My Little Poney Club
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
This crossover is with MLP: FIM, and arc en ciel Dash presents.

Today is a really awesome day, even though my leg is friggen broken, but that doesn't really matter. I got the entire week off from work, and I am going to hang with my friends. I fly down to Twilight's house, and Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack, and Spike are there. When I arrive Pinkie Pie says, "Rainbow Dash toi made it. yes"

Twilight's mad I guess, because she's no longer an alicorn. She was donné this potion to drink from Princess Celestia, and she became an alicorn, but it only lasted for like eight hours. She fell from this cloud, and I couldn't find her. After falling to her death, I guess there was this other poney that brought her back to life. Now she's a unicorn again.

Anyway, we're all hanging out at Twilight's when Zecora comes knocking in the house.

Zecora: Are toi guys having a party?
Twilight: No, and toi can feel free to leave whenever toi want!
Zecora: But I like your place. It has clean floors! AAAAAAAAAAAAH
arc en ciel Dash: Here we go again!
Rarity: Seriously?
arc en ciel Dash: I beat her once, I can do it again. AAAAAAAAAAHHHHH

The ground shook as we shouted at each other, then suddenly a huge bright light appeared in the middle of the room, and things seemed the same.

Twilight: What happened?
Zecora: I don't know. I was going to curse you, but she messed it up. toi guys have really clean floors.
arc en ciel Dash: Aww yeah. Nopony can defeat the almighty arc en ciel Dash.
Pinkie Pie: If your curse didn't work what was with that huge light?
Zecora: No clue.

Then suddenly, another poney that looked almost like Twilight came walking down the stairs.

FIM Twilight: Man, what da fuq is dis?
Twilight: Do I really sound black in this world?
FIM Twilight: I don't know man. toi try robbin a boat, and see what happens! Who are you?
arc en ciel Dash: I'm arc en ciel Dash, and these are my friends.
FIM: Twilight: arc en ciel Dash don't talk like that!
arc en ciel Dash: Well If I don't sound like arc en ciel Dash who am I then? Oh My god!! Have I been impersonating someone this entire time?!?!
Fluttershy: Uhm. No?
arc en ciel Dash: I'm scared! I don't wanna go to jail for impersonating somepony! *hugs Pinkie Pie*
Pinkie Pie: Get your capitolist hooves off me! *pushes arc en ciel Dash*
FIM Twilight: Man, this is crazy.
Spike: Well, they are idiots. Even this version of Twilight.
Twilight: Shut up.
FIM Twilight: Man, your Irish? I gotta get the rest of my friends. In the meantime, toi make yoselves comfortable. *leaves*
Applejack: Why don't we go check out what this version of Equestria looks like.
Twilight: Not a bad idea, if toi wanna get killed!
Rarity: I actually agree with cidre fort, applejack for once. Let's see what this version of Equestria looks like.
arc en ciel Dash: She did say we should make ourselves comfortable. In the meantime we oughta check out what this world looks like.
Zecora: It seems the same so far.
Twilight: Great. You're here. Whatever, let's get this over with.
Rarity: I wonder what the stallions are like. I'm going to make out with all of them!
Pinkie Pie: *laughs* Pinkie is going to try, and bribe the Celestia in this world to give Pinkie nuclear weapons. Then, when she returns to her world, she will bomb Fluttershy's house! *laughs*
Fluttershy: I don't want my house bombed!
Twilight: Let's just get out of here!

And so we left. Twilight, and Spike left with each other, I went with Applejack, and the rest just stayed with each other.

Pinkie was leading Rarity, Fluttershy, and Zecora to the other version of Pinkie Pie.

