Blair & Chuck Club
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 ...then, I watched the scene in Blair's bedroom in 1x03 and I fell in l’amour with them completely. After that, my l’amour for them only grew stronger with each episode.
...then, I watched the scene in Blair's bedroom in 1x03 and I fell in love with them completely. After that, my love for them only grew stronger with each episode.
I am proud to pass on my crown of fotm to the one and onlylink toi are an amazing CB fan and toi so deserve this! Congrats Girl!

All right, now let's dive right into the good stuff...

1.Hey Cintia! First of all tell us something about you.

Hey!! Umm.. I'm not the most interesting person, really.. I'm a bit of a weirdo, although I think the term unique would be plus politically correct. ;) I also have an unhealthy number of obsessions and I have a passion for the fantaisie and sci-fi genres.

2. How does it feel to be the new CB fan of the Month?

Awesome!? I think it's pretty cool, considering how much I l’amour CB and this spot. Thanks everyone who voted for me! :)

3.When did toi become a CB shipper? Scene, Season?

I started watching the montrer because I had heard a lot of good things about CB, so I had my attention on them since the pilot. Then, I watched the scene in Blair's bedroom in 1x03 and I fell in l’amour with them completely. After that, my l’amour for them only grew stronger with each episode.

4.At the beginning what were your thoughts about Chuck and Blair, as a couple and as individuals?

As I said, when I started watching I had already heard things about CB as a couple, but I didn't
 it was a pleasant surprise to realize they were the kind of characters I usually love...
it was a pleasant surprise to realize they were the kind of characters I usually love...
know much about the individuals. I have to say it was a pleasant surprise to realize they were the kind of characters I usually love: 'evil', flawed, human, interesting; the characters people usually They were my favoris from the start, which is probably why I fell for the couple so fast.
And what I've come to l’amour plus about them is that they admit they're flawed; they'll be the first to say they're not good people. There's
 what I've come to l’amour plus about them is that they admit they're flawed
what I've come to l’amour plus about them is that they admit they're flawed
nothing that annoys me plus than characters that live in their pedestal, always looking down at the morally inferior people. And usually these characters, because they're labeled as 'good' from the start, can do wrong whenever they want and then they just say they're sorry and everything is forgiven and forgotten. I l’amour that Chuck and Blair usually pay for the wrongs they make, as weird as it may sound.

5.Did toi ever think that they could become such a big deal?

They were already the IT couple when I started watching the show, so I can't really answer this question. But I guess if I had watched the montrer since it started, I'd most likely think they wouldn't, considering that usually the couples I ship are not nearly this popular.

6.Why do toi l’amour them together?

Oh, there are so many reasons!! Mainly, because
 they have the most real l’amour in this show...
they have the most real l’amour in this show...
they have the most real l’amour in this show. All the other characters start seeing someone new and are already proclaiming their eternal l’amour for this aléatoire person after one date, they don't know what they want. With CB is different, even when they're not together, their l’amour never alters. Blair never loved anyone like she loves Chuck. With Nate, she loved plus this fantaisie of a perfect life she had created in her mind than she loved him. And it's obvious to me that Blair is the only woman Chuck always respected and admired.
There's also the fact that they've known each other since they were kids and they've always been close. They know each other so well, and they can accept and l’amour the other for who they are and not in spite of it. They take everything:
 they can accept and l’amour the other for who they are and not in spite of it
they can accept and l’amour the other for who they are and not in spite of it
the good and the bad. Like Blair said, they will stand par each other through anything. And no matter how much they screw up, in the end they always find their way back to each other. Also, their relationship is so passionate and intense, they're never dull ou boring.
Ok, I think I gave enough reasons. I'll stop now before people get tired of my rambling (if they haven't already).

7.Are they your OTP?

YES!!! They're my favori couple, par far!

8.What other couples do toi Ship from Gossip Girl and do toi consider any character as a treat to our ship?

I ship Nenny and VanderBaizen. Two couples with no future.. and barely any past, I know. But I can't help but l’amour them. I'd also like Chenny together, in an alternative universe where Blair didn't exist.
Threat?! To CB?! Pshh.. I think even the most delusional Dair fans know, deep down, that no other couple stand a chance against CB.

9. What's the thing that makes CB better ou different from other couples?

It's not just one thing, really. CB is a unique couple in so many ways.. I think it starts with the fact that the characters are both beautifully flawed and human, while most populaire couples are formed par two 'perfect' characters ou par a 'perfect' person and an 'evil' one that will
 their scenes and story lines in general are usually original
their scenes and story lines in general are usually original
eventually turn into an annoyingly 'perfect' person as well. That's the most basic difference between CB and other couples. But I guess all the things I already a dit I l’amour about them make them different. And also their scenes and story lines in general are usually original, not something you've seen happening to hundreds of other couples before.

10.- How do toi like season 4 so far, CB-wise? Good ou bad?

