Les Pingouins de Madagascar Club
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posted by Saori14

Go to this address if toi want to request a FanFiction from me. Now, onto the actual FanFiction:

Note - MY FIRST REQUEST :))))) I’m sorry, but I HAD to put a little Skilene in and some Pripper in the sense of father and son relationship. I'll think of a proper titre at the end. M rated, so if toi don't like lemons click away ou don't read that bit. If you're not happy, Mostar1219, just tell me and I'll edit.

Chapter 1
Kowalski fidgeted as he looked around. Reporters and security were running around everywhere and he felt very uneasy just sitting there on a bench with his team. Apparently the family of fossas just delivered to the zoo had escaped, interrupting the inauguration of their habitat. He could see the lemurs freaking out in their habitat, piled up on Julien’s trône to try and get as far away as they could from the rampage below them. Marlene was already in their HQ along with the two chimpanzees, but Skipper refused to let the lemurs in too. “You know they’d only mess up, Kowalski. And anyways, Marlene, Mason and Phil had no high places to hide in. They do.” He brushed it off and resumed inspecting the zoo through his binoculars. Kowalski sighed. Maybe they’d be able to do something if only his experiment hadn’t gone haywire a few days il y a and transformed them into the first living organism the target came across, which just happened to be a human. He got up and went over to the fence surrounding their habitat to see if he could spot Marlene ou the apes and signal for them to come up and talk, but he was suddenly airborne and tumbled onto the ground, a heavy weight on haut, retour au début of him. “Oh my gosh! I’m so sorry!” A bashful young woman got up and dusted herself off, straightening her glasses and offering a hand to Kowalski. “It’s ok,...?” The girl turned to him. “Monique.” Monique smiled and blushed a little when she shook hands with Kowalski. “Hi, I’m Kowalski.” Monique tilted her head a little, curious. “Is that a Polish name?” She asked. “Ermh...Yes.” Kowalski was quite surprised she knew that, and realized she was talking again only after a while. “...So I hope to see toi again!” Monique concluded cheerily, waving and walking away. Kowalski stared at the figure of the brown-haired woman walking away from him, dreamy. There were three wild fossas unbound in the zoo and she chatted like it was the most normal thing in the world to do in that situation. “Fearless girl...” Kowalski concluded, wowed. “Soldier!” Skipper called for the fifth time. “Whuh? What, Skipper?” He headed over to the bench again, a little embarrassed. “Why were toi fraternizing with the enemy?!?” Skipper narrowed his eyes and looked at him suspiciously. “What enemy? That was just a young woman!” Kowalski protested. “Exactly, a young woman. A.K.A. A human! We are no humans, remember that!” Kowalski sighed as he realized Skipper’s paranoia had kicked in again. “Skipper...” Private tried to counter. “Let’s just forget this ever happened, but if I catch toi with a human ever again it will be INSUBORDINATION!” Kowalski wasn’t even listening anymore. Skipper had been suffering from sleep deprivation since he was transformed into a human, so his paranoia and strictness had shot up to the stars.
Hearing a screeching of tires, they whipped around to see the animal control van. “Please not X...” Private whimpered. Fortunately, “only” a horde of anonymous men with protective gear poured out of the van, forming a perimeter around the zoo. “Ok, so we got a code 23 for two adult fossas.” One of the men spoke into a walkie talkie. Kowalski was puzzled. “Skipper, wasn’t there supposed to be a baby fossa too?” He asked, confused. “Apparently the animal control doesn’t know of the kid. And as humans are so visibly inadequate to find it, we will.” Skipper decided, getting up. “Ermh, wouldn’t it be better to wait until animal control is gone?” Private suggested. “Smart thinking Private. That would only