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 Sad Derpy D:
Sad Derpy D:
I heard About Derpy "kicked" From MLP and it soo sad. Some Bronys in Poland start make somethink like "Save Derpy fan Group" and I Think Will All countries have somethink like this and someone do something huge about it AND Hasbro see this, they maybe MAYBE get Derpy back to show... dont know but one is complete know... MLP FIM maybe coming to... end... dont want end of FIM. Its End of MLP FIM ou Its have LARGE changes LAAARGE... There Some Promosals from me about "changes" in MLP FIM. Maybe ALL 6 Ponies going to be alicorns like Twilight? ou In Sad end its going be characters change? Guys do toi want characters change because i dont want see someone eleses in MLP FIM. The Changess coming...and it can be drastic changes for bronys...

(sorry For My English I From Poland)
Has anyone ever read CHEERLIEES GARDEN.

It's probably one of the 'better' creepypastas.
But I still dislike it.

Not only is Cheerlees complete irrational in thi story. (killing children, when simply quitting your job could of worked just as well).

But there's all the fact, she acts like she watches WAY too many Saw films (I would know, I watch them quite a lot).

She acts exactly like Jigsaw.
Using clever traps to kill them in unique fashion.
But unlike Jigsaw.
She dosen't give them a chance to escape, making her plus like the Mark Hoffmen and Amanda Young.
Where the victims, where ONLY victims, they would of died, regardless of doing what they needed to do.
And there was no 'point' behind it.

Besides I LIKE Jigsaw, he's different then other villains.
He's still 'human' in some way.

Now that I got that off my chest.
I can relax now.

And stay tuned for plus of my latest story..
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Welcome to the block. And now for your hosts, Master Sword, and Tom Foolery.

Audience: *Cheering, clapping, and whistling*
Master Sword & Tom Foolery: *Standing in front of a house*
Tom: salut everypony.
Audience: Hey!!
Tom: How are toi doing?
Audience: Good.
Tom: Then go to hell!!
Audience: *Laughing*
Master Sword: Why would toi tell them to do that? If they all went to hell, we'd have no audience.
Audience: *Laughing*
Tom: Just a good start to get our audience laughing. Anyway, we got some bad news. It's about Warner Brothers.
Master Sword: Oh great.
Tom: They now have taken control of the...
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posted by Canada24

Rainbow Dash and the ladies finally arrived at Canterlot.

They met up with Celestia.

"I bet I your here for Scootaloo" Celestia grinned.

"Just please tell me she's alright!?" Dash cried anxiously.

"Yes. We saved her from Ganger and his gang. But it wasn't easy" Celestia insisted.

"Oh thank god for that" Dash cried, though still having trouble calming down.

"Come, I'll bring toi to her and Ditto" Celestia insisted.

"Please do" Dash cried anxiously.

"Follow me" Celestia said, motioning for her and the others to follow her.

They followed Celestia, and eventually they caught up with Ditto,...
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posted by applejackrocks1
 Main 6 having a picnic
Main 6 having a picnic
It was a gorgeous jour in Ponyville. Ponies with smiles on their faces walked around the street. The main six were having a delicious picnic....

Twilight: Check this out mares.
RD: What?
Rarity: Does it have something to do with fashion?
Twilight: Uhhh...No.
Rarity: Oh. Then what?
Twilight: Well, this book was donné to me from Zecora.
Pinkie: AND?!?!
Twilight: It's a fairytale book.
AJ: That says?!
Twilight: Ugh. Well..She a dit that everything in this book is actually true.
Rarity: *laughs* Oh darling, maybe she got confused.
Pinkie: There's no such thing...Let me see that book. *grabs book and opens it...
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posted by karinabrony
 The fun has been doubled!
The fun has been doubled!
These are some of the citations I remember. Enjoy!

It needs to be about 20% cooler. -Rainbow Dash

Oh, it is ON! -Rarity

The fun has been doubled! -Luna

I'd like to be a tree... -Fluttershy

Aw, make sense? What fun is there in making sense? -Discord

Come on everypony. I want to see toi smile! -Pinkie

I didn't put those in my bag! -Bon Bon

But I want it NOW! -Applebloom

What are you, a dictionary!? -Scootaloo

I hate library! -Pinkie

You're...GOING TO l’amour ME! -Fluttershy

What are you, a SNITCH? - Babs

Good boy, Angel. Mama's proud of you. -Fluttershy

What's soaking wet and clueless? YOUR FACE! -Fluttershy

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Ponyville, September 10th, 2012 BCR.
Rainbow Dash's nuage home.