FIM Pinkie: *hopping down road*
Pinkie Pie: Hey! It's the other version of Pinkie. yes
Fluttershy: She has her own car? We only have buses.
Pinkie Pie: *sneaks into FIM Pinkie's car* Hello
FIM Pinkie: Ach!! Hey, toi look just like me, but toi sound different.
Pinkie Pie: That's because Pinkie is toi from another world. Why is Pinkie german in this world?
FIM Pinkie: I was born in germany, and when I was a foal, I moved into the United States Of Equestria.
Pinkie Pie: Pinkie is a russian, and wants all germans dead, yes.
FIM Pinkie: Nein! Germans are cheerful!
Pinkie Pie: Germans are murderers. yes
FIM Pinkie: NEIN! I don't murder anyone!
Pinkie Pie: (I do, but she must not know this) Take Pinkie to Celestia
FIM Pinkie: Ok *drives*
Zecora: That was a clean car.

Meanwhile with me, and cidre fort, applejack

arc en ciel Dash: salut look, it's the other version of Sweet pomme Acres.
Applejack: Cool. Wait a minute, who's that green poney on the rocking chair?
arc en ciel Dash: I don't know.
FIM Applejack: Hey, Big Mac, don't toi think that poney with arc en ciel Dash looks like me?
Big Mac: Eeyup.
FIM Applejack: See if they can hang with us.
Big Mac: Eeyup *walks towards arc en ciel Dash, and Applejack*
arc en ciel Dash: Big Mac is walking towards us.
Applejack: I wonder what he wants.
Big Mac: *notices both ponies* Uh, hello.
arc en ciel Dash: Hi!
Big Mac: My sister wanted to know if toi two could hang out, ou help out?
arc en ciel Dash: Uh, ok.
Applejack: Yeah.

We followed Big Mac to the other Applejack, and soon she noticed something.

FIM Applejack: Hmm, your friend looks exactly like me.
arc en ciel Dash: That's because she's from another world.
FIM Applejack: ok. What's with your voice?
arc en ciel Dash: My voice? I always sounded like this?
FIM Applejack: Sounds too masculine. Are toi spies? What have toi done with my friends?! *hits arc en ciel Dash*
arc en ciel Dash: Aaah!! What have I done wrong?! We ended up here par accident! We're really from another world!!

Twilight, and Spike on the other hand.

Twilight: Well, at least all the ponies that live here aren't stupid.
Spike: Aye. None of them are saying meep, ou have german accents.
FIM Pinkie: *stops driving* Twilight!!
Twilight: Except for this Pinkie.
Pinkie Pie: Twilight look! Pinkie has found her identical twin.
FIM Pinkie: Is this your Twilight?
Pinkie Pie: No, yes. Pinkie advises toi to drive away quickly.
FIM Pinkie: *floors it*
Twilight: Welp, it seems like everyone hear has a car. Good riddance on public transportation.

FIM Twilight soon found Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity, and arc en ciel Dash.

FIM Rarity: What is it? And where's Pinkie Pie?
FIM Twilight: Man, I have no clue!
FIM Applejack: I suppose those other ponies that look exactly like us killed her! Their version of arc en ciel Dash was scared when I attacked her.
FIM arc en ciel Dash: Oh, of course toi had to beat me up! Why couldn't toi have gone for the one that looked like Rarity?
FIM Rarity: How dare you?! No one is supposed to hit a lady!
FIM arc en ciel Dash: We're all "Ladies" I think I can beat toi up if I wanted to.
FIM Fluttershy: Um. Can no poney get beat up?
FIM Twilight: Thanks Fluttershy. Now listen, gather all the impostors, and bring them to my place. And while your at it, look for our Pinkie Pie.
Others: Yes ma'am! *run off*

The FIM Pinkie Pie was driving to Canterlot. RDP Pinkie was sticking to her plan on taking nuclear weapons.

FIM Pinkie: So what's with all these nuclear weapons toi want?
RDP Pinkie: Pinkie has plans to use these weapons to bomb Fluttershy's house! Hehehehahahahahaha!
FIM Pinkie: Your Fluttershy, ou my Fluttershy?
RDP Pinkie: Pinkie's Fluttershy. She has not met the version of Fluttershy of this world yet. We're at the castle, stop here.
FIM Pinkie: *stops car*
RDP Pinkie: Now wait here, and Pinkie will return with the weapons. *goes to Celestia*
FIM Pinkie: (Why does she déplacer like a poorly animated cartoon?)
RDP Pinkie: Helloooo Celestia, yes.
Celestia: Hi Pinkie Pie. What brings toi to Canterlot?
RDP Pinkie: (She's not british! ou a mockery to Twilight! Whatever, toi have something important to do) Pinkie would like to see your nuclear weapons, ou bombs.
Celestia: Really?
RDP Pinkie: yes. Pinkie believes these 5,000 bits will cover for what you've got.
Celestia: *sees money* Ok. Please follow me.
RDP Pinkie: *follows Celestia*
Celestia: *opens door* These airplanes have bombs loaded in them already. Please take a look at them all, and choose what toi want.


