Les Pingouins de Madagascar Club
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Earlier this month, I went on a mission that I had been planning since 2011—seeing Penguins of Madagascar on the big screen.

The Madagascar spin-off is a fast-paced, fun adventure, with touching moments and several flipperfuls of good laughs. I have written some of my thoughts on it below. They will be appreciated plus par fellow Fanguins than those completely unfamiliar with the characters, so this article is plus a liste of observations and opinions than a true movie review. Still, I will not spoil too much for those who have not yet seen the film.


● The movie opens years il y a in Antarctica, where Skipper (Tom McGrath), Kowalski (Chris Miller), and Rico (Conrad Vernon) are bébés and Private (Christopher Knights) is still minutes away from making his entrance in the world. The three are true to their adult personalities (and even have their adult voices) even though they are in smaller bodies, and they are generally precocious tots (knowing words like tundra and amniotic sac; discussing a plan that involves, among other things, training jellyfish to obey voice commands), which makes it a bit surprising that they are only just discovering their flightlessness. Private makes four when the others rescue his egg and he hatches, forever touching our hearts with a wave of his flipper and the line, "Hello! Are toi my family?" His hatching in this movie may be the happiest, most adorable moment in the entire Madagascar franchise.

● Other penguins of the Madagascar franchise's invented species are briefly shown waddling and behaving cutely, which is nice to see. But the adults' "bom-boms" seem just a little too chubby compared to the tail feather regions of the grown-up foursome. Very early on, baby Skipper asks the adults if anyone even knows where all the penguins are marching to, and their responses—"Who cares?" "I question nothing," "Me too," "Me too"—make me think that their colony must be full of Manfredis and Johnsons, the ill-fated birds from the penguins' Nickelodeon TV show, The Penguins of Madagascar.

● par being set in Antarctica, the opening establishes that the penguins are originally from that La Reine des Neiges continent (as opposed to having hatched at a zoo), which is interesting because when the penguins arrive there in the original Madagascar film, their feelings about their natural environment are summed up par Private when he says, "Well, this sucks." I suppose Private may have been too young to remember it much, but one has to wonder how Skipper, Kowalski, and Rico forgot what the place was like when they chose to return to it.

● Though the opening is great and is a major highlight of the film, it is much too short. It has a little plus material than what had already been released in an October link, but I was expecting a few minutes more. Heck, I thought after watching the clip that the baby penguins should have their own movie, and I still think they should.

Everything else

● The rest of the film's focus is on the penguins' efforts to stop the plans of an evil octopus named Dave (John Malkovich), who seeks to turn the world's penguins into mutants as revenge for their taking all the visitors' attention away from him at zoos across the globe, and the penguins' interactions with the North Wind—Short Fuse (Ken Jeong), a harp seal; Corporal (Peter Stormare), a polar bear; Eva (Annet Mahendru), a snowy owl; and leader "Classified" (Benedict Cumberbatch), a gray wolf—an elite, gadgeted animal task force on the hunt for Dave. It is a wacky plot for sure, in many ways like a longer version of one of the plus sci-fi-heavy episodes of the TV show. But wackiness is fine, and it entertains. The film also has the subplot of Private's trying to find his place in the team, which becomes quite important late in the film (I won't spoil how).

● Knights, the voice of Private, tweeted that the movie is a "fast paced comedy for the whole family." I agree with him. While there were probably no plus than ten people in the theater at the time I watched, among my fellow moviegoers were a parent with, I believe, three young children, and two seasoned citizens with walkers. Even if some children are too young to follow the whole plot and some adults too long in the tooth to get an "Elijah, would toi please take them away!" joke, few of any age will be able to resist smiling just watching the penguins do their thing.

● But the movie is probably a little too fast paced, packing a lot of material into ninety-two minutes. That kind of cramming may work with Rico's gut, but hardcore fans of the penguins will leave the theater wishing that the movie had included plus character development and that it could have been longer. (We would have liked to see things like how Skipper, Kowalski, and Rico met [or whether they are brothers par blood]; how the baby penguins got to the Central Park Zoo; and how the North Wind formed.) Personally, I l’amour the penguins, and I could have watched them for three hours and enjoyed myself. Good things are made great just because these characters are in them. But I recognize that casual fans, especially those who never watched the TV show, as well as parents whose children have homework and bedtimes, may have suffered a manchot, pingouin overdose sitting through such an epic-length adventure, to say nothing of the cost and labor.

