Heroes Club
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added by MiloObsessed
Source: Google
added by The-Stig
Source: captions par me, pictures from somewhere...
 Heroes cast
heroes cast
Answer the following questions, then simply tally your scores (under questions) and see which hero toi are......

Which hero are you??

1. One Morning toi wake up with super powers. How do toi react??
a)Jump for joy and pnone all toi Friends and family
b)Burry your head in the sand and carry on as normal
c)Switch immediatly into hero mode and test out your newfound powers
d)Panic ou cry (probally both)
e)Devise a plan to make all your wildest dreams come true

2. What would be your ideal super power?
b)Being able to fly
c)HAving super strenght ou super speed
d)Being able to see into the future...
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 Claire Bennett
Claire Bennett
The Claire Quiz, The réponses are at the bottom under the questions. GOOD LUCK

1: According to Broody Mitchum in Collision, what does Claire never drink?
a:Plain Milk
b:Chocolate Milk
c:Orange juice

2: In season 2, Mr Bennet gives Claire a present, what is it?
A new dress
b:A car
c:A new cheerleading outfit
d:A golden locket

3:What does Claire's dad bring back from his 'Buisness trips'?
b:Teddy Bears
c:Cuddley Rabbits

4: In season two's Lizards, what does Claire retrieve for her mom from the pan of boiling water?
A ring
b:A coin
c:A cell Phone
d:Her Keys

5: What is Claire's family...
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equipment: waffle iron

- 1 & 3/4 cups (400ml) flour
- 2 tsp baking powder
- 1 tbsp (20g) sugar
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 3 beaten egg yolks
- 1 & 3/4 cups (400ml) lait
- 1/2 cup (100ml) vegetable oil
- 3 egg whites - beaten stiffly

how to make:

1. mix all the dry ingredients together in a bowl

2. in a seperate bowl, combine egg yolks and milk, then stir into dry ingredients.

3. stir in oil and mix.

4. gently fold in beaten egg whites. be sure to not overmix.

5. pour about 1/2 cup at a time into waffle iron.

6. serve with your choice of topping. we l’amour ice cream, érable syrup, and strawberries!
posted by rookyboy
What if we were all Heroes with superpowers i mean we can all be Heroes sombody who saves someone from a feu ou a car crash thats a hero, but what if we all had a power. How whould toi feel if toi woke up in the morning and found out toi could pick up the remote with your mind ou toi could make your breakfast without thinking it, is that not everybodys dream just to have something like that. I don't know any one that thinks that a one point in there lives they wished they where like that.

Thats why i l’amour this montrer Heroes as it shows a plus realist angle on the idea of a hero i mean who would...
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added by leuron
posted by Miss_Dreamer
Mohinders Ability

Mohinder still had his ability in episode one of heroes, which suprised many viewers, in the episode Peter grabs Mohinders hand and then he has Mohinders ability. According to Heroes revealed.com 'Mohinder will no longer have his ability after Peter took it to excape a hairy situation.'

The Haition

Also according to Heroesrevealed.com The Haition may not be in many episodes in season 4:
"I don't know too much about it, to be honest with you, because I've not been doing too much in this volume."
 The Haition
The Haition

It looks like Heroes will be travelling through time...

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Without a doubt Heroes was one of the huge breakout hits of the 2006/07 télévision season. The montrer almost cured me of my Lost addiction (at the very least it made up for Lost's lengthy mid-season hiatus).

One of the best aspects of Heroes was the series' creators willingness to "play for keeps". plus specifically this meant that the stakes in the story were high. Characters would be sacrificed to propel the story along. Some would die tragically others might be "collateral damage". Either way, the writers' aimed to keep us on our toes and realize that the threat of death ou permanent injury...
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added by want2watcheroes
Source: http://heroesspoilers-odi.blogspot.com/
added by karma93
added by heroesfan4eva
added by heroesfan4eva
posted by Miss_Dreamer

- "This is usually the part when people start screaming."

- "Turns out you're the villian, Peter. I'm the hero."

- "I remember you. You're like me, aren't you? I'd like to see how that works."

- "I wasn't begging for my life. I was offering toi yours."

- "I am the natural progression of the species."

- Sylar: "You're broken."
Brian Davis: "What?"
Sylar: "Suresh was right, it's so clear now. How it all works...pieces fitting together. It is in the brain."
Brian Davis: "So toi can help?"
Sylar: "Don't worry Brian...I can fix it. It's an evolutionary imperative." (crushes Brian's skull with a rock)...
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added by heroesfan4eva