi one plus time, pain-gu-in,” the mad dauphin addressed Roberto, “I know toi have been meeting with Skipper here for the past seven years. Where is he?”
Roberto was struggling to remain conscious. “I-I won’t tell you,” he a dit softly. Skipper felt a swell of pride that Roberto would not turn him in, no matter what kind of words where said. But he could obviously handle no further interrogation. Skipper decided to return the favor.
“Look no further, Blowhole!” Skipper a dit boldly.
The dauphin turned and smiled, “At last, Skipper. At last.” He was smiling and his eyes had an oddly hungry look to them. Roberto managed a weak smile.
Skipper struck his typical battle pose, “Bring it on, Blowhole! toi know I can beat you; any time, any place.”
Again, Dr. Blowhole smiled, “Oh, I think you’ll find victory quiiiiiiite impossible this time.”
Skipper smirked, “You in what army?”
“This one!” From behind the dolphin’s segway, no less than a dozen robots emerged, their blinking red ‘eyes’ poised on Skipper. But they were less than a few inches tall!
“Is that it?” the manchot, pingouin scoffed.
Now it was Blowhole’s turn to smirk, “Observe.” One of the robots stretched out an arm and touched the nearest lamppost. There was a blinding flash of light and where the lamppost once stood, there was only a large, black puddle.
Young Joshua started to wail, the tortured shrieks echoing louder than Skipper thought possible.
“Silence!” Blowhole commanded, “If toi cannot shut that insolent pain-gu-in up, I will have to shut it up for you!”
The look in Roberto’s eyes was that of absolute terror.
Now Skipper was really mad. As much as he hated the chick, no one threatened an infant on his watch. Mustering up all of his courage (which was quite a lot), he flung himself on Blowhole’s face. The dauphin recovered from his initial shock quickly- too quickly.
Skipper suddenly found himself being slapped at par large flippers. Blowhole had the advantage; he was perched steadily on his segway and Skipper was just barely clutching his enemy’s head. Already, he was beginning to slide.
He allowed his instincts to take over. And every manchot, pingouin knows why a pointy beak is stuck on their face.
Skipper jabbed it into the first thing he could; Blowhole’s right eye.
The dauphin roared in pain and swatted at the manchot, pingouin with enough force to send him sprawling across the pavement and into the black puddle. It was still warm.
Dr. Blowhole’s eye was literally hanging out of the socket, dangling like a pocket watch. Blood streamed down his face and coated most of his body with streaks of red.
Skipper should have seen it coming. Blowhole had always had a sharp temper. Moving with astonishing speed, the segway rushed vers l'avant, vers l’avant at, not Skipper, but Roberto. The manchot, pingouin was trampled, merely because he was the closest.
He didn’t have time to check if Roberto was okay. Because at that moment, his nemesis turned to Joshua.
Again relying on instinct, Skipper tossed a flipper full of the melted lamp. He had good aim. The black goop sailed straight into Blowhole’s empty eye socket.
He howled with pain. Now turning on Skipper, Blowhole barked over his shoulder, “Finish the baby!”
The robots moved toward Joshua.
“No!” Skipper cried. Dodging Blowhole, he slid suivant to the chick and hurled him over his flat head.
Joshua soared through the air, still crying, and landed with a splash in the waters of his own habitat. This was a dangerous déplacer as penguins cannot swim until they have grown their adult feathers. But Blowhole knew this as well and would not pursue him there. If only Skipper could send the dauphin away before the chick drowned.
Blowhole smirked. He pressed a button on his segway and immediately, all the robots (who had begun zapping aléatoire benches) clanked toward Skipper.
Back in battle stance, he was ready to pull out another eye. But Blowhole wasn’t going to make the same mistake twice. The dauphin pulled his segway away from the battle. And the robots started to close in. Skipper was preparing for a hasty retreat when suddenly, he noticed something. The robots’ legs were covered in tiny wires.
Moving quicker than he ever had, Skipper threw a roundhouse kick directly at the nearest robot’s legs. A sharp cry from Blowhole told him he had done the right thing.
The circuit broken, the robot trembled, a shock of electricity pulsed through it, and then it spontaneously combusted.
Dr. Blowhole looked on speechlessly, his mouth agape. But luck was surely with Skipper that night, for at that moment, he heard the unmistakable sounds of his teammates rousing.
His nemesis heard it too. After what he had seen happen to his robot, Blowhole must have realized that fighting five trained penguins with an eye hanging out of its socket was not wise.
He pressed yet another button and the remaining robots’ fronts opened up to reveal what looked like small bombs. They didn’t blow anything up, but they released a large nuage of smoke. When it cleared, Blowhole and his minions were gone.
Coughing and swatting the air with his flipper, Skipper ran to Roberto’s side. Never had he seen a paler penguin. Even though he was covered in white feathers, Roberto had obviously Lost a lot of blood. His eyes were glazed, but they could focus on Skipper.
“Joshua!” he choked.
“He’s fine,” Skipper assured him. He knew that one of his teammates, probably his first lieutenant, Johnson, had saved the chick. Roberto was in worse condition. “You’ll be fine too,” This was the first time Skipper had ever lied.
Roberto shook his head. Speaking was painful for him. “Train him!” he rasped, “Don’t let him be like me. Let him…be able to save the ones he loves.”
Kowalski might have told him it was an anatomical impossibility, but he was sure a tear slipped down his beak. “I will,” And he meant it with all his heart.
Roberto nodded, shuddered, and then was still. Skipper wiped away his tear. He grabbed a large bandanna from the nearest bench and wrapped him in it. Shoving aside some loose dirt from the zoo garden, Skipper made the smallest, most pitiful grave ever made. But it was all that could be done without attracting unwanted attention.
Suddenly, Skipper had stood up straight. He marched towards his habitat with new purpose. Just as he expected, his team was standing on the concrete platform. Joshua was huddled between Rico and Manfridi.
The question did not need to be asked; it was shown clearly in every penguin’s face. Skipper did not volunteer an answer. Instead, he wrapped a flipper around the chick’s shoulders.
“You’re a tough one, aren’t you?” he said, mostly to himself, “Well, let’s see how toi do in basic training tomorrow at 06 00 hours…Private.”