Amazing! I was a little disappointed with some episodes, because the promos gave us too high expectations. But in general, I think we got a decent number of CB centered episodes and some
 because toi just have to put Chuck and Blair together in a scene for me to l’amour it
because toi just have to put Chuck and Blair together in a scene for me to l’amour it
great scenes. But I have to say this is probably one of my most biased answers, because toi just have to put Chuck and Blair together in a scene for me to l’amour it. Any CB interaction is worth watching, imo.

11.Most heartbreaking but significant scene?

That's hard. They have so many heartbreaking scenes, and they're all beautiful. :') But I guess the most significant of
 no words needed
no words needed
them is Blair's speech to Chuck in 2x13. It was the first time she told him she loved him, that was a defining moment on CB's journey.

12.Favorite Season, Least favori Season, Why?

My favori would have to be season 2, only because it was such a CB centered one, but I do think they had amazing scenes in all seasons. My least favori is season 3, not because I thought they were boring, but because for half the season they barely got any storylines, they were usually in the background.

13.Biggest disappointment in their relationship so far in your opinion?

I think we, CB fans, were blessed with fairly consistent story lines for our couple (specially if toi consider we're talking about Gossip Girl here).
 ll the shit that happened to them was necessary to make them the great couple they are now
ll the shit that happened to them was necessary to make them the great couple they are now
So, I think that all the shit that happened to them was necessary to make them the great couple they are now. Every time one ou both of them screwed up, it only made their l’amour stronger in the end. That being said, I think the only disappointment is Blair jouer la comédie so OOC now, which is not directly related to their relationship, but whatever. ;P

14.Tell us what your favori episode is and why!

Oh, God! You're really making this difficult for me. There are many episodes that I love, so many perfect moments. But if I have to choose one, it has to be It's a Wonderful Lie. Even though angsty scenes are usually my favorite, I just can't help but l’amour them in 2x12. I think this episode shows how well they know each other and that if they can't have each other, they rather
 It shows how deeply connected they are and how unusual their relationship is
It shows how deeply connected they are and how unusual their relationship is
be alone than with anybody else. It shows how deeply connected they are and how unusual their relationship is. Also, I simply l’amour their dance scene and their conversation before it.

15.Chuck ou Blair? Why?

Blair bear, for sure! As much as I l’amour Chuck, there's just something about Blair. I can relate to her in some levels. I mean, we have completely different
personalities and lifestyles, but I think she has this vulnerable side to her that makes her so human and relatable.

16.Favorite Quote that Chuck a dit and that Blair said?

This is really hard. They have the most amazing quotes, so I'll just write down the first ones that come to mind.
Chuck: "Well, toi look ravishing. If I was your man I wouldn't need clues to find you." (1x06)
Blair: "The worst thing you've ever done, the darkest thought you've ever had, I will stand par toi through anything." (2x13)

17.What do toi think of the negativity that sometimes Chuck and Blair and their fans get?

Well, haters are gonna hate. What can we do about it?! Chuck and Blair became such a huge, populaire couple, it was natural that that would bring a lot of hate. The plus a couple is loved, the plus some people enjoy bashing it. They probably wanna montrer how different and 'cool' they are, but they go about it the wrong way. I personally don't care about what other people think, so I don't let bad commentaires bother me. I was blessed with a personality and the ability to think for myself, so whatever people say won't change my opinion.
As for the people that judge us because we l’amour CB, all I have to say is that they're pathetic and stupid. Judging someone based on the fictional couple that person likes is one of the dumbest things someone can do.

18.You get to meet Ed ou Leighton, which would toi choose and why?

I never thought about that, tbh. I think they're both amazing, talented actors, but I never had the desire of meeting them. If I were to meet one, though, I guess I'd choose Leighton, because I think we would really get along. From the few interviews I've read/watched with her, our personalities seem to match.

19.If toi had to sum up CB's relationship, as of right now, in 15 words ou less how would toi phrase it?

A beautiful, passionate journey full of pleasure and pain.
 A beautiful, passionate journey full of pleasure and pain.
A beautiful, passionate journey full of pleasure and pain.

20.The first scene, from your perspective, that Chuck saw Blair in a different light, and Blair saw Chuck differently was?

I think Chuck has always had a thing for Blair. toi can sense that in the way he looks at her when she's not paying attention, in the pilot; ou when he says he wouldn't need clues to find her, in 1x06. But I guess when she dances for him at Victrola, that's what makes him fall for her. As for Blair, it obviously took her a little longer to notice him. I think it starts when they're together in the limo and then her feelings start developing when he surprises her with the necklace, in 1x08.

21.Do toi care for Ed/Leighton’s relationship in real life?

Not really, tbh. I do think it's great that they have such a nice, genuine friendship, though. :)

22.What do toi think of the season 3 ending, who did toi blame for the break-up?

I liked the S3 finale, tbh. I would l’amour to see Chuck and Blair together for a few plus episodes, if the writers could come up with real, interesting story lines for them as a couple. As they clearly can't, I was ok with them breaking up again. All their scenes were touching and beautiful and that's the most important thing.
If I were to blame someone, it would have to be Chuck. I mean, there's no possible way of turning this on Blair. But I think any true CB shipper understands that's just how their relationship works. Both of them have screwed up and hurt each other many times and they will continue to do that, because that's who they are.

