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 Hyun Joong at his first birth jour
Hyun Joong at his first birth day
Since his birth until he was 4 years old

Enjoy Hyun Joong since birth very populaire among our neighbors and Agherbna due to his big eyes and sharp intuition and intelligence .
One jour , I saw in my dream truck loaded Balfjel passed from both sides , and it was a un radis, radis that the very large it may be the size of the truck from behind , I ran behind the truck from behind trying to catch this un radis, radis great and began un radis, radis fall from Cahh in the yard of my town and I fell on the ground , this really has been the biggest un radis, radis radishes I'm seeing in my life and I was very amazed when they caught one of the un radis, radis and tried lifting , I woke up from my dream.
I was feeling very strange and I asked myself , " Is this a sign that I pregnant? " So I went to the hospital for testing .
The doctor told me : Congratulations ! , In fact toi are pregnant .

Hyun Joong started walking early when it reached 9 months of age , where he was before he reaches the age of 9 months, he could only sit alone did not crawl like other children ou to stand alone , so we were afraid and worry about that later in the walk .
But he surprised us and started walking from the age of 9 months , surpassing the crawling stage .

In the first birthday holiday
We have prepared a lot for him, such as Holiday Birth cake , rice, fruits , etc., during our holiday birthday "Toljabee *" We deliberately put in front of him ( pencil , book , brush ) chose Hyun Joong brush.
Hyun Joong also began to speak and count quickly , but it was the most interest in singing, dancing and playing games.

Note : uses Toljabee * to predict the future of the child , and picked up a brush and Jong Hyun symbolizing that he will become a scientist

Since I got married and the father of Hyun Joong , our family lives near the "Olympic Park SongpaGu" , and that in every weekend there is some sporting activities and singers to perform there .
When he goes Hyun Joong and his brother his senior an to which there are at the haut, retour au début of happiness .

In one often wasted Hyun Joong in that garden and toi are very frightened and scared , and I look for it in all around the park , and found him near the performance of the latter one of the singers was standing there among the spectators.

Also in one of the times he was there in the garden performance of the task "Seo Tai-ji and boys" where lose sing 'I Know' ran Hyun Joong them even arrived at the theater and went out there and took chant and dancing with them , playing with singers others and was laughing happily on the stage .

Hyun Joong was excellent in his study , because of that I never thought it possible in one jour to become an artist , but now I am thinking it was a little different from the rest of the kids .

From 5 to 9 Childhood Hyun Joong

Since he was in kindergarten , huh was clear that he was a multi-talented kid , in particular in mathematics was very fast it, and his face , which is also attractive .
Learn to speak well in very early words are clear and recognizable , while his brother, who was his senior an and a permanent sit quiet .
Hyun Joong was kind of kids who are doing something in addition to the speed of learning at the same time .

We've been worried about both the children and we are frightened that we have Dguetnahm in learning , so we allow them the occasional contact with nature . When they enter primary school , we take them a trip to Jeju Island .
During that time Hyun Joong rode on a horse that was taller than him and refused to come down from Hyun Joong on a horse , all around him taking seen.
Over the weekend we take the kids on a fishing trip to poisson , for this and so far, while Hyun Joong feels pressure from his work as an artist to go fishing alone .

When he became Hyun Joong in seconde grade , disease Pawart himself where he was awake at 6:00 and is helping in some acts of the house par himself , and when we visited his school told us mentor that Hyun Joong very fast in learning , so will not face problems in joining the université of Seoul future.
Note : The université of Seoul, one of the best universities there and not from the plains to join.

At that time we believed that the ability of good study will help him in his career, he never did not expect one jour will become a famous artist .

In fact began Hyun Joong from the seconde row and even the fourth grade to participate in the Olympic sports competitions and was always gets the or medal , as it was to win in competitions and art always got a lot of or médailles .
And also was always the first place on the school .

To prevent him from wasting a lot of time playing with his Friends , toi send it to learn the other study groups as well as the types of line written calligraphy and "Hanja" < line such as copying and vamp us.
Hyun Joong when he was in the lower elementary grades , earned a third level in the qualification exam for Hanja.
a dit the professor of the Center for Education Hanja ( Hyun Joong has surpassed this exam easily , although it is difficult traffic and the success of it , until there for high school students ) have shocked all members of our family .

In an 3 of the junior high school in the placement test got the fourth place among the haut, retour au début results in the Schools Prep , then came Hyun Joong , announcing to his father that he wanted to become an artist , his father was very worried him and I think he made ​​the decision because of the toil of study Fa bought him guitare , saying that the rest of his head when he felt the pressure of study , she did not know the trigger point for him to be an artist .

Seemed Hyun Joong engrossed in learning to play guitare , a dit musique teacher for Hyun Joong ( It's really a very talented , able to play brilliantly on guitare in 3 months while she needs to years already to become musicians Maher advised musique teacher and his father to allow him to learn plus in the field of art, but his father was strongly opposed .

Then joined Hyun Joong to teams had been working part-time and performing out , and in one occasion she told us our neighbor accidently she saw Hyun Joong works in the delivery of fried chicken , and then we learned that he was working part-time at a restaurant , fried chicken , and then we felt that he became a man can be independent , there is nothing wrong that fatigue and try to work for the money , so we let him work and did not prevent it .

a dit Hyun Joong ( I wanted to follow the desire of parents to study the high arts , but I decided that made ​​different decisions in the future ) after a an of entering the High School fell from voluntary school < compulsory education .
He a dit his father ( your future is your choice , so toi have to be all official of decisions )
At the time, pocket money monthly Hyun Joong only 10 000 won ( about $ 790 ) .

Because of the financial crisis in Asia , affected our business , we started a business ( fashion in Dongdaemun) we had to work until 23:00 every jour , and when toi get off work, toi go to the restaurant where he works Hyun Joong secretly watching my son is working before an heure of my return home.

During the winter, I've always waited for his return accueil at the window , and I'm trying to hide my concern him when he comes accueil , he did not stop working even when the snow was too dense to the point where it's up to the knee , I felt pain in my cœur, coeur is really in that time it.

After passing the test performance until the singer , did not return accueil , but when he was donné a vacation , because of his training
In that period was POCKET very few even sometimes he does not buy the same nourriture for him to keep Bagger bus and sometimes when they do not have a bourse, sac à main was back accueil on foot , and although it did not ask us , even for a once- money.

Also has a deep l’amour toward his family members , his brother when he was studying in America decided to return because of the lack of tuition fees and the financial crisis experienced par its people .
Hyun Joong sent him a book he wrote a note ( my brother , I hope that toi read this book ) and it was the words of the novel as a gift
When he opened his brother's book found it 300 millions won ( about 237000 U.S. dollars) and the brother to contact us and tell us the gift Hyun Joong to him that we were surprised that in spite of the lack of pocket money and studied at the université of Kyonggi Department of digital musique , but he was able to provide this amount in order to help us at the expense of his brother in order to complete his study in America.

Both of us and I am a parent we always tell him : ( Pray before toi do any work )
At that time he told us Hyun Joong (since now while my older brother and when traveling back and rejoindre the army, toi can rely on and Balmusrov Toagafo work in Dongdaemum)
We hope that we have not only an artist but also be captured and be official of them , and we do not have hopes for plus than that .
 Hyun Joong with his brother
Hyun Joong with his brother
 when Hyun Joong ride the hourse at the age of five
when Hyun Joong ride the hourse at the age of five
 Hyun Joong at Olympic Park SongpaGu
Hyun Joong at Olympic Park SongpaGu
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