RDP Twilight: *enters house* Ugh, I'm so bored here. I wanna go back to my version of Equestria.
RDP Spike: What about all those things toi enjoyed when we were outside?
RDP Twilight: True. But there's nothing to do here.
FIM arc en ciel Dash: Except for sabotage with our minds! *kicks RDP Twilight*
FIM Twilight: Man, I told toi not to attack them!!
FIM arc en ciel Dash: I don't give a buck, one of them made me look like a pussy! Where's arc en ciel Dash?!
RDP Spike: You're plus smarter then the arc en ciel Dash from our world, that's for sure.
FIM arc en ciel Dash: Shut up, and talk! *grabs gun*
FIM Applejack: Whoa whoa whoa, where did toi get that?
FIM arc en ciel Dash: My boyfriend gave it to me!

Back at Sweet pomme Acres

RDP arc en ciel Dash: *wakes up* salut Applejack, where are we?
RDP Applejack: We're at Sweet pomme Acres still. Why are we strapped to chairs?
RDP arc en ciel Dash: I don't know.
Applebloom: arc en ciel Dash? Applejack? What's going on?
RDP arc en ciel Dash: Uhhh. Big Mac is on crack! He tied us to these chairs for no reason!!
Applebloom: I didn't know he was obsessed with broken sidewalks. Anyways I gotta get toi free *unties arc en ciel Dash*
RDP Applejack: Ok, now Dash untie me.
RDP arc en ciel Dash: Ok. *looks at rope* Uhhh. I'm not sure how to uh..
Applebloom: Seriously?
RDP arc en ciel Dash: *pushes chair*
RDP Applejack: *falls over* Ow! What are toi doing?
RDP arc en ciel Dash: I DON'T KNOW!!!!
Applebloom: This can't be for real. *cuts rope*
RDP Applejack: Oh thank toi Applebloom! Now we gotta go. *runs*
RDP arc en ciel Dash: *Flies*


RDP Spike: We don't know where she is! All we know she's with Applejack!
FIM arc en ciel Dash: So they're at Sweet pomme Acres?
RDP Spike: Maybe!!
FIM arc en ciel Dash: *fires gun*
RDP Spike: *dodges bullet* Jeez! What do toi want from us?! We don't know anything!!!
RDP Twilight: *makes gun disappear*
FIM arc en ciel Dash: Oh damnit.
RDP Twilight: Now listen. We really need to get back to our world. Get your Twilight to make a portal, and I'll go find my friends.
RDP Spike: They probably won't be your Friends after we get back.

Then suddenly plus bullets hit the mur near Twilight, and Spike.

RDP Twilight: What... The... Fuck?!
FIM arc en ciel Dash: *using sparkle cannon* Who a dit we were done here?

Still. Could be worse

Pinkie Pie: Hehehehehehahahaha!!! Pinkie has acquired her aircraft. She can now go bomb Fluttershy's house!!
Police: *flying helicopters*
Pinkie Pie: No! Those cops are chasing Pinkie! What is Pinkie doing wrong?
Police: toi are in a military air space, toi must land!!
Pinkie Pie: Pinkie cannot surrender! *shoots helicopters*
Police: Nooo *crash*
FIM Pinkie: She did what?!
Celestia: Apparently, the other Pinkie flew the airplane I gave her, and she attacked two police helicopters.
FIM Pinkie: Nein nein nein nein nein nein! Now they'll think I shot them!!
Celestia: I'll inform the police about this at once.

Returning to the RDP Rarity, Fluttershy, and Zecora.