23.What’s your favori part of shipping CB?

Ahhh.. I don't know. I guess it's good to ship a populaire couple for a change. It gave me the chance to meet some awesome people who l’amour them (almost) as much as I do. And yes, that means you, lovely ladies. :')

24. Define CB in...

-One Word - Passion
-One Song - Currents par Dashboard Confessional. It's such a CB song! If you've never listened to it, go download it NOW!! :)
-One Movie - l’amour Me If toi Dare (Jeux d'enfants)
-One Color - Red
-One Season of the an - Summer
-One object – piano :D
-One Place - Victrola
-One nourriture - Macarons
-One Animal – I don't know.. a panther, maybe?! ou another wild animal ;)

25. This ou that:

Nair ou Dair - Nair, for sure. I always loved them as Friends and they made sense as a couple.
limo scene ou piano scene - Ahhh.. I l’amour both so much, but I'll go with the limo scene, because it was the beginning of everything.
Blair's "ILY" ou Chuck's - Blair's, it was unexpected and heartbreaking.
Fanvids ou Fanfiction - Again, I l’amour both! But if I have to choose, fanfiction.
Angst scenes ou sweet scenes – Angst! Anyone who knows me just a little knows how much I l’amour it.
saint ou sinner - Sinner. Duh! :P
Serenate ou Derena - If I have to choose one, then Serenate.
Hugs ou Dances - Dances. I have a thing for dance scenes.
2x01 ou 3x01 - 2x01.

26. favori per Season...

Season 1:
Episode: Much I Do About Nothing(1x18)

Kiss: Limo Kiss (1x07)
Hot Scene: Limo sex (1x07)
Sweet Scene: Sleeping suivant to each other (1x18)
Sad Scene: When Chuck tells Blair he doesn't want her anymore (1x13)
Angst Scene: Same as the sad scene

Quote: “In the face of true l’amour toi don't just give up, even if the object of your affection is begging toi to.” (1x18)
Look: During the Kiss on the Lips Party, after Serena leaves (1x01)

Season 2:
Episode: It's a Wonderful Lie (2x12)
Kiss: When they're making out in Serena's room (2x08)
Hot Scene: 'Have sex with me' scene (2x03)
Sweet Scene: Dance scene (2x12)
 angst scene
angst scene
Sad Scene: 'Maybe in the future' scene (2x08)
Angst Scene: '3 words, 8 letters' scene (2x01)
Quote: "The worst thing you've ever done, the darkest thought you've ever had, I will stand par toi through anything." (2x13)
Look: While they're dancing (2x12)

Season 3:
Episode: The Debarted (3x12)
Kiss: The one after Blair catches Chuck with aléatoire girl (3x01)
 sweet scene
sweet scene

Hot Scene: Blair trying to seduce Chuck (3x03), I guess.. not many options to choose from. ;)
Sweet Scene: When they're in lit (3x08)
Sad Scene: The hospital scene (3x12)
Angst Scene: After Blair finds out Chuck sold her out (3x17) – I l’amour that scene!! But there are other very good angsty scenes in the final
episodes of S3. :)
Quote: “I don't think toi ran away because toi couldn't handle death. I think it's because toi couldn't handle feelings. You're not like that anymore. You're strong. toi carry people. toi carry me. You're becoming a man in a way that your father never was.” (3x12)
Look: In the scene where Chuck tells Blair he bought the Empire (3x03)

Season 4:
Episode: The Witches of Bushwick (4x09)
 hot scene
hot scene
Kiss: At the Saints and Sinners party (4x09)
Hot Scene: piano sex. (4x07) Duh! :P
Sweet Scene: When they admit they still l’amour each other at the Saints and Sinners party (4x09)
 sad scene
sad scene
Sad Scene: The truce scene (4x06)
Angst Scene: Train station scene (4x02)
Quote: “If two people are meant to be together, eventually they'll find their way back.” (4x09)
Look: During the truce scene, when they shake hands (4x06)

27. Any last words to the CB community?

Thanks everyone for contributing to this spot and making it the most awesome place on Fanpop. I l’amour this fandom so much because we don't let haters get to us and we support our ship unconditionally. Let's stick together through these dark times and I'm sure we'll be rewarded with lots of CB awesomeness sooner ou later.
And, last but not least, I just wanna thank anyone who had the patience to finish lire this. I tend to get a little too excited talking about CB and I just don't know when to stop. ;)

Thank toi Cintia for being a part of us! Congrats Again!
 Thanks everyone for contributing to this spot and making it the most awesome place on Fanpop!Let's stick together through these dark times and I'm sure we'll be rewarded with lots of CB awesomeness sooner ou later.
Thanks everyone for contributing to this spot and making it the most awesome place on Fanpop!Let's stick together through these dark times and I'm sure we'll be rewarded with lots of CB awesomeness sooner or later.
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added by CatarinaSantos
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Gossip Girl
I tried uploading before but it didnt work, so ive posté the video on toi tube and it should work this time! i like song to be longer than 3 minutes so i extended the original version to be a bit longer! I have this on mp3 if anyone wants it!
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