blow our cover. So it’s decided, we déplacer out as soon as animal control is gone.” Sitting back down, they waited for a while. A man from the animal control approached them. “Excuse me, but toi can’t stay here. There are dangerous animaux free around here and we can’t let toi stay in the danger zone.” Skipper moved in a flash and the man fell to the floor, unconscious. “Skipper!” Private exclaimed. “We do it when we’re penguins, we do it when we’re humans. Now let’s go dump this in the maki, lémurien habitat.” Picking the human up, Skipper and Rico swung him into the maki, lémurien habitat. “Ermh, excuse me, weird humans, we are not being of the carnivourossy, so toi can be of the being of bringing that human back to where it was the being of coming from.” Julien pointed at the human. “Ringtail! Shut up and stay up there!” Skipper yelled, waving a fist at him. “I must say, toi are of the doing of a great imitation of the bossy manchot, pingouin who is of the living in front of me.” Skipper motioned for Rico to go. “Let’s go Rico, we have better stuff to do than waste our time with a Ringtail.” Julien stood on haut, retour au début of Maurice, outraged. “HEY! HOW CAN toi BE OF THE DARING OF LEAVING ME HERE?!?” Skipper ignored him and walked back to the bench where Kowalski and Private were waiting. “The animal control is leaving, Skipper. They tranquilized the two adults and have already packed them into a caisse directed to Madagascar because they are TOO wild, but no sign of the cub.” Kowalski briefly filled him in, looking at the van driving away through his binoculars. “Right. We have a defenceless cub roaming around somewhere in NYC, and we have to find it. It will be hard, the area is big, but-” Private interrupted him. “Ermh, Skipper, are toi sure it’s defenceless and lost?” He asked with a whimper, the fossa dangling from his arm par the jaws. “Solid work soldier! Kowalski, retrieve the furious beast.” Kowalski groaned and shuffled over to Private. He pried open its jaws and pulled him off of the boy. “OWOWOWOW!” Private sniffled a little as Kowalski pulled it off. Several little holes in his arm indicated where the fossa had bitten him. “Rico, bandage.” Rico puked up a bandage and wrapped it around Private’s arm. Kowalski, meanwhile, was keeping the fossa par the tail at arm’s length to avoid its snapping teeth. “Skipper, how will we send this...this PIRANHA back to Madagascar?” He asked. “Two-man operation, Kowalski. They’re probably going to ship the other fossas back, so we’ll go to the dock tonight at 3 AM, the time the ship is scheduled to leave, and embark another caisse with this little dude in it. And you’re the one who’s coming with me.” Skipper stated. “Ok, but where do we keep the baby until tonight?” Private asked, fearful. “I think we still have a cage ou two left in Level 7, we’ll ask Marlene and the apes to get it for us. We’ll keep it hidden in Marlene’s cave, it’s the best place away from the human eye.” Private jumped away to talk to Marlene, while Rico played with the fossa. “Rico...Leave the cub alone, ou he’ll bite your hand off.” Skipper sighed. Rico had always had an attraction for dangerous things, including the one that got him his scar. “Sorry.” Rico had been overjoyed when he’d found out he could actually speak as a human, and the team had found it a very useful quality for him. “They’re coming up with a cage!” Private shouted from their habitat. Making sure no one was watching, Kowalski slammed the fossa into the cage and pushed it inside the cave. “Yeah. Guys, where am I supposed to sleep?” Marlene protested from the island. “You can have our HQ for tonight. Mason and Phil will be going back to their habitat anyways.” Secretly Marlene was plus than happy to get Skipper’s bunk to sleep in, but still looked annoyed. “Let’s get back home, team.” Skipper motioned for the others to exit the zoo and head to the small flat they’d rented, where Kowalski was working on the laser which could technically, probably, maybe turn them back into penguins.