Rarity: If toi didn't try to curse us, we would't be in this mess!
Zecora: That's it! With arc en ciel Dash missing, I'll have to curse you. Aaaaaaaaa
Rarity: Yeah, like that's going to work.
Zecora: Ok, toi two are cursed now *runs off*
Fluttershy: Um. What do we do?
Rarity: Nothing!! That's what we do about everything!! Now I'm going to go find a stallion to rape

While Rarity, and Fluttershy were being cursed the RDP Twilight, and spike were still being interrogated par most of the FIM Mane 6.

FIM arc en ciel Dash: *holding sparkle cannon* Who a dit we were done here?
RDP Twilight: I did, now let us go!
FIM Twilight: I'm really sorry about this. *shoot bullets*
RDP Twilight: *dodges fire*
RDP Spike: Oh boy, this will go on forever.
FIM arc en ciel Dash: toi just gotta tell us where the impostures are.
RDP arc en ciel Dash: Hi Twilight
FIM arc en ciel Dash: *shoots other RD*
RDP arc en ciel Dash: Waaahhhhh! Oh my god! What was that for?!
FIM arc en ciel Dash: toi made me look weak! In front of Applejack!!!
FIM Applejack: It was pretty funny though. How did Big Mac let toi escape?
RDP arc en ciel Dash: It was Applebloom that let us free.
RDP Applejack: Why would toi tell them that?
RDP arc en ciel Dash: I don't know. I really want to get out of here though.
Zecora: Hey, I cursed Rarity, and Fluttershy,
FIM Rarity: What? What kind of Zecora are you?
Zecora: Aaaaaaahhhhhh
FIM Twilight: Man, what's she doing?!
RDP arc en ciel Dash: She's trying to curse you!! I'll defend you! Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
RDP arc en ciel Dash: AAAAAAAAHAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!
Zecora: Ugh, she keeps messing up my curse! You're lucky.
RDP Pinkie: *crashes airplane in Twilight's house* NO!! Pinkie attacked the wrong house!!!
RDP Fluttershy: *arrives with Rarity* Meep meep meep!
RDP Rarity: What?
RDP Twilight: I speak some retard. She a dit she's glad that Pinkie can't bomb her house.
RDP Rarity: Oh. I didn't find any stallions to rape, so let's go.
Zecora: aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh this isn't a curse aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

And suddenly, we all started to go back to our accueil world. After we arrived my leg was no longer broken, and the first thing I did after that was use the bathroom.

Fluttershy kept speaking retard, until she took some english classes, and learned english again.

Rarity got cursed par not being able to make out with stallions. Instead, she was forced to have lesbian sex.

Pinkie went back to doing whatever it is communists do when they discover a new place. They write about it, and plan to nuke it.

cidre fort, applejack just went back to work on her farm. She would kick trees, and apples would fall. That's pretty much all she does.

Then Twilight was donné another potion, and permanently became an alicorn. I think now she's a princess for leaving Ponyville for a while.


The End!

RDP characters

arc en ciel Dash
cidre fort, applejack
Pinkie Pie

Regular characters

arc en ciel Dash
Pinkie Pie
Big Mac

I know this may not be my best fanfic, but I really liked working on it.

This has been a Seanthehedgehog Production

Created in 2013

Special Scene

Fluttershy: *feeding animals*
Pinkie Pie: *flying bomber*
Fluttershy: *sees bomber*
Pinkie Pie: *drops bombs* Hehehehehehahahahhahaha!!

Huge explosions occurred, and Fluttershy, along with her animaux were killed.
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Welcome to the block. And now for your hosts, Master Sword, and Tom Foolery.

Audience: *Cheering, clapping, and whistling*
Master Sword & Tom Foolery: *Standing in front of a house*
Master Sword: salut everypony. Guess what we're starting this episode off with.
Audience: A party?
Tom: No.
Audience: A crossover parody?
Master Sword: Not yet.
Tom: We're starting off with-
Master Sword: A
Tom: What?