This memory was reassuring to Skipper. Hadn’t he trained Private since he was a few weeks old? Hadn’t he become one of the most loyal members of the team?
But Private had never once questioned his heritage. Why should he? For as long as he could remember, Skipper had been there telling him that he was sent in as an egg to be their new recruit. Private never would know that his real father was not a faceless manchot, pingouin from the Hoboken Zoo.
Skipper didn’t believe genetics had anything to do with combat skills. “It is how toi are trained that matters!” he would scold when Kowalski complained that he came from a long line of brains, not brawns.
There would be no repeat of that fateful night nine years ago. Skipper would not see his old friend’s son in the same position Roberto had been in. Blowhole could not get Joshua this time. Because Joshua wasn’t just Joshua, son of Roberto. No, he was Private, trained member of the Central Park Zoo unit.
“Come on, men,” Skipper called bravely, “We have an enemy to beat!” As the team waddled out of the zoo, Skipper paused momentarily at Roberto’s sad little grave. The zookeepers had not touched it, as far as he knew. Far below him, his old companion still lay, blissfully unaware that his son was about to face the dauphin that had cost him his life. But Skipper hoped he knew that while blood still ran through his veins, Private would not meet the same doom. Roberto would be avenged.
this is part 3 of how i met Skipper and his team. so after we went back to H.Q. Private puts a bandaid on my arm. which would make it feel better. that's where Marlene appeared.

Marlene: salut guys

Skipper: hello Marlene.

Marlene then look at me on the floor.

little me: (looks at the otter) (giggles)

Marlene: what's with the mouse?

Private: that's Kiva Marlene.