Rainbow Dash was reading, like she did a lot these days. Twilight had donné her the newest issue of Daring Do to her, but with the Gilda case, she didn't have had much time to read into the new exploits of the adventurous Pegasus. But now, with the Weekend, she had time enough.

After Celestia's sun graced Equestria once again, she awoke, ate her breakfast, and began lire into the story. Daring Do and The Quest for the Romanov's. arc en ciel had read a couple of lines in the intro already, but then Gilda came back into Ponyville, and...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
What to expect in this episode.

Tim: *Looking through a pair of binoculars*
Julia: See anything?
Tim: Not yet.


Captain Jefferson: You're going on stakeout.
Tim: Stakeout? That's the worst assignment ever.


Julia: toi think this will work?!
Tim, Dan, Andy, Toby, and Red: *Holding part of a bridge up with chains*
Tim: It better, otherwise someone's gonna drown.


Pony: *Wearing a mask, firing three bullets from a pistol*


Song: link

Julia: *Driving her police car on the round freeway*
Tim: *Sitting suivant to her*

Gran Turismo

Starring Larry Wilcox as Tim Miller
Rainbow Dash as Julia Rose...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Date: August 14, 1958
Location: Cheyenne, Wyoming
Time: 12:34 PM
Railroad: Union Pacific

The griffon was assigned to drive a westbound freight train to Denver. Orion was also going to Denver in another train. Both of their trains were right suivant to each other.

Hawkeye: *Holding two buckets marked grease, and gives the one with water to Metal Gloss*
Griffon: What are toi up to?
Hawkeye: Do toi know anything about grease?
Griffon: No.
Hawkeye: Well it actually helps if toi put some on the rails. That way, your engines will get a lot of grip when they start off.
Griffon: Really?
Hawkeye: Yeah....
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posted by purrloinedlove
Pleiades wakes up to a thunderstorm and her friend Moonbow and her little brother Midnight Dream bateau (preferring Bart for obvious reasons) stop by. "Look Pleiades! I can do this!" He casts a spell he learned in Basic Magic class. "Whoa Bart. I can't even do that." "You're a pegasus silly!" "Yes I am and I'm proud of it." "Quincy is stopping par soon. Bart want to make breakfast with us? We're doing grille-pain gaufres and applesos." (It's not "sauce" people.) Pleiades brings out the waffles, the syrup, the marmalade, and the butter. "Pleiades is the applesos cold?" "Yaas sir ma'am sir." Moonbow...
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 Il était une fois arc en ciel Dash.
Enchanted Rainbow Dash.
Pinkie Pie:Trixie!
Pinkie Pie:you are the greatest unicorn,so I want to ask you,can toi turn me to an unicorn too?I don't like good anymore.I l’amour evil!Together,as unicorns,we can rule Equestria!
Trixie:Trixie likes those thinkings,so Trixie turns toi to an unicorn too.*uses magic,turnes Pinkie to a unicorn*We should rule together.
Pinkie Pie:It is time to take another of them losers.
Trixie:You are right.Let's go,take that little arc en ciel Dash.
Pinkie Pie:Yes!
*A heure later.*
Twilight:You think Trixie is coming?
Rainbow Dash:Yes,and she is coming to me!!!!!
Apple Jack:Protect arc en ciel Dash....
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posted by Dragon4322
 Sweetie Belle picture before the battle
Sweetie Belle picture before the battle
(name of battle: Operation Cutiemark
Location: Celestial Forest) Sweetie was almost out of breath and was sprinting through bushes and shrubs faster than I had ever seen her run before. Sweetie Belle managed to slide back into our trench. ,"Scootaloo, remind me never run to get a cartouche of ammo from a dead changeling" My friend told me while catching her breath. ,"Now what?" Applebloom asked anxiously. ,"We wait for those overgrown insects to find their way here" I answered. While we waited, arc en ciel Dash came flew into our trench while sweating, the salty drops dripped from her mane and...
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Theme song >>>> link

Seanthehedgehog presents

Ponies On The Rails


Peirce Hawkins "Hawkeye" From Seanthehedgehog

Red Rose From Chibiemmy

Honey Bee From NaomiWinx

Coffee Creme From KarinaBrony

Snowflake & Orion From Alinah09

Gordon, Percy, Jeff, Bartholomew, and Pete from Seanthehedgehog

Hawkeye: *stops train at station* Hi. My name is Peirce Hawkins, though someponies prefer to call me Hawkeye. For ten episodes of this season, I have made many readers of this series very happy, and gave them a good laugh. Well, not all of them came from me, but I tried! Now let's take...
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The suivant Day, Stormy, Nikki, Azura, CS, and Pacifica had decided to go for a walk around ponyville. Azura looked kind of worried, actually she was very worried.