● Visually, the penguins look good, looking better to me than they do in any of their other non-TV appearances. Rico's feathery Mohawk, as seen in the TV montrer and The Madagascar Penguins in a Christmas Caper, is back. The characters new to this movie look good as well, though one has to wonder what skinny-waisted Classified eats (certainly not Cheezy Dibbles, this movie's brand of Cheez Doodles and the penguins' favori snack). Dave, though real octopuses (not octopi) don't have teeth, has a creative, fun, original design. His cephalopod henchmen are not designed the same way, appearing to me like they are trying to hide something and reminding me of turbans and burqas.

● Like some episodes of the TV show, I think I will enjoy this movie plus the seconde time I watch it, when I already know the jokes and can better appreciate the details and the full plot. Sometimes the newness of something, especially something that is long awaited and that one has certain preconceived thoughts about and expectations for, can be distracting. (I may also have been a little bit affected par the 3-D experience as well as drained par too many months of editing Penguins of Madagascar fan fiction.) But I will wait for the DVD before watching it again—I want to be able to pause and rewind.

● While the TV montrer and the Madagascar films are, to the disappointment of fans like me, officially set in separate universes, this movie still has a good amount of the TV show's humor and flavor. Much of this is in the material featured in clips and previews. I do wish I hadn't seen as many of them in the months leading up to the movie's release so plus of the movie's material would have been new to me. But I enjoyed watching the clips and previews at the time I watched them. And when I rewatched them. And when I still rewatch them.

● For my rating, I give this movie zero stars, and my thumbs remain on my keyboard, pointed neither up nor down. Instead, I give it four out of five Dibbles. It may not be, if I may borrow a line from Skipper, the absolute "top shelf in the bureau" in every way, but it is far from the bottom, dusty, forgotten shelf that many negative reviews from negative critics make it out to be. DreamWorks did not make this Madagascar spin-off to become the suivant Wizard of Oz ou Citizen Kane ou Schindler's List, nor was it made with a realistic expectation of winning a wheelbarrow full of the most prestigious Hollywood awards—and it won't. It was created mainly to appeal to those who already l’amour the manchot, pingouin characters, to those who already appreciate the humor of these cute and cuddly birds.

It was made for us. Thank you, DreamWorks.
posted by karenkook
"Romeo and Juliet" will now be called "Romeo and Juliet... and Romeo?" Also, I'm écriture 3 separate stories on different spots!!! :O Sorta hard for me to be fast.
   Chapter 2
   Julien turned onto his side to see Private standing there looking down at him. "Oh, hello Private." Julien mumbled. "What are toi doing here?"
   "Well, toi seem a bit down in the dumps plus than usual." Private replied. Julien responded par laying on his back and sighed. "Still upset about Marlene?" Private, along with a few plus animals, noticed that Julien hasn't been himself since the whole 'Skilene' thing. He...
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posted by karenkook
Chapter 1

   Julien was lying on his back in his bounce house. He sighed sorrowfully as the zoo visitors passed par his habitat. Well, only one type of zoo visitors made him sigh, the couples. The two humans looked like they were having fun as they held hands, kissed, and walked around the zoo together looking at all of the animals. They were happy. </I>He</I> was not. Julien would've been dancing alongside his two loyal subjects and closest friends, if it weren't for one person that kept clouding his mind.
   "Marlene." the maki, lémurien king whispered sadly so only he can hear. How his...
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 Virus Attack
Virus Attack
Meanwhile, in Marlene's Habitat...

Marlene: [Creeped out] "Aah!!! Skipper? Julien? Why are toi guys jouer la comédie so weird?"
Skipper: "Prepare to meet your end, sister!"
Marlene: "Huh?"
Julien: "How shall we put it? 'Your doom'!"
Private: [From far away] "Not on our watch!"

Private and Rico finally montrer up, to protect Marlene from the Virtual Clones…

Skipper: "You Losers come back for more?"
Private: [Angry] "We’re here to stop toi and send toi back to your gloomy Virtual World, where toi came from!"
Julien: [Laughs evilly] "Funny, that sounded like a threat! The thing is Wannabe Penguins don't actually...
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posted by EppofangirlXD
It was the penguins’ early morning training. They were all standing before a bunch of ninja bowling pins, tensed and ready.

“Steady…” Skipper said. “And go!”

Then black and white flew everywhere as all four of them fought all ten bowling pins. They knocked them down and battered them up. The pins stood no chance as they attacked.

Finally, all ten were down and they all gathered in the middle, feeling proud and accomplished. But then Skipper frowned. “There’s one! Private! Go get it!”

Private whirled around in a panic, trying to spot the undefeated ninja. But there was nothing....
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posted by Kowalski355
Chapter 3.

Little Sister

Skipper: *runs out of HQ* Where are they…….

Private&Rico fallow Skipper

Private: They a dit they’d be walking around the zoo… they could be anywhere!

Skipper: Anywhere close….

Rico: aljsfndldgrdgdfgdfgfdg…..

