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After seeing many of these I decided I'd type one too. This is not just for the prettiest women but also my hottest men as well. I just lumped it in to one article.

10. Tamara

Though I'm on and off with her character I think Tamara is quite pretty. I l’amour her hair, I don't know how she can make it that perfect, like hot damn I can't even get my hair to stop doing that frizzy thing unless I spend like 20 minutes with a hair straighter. I mean her hair is just so long silky and smooth. I also like her lips, just something about them. Her face in general is well structured; eyes, nose, lips are not to big and not to small for her face.

9. Emma

Emma also makes it onto the liste because I just l’amour her eyes. They are a brilliant shade of blue. I have a thing for blue eyes. Her eyebrows are pretty great too, I like them. I also like how she has plus of a masculine beauty, because women to just have to be preppy and girly to look beautiful and if there's any character who shows this (through dress style and just global, ensemble appearance) it's Miss Swan.

8. Aurora

The reason our Sleeping Beauty is plus near the bottom of my haut, retour au début 10 is because I simply find her to be a tad plus cute than beautiful. But none the less cute is a type of beauty. Again I l’amour her eyes, such a nice shade of blue. Her hair is really pretty though I prefer it plus straight than curly. I think she has a cute nose. The fact that her lips and nose are on the smaller side is pretty adorable and gives her this pixie like look, it works for her. Also l’amour her purple dress, I'd l’amour to own it.

7. Peter Pan

For a boy his age Pan is pretty hot. I have a thing for bad boys--at least in fiction (in real life they can shove it, no offense anyone). I think his little boyish smirk is pretty cool. The blueish green eyes are also a plus, I'd kill to have eyes of that color. For a teenage boy who has been frolicking in a jungle all of his life, this guy looks good.

6. Tinkerbell

Much like Aurora Tink has this cutesy type beauty. I l’amour her dress, really pretty. I l’amour her hair style; cute blonde curls totally works with her character. The smaller mouth and nose really works for her pixie/fairy character, not unlike Aurora. And her eyes are stunning

5. Mulan

Mulan is another beautiful character. Her lips are on the bigger side which works for her very well. She's got a mix of Emma and Tamara in her (or at least that's what I see). Her hair has the same silky smooth texture I adored with Tamara and I l’amour it's coloring too--the brownish orangeish color. And she also has that plus edgy tom boy look. Again I l’amour it when shows give these strong women on the plus masculine side that are great examples of 'beauty comes in all forms, not just prissy and cutesy.'

4. Hook

Again, the bad boy look has me in. I l’amour his clothing style, right down to his manly earrings and rings. Dat sexy mustache is a plus. And he works the guyliner. Can we just call him captain guyliner. His Hook is also freaking badarse. And like most of the others his eyes are damn sexy. OMG mustache. The mustache goatee combo is the best; just look at it, take a moment to appreciate the wonder that is Hook's goatee!

3. Ruby Lucas

Okay she makes it to 3 because I am in l’amour with her hair. The red highlights are the shiz. If there's anything I l’amour it's someone who does fun things to their hair. I have dyed mine blue, purple, white, etc. So I l’amour when people do different things with their hair. It makes Ruby unique as she's the only person on the montrer with hair dye. I also l’amour the way she does her makeup. I take an eyeliner pencil to my eye and it looks like crap, hommages to her, hommages to her. And can we talk about her smile. I do l’amour her smile.

2. Felix

Ah yes, Felix. This may be an unpopular opinion but I think he's sexy as fudge! First off his voice...dayum! Any how his hair is great, it's just so floppy and mysterious. He works the messy haired look. And then there's that whole bad boy look thing again. In l’amour with that manteau and the fact that he's always wearing it over his head (you mysterious motherfudger you). l’amour the clothing, plain but badarse. Moving off of the cloths, I do l’amour his mischievous smirk and that menacing look in his fabulous eyes that are usually hidden par that fabulously sexy hair. Yes, Felix is definitely #2 on my list.

1. Regina Mills

If toi didn't see this coming please maneuver yourself to the very other side of the internet...kidding kidding. Anyhow as toi all know I think Regina is the most stunningly mesmerizing person on this show. I will again start with the hair because I think that's my favori thing about her appearance. Guys I'm not even joking, I got my hair cut and styled like hers. I l’amour it it's just so...wavey and fun. I l’amour the way it's flared out and most of the time silky and smooth (like Tamara's :P). And Gosh despite having my hair styled like that it still wont stay that smooth! I also l’amour her hair color it's dark like 3/4 of her soul. :D With the evil Queen look it kind of depends for me; I like her hair in poney tails and just hanging loose I'm not a fan of buns and crazy up do's on anyone really. But most of the time her EQ hair is fabulous too. I also l’amour her eyebrows, eyebrows in general are pretty great (especially Mako's (from Legend of Korra) requin eyebrows). They are just perfect I don't know how to describe why, but I just like them okay! Moving on, I just l’amour her eyes. They are such a pretty hazel color. They her eye shape in general is amazing. I also think she has a cute nose. And also dat lip scar! If there's anything that annoys me, it's when people like photoshop it out. Her lip scar is beautiful and it's unique to her. That's how toi know Lana is Lana, because lip scar. Much like her eyes I l’amour the shape of her lips, especially when she actually does the smiling. She has an adorable smile, damn shame she doesn't do it very often. But her vicious smirks are sexy too so I guess it's okay. And also boobs, this spot seems to enjoy discussing those with me, so they will have a mention. Also I'm going to say that she has a nice figure, in the past I have seen her called 'fat' and my sister has a thing for saying she has a chubby face. I disagree I think she's got a great body; Lana is an actress not a model I think she's just fine how she is. Like she doesn't have a ridiculously huge (excuse my language) cul, ass nor does she have fakely huge breasts. She's all natural and I like that. On haut, retour au début of that I l’amour her makeup; as the mayor is simple and dark and there's not too much nor too little. And as the Queen it's just wow, how do toi do that woman?! It's so unique and different and Suits – Avocats sur Mesure her character very will. I l’amour the cat-eye look. And lastly the clothing style. I like her sophisticated look as the mayor, it's simple and elegant and leaves things to mystery. ;) And if toi know me well toi probably know that I l’amour the gothique style in general. I adore the black and dark colored elaborate dresses the Queen wears. I l’amour sparkly things; her EQ dresses are usually gothique and sparkly so that draws me in. And her sparkly jewelry is great too. Regina is just a beautiful lady.

Now that toi finished lire (or skimming through) my fangirling over Regina's looks I would like to thank toi all for wasting your time lire this. :D Feel free to commentaire what toi think.
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Once Upon A Time
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