CAMP HALF-BLOOD!!!! Internet Camp Half Blood

greenstergirl posted on May 11, 2011 at 01:10AM
last edited on Oct 23, 2011 at 06:54PM

CAMP HALF-BLOOD!!!! 8174 réponses

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il y a plus d’un an purpleunicorn said…
I put my hands in my plaid skirt pockets, I felt 2 photos in them. I pulled them out & looked at them for a long time. I awed. I still was waiting to get back to Camp.

(Here is one of the photos!)
 I put my hands in my plaid jupe pockets, I felt 2 photos in them. I pulled them out & looked at them
il y a plus d’un an purpleunicorn said…
il y a plus d’un an vlad_todd_fan said…
Adorable I'll save you

Receiving a distress signal from the girls, I formed my sea foam dragon and flew off to China. I landed in ten minutes. The girls just happened to be right there. They jumped on and we flew off to camp.
We landed soundly, "Thank you!" they both yelled while hugging me. "Heh no prob." I replied and they ran off
il y a plus d’un an YellowCow said…
Rissa & Ray came running over to me & hugged me hard. I was so shocked I couldn't talk. I started to cry. TEARS OF JOY!!






We all smiled & hugged. Araxie didn't look pleased. She smiled lightly. Rissa & Ray went back to walk around camp to catch up on things.


"i DON'T KNOW!!"


"Just be happy:)"

Araxie changed the topic back to her wediing. We continued talking.
il y a plus d’un an Alex13126 said…
I ran up to the Apollo cabin and knocked on the door. Matthew came out a second later with that annoying smirk on his face.
"What do you want Princess?"
"Very funny. Call me princess again and we'll see whats funny." I crossed my arms over my chest. "Look we need a DJ for the wedding. Is Will available?"
"I guess. Have you seen Hon lately?"
"Nope. Your her boyfriend so your supposed to be looking out for her not me." He shook his head and went back into his cabin. Now I just had a couple of more things to do and I'm done. I ran over to cabin 3 and grabbed the frog suit. I started to walk out.
"What are you doing with the frog costume?" Michael started walking over from the beach.
"Making it better. I don't like the frog costume any more than you do. You'll see it again tomorrow." I smiled mischievously as I walked into my cabin.
last edited il y a plus d’un an
il y a plus d’un an vlad_todd_fan said…
I moped
il y a plus d’un an percyLover101 said…
I walked into my cabin and saw a huge hell hound in front of me!

"FIFI!!! YOU GOT SO BIG!!!!" i hadn't really paid any attention to her much that I had Matthew now.

"Ya mommy i grew into my full maturity!!"

"I don't think your gonna be able to fit in the room any more sweety and I think it's time to have you go see the world for yourself"

"What are you saying mommy", I couldn't keep Fifi anymore she was too big and I keep thinking I want her to have a life not just a sad life living in this very room.

A tear streamed down my cheek,"I'm saying it's time for you to be let into the world without me or any one it's time for you to go out on your own like a real grown hell hound!" I started to get more and more tears streaming down my cheeks with that last word.

"Mommy but I don't want to go with out you!!" Fifi started to cry with me.

Slowly I started to think that I must hold it together for my kid. I stopped crying and stood straight up,"Go now Fiona!! Leave!!" and she ran through the door into the woods(sorry she accidentally broke the door).

il y a plus d’un an vlad_todd_fan said…
il y a plus d’un an purpleunicorn said…
i decided to go back to the cabin when i saw a large hole in the door. I could see Hon holding back her tears.

"Whats the matter?"

"Fifi`s gone!"

"she ran away?"

"No I told her to go, and I thought you were teleported to China."

"Micheal saved me and Ray!"

"Well, welcome back!!!!!!"

