Girl’s Generation/SNSD Club
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posted by sgsone
Tiffany is my bias.I get why people dislike her but I also hope they like her plus so I am doing this review so that people could understand plus about our gem,Fany.

Tiffany’s had a tough life, so to speak. At 15 years old, Tiffany left her accueil in Diamond Bar, California a little after her mother’s death for the promising lands of Seoul, South Korea, forever tensing relations with her father and changing her future forever. Not knowing a lick of Korean, and still recovering the death of a loved one, Tiffany’s first couple years in Seoul were hard, and her debut with SNSD was even rougher. A foreigner in the group, she suffered the wrath of K-netizens: her manners “sucked”, she didn’t bow “long” ou “far enough”, didn’t use honorifics, yadda yadda yadda.

Point is, this girl’s had it rough. And we do respect her for that. But personality wise, she just doesn’t get on our good side. Sometimes, Tiffany seems like she’s trying a little too hard to make herself seem likable. Now, we totally get that these girls need to have a pleasant appearance for camera, but what bothers us about Tiffany is just how large the gap seems to be between her super bubbly self on cam, and her rather normal demeanor off cam. On cam, she’s too fake, and it bothers some of us.


Appearance: 9.7

In my honest opinion, Tiffany (along with Sooyoung) is the prettiest member of SNSD. She doesn’t exactly hold the typical standards of Korean beauty (like having a v-line, a “small” face, and plus doe-like features), and as such, Yoona ou Jessica are usually the two members that are praised to the high heavens for their beauty. We like Tiffany’s face though- her smile is absolutely gorgeous, her eyes are cute (especially her famous eye smile) and though about the only facial feature we find off is her nose (which is a tad bulbous), her friendly demeanor definitely makes itself present in her pretty and bright complexion. Tiffany’s far plus unique and distinguishable appearance is extremely appealing to us.

Talent: 8.4

Tiffany’s voice will always be iffy to us. On one hand, it is absolutely gorgeous. Her much plus husky and deep voice provides amazing contrast to the other girls in SNSD, whom have plus delicate and softer tones. In Girls’ Generation, we find Tiffany’s voice par far the most aesthetically pleasing. Not only is it throaty and sexy (and, if we may mention, totally unique), the girl knows how to make her chant rich with emotion. The only thing Tiffany lacks in is control. She falters a bit live and dancing, and even when she’s solely singing, toi can hear her struggle to reach her notes. Her rendition of ”Bleeding Love” is a perfect example of this- Tiffany’s voice is beautiful as always, but towards the end of the song, her control begins staggering, and her voice strained.

Personality: 9.4

We have a bit of a problem with Tiffany’s personality. On one hand, Tiffany seems to exhibit the “perfect” imperfect character. She’s kind, charming, uber-friendly and faithful. Her hyper tendencies and optimistic charming nature lead many to call her SNSD’s brightest member. Tiffany has this totally open, carefree vibe around herself, and while she is a member that has gotten into trouble in the past, mainly due to her western-mannerisms that made her seem rude in traditional Korean customs, this isn’t why we have a problem with her. Our issue with Tiffany is that we can’t help but feel she’s so fake. And yes, we know it’s so immature and typical anti to call an idol “fake”, and truth be told, we’re nothing near antis to extremely lovable-Tiffany, she just seems so surreal to us. Hardly have we ever met a person, as dazzling and happy as Tiffany in real life whom is actually that way. Most people that put up a happy front usually aren’t as gleeful in real life, and this feeling is so nagging whenever we see Tiffany on a variety show, ou holding an interview.

global, ensemble : 9.1

For me,Fany is close to perfection.I hope people who dislike Tiffany like her plus after understanding her.
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