Video: link start it at 0:40

People: BLOWJOB! *Fake coughing* Blowjob!!
Audience: *Laughing, clapping, cheering, and whistling*

Turn off the video

Tom: We're starting off the video with Brony Of The Month....
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
It was now 7:30 PM. It rained for half an hour, then because of the cold temperatures, the rain on the sidewalks turned into ice.

Emerald Ivy: *Exits her boutique after closing it, then slips on ice. She prevents herself from falling, then walks back into her shop* Time to get the salt.

Lots of other ponies were getting salt on the sidewalk to get rid of the ice. It would take a long time to get rid of the ice, but as long as it worked, they didn't care.

Emerald Ivy: *Pours all of her salt in a small area* There we go. Now that will get rid of the ice very quickly.
Saten Twist: *Slowly walking...
continue reading...
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Trenton Neigh Jersey, truck depot at Roberts Avenue
3:30 PM

Joe a dit that he got his deliveries from a railway yard. Well, he lied. It wasn't a railway yard, but four train tracks were suivant to the depot where the trailers got loaded with supplies.

Joe just returned here from Manehattan.

Boss: Nice work Joe. I got reports from those ponies that toi did well delivering that steel.
Joe: No problem sir. Just doing my job.
Boss: Alright. I need toi to get some timber into Fillydelphia. Once toi return from that, you're free to go.
Joe: I'm on it sir.
Worker: *Walks towards the boss* Sir, a call.
continue reading...
posted by Seanthehedgehog
We now have a new intro for this series

Theme song >>>> link

Taxi Ponies: *Driving taxi cabs to the station*

Ponies On The Rails

Starring the Union Pacific ponies

Pierce Hawkins "Hawkeye" From Seanthehedgehog

Snowflake & Orion From Alinah09

Metal Gloss From DragonAura15

Railway Pony: *Driving freight train across a bridge going over the train tracks at the station.*
Metal Gloss: *Drives freight train under bridge*
Pony: *In the station, buying a ticket. As soon as he gets the ticket, he runs across the platform, and boards his train.*
Hawkeye: *Preparing train for departure*...
continue reading...
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Date: August 19, 1958
Location: Cheyenne, Wyoming
Time: 7:23 AM
Railroad: Union Pacific

After crashing the three engines into the repairs, Jeff was sent to Pete's office.

Pete: Alright, let's go over what toi did wrong.
Jeff: Spare me the details, I already know.
Pete: Why did toi do it?
Jeff: I didn't mean to crash those engines.
Pete: I know toi didn't, but toi need to be plus careful. Three diesels that have just been prepared for an express train get destroyed, and are in need of plus repairs, thanks to you. These type of shenanigans cost money. I can't have anymore foul ups going on while...
continue reading...
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Theme song >>>> link

SeanTheHedgehog Presents

Ponies On The Rails

Starring the Union Pacific ponies

Pierce Hawkins "Hawkeye" From Seanthehedgehog

Snowflake & Orion From Alinah09

Metal Gloss From DragonAura15

Stylo From Jimmythedragon

NocturnalMirage from NochurnalMirage

Gordon, Percy, Jeff, Wilson, Ike, Nicole, Mike, and Pete from Seanthehedgehog

Also starring the Southern Pacific ponies.

Nikki West From Jade_23

Michael, Roger, Anthony, Ryan, Duke, and Donut from Seanthehedgehog

Special guest étoile, star Stephanie from SeanTheHedgehog

Episode 77: The End
Date: August 14, 1958
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
 papillon after the five years of solitary confinement
Papillon after the five years of solitary confinement
papillon was brought back to Devil's Island prison, and was placed in solitary confinement for five years. His mane was losing it's color, and one of his hooves were chipped.

Warden: Your five years of solitary confinement are over. You've paid part of your debt to France.
Papillon: *Sees two guards carrying Andre*
Warden: He's dead in case you're wondering.

That evening, as the sun was setting, papillon watched the guards drop Andre's body into the sea. Sharks ate him.

Next morning, papillon was moved to another part of the prison. He was now on haut, retour au début of a high cliff.