Skipper: That too…..


Kowalski: Maybe we should get going…

Ally: Maybe so…….

Kowalski: k, lets go,

*Ally and Kowalski walk back to the HQ*

Ally: Uh, Hold on, I gotta do something real quick.

Kowalski: ok. Ill be here.

Ally: *goes into maki, lémurien habitat* Mort? toi here?

Mort: Ally!!!!!! *hugs Ally*

Ally: Aw. Mort, I need toi to tell...
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After waking up from their bunks, the penguins started training, though Skipper began to realize that since the zoo was closed, they weren't going to get fed, because the security guard that was supposed to feed them was sick. So Skipper began to devise a plan. "Alright boys let's stop training and discuss this issue," a dit Skipper. "What issue Skippah? Of course, my mistake, we didn't get poisson today," a dit Private. "Exactly, and I also looked at the delivery truck schedule for fish, there should be one coming nearby in 12 minutes tops, I want all of us to participate in this mission, comprende?"...
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posted by theWOLFPACK15
This story is inspired par Superchick's song Hero. For fanpop it is a three part, and for FFN it is a one shot.

hope toi like.

Private sits par himself at the lunch table. He hears the other animaux laughing and pointing at him.

A monkey comes up to him and looks at him with a smile and his hands behind his back.

Private looks up and smiles back, about to say hello. "Maybe he wants to be my friend" He thought. As he opened his mouth the monkey quickly took out a pie from behind his back and slammed it into the poor penguins face.

"Haha take that tubby!"...
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Hey! Bob here. Bob the Piñata. Lives in the Central Park Zoo at the lemurs' habitat. King Julien really spends quality time with me even though I have no plus Candy in my body, after Kowalski was all crazy about my candy-giving powers.

It was a bright, sunny, and bright jour in Central Park. Tourists visited. Pigeons pooped on the zoo bell. Janitors working hard to clean it up. Yeah, a pretty normal jour for me and the other animaux in the zoo.

Meeting at the Zoovenir Shop; 8:30 pm sharp, as I read what was written on the whiteboard in every habitat. After a few plus hours later, King Julien,...
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 he appears here!
he appears here!
prepare for the article I passed WEEKS writing, requirings: 1:have seen: dr blowhole´s revenge, huffin and puffin, the big squeeze. 2:have read my articles the bets birthday ever, mr wonderfull, Its she ou me!. 3:know about mandy, arlene, and the rats. As the titre says this has skilene content, and people that dont like this couple please dont read this aerticle, its very, very, verry large, so enjoy and RIP: read in peace!

Skipper sat as his table, seeing his coffe and how his...
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posted by Katie_Kat200
Lol, I've had this stuck in my head for sooo long! This is just a one shot so maybe this is the blockage that keeps me from écriture plus stories... anyway. Onward to the story!

Kowalski was laying on the floor of the manchot, pingouin HQ, sleeping like a log. He didn't move, and he looked like he wasn't breathing. The fishbowl entrance of the HQ opens and Catherine climbs down the ladder.

"You don't really have to follow the rule ladies first, I mean, I'm younger than all of toi guys," Catherine said. Private climbed down next.

"Skipper still wants to make toi feel at home, ever since toi know... the move,"...
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posted by 67Dodge
My children, will toi be free? Will toi let the hated Sponge ruin our peaceful fansite? Are we organized ou broken up? Look my friends, all is not lost, we will still air, but maybe how long isn't certain, Spongebob has taken every hint of hope from us. Will toi all let him stomp out our hope?! ou let the club die?! For tonight, we will grieve, for tomorow, we will call out for our rights!!! Remember, don't laugh at this, my brother, is grieved because Spongebob won and his 'heroic penguins' didn't, it makes me feel guilty that I couldn't do anything about it. No more, No mas, Nicht mehr!!!...
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At flying lesson
Madam hooch:today toi will learn how to fly a broom
Now toi will force your balai, genêt à balais to came up to your hand
Me:UP! *my brooms cames up*
Harry:good work Alex
Me:thanks Harry
Madam hooch:now when I say go toi will jump off and fly
one two THREE GO!
Me:*flying off*
the penguins: go Alex yeah Alex toi can do it goooooo Alex
At pointes
Snape: now- will will are toi Alex potter
Me:yes sir
Snape:will don't act like your brother potter
Mayfol:yes please don't ou else we have two potters goofing off
At lunch
Me:I kill mayfol if I was toi
Harry:would dream of it but then we get in trouble
Skipper stretched and yawned. This sun was making him feel lazy. It was a really hot September. And it was also his seconde an at that school.
- It's nearly summer - he heard. He turned his head.
- Marlene - he smiled - Nice to see toi again.
Marlene also smiled.
- Waitin for the newbies? - she asked. She knew that Skipper likes girls. All girls. She didn't care, it was kinda fun for her.
- Yup. And here they come - a dit Skipper. He posed and he smiled. He was handsome, populaire and really cool. What else he needed to rendez-vous amoureux, date every girl he wanted to rendez-vous amoureux, date with?
- Ready, steady - laughed Marlene....
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posted by Katie_Kat200
This was a populaire fan-fic over at Fan-fiction. Until I accidently deleted it. DX So... anyway! Someone in this fan-fic gets a sugar rush. And its not Skipper. Its Kowalski! Yay! But this is the first part of the first chapter. This is kind of a two chapter one shot with an epilogue. If that's even possible. So I'll shut up and toi just read :)