We began talking in the cabin.
il y a plus d’un an purpleunicorn said…
Can I be the DJ For Araxie's wedding.. I've had experience!! The picture below tells it all!
 Can I be the DJ For Araxie's wedding.. I've had experience!! The picture below tells it all!
il y a plus d’un an percyLover101 said…
Me!!! Alex can you photo shop this so I have green eyes??Cuz that would be AWESOME!!! That is me in Arizona for vacation eating ICE CREAM!!! YUUMMMMM!!!
 Me!!! Alex can toi photo boutique this so I have green eyes??Cuz that would be AWESOME!!! That is me in A
il y a plus d’un an Alex13126 said…
Did I miss something? Rissa you can be the Dj. You have to break the news to will though. I promise I wont make the costume bad. If you dont want me to do anything to the costume then I wont. I'm gonna work on my costume though.
 Did I miss something? Rissa toi can be the Dj. toi have to break the news to will though. I promise I
il y a plus d’un an vlad_todd_fan said…
Sam laid around my shoulders and walked to the beach. Sam jumped off my shoulders and scampered through the gentle waves. I looked down at the wet sand and did a miniature Olympus out of sand. The perfect sand castle. "Well aren't you the artist." A woman said. I turned and there was Aphrodite. Her face covered in tacky makeup, but she was pretty. "Um thanks." I said. Sam was saying something as she laughed and ran in the waves. "Hmmph I was going to beautify you but you don't need it. That Alex is lucky." She said than walked off. I was definitely confused. "Thanks I guess." I said and looked over the waves
il y a plus d’un an YellowCow said…
Hon came up to me crying. I was shocked, she never cries!!

"Jen, have you seen Matt I can't find him anywhere!"

"Sorry Hon, I don't know where he is!"

Hon ran off to Micheal, who was a few feet away from me.

"Micheal, have you seen Matt??"

"You mean, He didn't tell you??"

"Tell me what??"

"He left to visit his mortal parents for a month.. He won't be back till June 30th."

Micheal smiled & stuck his tongue out. Hon slapped him across the face & stomped out. Micheal rubbed his face. Hon went back over to me. She looked calm. She walked in the cabin & started to read her book. I felt kinda bad. I over heard her & Micheal talking. I wondered how Hon would interact until then. Suprisingly it started raining towards 6:00 P.M. I walked outside! I LOVE RAIN! I AM KID OF POSEIDON!! I saw Hon standing on a bridge over the lake, just looking sooo sad. I again felt bad. I stood next to her. We both looked at the lake.

"You ok Hon?"

"Yeah, I guess so. Let's go back to our cabin."

We both walked back & crawled into bed. I decided to sleep in an extra bunk built when our cabin was blown up. I was behind Hon's. I crawled in & made sure Hon didn't leave again. Everyone was still up, but me & Hon just had enough of today. She suprisingly stayed there, well, when I fell asleep I wasn't sure if she was still there.

(Hon when I saw her standing on the bridge over the lake)
last edited il y a plus d’un an
 Hon came up to me crying. I was shocked, she never cries!! "Jen, have toi seen Matt I can't find him
il y a plus d’un an purpleunicorn said…
Well, since I am going to DJ the wedding I decided to do a little practicing. Araxie requested I play piano at her wedding. She said it was romantic. Now I needed to get a song ready. I wouldn`t want to embaress myself i front of the whole camp. So I went to the music room to practice the piano. I walked in and the piano was sitting right there. I took my seat and started playing.

(Me practicing:D)
last edited il y a plus d’un an
 Well, since I am going to DJ the wedding I decided to do a little practicing. Araxie requested I play
il y a plus d’un an percyLover101 said…
After Jen was asleep I walked out the door, totally ignoring the fact that Micheal was basically yelling at me asking where I was heading. I ran into the lake-it was still raining!- and immediately felt a wave of power from the water and my magic enhancing jewelry.

I blacked out and awoke to the sound of Micheal's voice,"Hon!! Hon!! Hon!!"

"What happened" I said groggily.

"You destroyed the whole camp!! In like 10 minutes!!! Did you even have any control over any thing you were doing??"

"No I don't even remember doing any thing but going into the lake!! How am I, Hennacey a little girl who doesn't even have half the power you have, able to destroy the camp in 10 MINUTES!?!"

"I don't know! All I know is that you need to learn to control your powers better, I couldn't even stop you!!!"

"I don't know how to d-" I had a flash back of me freezing the cabins and making them burst into a million pieces!! Also Micheal was standing there and he was unfreezing the ice shards I was trying to shoot at everyone in sight.

"Hennacey, I can tell you what is going on!! Meet me in the woods at 12:01! Don't bring anyone or they will soon meet death!!!", said a strange voice in my mind.

"I just need some sleep! I'll be in our- it's been destroyed huh??", they all nodded,"Okay then I'll sleep in that tree!" and I climbed up the tree to see all the cabins destroyed!