Skipper: and me and my team found her in the ally she was scared and alone. so now we are taking care of her. because her mom and dad were killed par Dr. Blowhole.

Marlene: right i get it and now you're protecting her so no one won't be able hurt...
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posted by kivamarie
this is how i met Skipper and his team. as toi can see i was little and i kinda speak after all i was a toddler. and there was my mom and my dad and yet they look like me a mouse. and they l’amour me a lot. but then my life was about to change and it would never be the same.

little me: (sleeping happily)


little me: (wakes up) huh?

when i heard that banging noise i didn't know what was going on until Dr. Blowhole montrer up with the same gun i heard little early. i was scared

Dr. Blowhole: (grins at me evilly)

little me: (scared) uh oh

when i woke up i was at Blowhole's lair and i was in a cage...
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posted by queenpalm
Here is part seven. It took me awhile to write it, and I hope toi like it.

When I woke up, something didn't feel right. It felt like I was in a place I knew, and I knew that could not be true. The weirdest thing was that I had a real blanket, and I had not had one of those for four years.
Even though I woke up with the same feeling that I had every day, I felt that I couldn't do any of those things. My brain told me that I was in the same place that I was every night, even though it felt different. I felt my muscles strengthen, ready to start another jour of hunger, loneliness, and misery.
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*CC's PoV*

Something tells me this isn't right. Something tells me I shouldn't be here, back home. But I can't be certain. I stand amd leave my room. I walk down the hall and into the kitchen. My mum is there, washing the dishes.

"Mum," I say. "Did you...miss me?"
"MUM!" I hear my brother call from his computer. "Come check this out!"
"Just a minute Thomas," Mum says, as she finishes up the dishes.
"Mummy?" I say again, thinking she didn't hear me the first time. She IS getting hard of hearing.
"MUM!" I yell, but she keeps ignoring me.

As she leaves the sink to see what Tom wanted, I jump in her way....
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Chapter 4: The Guardians are coming!

A jour later, Pat and Kowalski overheard Alice talking to another zookeeper. “This is weird, the computer says that we due for another shipment of animals.” Alice said. “What animaux now?! We’ve already had Emperor and Adelie Penguins from Antarctica and a bunch of animaux from Paris. What now? Owls from England?” “Well, we are getting owls, but it doesn’t say where there from.” After hearing this, Pat and Kowalski decided to investigate. They got to Alice’s computer and found out a shocking revelation. Alice wasn’t lying. They were getting...
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  "You do?" they asked in unison.
Lexii nodded eagerly. She looked at the maki, lémurien wearing the labcoat and smiled. "You're Dr Horrible!!! I watch your blog all the time!!!!! And you!" she looked at the maki, lémurien wearing the blue shirt, "You're Captain Hammer!!!!!! Oh my gosh! I cant belive I'm acctually meeting toi two!!!!!" she jumped up and down fan-girling. 
   "Yeah great. Uh help?" Dr Horrible choked out as he tries to pry Captain Hammer's fingers off his throat. 
   Captain Hammer scoffed. "Like SHE can stop me! I run the montrer here. I'm Captain Hammer and the hammer is my... OW OW!!" Lexii...
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posted by CuteCuddly
Date, September 12th.

Dear Diary,

Of course, he had to come back. I knew he would someday. He pushed my buttons, but I tried to ignore him. I mean, eggs and bacon? How is that going to get me back into my game?

Yes, I am talking aboit the Armarillo Kidd. That horrid tatou was trying to get me back into minigolf. I didn't want to.

Driving records mean nothing. if you're about to run over a grasshopper. I manage to stop the car, just before impact. Skipper's wasnt happy with me and I was convinced that nice guys reall DO finish last.

Then HE comes, in my face and nagginf for me game. I tell him...
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the story starts with me packing up and going somewhere.

Me: (packing up some stuff) okay a casquette, cap check, a bottle of water check, first aid kit check, snacks check, sunglasses check, a lighter check, and a blanket check. okay I'm all set and ready to go.

so after I packed my stuff I went to the airport.

