CAMP HALF-BLOOD!!!! Internet Camp Half Blood

greenstergirl posted on May 11, 2011 at 01:10AM
last edited on Oct 23, 2011 at 06:54PM

CAMP HALF-BLOOD!!!! 8174 réponses

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il y a plus d’un an YellowCow said…
We all ate the cake. Araxie wanted to go home now with Austin. We all left, I was walking back to my cabin. When I saw a new girl leaning against a tree.

"Hi! My name is Jenny, what's yours?"

"My name is Ellamae, you can call me Ella."

"Ok, so who are you daughter of?"


"Alrighty! Follow me & I'll show you your cabin!"

She followed behind me. She walked in her cabin. I tried to show her the woods, but after that comment she decided to stay in the cabin. I wondered why she didn't want to see the woods. Suspicous. I went back to my cabin. Hon was already in her street clothes. I put my dress away, & put my street clothes on. My yellow tank, denim skinny jeans, & leather boots. I also slipped on a yellow bow:) I went to my side of the cabin.

"WOAH! Snow White you've grown, my little baby!"

She wasn't fully grown, just a little bigger. Only I could notice. That's how much. I took Snow White out to the sword arena. We ran around the arena, Snow White needed to knock some chunk off of heer!!<3

(Not fully grown, but almost there)
 We all ate the cake. Araxie wanted to go accueil now with Austin. We all left, I was walking back to my
il y a plus d’un an Alex13126 said…
No party? :((((
il y a plus d’un an percyLover101 said…
I guess not:(((((
il y a plus d’un an jessie0147 said…
I wish:(

I walked to the woods and sat in a tree alone in my street clothes. I wore ripped denim shorts and a purple and black tidye tanktop with a hawaiian flower in my hair. I stared up at the stars as one shot across the sky. I wished for my dad to be able to see this. I opened my eyes and dad sat beside me and a note was in my lap. I squeeled and hugged him as I read the note. Tears filled my eyes as I remembered how he died. The note said,"Dear Araxie Knight. I grant you with your wish as a wedding present for the marriage to my son. I wish you two the best. I don't want to see you soon. -Hades." I hugged dad and showed him to Austin. I then sent him to our grand parents house. I walked back slowly to the tree where I always sat deep into the woods. I looked up and saw a little square box in the tree where I sat an hour earlier. The tag read,"Araxie Knight, my favorite Trivia child. I give you this gift because I haven't gotten to know you as well as the others. You had a hard childhood. I give you the gift of whatever you want. Anything at all is now yours. Use it wisely. -Love mom. So I stared at the box. And thought and thought. I couldn't think of anything that I wanted because I had everything I wished for now. I re-wrote the note and turned invisible. Silently I walked to the Hermes cabin and knocked on the door. I sat the box on the doorstep and whatched as Alex came out. "Dear Alex. Your my bestfriend and I want you to have everything you want the way I have. Use this gift wisely. You can have any one thing you want. -Cinderella:)"
il y a plus d’un an vlad_todd_fan said…
big smile
Lost in Thought part 19 is up now
il y a plus d’un an vlad_todd_fan said…
big smile
I slashed my sword through the ugly green fur that was supposed to be a frog. The green cloth fell in tatters to the ground. I knocked on the Hermes cabin door. The moonlight reflected off my blonde hair. Travis opened the door and smirked. "I guess your here for Alex?"He smirked, I nodded. "She's in the shower." Travis said. He stepped forward and closed the door becoming serious. "No funny business, kay!" Travis growled.
He poked me in the chest like he was trying to scare me. I stood straight up. I was much taller than Travis but he didn't phase. Alex stepped out while twirling her hair. Travis stepped back and put his hands in his pocket. "Uh what are you doing Travis?" Alex asked as she looped her arm in mine. We walked off before Travis could answer. "Ready for our date?" I asked.
Alex smirked, "You know it." She happily
il y a plus d’un an Alex13126 said…
I'm happy now :) we can party when Sadie comes back.
last edited il y a plus d’un an
il y a plus d’un an YellowCow said…
Just 2 Lett U Guys No... I Died My Hair Reddd!!<3 :D

(Me Witt Mii Gorgeouss Reddd Hair!!)
 Just 2 Lett U Guys No... I Died My Hair Reddd!!<3 :D (Me Witt Mii Gorgeouss Reddd Hair!!)
il y a plus d’un an percyLover101 said…
me!!! i got the red streaks my dad said I would get when my blood turns to water!!! I like my hair this way it's cute!!!
 me!!! i got the red streaks my dad a dit I would get when my blood turns to water!!! I like my hair th
il y a plus d’un an YellowCow said…
I decided to go to the beach. I slipped on my red bikini<3 It matched my hair!! LOL:) I lied out on the beach. The sand was warm underneath my stomach. I lied there for a while. I was the only one there. I would go back to camp in an hour or so...