What have i done?!?
last edited il y a plus d’un an
il y a plus d’un an vlad_todd_fan said…
It took some focus but me Jen and Kenzie managed to rebuild all the cabins to former glory. We felt proud of our work. Everyone cheered and quickly went to their bunk. But were was Hon. "I'll go look for her." I called into my cabin but everyone was asleep. "Don't stay out to long." Sam called from on top of my pillow. No one else was awake. Chiron could be heard snoring from the stables, other than that it was quiet. I jumped into a tree and climbed to mid branch. I searched and found Hon's brain activity. Deep in the woods. I walked across the tree branches silently.
il y a plus d’un an YellowCow said…
I finally drifted to sleep! It was a lot of work rebuilding the cabins. I couldn't get to sleep for a while, I kept thinking about Hon. I woke up in a snap. I went outside & climbed on the tree. Ray came out. She climbed up the tree beside me.

"We haven't really go to talk."

"Yeah, I know I've been a little too busy."

"Yeah, I could tell."

"I really missed you when you were in China."

"I missed you too!"

Me & Ray sat in the trees for a moment of silence to pop in.

"Well Jen, I'm gonna go back to bed. We can catch up tomorrow."

"Araxie's wedding is tomorrow I can try to squeeze it in though."

Ray looked hurt. She walked off to our cabin. I read her mind, it said, "Really? Am I not that important?"

I started to feel bad. It was ok, she was a tough girl she would get over it. I still couldn't get Hon out of my head. She lost her boyfriend. He wouldn't be back until June 30th. I decided to go to the beach. I would fall asleep there I decided. Ray walked up behind me & decided she would sleep at the beach too. I was happy to have my sister come with me. When we got there. I lied down on the warm sand. I drifted to sleep instantly. Not suprising Listening to waves makes me fall asleep. I wasn't sure Ray went to sleep though.
il y a plus d’un an TheGreekBadAss said…
The big day today i woke up and put on my clothes for the wedding then made shore i looked ok then i gave the rings to Spike then he climbed onto my shoulder and we headed for the event.
il y a plus d’un an Alex13126 said…
I saw Hon walking into the forest. Not sure what she would want in the woods in the middle of the night. I turned invisible and followed slowly behind. She glanced around nervously. She didn't notice me so I guess she was too worn out to use her powers. I kept following a few feet behind. The trees rustled but she didn't seem to notice.
il y a plus d’un an YellowCow said…
*GreekBad*** The wedding is not starting that early*

When I woke up Ray was gone. I took a shortcut back to camp through the woods. I saw Hon walking real sad. I popped in front of her.

"The wedding is today, cheer up! Matt will be back soon enough."

"I know."

"Come on, Let's go to camp & make ourselfs look pretty!"

Hon followed me to camp. I bumped into a person, who appeared to be invisible. It was Alex. As soon as I hit her she turned visible. We all walked back to camp. Alex went to her cabin, me & Hon went to ours. We went on our seperate sides & got dressed. I walked out wearing my bridesmaid dress, & hairband. Hon also walked out wearing hers. We looked gorgeous! I just realized we forgot shoes. We threw on old sneakers & we formed our sea foam dragon. We climbed on it's back & flew to Paris to find shoes. We walked into a shoe store. As soon as I walked in, I found them. I grabbed my size took my sneakers off & tried them on. They were a perfect fit! I payed & waited for Hon to pick hers. She ended up buying the same ones. We flew back to camp & threw our sneakers back in the droor. We waited, standing outside our cabin. We waited for Araxie to signal when the wedding would start

(Me & Hon's shoes)
last edited il y a plus d’un an
 *GreekBad*** The wedding is not starting that early* When I woke up rayon, ray was gone. I took a shortcut
il y a plus d’un an YellowCow said…
How does everyone feel about this wedding ring??
 How does everyone feel about this wedding ring??
il y a plus d’un an YellowCow said…
Wut about this cake?
last edited il y a plus d’un an
 Wut about this cake?
il y a plus d’un an TheGreekBadAss said…
'YH fine with it and yh i know but getting ready i have an important job'

I made sure i knew what i was saying then walked around for a bit chatting to other campers
il y a plus d’un an TheGreekBadAss said…
'YH fine with it and yh i know but getting ready i have an important job'

I made sure i knew what i was saying then walked around for a bit chatting to other campers
il y a plus d’un an Alex13126 said…
I dont know why I just like this cake
 I dont know why I just like this cake
il y a plus d’un an TheGreekBadAss said…
i kept walking around and found Hon looking quite misrebale. i strolled over to her.