Me: excuse me I'm looking for a private plane for me to fly in?

Woman: salut toi must be the souris who survived cheating death twice.

Me: yup that's me.

Woman: well today toi are in luck Miss toi get to fly in the private plane for the first time.

Me: does that mean I'm not going to pay you?

Woman: of course...
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posted by legendary7
Skipper struggled to open his eyes. He found himself lying on the floor of Marlene's place. His head was still throbbing. The last thing he remembered was Antonio punching him, so he blacked out. Wait, where was Marlene? He trudged to his feet.

"Marlene?! Marlene?!" Skipper a dit wandering out of the cave. The sun shone brightly in the afternoon sky. How long had he been out for? With one step vers l'avant, vers l’avant he heard a crinkling sound under his left foot. It was a piece of paper with a letter. It read:

Dear Skipper,

I have your precious, Marlene. If toi want her toi will follow the map on the back of...
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posted by penguinsfan2
*back to present*

Skipper: This still isn’t making any sense.

Private: Of course it isn’t Skippa because we haven’t even finished it.

Skipper: I know, but all it’s telling us is what we already know, when is it going to get to the point?

Ash: *mumbling*…so impatient…..


Kowalski: *grabs the book* let’s keep reading, maybe it’ll give us a clue to where she ran off too.

Ash: *gazing lovingly* so smart….

Kowalski: *blush*…s-so yea back to the story….

Book: The zoo was on totally panic attack right now, and it’s all my fault because I let it happen. How could I be...
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posted by JayJay12
 Skipper glares at Blowhole.
Skipper glares at Blowhole.
*Kowalski kicks Skipper away from him*
*Skipper punches Kowalski in the face*
Cream:What the heck is going on?!
Private:It's best not to tell toi right now
Private:We have to stop them ou else they could end up going to another zoo!
Rico:Yeah!Le hurrry!
*Cream,Private,and Rico run to the others*
Marlene:What is going on?!
*Private whispers in Marlene's ear*
Private:Skipper and Kowalski are fighting for Cream,and it's gone TOO far!!!
Marlene:Yes,I can see that!
Cream:Let's hurry,Private!
*holds Private's hand and smiles*
Cream and Private:DR.BLOWHOLE!!!
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posted by Tressa-pom
A sunny jour without training... We don’t know why Skipper let us do anything we want on this day. After our hard secret missions, we really need a holiday.
Scene 1 –HQ
Kowalski is in his lab, he trying to invent new inventions. Rico is watching TV. Private is lire lunacorns magazine.
Skipper: Boys, come here. We are going to get some snow cones. (Looking around) Where is Kowalski?
Private: He is in lab.
Me (Tressa): He invents new inventions that something turns into robot.
Rico: Uhh?
Me (Tressa): It’s not dangerous.
Skipper: Really?
Tressa: And… I must do something. Can I stay at HQ?...
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posted by Tressa-pom
A sunny jour without training... We don’t know why Skipper let us do anything we want on this day. After our hard secret missions, we really need a holiday.
Scene 1 –HQ
Kowalski is in his lab, he trying to invent new inventions. Rico is watching TV. Private is lire lunacorns magazine.
Skipper: Boys, come here. We are going to get some snow cones. (Looking around) Where is Kowalski?
Private: He is in lab.
Me (Tressa): He invents new inventions that something turns into robot.
Rico: Uhh?
Me (Tressa): It’s not dangerous.
Skipper: Really?
Tressa: And… I must do something. Can I stay at HQ?...
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*I have posté this on the Skilene site but i thought its not JUST about Skilene...Hope u lyk!*

