Deadliest Warrior Club
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posted by elco8283
ok, so obviously for anyone who is a fan of this website, toi agree it kicks ass. but there are a couple of things wrong with the show. to be specific, two of the episodes (first season). the first- and most stupid- the fight between the apache and the gladiator. the gladiator should have won. and i'm not just saying that because i don't like native american history as much as Roman history, i am saying it because it is wrong. the main tactic for the apache is to get in, kill, and run out. they RUN AWAY. if toi didn't pick up on the emphasis of RUN AWAY, par the words being in capitals, i put extra emphasis on it. but the gladiator doesn't have that choice. they cant run, they're in a closed arena. they're trained to kill. so are the apache, yes. but they apache were trained to kill. the gladiators were trained to kill to die. they couldn't run away if they Lost their weapons- ahem apache tomahawks. ahem- just die. well, fight and then die. they didn't have the option for running away. the apache always did. so back to the montrer and the killing tactics and positions of each warrior. the terrain they put the apache and gladiator was COMPLETELY unfair. toi put a person trained with trees, twigs, rocks, grass, dirt and the other components in the terrain they had against someone trained to fight in an enclosed arena filled with sandy-dirt/ and instead of putting them in a place made of a mixture of the to, they just put them in an apache area and be done with it. they are to lazy to mix them together. and obviously if toi put them in an arena, the run trained to run- the best tactic par far- cant run, and would die. so of course toi put then in an open pace with things not know to a roman gladiator. i could go on and on ranting about this, but this is not supposed to be a rant. so i will déplacer on to the other topic. the other episode. the other fight. the one with the medieval knight agains a pirate (not a pirate from the 21st century, the "black beard" ou "Jack Sparrow" pirate). this one i will try to make brief, unlike the last one, if possible. i wont go into a whole description of one tactic either of the sides did. just this. it was also unfair. ok, so i a dit i would make it brief but i HAVE TO say this. your putting sides against sides here. the pirate is the outcast of society, the criminal, the one that steals, and kills for no reason, ou money. the one who's training was do what ever it takes to get the money. and no women on board. then toi have the one who works for the king. who works for the pope, who at the time is the head of all things that go on in the town. they had a code of arms, and chivalry, and went through training starting from twelve and going to twenty. so they are on completely opposite sides. its like the fight between the IRA (Irish Republic Army) and the Spetsnaz (the fight from season 2). which is like the american revolution, the americans a worn out band of common people standing together just on the common ground of freedom and representation. but now i'm getting off topic with a banter. the reason this fight is in fair is not even that they defended and supported and was apart of different sides of the game ou have the same place the fighting was happening. it was because of time periods. and not like 15th and 18th century time periods. i mean like before and after one thing. and Jesus, because they are both from A.D. i'm talking one big war component that changed the whole game. guns. toi cant. can not. CAN FRIKEN NOT. put before and after pistolets warriors together to fight against each other. thats just not logical ou fair. putting a gun against a sword? wrong. i'm not even going to elaborate on that. but i l’amour the montrer and everything on it. the end. hehe. :P <3!