Chapter 2

Note - This is actually working out! WOOHOO!

“Kowalski!” Skipper whispered as he shook his Lieutenant. “Whuh?” Kowalski turned around and pulled a cushion on haut, retour au début of his head. “Don’t make me do it.” Skipper threatened. “Do whAAAH!” Kowalski’s question ended in a scream as Skipper poured a jug of freezing water on haut, retour au début of his head. “WAS THAT REALLY NECESSARY?!?” Kowalski exclaimed, sitting up and shaking his head like a dog. “...Negative, soldier.” Kowalski looked at him with an are-you-fucking-kidding-me expression. “Now get up and ready, we have a fossa at the zoo that we need to deliver to the dock in two hours’ time!” Kowalski crawled out of lit and pulled on his chemise and trousers. He smiled when, out of the corner of his eye, he saw Skipper in the other room tucking Private’s blankets in and shushing him quietly when he stirred. The young boy curled up again and Skipper left him, stroking his hair softly. Kowalski knew he had a soft spot for Private, but he would never admit it.
Skipper stood par the front door, waiting, when Kowalski appeared out of his room. He’d donné up the first morning as a human to try and neaten up his hair, but it still stuck out in all directions, curling up a little at the ends unlike Skipper’s straight, short, military-style haircut. Putting on his shoes and jumper they headed out, moving silently through the streets until they reached the zoo. “Right. Where is that secret passageway toi built?” Skipper asked, turning to his Lieutenant. “Over here.” Kowalski walked over to a spot in the mur and pressed a brick. Sure enough a hole appeared, but Kowalski had miscalculated. “Ermh...Skipper? I built this tunnel for penguins. We’ll never fit.” He explained, embarrassed. Skipper sighed, exasperated. “Ok, I get it, we do it the old “Let’s climb a wall!” way.” Jumping up he grabbed the edge of the mur and swung himself upwards, Kowalski following suit. Landing softly on the ground, they headed over to Marlene’s place.
“Quiet, Kowalski!” Skipper hissed as Kowalski banged the cage on a lamppost, the cub mewling inside. Passing their habitat, Skipper stopped. “Wait here a second.” He ordered, and kicking off of their own railing landed on their island and lifted the fishbowl a crack. He saw Marlene sleeping peacefully in...HIS bunk? “It must’ve been the easiest one to reach. Why else would she sleep there?” Skipper tried to rationalize, although deep down he knew the answer. Heading off with Kowalski again, he looked at him curiously. “Skipper, why are toi blushing so much toi look like a traffic light?” Kowalski asked, puzzled yet curious. “...None of your business, soldier. To the dock.” Skipper pointed ahead of him and started walking away, leaving a giggling Kowalski behind him. Looking at the cub, he whispered, “I bet 30 dollars he found out Marlene chose his bunk.” The cub smiled and meowed a little, as if agreeing.
Monique walked along the street, but her thoughts were travelling so far she banged into a bin twice and bumped into another three people. She couldn’t get her mind off of Kowalski; the cute messy black hair, the piercing ice blue eyes framed par thin glasses, the charming smile...She shook her head, trying to focus. “It’s not like I’m ever going to see him again...” She sighed and quickened her pace, wanting to reach the dock par sunset.
“The ship is that one. We just need to find an empty caisse to shove the kid into.” Skipper ordered, pointing at a large ship being loaded with crates. Kowalski noticed that the cub had fallen asleep, so he lifted it out of the cage to make him easier to carry. “That one!” Skipper hissed. An empty caisse for livestock was simply sitting there, waiting to be used. Creeping to the crate, they were just about to make it when a figure rounded the bend and sent them, it and the cub flying. “OMIGOSH HYAAA!!!” Monique quickly hit Skipper and Kowalski on the back of the neck, thinking they were muggers ou something like that. Rolling one over with her foot she retaliated as she recognized Kowalski. “OH NO! Out of all of