(Me @ Beach:D Someone please photoshop to greeen eyes)
last edited il y a plus d’un an
 I decided to go to the beach. I slipped on my red bikini<3 It matched my hair!! LOL:) I lied out on t
il y a plus d’un an percyLover101 said…
I walked back to my cabin and plopped on my bed. I looked around to see no one in eye sight. I looked at my bed and saw a guitar on it! Weird, I know no one who plays guitar!
I picked it up and started to strum, hey I sounded pretty good to me! Of course sooner or later I would have to return this to who ever it belonged to.... or maybe not!
After a while I was playing the guitar as good as i can speak!!

(Need someone to photo shop me into having green eyes pweez-I'd prefer it if alex do it!- thanks)
last edited il y a plus d’un an
 I walked back to my cabine and plopped on my bed. I looked around to see no one in eye sight. I looked
il y a plus d’un an Alex13126 said…
Too small to do anything else
 Too small to do anything else
il y a plus d’un an YellowCow said…
** Thx 4 Photo shopping it **

Walking back to camp was kinda awkward. I had my red bikini on:/ I ran back to my cabin. Hon was on the floor sliding across it, playing a guitar. I left to go to my side of the room. I put on street clothes. I started to watch Hon play guitar on her bunk.
il y a plus d’un an Alex13126 said…
I walked across to the lake with Michael. The stars shone brightly in the sky. I smiled when I saw a canoe perched at the edge. Carefully I hopped into the canoe. Michael pushed the canoe into the water and hopped in. The canoe wobbled unsteadily. I laughed at how cheesy this all was.
"Should I expect a singing crab to pop out of nowhere?" He laughed at my stupid joke.
 I walked across to the lake with Michael. The stars shone brightly in the sky. I smiled when I saw a
il y a plus d’un an TheGreekBadAss said…
"""Umm guys that 'guitar' is acctuley a fender bass"""
il y a plus d’un an jessie0147 said…
I sighed as I walked back from the Hermes cabin. It was now almost getting to be daylight. I turned invisible and teleported to Hecate cabin. I packed a small bag and a breakfeast and lunch and teleported to the city. I turned visible and sat on the side of the main highway. I grabbed my guitar and started strumming and singing. I was pretty loud. I had a crowd and people were trying to give me money. I gave it all back to them. I bewitched the music so it sounded like whatever they wanted to hear. I then ate my sandwitch. Then something really unexpected happened. Someone grabbed me and tied me up. They stuck me in a black van and drove off. I looked to finally see who it was. Gaea. Tears of I really don't know feeled my eyes. Anger. Sadness. I really didn't know how to get out of this one.
il y a plus d’un an YellowCow said…
I eventually became bored of listening to Hon play guitar. I walked out of the cabin. The sun reflected on my white tank top. I also matched it with my denim skinny jeans, & black leather boots. ** I wear those boots everyday!! ** I walked over to the woods. Snow White somehow got out & was huddled close behind me. I smiled & let her come. I started looking at some flowers. They smelled beautiful. I turned around to pick Snow White up & spin her around. She was gone. :'( I started crying & screaming her name. No response. I bursted out in tears & lied on the ground. I put my hands over my face. Snow White's collar appeared in my hands. I looked at it & became real teary. I threw it on the tree & it shattered into a million pieces. I ran off crying. I burst into my cabin. Snow White was sleeping on my bed. Her collar still attached to her neck. I look confused. If this is Snow White, then what was following me? Who's collar did I shatter? I lied on my bed to think. I stared at the ceiling. I eventually drifted to sleep under all this confusion.
il y a plus d’un an percyLover101 said…
I finished my last few strums of MY guitar and put it down on my bed. I watched as Jen came in and drifted to sleep. I got bored of watching my sister sleep, so I decided to go to the woods.
I walked in and set out to search.. for what I don't know? I kept hearing the voices of all these different animals, but I kept walking.