A silent figure moved in the darkness,he wore a hoddie veste in order to cover his face. He left a note on his bunk, turning around to watch his peaceful unit in a deep sleep. He sighed and turned around, out of the HQ and onto the 'island'. "HEEY Skipper!" A cheery voice a dit behind him. "SSSHHHH!!!!!!" He a dit covering Marlene's mouth with his flipper. "Mmh amhhr!!!!!!! Hey! What are toi doing???" She a dit annoyed, pulling his flipper away. "None of your business...What are toi doing here is the...
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posted by legendary7
Private began to tear up when the two horrified penguins found their bleeding leader laying face down on the ground without any movement. Rico slammed into the door trying to open it.
R: "Skipper! Skipper!"
P: "It's no use, Rico!"
Private wept into his flippers. Rico had to think of something. Then it hit him. Private looked over to Rico who was now spitting up various weapons. Finally Rico snatched a stick of dynamite from his pile of reguriated ammo.
R: "Kaboom"
P: "Rico, no-"
It was too late rico had already blown up the door. A fog of dust seperated them from the walk-in fridge. Just when they...
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Ok i know this is my seconde one for the day, but its valentines day! i think this is just a one-shot.

"UP and adam MEN!" Skipper yelled at the haut, retour au début of his lungs. "Ahhh!!!" Private and Starlite screamed, he fell out of his bunk. And Starlite fell out of her hammock, as she rose, she pulled out a bow and Arrow and pointed it to Skipper, they all froze. "Morning guys! Ha-" Marlene was cut off at the shock of seeing Starlite pointing an Arrow at her. One at her, one at Skipper. "i knew toi were out to get me." Skipper a dit putting his flippers up. "No, i'm not...But CUIPED is! Happy valentines day...
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posted by skipper12a
Ans for those who hadn't read my latest story, "The Reverse World" yet, here's the suivant part of my current story!

Chapter 5: Penguins always have a plan!
(back in the manchot, pingouin HQ)
SK: Lunchtime, everyone! You're free to do whatever toi want, as long as it doesn't involve permanent injuries, deaths, mutations, et cetera. That means you, Kowalski and Rico.
SH: Great, now's our chance! Into the lab!
(Kowalski, Private and sherry all go into Kowalski’s lab)
PR(Kowalski): Wow, I didn't even need an excuse!
KW(Private): He wasn't even looking, Kowalski.
SH: Let's take a look at the machine... Wow, it looks...
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Death par Chocolate
Yield: 12 servings.

8 oz (225 g) dark semisweet chocolat (40-50% cocoa)
2/3 cup (140 g) butter
1 cup (210 g) sugar
4 eggs
4 heaped tablespoons (1 dl) all-purpose flour
4 tablespoons unsweetened cacao powder
1½ teaspoon baking powder ou 1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
4 tablespoons acide, sure cream

Ingredients for frosting
2/3 cup (1.6 dl) heavy cream ou whipping cream
9 oz (260 g) semisweet chocolat (40-50% cocoa)

1.Preheat four to 350 deg F (Gas mark 4 ou 180 deg C).
2.Line a circular 10 inch (25 cm) cake tin (3 inches tall) with grease proof ou other...
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posted by SkippX101
All the penguins went to their stations. Private with Mort, Kowalski with Maurice, Rico guarding the HQ and (on private's orders) Skipper with Marlene."Ehhh, why don't i get a bodily guard to? I am the King, i should have the biggest and most strongest Bodily-guard of all time!" King Julian orderd while sitting on his throne. "As i just explained.And i do fear toi have memory loss, toi have alresdy been captured par Blowhole before, so toi are the least of our worries." Kowalski a dit with his arms at the back of his back. "*sigh* FINE!! But afterwards i want a body guard. No, a booty-guard!Yess,...
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Here's a link to the original song: link

And now, the parody:

V1. I know a tropical island where the lemurs roam and the bright sun shines.
And on this tropical island, there vacayed four Friends of mine.
Sometimes they poisson in the water, sometimes they slide on the land.
Sometimes they like to play volley-ball and cover each other in sand.
Chorus: They are caribbean arctic avians, they like to poisson in the tropical sea. Caribbean arctic avians, penguins in a coconut tree.
V2. The fish, the sharks, and the lemurs, they've seen them fight par where the pineapple grows.
They like to see all of the...
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