the people of Manhattan, I had to hit him?” She gasped, but heard footsteps approaching. Looking around, she saw the empty crate. Quickly shoving the two penguins, the fossa and herself in, she closed the lid just as two men came in sight. “Aha, here it is, the empty caisse for livestock directed to Madagascar.” C’mon mate, let’s bring it to the ship.” Monique froze. She wanted to jump out right there and then, but was too scared to do so. But they were going to ship them to Madagascar?!?” The only good thing was that she was going to have Kowalski and his friend. “OY MATE! This caisse sure is heavy for being empty!” One of the men puffed as they dropped it onto the edge of the dock. A grue, crane whirred down and lifted them up into the air, setting them down not-so-gently suivant to heaps of other crates. Monique looked around, scared. There were a few holes for air on the sides of the box, but crates were lodged near theirs so she couldn’t see anything. She wanted to curl up and cry. The one jour in which her phone is out of battery she has to get stuck in a caisse and get shipped to MADAGASCAR! She wanted to laugh at the sheer ridiculousness of the situation. Feeling something stir suivant to her, Kowalski sat up and looked around. “Where am I?” He asked, dazed. “Ermh, it’s a really funny story...” Monique started. “Monique? Is that you?” Kowalski blushed at the idea of being trapped in one and a half metres squared with her, but thank God the darkness hid it. “Yes, it’s me, and...Um...It’s kinda my fault we’re trapped here.” She tensed, waiting for his angry response, but got nothing. “What happened?” He asked calmly, not a trace of anger in his voice. “Well, I came to the dock to think, and then I bumped into toi and your friend and I thought toi were muggers, so I knocked toi both unconscious, and then these men were coming so I shoved us and that cat, fossa, whatever toi had in the nearest hiding place, i.e.: this crate. Then a grue, crane picked us up and we’re currently on a ship headed off to Madagascar.” This time she really expected an angry response, but still got nothing. She felt an arm around her, and his hand stroked her hair. “I’m sorry toi were pulled into this.” He whispered. Monique a dit nothing but shifted closer, enjoying the intimate contact. They didn’t know if it was the heat of the moment, the tense situation ou destiny, but Kowalski tentatively cupped her chin and was millimetres apart from her lips when a loud grunting made them jump up and shoot to the opposite sides of the crate. Skipper sat up, dazed. “What happened?” He groaned. Kowalski briefly filled him in, although a little irritated that he’d interrupted his and Monique’s chance. “So we’re in a crate. With a hungry baby fossa.” Skipper concluded at the end. Kowalski had to admit that he hadn’t analyzed the situation from that point of view. “I can try to keep him calm.” Monique offered. “Well...Kowalski, how long until we reach Madagascar?” Skipper asked. “Judging par various factors, I’d say 14 hours (I don’t care if it’s completely incorrect). So if we each take shifts of four hours to guard the baby we’ll have one shift each, and we’ll also have two extra hours at the end to share.” Skipper nodded. “I’ll take first turn.” He stated. “No, it’s ok, I got toi into this, I will.” Monique protested. “Out of question. I’m doing the shift.” Skipper put an end to the discussion. “...Fine.” Monique grumbled. “But I’m getting suivant turn!” She countered. Skipper sighed and gave consent. Picking up the fossa and placing it in his lap Skipper started to hesitantly stroke it, to see if it calmed down. It thankfully did, stopping the thrashing it was doing in its sleep, and Monique and Kowalski curled up on the wooden floor. Taking off his jumper, Kowalski delicately placed it on haut, retour au début of Monique. “You’ll get cold in that light dress alone.” He explained, lying down suivant to her and wrapping his arms around her. Monique snuggled close to him, thankful for his presence. She dozed off quickly, Kowalski’s soft caressing lulling her to sleep.