I kept walking straight and heard a voice saying,"I'm bad I'm bad You know it Yaa!!!"

I looked up and said in the animals mind,"Hello Mr.Snake watcha singin there?"

"What? What? Whose down there? Don't mess with me cause I'm bad!!!!"

"Ya I can totally tell!" I said sarcastically,"Why don't you come down and talk?"

"Okay.. I guess" the snake came down and wrapped around me. I looked at it's body and noticed it was 50 feet long!!!!!!! The really special thing about this snake was that it had a black spot on its light brown scales.

"do you have any where to live Mr. Snake?"

"No and my name is NOT Mr. Snake it's Jo!!"

"Well then, Jo, how would you like to stay with me?"

"Really? I'd love to!!!!"

"Alright then! Do you like water?" I asked as I headed back to my cabin.

"Love it!!"

"Good cause your gonna be around allot of it! What kind of snake are you anyways?" I asked as he wrapped around my body(No worries I knew he wasn't gonna hurt me).

"An Anaconda the largest snake in the world!"

"WOW!! We'll have to tell this o everyone in my cabin slowly!" he made a slithering sound that sort-of sounded like he was laughing, because I knew was!! Imma have fun with this animal!!!

All I got was his head!! Cool tho huh?!?
last edited il y a plus d’un an
 I finished my last few strums of MY guitare and put it down on my bed. I watched as Jen came in and dr
il y a plus d’un an YellowCow said…
I was awoken by a slithering noise. I screamed through the ice.

"What was that noise?"

"Ohh,, umm.. I haven't introduced you yet."

"Introduced me to who?"

"I'll bring him on the other side of the cabin."

Hon walked in with a 50 ft snake wrapped around her body. My mouth opened in "WHAT?"

"This is my pet snake!!"

"No, Hon it's a random snake you let wrap on you! Think a little!!"


Hon put her snake down. It slithered up onto Kenzie's bunk, where Snow White was laying. I grabbed Snow White & held her close. Her snake hissed at me. I hissed back. Hon looked strangely at me.

"Keep your snake on your side! It could bite my dog!!"

"I will keep it on my side! He won't bite her anyway!"

