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added by Imzadi76
added by Alchemistlover
added by tanyya
Source: sammax88.tumblr.com
added by Saejima
Source: missdontcare-x@tumblr
added by Princess-Yvonne
The Dark Curse ou The Underling Cause

People often use "The Curse of the Dark One" to justify ALL of Rumple's evil deeds. I'll be the first to admit that this is a very good argument. From what we've seen of him pre-curse it is clear the poor dear didn't have a malicious bone in his body. However if toi are going to apply this argument to Rumple toi have to apply it to Gina as well.

The way I see Dark Magic is not unlike the way I see Meth addiction. Long term Meth abuse restricts your ability to feel emotion including empathy and a result those suffering from severe meth addiction will...
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I've noticed alot of auguments lately abought weather one ship ou another has chemisty. From what I've seen the issue is that people dont really have a firm grasp on what chemistry really means. Many people seem to be useing completly different definitions when they talk about chemistry. Even though both definitions have the right to use the word chemistry they are very different.

Now before I start I'd just like to say, I'd l’amour to hear everyone's opinions. I'd l’amour to discuss ou débats this, but please don't attack me. It is my opinion, how I see things, I'm not trying to present this as...
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posted by ssj4sidneyglass
Sidney glass vs Beerus the destroyer: Beerus will wipe the floor with Sidney, Beerus is a god and Sidney is a mortal, Sidney doesn't have god ki like beerus ou any god like transformation like Toppo, Goku ou Vegeta. So its clear that Beerus is way stronger than Sidney, but there are some things Sidney could do to get stronger.

1: obtain god ki: Sidney could obtain god ki in a lot of different ways, he could gather the super dragon balls and summon super shenron and wish for god ki ou to become a god. sidney could train with beerus in order to become an hakaishin and fight beerus toe to toe....
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added by tanyya
added by nermai
Source: farfarawaysite
added by nermai
Source: farfarawaysite