Nikki: toi alright sugarcube?
Azura: no.....I haven't seen Score for a while.
CS: I'm sure she's fine. Maybe she just got the Chicken Pox.
Pacifica: If toi want Darling, we can go check on her.
Azura: That'll be just great!
Stormy: So? What are we waiting for? Lets go!

So, the 5 little ponies ran straight to Score's house. They knocked, and there was no answer. They knocked again, but still no answer. After 8 knocks, Nikki got annoyed par waiting...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
 DM&IR Yellowstone
DM&IR Yellowstone
Meanwhile, on the Duluth Missabe & Iron Range railroad.

Louis: What has been bothering toi my friend?
Worker: Our yellowstones are very powerful locomotives. However, our boss wants to scrap them all, and have diesels replace them.
Louis: That's a shame, but toi know it has to be done.
Worker: I don't want it to happen though! I understand that the pollution is bad, but that's the only problem with that locomotive.

The phone rings.

Louis: Wait here, *goes to phone, and picks up* Hello, this is The British Mexican. How may I help you?
Pete: Louis? It's Pete.
Louis: Hello Pete. What can I help...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
 Lola's car
Lola's car
As Con was leaving the Opera House, a mare in a small car came.

Lola: Get in.
Con: Do I know you?
Lola: Get in!
Con: Alright. *Gets in car*
Lola: *drives* Are toi 0007?
Con: Yes. And toi are?
Lola: Lola. I need your help with something.
Con: What do toi need my help for?
Lola: To stop Yolo.
Con: Alright. *Sees telephone booth* Stop the car. I have to make a call.
Lola: *stops car*

at C.I.E headquarters

P: *Hears phone ring* Who is it?
Mr. Foust: It's 0007 sir.
P: Great. I want to give him a piece of my mind. *Picks up phone* Goddamnit Con! toi weren't supposed to kill-
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
What's a comedy montrer without politics? Tom is going to make fun of the presidential election.

Tom: I don't know what's worse, this covid pandemic, ou the presidential election.
Crowd: Yeah!!!
Tom: I don't trust either Trump, ou Biden so I'm not going to vote. *Talks like a filly* But Tom, it's important for the economy!
Crowd: *Laughing*
Tom: Losing jobs, and spending money on taxes is not good for the economy!
Crowd: *Cheering*
Tom: I don't give a fuck what ponies tell me. I don't trust the president, I don't trust the princess, I don't trust anyone that works for the Equestrian government! Why?...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
 Stargazer's car
Stargazer's car
Song: link

The sun was rising in Gran Turismo, and the sky was a wonderful shade of orange.

Stargazer: *Driving his car at 65 miles an hour*
Black Tuesday: You're gonna get the cops after us before we even meet up with the others.
Stargazer: Don't worry. The cops won't catch us in this fine machine.

A brand new 300 turned onto the road behind them.

Stargazer: Either that's the poney racing us, ou it's an undercover cop.
Black Tuesday: Undercover?
Stargazer: Oh yes. The police here have plenty of undercover police cars. Both 300's, and Impalas, and they're all brand new. However, as I a dit earlier, they...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
What to expect in this episode.

Tim: Those two keep getting away from us Captain. We need to expand our jurisdiction to Canterlot.
Captain Jefferson: Do toi know how difficult that is?
Tim: I understand, but when the suspects get out of Gran Turismo, neither the State Troopers, ou CHP can get prepared in time.


Stargazer: *Holding $500 in front of Black Tuesday* Look at all of this money.
Black Tuesday: That's not a lot.
Stargazer: Maybe so, but if we keep doing what we just did, we'll get plus of this.


Toby: The stallions know where to go, and when.
Tim: Why don't we use that to our advantage?...
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Meanwhile, Saten Twist catches up to an unnamed stallion, near an empty building.

Saten: (angrily) Hey, buddy.. Give back Lemon's purse.

Stallion: (holding bière bottle) And why would I do tha- (Saten steals the guys bottle) Hey!

Saten: (looking at the bottle) this must of been expensive.

Stallion: Not really.. It was on sale.

Saten: Oh.. Good.. Than the only thing this will damage is your head, not to bank account.

Stallion: What toi mean my he-

Saten: Last chance to give back to purse.

Stallion: Fuck you.

Saten: I figured your say that.. (suddenly he breaks the bottle on the guys head, causing the...
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