Harry Potter vs Twilight Club
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Alright, I have already dissected one very common fallacy invoked par some Twilight fans and a few Harry Potter fans as well, the Edward-fallacy. I shall not discuss that one but instead I will be moving on and examine another common fallacy invoked par some fans, using what I believe is the two most common forms of it.


Firstly, let us examine the logical reasoning behind "You are just jealous, therefore your argument is invalid".
It is invoked when any fan post an argument and employes this one as rearguard to fend off counter arguments; ou it is used as an counter argument alone. In essence, par their logic, invoking jealousy immediately dismisses the opponents argument as defeated, and not worthy of any further discussion.

Now, this type of argument is one of the most atrocious fallacies in existence. Instead of counter-arguing against the opponents arguments, it dismisses them par attacking the merit of the person who put the original argument forward. The formal name is Argumentum ad hominem (argument to the person - personal attack fallacy), and in my opinion it is one of the vilest fallacies one can commit.

par insulting/attacking the opponent in a debate, one immediately loses several vital things, like respect. Further, insulting one's opponent has not moved the débats vers l'avant, vers l’avant as the original arguments remain untouched, and therefore stands until a proper counter-argument takes them down.
In conclusion, calling one's opponent jealous is not helpful at all for one's cause. It firstly removes one's respectfullness; secondly it allows an opponents arguments to stay in place, which is basically handing one's opponents the victory. Now isn't that extremely beneficial for one's cause? Innit?


Secondly, we shall examine the above quote. We pose one important question: Why is this argument false?
Firstly, let us see if there are any connection between these two statements: A persons jealousy and a book series' quality. Then I shall prove to toi that jealousy is dependant of quality and not the other way around.

The level of jealousy of any person is most often a most personal feeling. It comes when any other person around us possesses something we do not possess, while this something is a thing we desire to have. Then we are jealous.
The quality of any book series of anything is dependent of several things. The grammatical correctness of the prose and therefore the ability to easily navigate the text, the level of interest they raise in us, the difficulty of the words in the prose, the moral message they present, et cetera. Whereas jealousy only touches the quality of a book series if and only if it is already possessing good quality, for who would even be interested in a book for starters if it is riddled with misspellings, faulty sentence order and promotes values we despise? Let alone desire to possess it?

Thus, jealousy is dependent on the quality of a book series, since it appears after the establishment of a dit quality. Therefore stating that quality is dependent on jealousy is inherently contradictory to the above proven hypothesis. So par stating the seconde hypothesis, one is obliged to prove it in its own term to defeat the contradiction.
As of yet, no one has presented me with convincing evidence that quality is dependent of jealousy. Since I compiled proof of my hypothesis (that jealousy is dependent of quality), I hazard to say that it stands.
Therefore, jealousy depends on quality, not the other way around. Quod Erat Demostrandum - Which was to be proven.


To call one's opponents jealous while not counter-arguing a dit opponents arguments hands a dit opponents the victory par fiat, while being simultaneously fallacious and unworthy of respect. While arguing that "You're jealous of my book series, therefore my book series has quality" is at least a very false argument.
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added by HecateA
Source: I don't remember, sorry :(
Taking arms against Harry Potter, at this moment, is to emulate Hamlet taking arms against a sea of troubles. par opposing the sea, toi won't end it. The Harry Potter epiphenomenon will go on, doubtless for some time, as J. R. R. Tolkien did, and then wane.

The official newspaper of our dominant counter-culture, The New York Times, has been startled par the Potter livres into establishing a new policy for its not very literate book review. Rather than crowd out the Grishams, Clancys, Crichtons, Kings, and other vastly populaire prose fictions on its fiction bestseller list, the Potter volumes will...
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Note: This is my opinion, but I use facts from the book.You are plus than welcome to have a different opinion than my own and feel free to state it. I was not rude in this article (and I use facts to support my reasoning) so please be curious and do the same :)

Not much is known about Ginny's education. Since Harry Potter is told in third person, and focuses entirely on Harry, Ginny tends to get pushed into the background. So, this part is all assumption.
We know she is an accomplished Bat-boogey hexer (it's why Slughorn took...
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Source: Whitedog1 on Deviantart
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Source: LJ,tumblr,HP fans & Alessia @ FP
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Source: IsaBelle@Squidoo
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