Chapter 3

NOTE - I'm taking a break from this one now to give the other requests a chance.

Monique woke up to find herself awkwardly placed underneath Kowalski, his head resting suivant to hers. She tried to see behind him and, craning her neck, saw that Skipper had fallen asleep on watch. “The caisse probably tumbled over.” She reasoned. Kowalski stirred on haut, retour au début of her and looked at her, confused. “Ermh...Did this happen on purpose or-” Monique shook her head. “No no no! I think the caisse turned over.” They both blushed violently, enough to see in the very dim light. After a few secondes of silence, Kowalski tried to Kiss her again, his mouth slowly lowering onto hers, but shot up in pain as the fossa bit hard into his ankle. “OWOWOWOWOWOWOW!!!” He cried out in pain as he tried to remove the cub. Monique scuttled over and with her help they managed to pry the fossa off. Skipper opened his eyes, sleepy. “Whuh?” He asked, confused. “You fell asleep on watch and the fossa nearly tore my ankle out!” Kowalski exclaimed, irritated. “Just when I was about to Kiss Monique.” He added silently in his mind. “Apologies, soldier. I think we’re all quite tired anyways.” Skipper patted his Lieutenant on the back. “I’ll take the suivant turn.” Monique said, looking up from the bandaging she’d created using a strip of cloth from her dress. “He’s all yours.” Kowalski replied, smiling. “Ha ha ha.” Pulling the fossa up against her she quietened it down immediately, when a loud shouting from suivant to them startled all four of them. “Ok, so we got this empty caisse to dump here, they say, although the information on this caisse is all very confusing. It’s empty anyways, so what’s the worst thing that could happen?” Kowalski looked confused. “We must have slept through the entire journey!” He exclaimed. Suddenly, though, the men pushed the caisse overboard. Monique clung to the cub tightly and Skipper and Kowalski closed their eyes shut as they braced themselves for the impact with the water. They were suddenly flung off in another direction, and yet another, until they landed softly on solid ground. “What?” Monique questioned, heaving the haut, retour au début of the caisse off and looking around, Kowalski and Skipper, with the cub in his arms, following suit. Beach, sea, jungle...they were here! Seeing two dolphins in the sea looking at them, Kowalski waved. “Thanks, guys! We’re adding our debt to Marty’s (See the film Madagascar)!” The dolphins spun around and swam off, flipping up and plunging into the water. “The dolphins hit our caisse with their tails to block our fall a little.” Kowalski explained, turning to Skipper and Monique. “Oh, I see. Look, there are the two adults!” Monique exclaimed, pointing at two dazed figures lying on the sand. Placing the cub on the ground it pattered over to them and licked one of them on the face. The adult fossa lifted its head and wearily licked the kit back, smiling. “Mission accomplished.” Skipper remarked with a smile. “Yeah, but we’re stuck here.” Monique pointed out. “No prob. Rico! Materials for an aeropla- Oh wait, there is NO Rico. Yep, we have a problem. A serious problem.” Skipper concluded, sitting down to think. “We could try to find the native population of lemurs again.” Kowalski suggested. “We used their aeroplane last time, they have no more.” Skipper replied. Monique was a little confused, but let it pass. “Sooo, how about we build a raft?” She suggested. “A radeau is for weaklings. We’ll build a boat!” Skipper declared, standing up. “It’s almost sunset. We should try to build a shelter.” Kowalski pointed out, looking at the Sun’s position. “I was a girl scout! Leave it up to me!” Monique dashed off into the forest. Skipper and Kowalski looked at each other and shrugged, sitting down on a rock lodged in the sand. “Any intel on her yet, Kowalski?” Skipper asked. “Well, she’s about our age, I’d guess, she’s very cute, smart, funny, determined-” Skipper butted Kowalski off of the rock, making him land face flat in the sand. “REAL intel, Kowalski! Not your romantic fantasies!” He shouted, waving about wildly. Kowalski blushed violently, but wasn’t going to let go that easily. “Oh yeah? Should we start the discussion of what toi saw in our HQ yesterday instead?” He asked devilishly, rolling over in the sand and propping himself up on his elbows. “...You have no right to be so impertinent, soldier!” Skipper blushed. “Admit it, Marlene chose your bunk.” Kowalski countered, grinning. “...And even if?” Skipper tried to drop the conversation. “Don’t play dumb, Skipper. It’s the whole zoo’s main talk.” Kowalski raised one eyebrow and got up, arms crossed. “WHAT?!?” Skipper fell backwards off of the rock. Kowalski decided to play dirty. “Well, if you’re so sure you’re not into her though, I don’t think you’ll mind knowing that she confided in me that she has a hot Spanish-guitar playing loutre boyfriend anyways.” Skipper emerged from behind the rock, fuming. “WHAT?!? WHO IS THIS loutre WHO IS SO MUCH BETTER THAN ME THAT HE CAN CAPTURE MARLENE’S cœur, coeur INSTEAD OF M-” He froze, blushing violently. “AHA!” Kowalski exclaimed, pointing at him. “I made the whole boyfriend thing up to trick you, but...” Kowalski started prancing around Skipper. “Skipper has a cru-ush! Skipper has a cru-ush! Skipp-” Skipper shot out a fist and it caught Kowalski smackbang in the face. “I’d hold your tongue there, soldier.” Skipper remarked, although he was still blushing deeply. Kowalski was about to add something but Monique ran out of the jungle. “I’m done guys!” She exclaimed, motioning for them to follow her. Reaching a small l’espace in the trees with a stream running through, Kowalski’s and Skipper’s jaws fell to the ground. Monique had built an actual two-room cottage, not a shelter. “Wha-Wha-How did toi do that?” Kowalski stammered. “It’s easy, maybe I’ll montrer toi later when I’ll add the third room.” Monique waved it off and opened the door. She had also built furniture to place inside! “I managed to catch a few poisson in the stream.” She explained, pointing at a large leaf on a table. The leaf was full of slices of poisson neatly cleaned and prepared. “...Wow.” Kowalski and Skipper stated. “I’m glad toi like it! Now let’s eat.” Sitting down, the three ate quickly, using little pointy sticks Monique had found as forks. “We’d better go to bed. We need to get up early tomorrow.” Skipper yawned, getting up. Heading into the room, they only saw two beds. “I’m sorry, I didn’t have time to build a third, so someone will have to share.” Monique explained, a little embarrassed. “I can share with you.” Kowalski offered. Monique grinned briefly, her plan having worked out, before turning innocently to Kowalski. “Thanks, Kowalski!” They all got into bed, Monique snuggling close to Kowalski and viceversa.