Guard: I'd find a place...
continue reading...
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Date: August 7, 1958
Location: San Franciscolt, Alicornia
Time: 9:51 AM
Railroad: Southern Pacific

Ryan was being assigned to repair track at a station where both trains of the Southern Pacific, and the Santa Ne went. He often saw Stephanie there, but today she wanted to talk to Ryan.

Ryan: *Hammering in spike* There we go. Good as new.
Stephanie: *Walks over to Ryan*
Ryan: *Sees Stephanie* Oh, hey. It's been a while since I've seen you.
Stephanie: *Looks sad* Yeah.
Ryan: Is there something wrong?
Stephanie: Everypony has been so kind to me ever since I started working on this railway, but every...
continue reading...
This isn't a very long chapter, but it's all got for it..

Ditto and the fellow guards he's taking are gearing up for the trip to Ponyville..
Ditto: Alrighty Luny.. Thanks for wishing me luck.
Luna: Yeah. Well. I know be kinda hard on you, but in the end I like your company..
Ditto: Say.. If I bring him back alive. Maybe toi can finally go out with me!?
Luna: Oh.. I'm sorry hon. But I'm busy..
Ditto: But that's what toi ALWAYS say!?
Luna: We both know how it went last time.
Ditto: I matured.. Mostly.
Luna: (starts leaving) I can't. Sorry.
Ditto: Well.. Can I at least think of toi in the shower?
Luna: (off view) Noo!!
Ditto: ........ Well I'm still gonna.

posted by Seanthehedgehog
Theme song >>>> link

SeanTheHedgehog Presents

Ponies On The Rails

Starring the Union Pacific ponies

Pierce Hawkins "Hawkeye" From Seanthehedgehog

Snowflake & Orion From Alinah09

Metal Gloss From DragonAura15

Stylo From Jimmythedragon

NocturnalMirage from NochurnalMirage

Gordon, Percy, Jeff, Wilson, Ike and Pete from Seanthehedgehog

Also starring the Southern Pacific ponies.

Nikki West From Jade_23

Michael, Roger, Anthony, Ryan, Duke, and Donut from Seanthehedgehog

Episode 74: Ryan To The Rescue
Date: August 4, 1958
Location: Cheyenne, Wyoming
Time: 8:19 AM
Railroad: Southern...
continue reading...
posted by Seanthehedgehog
A new skit has arrived

The Movie Studio


Blaze as Director Nick
Astrel Sky as Roxy
Saten Twist as Connor
Tom Foolery as Louis
Cosmic arc en ciel as Tobias "Toby"
Sunny as Alinah
Double Scoop as Mason
And Aina as Leah

This takes place in the Roaring Twenties, a few years before the start of the great depression. ou to be plus specific, Ninety twenty f**king five!

Audience: *Laughing*
Louis: *Walking to school* I only have five days left.. As well as another school year.
Audience: *Laughing*
Bullies: *Chasing Louis* We're gonna get you!
Louis: Uh oh! *Running away from bullies*
Bullies: He's getting...
continue reading...
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Ralphie: *Walking with Flick, and Schwartz to school*
Flick: toi wanna know what I got my old stallion for christmas?
Schwartz: What?
Flick: A fleur that squirts water. If a mare goes to sniff it, they get squirted on.
Schwartz: Oh, cool. I got my father-
Scut: *Hanging upside down from monkey bars* RAAHH!!
Ralphie, Flick, and Schwartz: *Gets scared*

Gee, ordinarily when somepony wants your attention they would just say hi. It wasn't that way with Scut, and Grover.

Grover: *Points at Ralphie* Get over here!
Ralphie: Who, me?
Grover: Yeah you, get over here!
Ralphie: I can't Grover. I need to see...
continue reading...
posted by Seanthehedgehog
 Ralphie's dad's Foalsmobile
Ralphie's dad's Foalsmobile
Ralphie: *Sitting at table*
Dad: *Walking into the house*
Dogs: *Following Dad*
Dad: No, get out of here!
Dogs: *Run away*
Dad: *Mumbling about his car, and goes into the kitchen* That hot damn Foals froze up again.

Some ponies are baptists. Others Catholic. My father was a Foalsmobile Stallion.