The hush of dawn whispered out onto the Central Park Zoo. Most of the animaux were still asleep. But not Skipper and his crew. The penguins had been awake...
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Prolouge: toi unlock this door with the key to imagination, to a dimension of sound, and a dimension of sight. A dimension of mind, toi travel along the berm of imagination, suivant stop. The Twilight Zone.
Here we are in Central Park Zoo, New York city. A lovely little community with no crimes, and no violence, until the monsters came. Our story begins in a corner of the zoo between two exhibits, both across from the other. A little chubby manchot, pingouin and a ringtail maki, lémurien are both watching the sky, then suddenly a loud bang and a zoom, with all the other residents walking out their exhibits. 'What...
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salut salut hey!! This is Skilene4ever here with my seconde story on fanpop! Heres how this works... toi (the readers) can send me commentaires of truths ou dares toi want the characters to do. Simple. I'll created new chapter when i get enough truths ou dares...get it?=D

RULES: Yeah...sorry theres rules.
1. This has no rating soo whatever sick dare toi wanna see go for it!

2. No plus than 2 truth ou dares per person

3. No chant request please (I dont know how to do that hahaX)






King Julien




Fred the squirel

Pairings: Heres are the pairings I will allow......
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Weeeeeelllll, I was watching BTR Christmas Special and I saw them get their mistletoe kisses (you can see where this is going), I thought that maybe the penguins should get their mistletoe kisses (There's a hint of Skilene in here) Sooooooo here goes.

Skipper: Well, boys, it is officially Christmas Eve. So... what do toi wanna do?
Marlene: (popping in, holding something behind her back) salut guys! Guess what I got?
Private: A lunacorn!
Skipper: haut, retour au début secret plans to take over the world
Kowalski: A freeze ray!
Marlene: Nooooo... (she pulls a stick with a mistletoe on the end and points...
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posted by JediPenguin16
^ original song. Thought it would be fun to éditer it a bit based on thier personalities.
**edit-forgot to put Kowalski suivant to Leo. fixed now.
Aquarius (mort)
There's travel in your future when toi find yourself tied to the back of a speeding bus
Fill that void in your pathetic life par playing Oku-Land seventeen hours a day

Pisces (Julien)
Try to avoid any Penguins ou Otters with the Cootie virus.
You are the true Lord of the Dance, no matter what those idiotic Baboons say.

Aries(Phil and Mason)
The look on your face will be priceless when toi find that forty year-old pastèque, melon d’eau in your colon. (phil)...
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posted by ThatDarnHippo
TDH: this is a remake to the movie with the same title. The character's personalities may be somewhat altered to fit the characters from the movie. Please read and review. Rated T for sexuality and some language.

Narrator: This is a story of Boy meets Girl.

The boy, Kowalski, grew up thinking he'd never truly be happy until the jour he met The One. This belief stands from early exposure to Skipper's hard training and being cooped up in his lab making recipes for disaster.

The girl, Summer, did not share this belief. Since the separation from her family, she only loved two things. The first was her long feathery hair. The seconde was how easily she could cut it off, and feel nothing.

Kowalski meets Summer on January 8th. He knows almost immediately, she is who he's been searching for.

This is a story of Boy meets Girl, but toi should know upfront, this is not a l’amour story.
posted by MsKowalski99
One Night in The Penguin's Hq When The Penguins Where All Sound Asleep, Kowalski Was Dreaming About Science All Last Night That He For Got To Get Up That Morining For Training. So, Skipper Had To Go in The Hq And Tickle Kowalski Till He Got Up. par The 4th ou 5th Spot Skipper Was Tickiling Kowalski. Kowalski a dit "Skipper, That's Enough, Stop It!" So Kowalski Got Up from After Skipper Was done Tickling Him And Did His Daily Training With The Others. After The Training When He And the Others When Back Inside, Kowalski Said, "I Need To Find Some Romance." So, When Kowalski a dit That, In The Middle...
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