Hon grabbed her snake & walked around to her side. I could still hear the slimy slither the snake made with every move. I walked outside to sit in a tree. Hon walked out with her snake. The first person she wanted to introduce it to was Alex:) Her dad's sacred animal is a snake. She headed off in Alex's direction. I just sat in my tree all happy!! ( Not mine! I do not do slavery with the trees!! Lolz ) I just sat.
il y a plus d’un an Alex13126 said…
It can't hurt me.
last edited il y a plus d’un an
il y a plus d’un an jessie0147 said…
I looked up and glared at my captors. Gaea smiled at me. "You and your little Austin got into a fight. Now he will come after you thinking it was his fault and I will have the most powerful demi-gods of the century on my side!" Gaea spat in my face. I glared at her and thought of a spell. I slyly untied myself as Gaea went behind a curtain. I grabbed my wand and sent Alex a message. Then Gaaea came in.
il y a plus d’un an vlad_todd_fan said…
Alex was in mid laugh when she got a strange look. "I gotta go!" She yelled before teleportig away. I sat there quietly. I formed my sea foam dragon and started flying after her thought patterns.
il y a plus d’un an Alex13126 said…
I ran through the crowded streets. People turned to give me funny looks but I didn't care. I knew for one thing that I was being followed. A black van sped past me. Nobody else seemed to notice a van going over 100 miles per hour so I'm guessing the mist was covering it. I raced after it. After what seemed like forever the van stopped. A knife swept past barely missing my face. A tiny bit of my hair got sliced off. The van sped off again. I threw my knife at the tire. The wheel made a popping sound. The van spiraled out of control and flipped over. A girl's scream rang through the air.
"Araxie!!" I screamed running towards the van.
il y a plus d’un an jessie0147 said…
The van flipped and I let out a huge high pitched scream. I piece of the van jabbed into my side and I heard Alex scream my name. I groaned and shot a spell at Gaea as she recovered from her flip and turned invisible. I craweled behind her a stabbed her leg. The ground swallowed her and she reformed behind Alex. Alex turned and side stepped a fatal blow from Gaea. I threw a knife at her and it misseled back to her and stabbed her in the shoulder. She was outnumbered and did not have her monsters. (It sounds like Lady Gaga) She started bleeding golden blood and called for monsters. She went into the ground and hundreds of monsters circled me and Alex as I turned visible. I grabbed Alex and dropped to the ground as 5 swords shot where her head had been 3 seconds before. I was bleeding pretty baddly when I saw Alex start turning a bright baby blue. I was suddenly re-energized. I got up and started slashing monster after monster. Alex was doing the same. I stabbed a cyclops and noticed my arm glowing purple. The blessing of Hecate.
il y a plus d’un an vlad_todd_fan said…
I jumped down from my dragon and landed on the pavement. It silently popped. Civilians ran past. I ran behind Alex and froze a hellhound that would've pounced on her. I kicked it in the face and it broke into shards. "You wern't far behind were you?" Alex asked. I smirked as my spears floated around me. "Well it was bound to happen." I replied as I shot my spears in multiple directions. Many monsters disintegrated. The crowd of rustling bodies halved in size. My spears rose into the air that shot down again. The rest of the monsters crumbled.
il y a plus d’un an Alex13126 said…
The last monster crumbled away. I sat down on the sidewalk panting. Araxie wasn't as lucky. She passed out on the sidewalk bleeding. Michael went over and started to heal her. Funny that nobody gave a second look at us. Dirt was everywhere. Gaea was gone for now. I walked over to where Michael and Araxie sat.
"Thanks I guess for coming." I said a bit awkward. I punched him in the arm. "That's for following me though."
He shrugged. "Someone has to look after you."
I rolled my eyes. "If you need me I'm gonna go try and get a cab."
last edited il y a plus d’un an
il y a plus d’un an jessie0147 said…
I slyly grabbed my bad and teleported to camp. I ran to the Hades cabin and found Austin laying on his bed with silent tears falling from his eyes. I turned invisble and silently walked in. I put my hands over his eyes. "Guess who?" He twisted around and hugged me apologizing for nothing. I flinched when he touched my side but sadly he noticed. We sat on the ground as he started taking stuff out of my cut and dirt from my hair. "Can I take a shower now?" "Yes. but hold on." He walked over and took a picture of me. "Seriously?!? *I laughed* I haven't even had a shower." I said as I walked into the bathroom in the Hades cabin.
il y a plus d’un an greenstergirl said…
Oh gods I missed SO much crap dangit

Let's just sayafter the wedding I puked blood and I have some really bad sickness that Gaea put on me so I wouldn't go help Araxie and so I wouldn't see the future and see her coming I can't see the future when I'm sick. And ever since I've been in the infirmary with Zach and rissa (say we r bffs mow)

After piling blood in a buket Zach fed me nectar. "you okay he asked." I tried to nod but I couldn't I was so weak. Even the nectar wasn't helping. No one ja really visited me yet except for Zach and rissa due to all the Gaea crap and anyway I could hardly even move half my blood is gone and I've been healed about 25 times but mornings working.

Zach kissed me on the head. "I her to go. Do you want me to get you anything?"

I couldn't move. He left and rissa sat next to me. "you look horrible Sadie." she said smiling. I smiled a bit. Then suddenly I hear music. I motioned to her. "you want me to play?" sha asked I smiled a bit. She summoned a piano with water and began to play. I closed my eyes and listened until I fell asleep. It was so beautiful.
il y a plus d’un an greenstergirl said…
Gosh my stupid iPod isn't working this typing right
il y a plus d’un an Alex13126 said…
SADIE!! *tackles in a hug*
il y a plus d’un an greenstergirl said…
*Screams and hugs back*
il y a plus d’un an TheGreekBadAss said…
I kept surfing on my private area in the Khola islands and then finally came to a rest on the soft sand. Suddenly a silver light danced across the sky and then got nearer and nearer and nearer, it struck the earth then Lady Aretemis stood there. I got up and approached her.

"My lady?" I asked

"Blake, as i promised i wanted to catch up" she said

We talked for what seemed like ages then finally she had to go.

"Its been great talking to you" i said "I hope one day you will end this war and be at peace with everyone"

"I hope so to" she replied "Oh and Blake"


"Happy Birthday" then she was gone in a flash of silver light.