Chapter 4
Monique woke up to find herself alone in bed. Getting up, she saw Skipper in his own lit but there was no sign of Kowalski. She looked out of the window to see a figure head down to the plage and she followed suit, silently running out of the house. Poking her head out of the foliage bordering the sand, she saw Kowalski sitting on a rock, immersed in deep thought. Creeping up behind him, she sat down suivant to him. “Hey.” She smiled, and Kowalski turned to her. “Oh...uh, hi.” He stated awkwardly, looking at her embarrassed. “Is something wrong?” She asked, turning to him fully. “No, it’s just...” They sat there in silence, wondering what to do next. Taking a deep breath, Kowalski tried to Kiss Monique for the third time and was almost there when a wild cry made them spin around, bristling. “Aw, come on!!!” Kowalski whined, seeing only a little maki, lémurien bounce out of the bushes. He fell silent when he saw a dozen fossas hard on its heels. Monique, not thinking twice, threw a rock hard at the leader of the pack, making it stumble and sending all of the others crashing into it. Scooping the maki, lémurien up, she made a dash for the hut, Kowalski following suit. The fossas were just staring around, bewildered. “Phew. They’re not gonna track us.” He thought, rushing back into the cottage after Monique and slamming the door shut. “Is something wrong?” Skipper asked, walking in from the other room. “We saved a maki, lémurien from some fossas.” Monique explained, putting the maki, lémurien down on the windowsill and watching it jump back happily into the trees after gladly accepting the mangue she’d offered it. “Oh. Ok.” Skipper seemed unfazed from the news. “Sooo…What now?” Monique asked. “We start building that bateau ASAP. The crew will be worried sick.” Skipper muttered at the end.” Monique opened up a little cupboard. “First, though, breakfast!” She smiled, placing fruit all over the table. As penguins, the penguins would’ve scorned the food, but as humans they had to admit that they liked the taste. A lot.
“We’re going to need two very large trunks.” Skipper stated, looking at his crudely-drawn diagram. “On it!” Monique and Kowalski found some pointy rocks and, tying them to sticks, started sawing across the wood. After hours of work, the arbre finally toppled over. “Great. Now we need to repeat everything.” Kowalski moaned. Skipper, meanwhile, started taking the bark and branches off of the tree, leaving a smooth log par the time Monique and Kowalski had chopped down the seconde tree. Whilst Monique and Kowalski skinned the seconde arbre Skipper carved the soft wood with sharp seashells he’d found (Got the idea from how they make surfboards in Surf’s Up!). par the end of the jour two canoe-like pieces of wood had been dragged to the beach, ready to be hollowed out. “Solid work guys!” Skipper congratulated themselves. “Let’s already gather the rest of the materials we need, then we can head back home.” After finding another two small trunks, which barely took half an heure to chop down, and some bamboo stalks that were soaked and weighed over rocks to bend them throughout the night, they finally called lights out.
In all of this work, Monique hadn’t had time to build another lit and thus had to share one with Kowalski yet again. Curling up into his chest, very contented, Monique fell asleep soon. Kowalski, on the other hand, lay awake for many hours. He wondered how it could possibly work between him and Monique. He was actually a penguin, and she was a human. “This is worse than when Private fell for that nurse…” He groaned, exasperated, dropping his head onto the cushions. Monique stirred. “Kowalski?” She muttered, lifting her head up slightly. “Oh, I’m sorry! I woke toi up!” Kowalski exclaimed, looking very embarrassed. “No, it’s ok, I’m feeling quite thirsty anyways.” Reaching over Kowalski to the nightstand, she was about to grab onto the cup of water when she suddenly Lost her balance and sent both her and Kowalski toppling over the side of the bed, completely wrapped up in the lit shee-well, actually, the cloth of a parachute she’d found. “Ow, dammit!”Kowalski hissed, Monique’s full weight falling onto him. “That’s what toi get for waking me up.” Monique teased. “I’m stuck!” Kowalski muttered, trying to shuffle out of the cloth. “Me too!” Monique laughed at the sheer ridiculousness of the situation. “Come on, let’s get out of here. Maybe if we roll over the sheet will untangle itself.” Shifting over, they gained too much momentum and spun across the floor, rolling out of the sheet like out of a carpet. Banging into a wall, they stopped their spinning. Monique blushed at how close Kowalski was to her, finding herself for the seconde time in less than three days pinned underneath him. Smiling softly up at him, Kowalski smiled back and cautiously edged forwards, yet again almost at her lips when Skipper shifted and sat up, grumbling. “What’s the racket about?” He groaned, thank the Gods though not able to see the pair on the floor because of the darkness. Both jumping up bashfully, they gathered up the sheet. “N-nothing, Skipper!” Kowalski stuttered, stuffing the cloth behind his back. “Hmpf.” Rolling over, Skipper quickly fell asleep again. “Phew. Let’s get back to bed.” Tidying up the bed, Kowalski and Monique got in. Monique smiled as Kowalski held her tight in his arms, although unaware of the incredible frustration he felt as yet another chance was Lost to the winds.
Hey! Here’s another installment. The song is from the BEST southern rock band of all time – AEROSMITH!!!