"Hey Hon, Whats up?" i asked

"Nothing I... I... it dosn't mattter..." she said

"Well ok if you want you can come surfing again tommorow, though not today because its the big day" i said

"Ok" she said smiling

I walked off towards the big house

"Hey Blake!" Hon called

"Yes?" i replied


i winked at her than ran off.
il y a plus d’un an YellowCow said…
I smiled at Hon & elbowed her in the ribs. I winked. She stuck her tongue out at me.

"Matt is the only one for me!"

"Uh huh, I believe you!"

Hon rolled her eyes then walked in the cabin. I followed. We both sat on our bunk just waiting.
il y a plus d’un an percyLover101 said…
No one really understands what I saw that night in the woods, all they're trying to do is cheer me up! They can't cheer me up, I could manage a smile now and then, but in the inside I'm crushed, I can't believe anything he said!!! Nothing at all!!!

I walked through the woods and immediately heard that strange voice in my head,"Hennacey, thank you for coming!"

"Who are you? And what do you know about my powers?"

"You don't even recognize your own father!!"

"Dad! Poseidon?"

"Yes and your jewelry is giving you more and more power. Every time you learn something new about your powers they add more to it. Too much power can take control of you and make you turn on your friends and family. Hon, please take control of yourself! You must learn to take control of your sub conscience and your powers! When you do that you will be the most powerful child I've had before the the promise to stop having children."

"So, why did you give me these powerful things then?", I was pointing at my jewelry.

"Because I saw your future and I was preparing you for what's ahead! Now I must go and please watch out for your brother, Hermes isn't so happy." I laughed so hard it startled my dad.

"okay dad! Do you really have to go though I have so many questions?"

"No I can not. Zeus is already furious that I came down here to talk to you, just take care of your self and remember take control of your sub conscience and your powers-"

"Ya ya dad! I'll be the most powerful child you've had since before the promise thing. Bye dad!" and I gave him a hug which was weird for both of us!!! I blinked and my dad was gone and I headed back for my cabin, wondering if I should tell anyone of this. Of course I was smart enough to not think of this around my mind reading siblings, i know I'll think of Matthew, oh how I miss him!!!!
last edited il y a plus d’un an
il y a plus d’un an jessie0147 said…
big smile
IM BACK! Did you miss me???
*Paces around camp trying to look calm* Austin walks in. "You know your not suppose to see a bride in her witch costume." "And your never suppose to ever see me wearing something like this." He said indicating himself with his hands. "Oh comeon. Its just for one little night." I said charmspeaking. "That one night is gonna be the biggest for me." "Don't forget me!" I said. "I could never." He said picking me up and spinning me then sitting me down gently.
il y a plus d’un an YellowCow said…
*Araxie when is wedding? Wut time?*
il y a plus d’un an vlad_todd_fan said…
I held my pearl as I sat on the waves. Suddenly it melted into my hand. I gasped and the black string fell under the collar of my v-neck. I wave of power flowed over me, like I was underwater but the waves were just lapping at my toes. Well we'll see if you have some special, I thought to myself as I got up and walked to my cabin.
il y a plus d’un an jessie0147 said…
Ummm Its gonna be at 5:00 Central time zone.
il y a plus d’un an Alex13126 said…
Okay so 6 eastern, 5 central, 4 mountain, 3 pacific
last edited il y a plus d’un an
 Okay so 6 eastern, 5 central, 4 mountain, 3 pacific
il y a plus d’un an percyLover101 said…
Me!!! Some one Photoshop it 4 me pleez so I have green eyes!! Thanks!! (i'd prefer it if Alex wood photo shop it 4 me pweez!)
 Me!!! Some one Photoshop it 4 me pleez so I have green eyes!! Thanks!! (i'd prefer it if Alex wood ph
il y a plus d’un an jessie0147 said…
Wow. Thats alot different times for a wedding.
last edited il y a plus d’un an
il y a plus d’un an percyLover101 said…
I woke up in my bed in my newly fixed cabin. I got up and looked in the mirror in the bathroom and screamed!!

"What's wrong!?!" Micheal screamed as he rushed into the bathroom with his sword

"MY HAIR IS BLUE!!!!!!" I screamed as I kept tugging on my hair!