Dad: *Filling big pitcher with hot water* That son of a chienne would freeze up during summer, on the middle of the Equator!
Mother: Little pitcher.
Dad: Thanks honey. *Hears noise* Shh. *Turns off water*

Our furnace started to break down again. par the entrance to the furnace room, black smoke was seen coming...
continue reading...
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Date: August 2, 1958
Location: Cheyenne, Wyoming
Time: 7:02 AM
Railroad: Union Pacific

Nicole's first job for the jour was to drive a freight train northbound to Laramie, but she had twenty minutes until it was time for her to start her journey.

Nicole: *Walks into desert field*
Mexican Ponies: *Playing guitar, and maraca*
Ike: Good morning my special somepony. We have set up some targets for you.
Mirage: And we'd like to reward toi with this. *Gives Nicole a Tommygun* Specially modified to hold 100 bullets in the round drum.
Nicole: *Shooting targets*
Ike: That's the way Nicole. If toi shoot S.C....
continue reading...
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Date: August 1, 1958
Location: Cheyenne, Wyoming, the train station
Time: 10:04 AM
Railroad: Union Pacific

Wilson: *Driving a passenger, and stops at the station*
Ponies: *Getting out of train*
Nicole: *Walks out of train, and goes to Pete's office*
Pete: *Opens his door* Welcome back Nicole.
Nicole: Thank you.
Pete: Now as you're probably aware, this section of the Union Pacific is crawling with gangsters. They try to derail the trains in order to get either money from passengers, ou things they really want from freight trains. You've got to be careful, and remember, there's a shotgun under...
continue reading...
posted by TotalDramaFan60
érable looked out at the table, tableau and saw an amazing breakfast. "Buttered...was this you?" érable asked, and she looked where Buttered always was when the family woke up. But he wasn't there. érable looked where Gummy was, right par her, but she wasn't there either. "Buttered? Gummy?" érable asked. She looked around and then the cuisine caught on fire. érable gasped and stumbled back. A sword appeared in her hoof. She stood up to start fighting whoever had caused this. She gulped. She didn't know if she was ready for...this. A firey figure popped out and then everything went black. ou at least, for Maple.
added by bluefire700
Source: I drew this and made up Spectra Dash.
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Welcome to the block, where a group of ponies that are Friends live on the same block in Ponyville. And now for your hosts, Master Sword, and Tom Foolery.

Audience: *Cheering, clapping, and whistling*
Master Sword & Tom: *Standing in front of a house*
Tom: Remember what I a dit last episode during the intro? Laugh!
Audience: *Laughing*
Master Sword: Well, you're certainly making them laugh.
Tom: I hope to keep it that way. Today's crossover parody, Assholes.
Audience: *Laughing*
Master Sword: That's really what it's called. We're combining Kick cul, ass with Holes.
Audience: *Clapping*


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posted by SpiritTheCat
Name: Candy-Heart

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Race: Earth-Pony

Born: Manehatten

Lives: Manehatten, briefly lived in Ponyville

Works: At A Bakery Called "Clumsily Candied"

Cutie-Mark: A dripping, candied cœur, coeur on a stick with a bite taken out of it. (Representing the 'heart' she puts into her cooking)

Talent: Baking confiserie goods, specializing in toffees

Candy-Heart is very sweet and generous; often baking for others and not for bits. Because of this, she often runs into money problems due to her poor financing. Even so, her money problems do not last long since ponies tend to pay her good...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Date: July 27, 1958
Location: Ogden Utah
Time: 7:14 AM
Railroad: Southern Pacific

Donut was driving a passenger train into Portland. par the time he got there, the stationmaster had a message for him.

Stationmaster: One of Nikki's coaches came off the rails. We need toi to get a breakdown train, and help her out.
Donut: I just got here! *Sighs* Where is her train?
Stationmaster: Reno Neighvada.
Donut: That's too far away!!

But Donut had no choice. He had to help out with Nikki's train. The derailed coach was in the middle of the train.

Donut: *Stops breakdown train suivant to Nikki's train*
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