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Girl group Girls' Generation member Sooyoung and actor Jung Kyung Ho have fallen in love.

News about Sooyoung, a member of a haut, retour au début girl group, dating actor Jung Kyung Ho has been the hottest issue in Korea today.

In the past, girl groups were not allowed to rendez-vous amoureux, date and were much plus restricted. It seems that in the past 1-2 years, the rules have become a bit plus loose, with plus girl members beginning to date.

Currently, KARA Goo Hara and BEAST Yong Junhyung are an official couple that has been revealed to the public. Wonder Girls Sun and her husband, James Park, are now public as well.

Will Sooyoung and Jung Kyung Ho become the first singer-actor couple?

It has been revealed that Sooyoung and Jung Kyung Ho first started off as Friends and upgraded to a couple early this year.

According to officials, the two first met last Septermber during a group meeting.

Jung Kyung Ho first started off as Sooyoung's fan and Sooyoung liked his cute face and carefree personality.

Also, Jung Kyung Ho, during his army days, stated during an interview, that Girls' Generation members were a big support to him and thanked Sooyoung as well.

Friends of the two also stated that they would both talk about their dilemmas and became a support system for one another. Sooyoung, who had been busy with overseas schedules, also started acting, and was able to become closer with him because of it.

The two went on casual dates just like any other couple. They would go on movie dates ou wear casual clothing and meet in cars to avoid the public.

One official commented, "They are just like any other couple. They support one another and truly hope the best for each other."

Jung Kyung Ho has been casted in many dramas and is also known to be the son of JTBC producer Jung Eul Young.

Sooyoung debuted with Girls' Generation in 2007 and became known to the public. She has also started jouer la comédie and MCing as well, montrer off her multiple talents.

Idol groups and dating have become plus of a trend now a days.

In the case of KARA Goo Hara and BEAST Yong Junhyung, they confidently revealed in 2011 that they were dating.

Earlier this year, Wonder Girls Sun revealed that she was dating and that she will be getting married, becoming the first idol member to get hitched.

An official commented, "Many agencies have become much plus lenient on the dating rule. Now, many hold casual dates, with their managers helping them avoid the public."

It is also heard of that because of their long training periods, many trainees end up having feelings for one another, having gone through many years of hardship and training together.
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