I hadn't realized it was my birthday yet! But it was probalbly because i hadn't got a proper friend so no one reminded me or got me a present. i placed the surf board back in its hut and opened the portal to camp then i went straight to bed.
il y a plus d’un an Alex13126 said…
I noticed a few hours ago two certain people got nominated in the 2011 fanfiction awards. Well good luck to you both ;-)
il y a plus d’un an greenstergirl said…
who? which two people?
il y a plus d’un an Alex13126 said…
You and Michael. (Sorry I'm slow)

I let my friend use my RP character for her fanfic and now I'm apparently a hunter of Artemis. All I can say is thts gonna go well.....
last edited il y a plus d’un an
il y a plus d’un an greenstergirl said…
haha lol and guys to let you know there is more Brenna Jackson and you ALL ARE in it even BLAKE people yes its true but it will be amazing
il y a plus d’un an greenstergirl said…
its chapter 8 also
il y a plus d’un an GreenLion said…
I left the cabin after my little meet & greet with with Jo.. I decided to go the woods. I let Simba tag along with me. I saw Jen sitting in a tree, when I told Simba to tear her favorite shirt :) This would be good. Simba climbed up the tree & munched down a big piece of her shirt!! Jen got soo mad & had a devil look in her eyes. She stared at her shirt, then back at me. She pushed Simba off the tree. He fell to the ground with a thud & little meow. She chased me all around the woods. She cussed me out in greek.

What she said... > > > > Πώς τολμάς! Μπορείτε λίγο *****

( Me & Jen went she wasn't mad!! Photo shop pleezz. Red hair on one & green eyes. Brown hair on other.. I'm one in green skirt:D)
 I left the cabine after my little meet & greet with with Jo.. I decided to go the woods. I let Simba t
il y a plus d’un an YellowCow said…
** We look cutee!! **

Ray sometimes really ticks off!!! Rawwrr. She is so annoying sometimes. Imma get revenge on her!! I found some old pranks in the shed. I pulled out this liquid that can turn a whole body of water into a machine that turns hair green. :) Luckily, Ray went to the lake to skip rocks. YESSS!!! She accidently threw her lucky charm bracelet in the lake. She freaked!!! It drowned all the way to the bottom. She dived in to grab it. When she came out. She wasn't yet. ** Poseidon kids don't get wett!! ** She walked past me. I giggled a little.

"Why you laughing??"

"No reason!"

She rolled her eyes & walked away. I followed her into the cabin. She went in the bathroom to freshen up. She looked in the mirror & screamed.

"Jen, I look amazing!! Thanks!!"


"I've always wanted green hair!! Now I have it!!"

She walked out smiling. I'm soo confused.

(Ray.. If someone wants to photo shop to green eyes they can.. Don't have 2)

** My plan back fired she always wanted her hair green **
last edited il y a plus d’un an
 ** We look cutee!! ** rayon, ray sometimes really ticks off!!! Rawwrr. She is so annoying sometimes. Imma
il y a plus d’un an greenstergirl said…
ahahahahaha lol that is hilarious!!!

Zach came back into my cabin along with Araxie. "Hey" She said. "Sorry your sick."

I smiled a bit.

" it weird not being able to talk?" She asked me...and of course i didn't anwser. "Try writing to me." she said, handing me a piece of paper.

"I hate this." I said on the paper. She laughed. Is their seriously no cure? she asked Zach, who was stroking my hair.

"We don't really know. She's been holding on....but almost half her blood is gone. Nothing will heal her. Gaea put the spell on her, we don't know how to reverse it."

Araxie looked at me, her eyes sad. "At least i came to see you." She whispered. Then she got up and had to leave. I began to silently cry. Suddenly, Zach lurched up. He thought hard, then handed me some necter.

"drink it!!" He said. I knew it wouldn't help, but it did. then right as i drank it he poked a nerve in my body at the neck. I lurched up and mouthed the words,

"What the crap you freak!!" but i found i was standing up. I was fine. I smiled, i was all better.

"Thank you!!" I tried to say. But i found the words hadn't come out. "What..." but that didn't come out either. I sank to the floor. He got down to the floor and looked at me.

"Sadie....I think you've become mute."

I looked up at him. And i silently began to cry. Now i was going to be mute forever. No speaking. No screaming. no singing. No calling Micheal weird names. Zach wiped my tears but they still came. He kissed me, then picked me up.