I could stay awake just to hear toi breathing'
Watch toi smile while toi are sleeping
While you're far away and dreaming
I could spend my life in this sweet surrender
I could stay Lost in this moment forever
Where every moment spent with toi is a moment I treasure

Marlene couldn’t believe it. She was faithful that Skipper was just trapped under the bell, and could not break free. The cloche, bell was at an angle with the ground, causing one side to be a crack above the concrete while the other was...
continue reading...
Castlevania Symphomy of the night (PoM version)
         Chapter 1

Our story will start off in 1792 and the Transylvanian countryside of Romania. It’s a dark and scary night with fog all around and as toi the château of the vampire Count Blowhole the château known as Castlevania. We enter the main room of the château and there we meet Kowalski Belmont the greatest vampire hunter of all times and now he is in the château of Blowhole the leader of the Vampires...
continue reading...
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added by 27Kowalski
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added by JediPenguin16
Source: me
added by knocktimerico
added by JHNguyen93
Source: @Rschooley
added by Tressa-pom
Source: The Penguins of Madagascar The Return of the Revenge of Dr Blowhole
added by hanz1192
Source: When the Chips are down.
added by SJF_Penguin
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added by TaylinKieu
Source: Penguins Of Madagascar
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Source: pngkey
Les Pingouins de Madagascar
manchot, pingouin
added by KittenWitch
Source: The Penguins Of Madagascar
added by KittenWitch
Source: The Penguins of Madagascar