"Hennacey it's an effect of the jewelry! Your body is becoming more than 75% water it's becoming 95% instead! Also if you die your hair back to black or brown it will just go back to blue! Also your hair may get some light red streaks for your blood being turned into water!! " and my dad's voice in my head left without a goodbye!

"DAD!!!!!" I screamed out loud and Micheal gave me a really good My-Sister's-A-Lunatic-Look!!
I stomped out of the bathroom and went to the lake to clear my mind, that has freaky blue hair on it!!!!!!

That's wat I look like but with my green eyes! Alex can u photo shop it 4 me?
last edited il y a plus d’un an
 I woke up in my lit in my newly fixed cabin. I got up and looked in the mirror in the bathroom and sc
il y a plus d’un an Alex13126 said…
Here you go
 Here toi go
il y a plus d’un an YellowCow said…
I was still laughing from Hon's little "Blue" incident. I took off my bridesmaid dress & shoes & folded them then put them in my drawer. I put on some street clothes. I didn't wanna ruin my dress. I walked out & saw Hon by the lake. I kept walking, I past the music room. I heard Rissa playing some beautiful piano music. ** Happy Piano music Araxie posted ** She sounded professional. I bursted in & yelled.


She was so scared by that comment she fell off the chair. I laughed as I helped her up.

"Thanks. I'm not so good though, I need more practice."

"You're kidding me right?"

She pushed me out shaking her head in form of "N-O". She slammed the door. I walked off. I ran behind Hon shouting


She gave me a "Hhhehe I Iove smurfs!" look. I walked off. Hhahahah!! She seemed to forget all about Matt, she was all bouncy & happy!! She caught up with me. We both walked around. She went to Alex's cabin. I went to the woods, to visit Marsh Mellow:)
il y a plus d’un an YellowCow said…
After my visit with Marsh Mellow, I went to my cabin. Hon was in there too. She was playing Go Fish with Micheal.




"Umm.. Can I play?"


They restarted the round. I slouched down, All I heard was yelling.

 After my visit with Marsh Mellow, I went to my cabin. Hon was in there too. She was playing Go poisson w
il y a plus d’un an YellowCow said…
Me & Hon quickly changed into our bridesmaid outfits & ran outside!! We started off towards the pavillion.Me & Hon had to make a quick stop to Alex's cabin first though.
last edited il y a plus d’un an
il y a plus d’un an Alex13126 said…
I walked out of the cabin in my costume. I changed it a bit from a princess. The puffy hot pink dress was now a blend of white and blue. It also wasnt as puffy. Sadly Hon wouldnt leave until she and Jen did my hair. A small cape on my shoulders. A blue mask on my face. I ran into the pavilion to meet the others.
last edited il y a plus d’un an
il y a plus d’un an YellowCow said…
Lark came skipping down the isle throwing flower petals on the isle. Hon & Me came down next. Then Zach & Sadie. Then Micheal & Alex. Lark took a seat. Araxie came down with her mother now. They were walking slowly while "Marry Me" played. Me & Hon waited up front. Araxie was close.
last edited il y a plus d’un an
il y a plus d’un an jessie0147 said…
No This is playing
il y a plus d’un an jessie0147 said…
This is what Alex is wearing.
 This is what Alex is wearing.
il y a plus d’un an Alex13126 said…
^^^I'm wearing something else now
il y a plus d’un an jessie0147 said…
Me and Mom walk down the isle. I finally say I do. Austin Knight,do you take Araxie Ray Lynette's hand in marriage? I do. You may kiss the bride. I got an awesome long kiss as everyone clapped. Araxie Ray Lynette Knight. I like that:)
il y a plus d’un an percyLover101 said…
big smile
Oh My Gods!!!! Araxie is fricken a married woman now!!!!!!!!!!!
il y a plus d’un an YellowCow said…
We all awed!! Araxie's mom wheeled out the AWESOME HALLOWEEN CAKE!! It looked great!! Araxie smiled & Austin bridal style carried her over to the cake.

(The cake:D)
 We all awed!! Araxie's mom wheeled out the AWESOME Halloween CAKE!! It looked great!! Araxie smiled &
il y a plus d’un an MythGal said…
Can I join? If I can, here is my character:

Name (Demigod name): Ellamae Johnson

age: 16

Immortal Parent: Hades

powers: See the future, can control fire, and control the dead
last edited il y a plus d’un an
 Can I join? If I can, here is my character: Name (Demigod name): Ellamae Johnson age: 16 Immortal