"It'll be okay. Because i still love you for who you are Sadie, I will love you forever." And he kissed me again, this time i didn't cry, but held him. finally he looked at me. you think you could make a way so that when you want to say something the words appear from your mind to the air?"

I looked at him, thin pulled out my wand from the bedside drawer. I thought up a spell and wove my wand around.

"Okay..." Zach said. "Now something."

I love you.

Immediately the words i love you, formed in blue mist abbove me. then melted away.

He laughed. And all i could do was cry.
il y a plus d’un an percyLover101 said…
I walked around the camp with my snake wrapped around my body and laughed at people's faces when they saw me!! I love you Jo!!!
il y a plus d’un an Alex13126 said…
We finally got back at Camp Half-Blood. Zach was walking around the camp mopey. I decided I better go check on Sadie. I knocked on the Hecate door. Nobody answered. My impatience got the better of me. Walking into the Hecate cabin I saw Sadie lying down on her bed.
"How you doing?" I asked gently. Yes, even Alex has a gentle side.
She opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out. She frowned. I tilted my head to the side. She took out her wand and started writing in the air. All I saw were floating symbols. I scrunched my eyebrows in frustration.
"I have dyslexia!!" She nodded in understanding and started writing in Greek.
"Your mute now?" She nodded sadly. I sat at the edge of her bunk and gave her a hug. "Maybe I could go to the library and try to figure out how to reverse it." She stared at me in shock. Okay I cant read English that well.
"I'll be back later today. If a library in New York burns down that means I couldn't figure it out or I got frustrated." She managed a smile. With a wave I teleported out.
last edited il y a plus d’un an
il y a plus d’un an greenstergirl said…
going into camp was weird. Not because i couldn't speak, but because everyone seemed to ignore me. I would try and say hello bye tapping their shoulder or chucking a rock at their face, (okay that was only did't get him) and all they did was ignore me. I saw Hon with a snake around her leg and screamed....which didn't come out. i hated being mute, it was a whole new world to me.

Zach and i decided that my new little 'language' spell would be called spinking. So i would spink something to him.

I bet everyone is out ignoring me." I spinked to Zach.

"No way. Everyone likes you. I think....well i do. Now come on lets go to your cabin. Maybe we can look for your lost ipod!!"

"I lost my ipod? When was this?" I asked him through spink.

"Um......Matthew wanted to borrow it and he lost it."

"Wow thats so like him" I spinked.

"come on lets go!!" He said pulling my arm towards my cabin. We ran in and behind the door it was dark. I switched the light on and.....

"SURPRISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Screamed everyone. My room was covered in rainbow balloons. streamers were everywhere. "Happy extremely late birthday!"

I laughed. Nobody had remembered my birthday was the day after the wedding. It was also Blake's.

"We are all happy you are better!!" Jen screamed while squeezing me.

Rissa came over to the piano and began to play happy birthday. Ray ran to me. "We are waiting for blake. It's his surprise party too!!"

"Cool!!" I spinked.

Everyone froze. And stared. I blushed. And wanted to cry.

"Your......." Michael whispered.

"Mute." Zach said, finishing his sentence.

"What!!?" They all screamed.

"Yep." I spinked. everyone went crazy, until Kenzie screamed,

"Blake's almost here!! Every one hide!!"

last edited il y a plus d’un an
il y a plus d’un an greenstergirl said…
im just going to write in greek from now on people.... i forgot everyone had dyslexia wow im a greek.
il y a plus d’un an greenstergirl said…
oh my gosh i said greek i meant geek wow im an idiot
il y a plus d’un an Alex13126 said…
Library burnt down somewhere near Manhattan. My bad. Coming now with a present. If the police ask I was at the park :D
last edited il y a plus d’un an
il y a plus d’un an greenstergirl said…
hahahahahahaha lol guess your missing the party
il y a plus d’un an Alex13126 said…
Police can't catch me. I've been in two police chases already. One for blowing up a school and the other for letting zoo animals into a mall. I've got ur present but I'm not telling u wat it is. Oh even better HON DID IT!!!! Lolz there's my payback.
last edited il y a plus d’un an
il y a plus d’un an greenstergirl said…
il y a plus d’un an Alex13126 said…
I'm sorry but I'm a very troubled girl...I am a demigod tho....At least I never shot a cannon at a school bus.
last edited il y a plus d’un an