Blair & Chuck Club
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A.N Thank toi so much for the lovely reviews toi really have NO IDEA how much they mean to me! Recently ive been finding it really hard to write so lire the reviews is what keeps me writing.

I will be wrapping up tins story soon because I know most people just dont get the fic and dont like how AU it is...maybe it's because its not a traditional story line ou the characters are really AU but I do try to make me fics unique and different because I get sick of lire the same things in fics so I only try to write to satisfy readers in the way that I think they would be satisfied, so sorry if this story isnt your cup of tea...

I know a lot of writers say that they dont write for feedback ou for reader but they write because they enjoy écriture and dont care what people think of what they write, but im the opposite now, I started écriture about Chuck and Blair because I enjoyed it but now I just write because I get these crazy story ideas and just want to share them with Chair fans, I do it for readers and because I enjoy pleasing the readers so I have to admit I get plus out of lire reviews than I do from écriture the fic! hehe!

Chuck decided it was time to complete phase two of his plan, well there was no specific order to the phases of his plan as long as everything fell into place and worked his way. His main aim was outing Marcus and to do that he needed to catch him out. He hadn't trusted him from jour one and he recognised the look on Marcus's face every time he looked at Blair, as if she was his prey and he was waiting to pounce. If getting Blair on Marcus's side was what Marcus needed to accomplish whatever sick plan he had in mind Chuck would just need to fast-track that little detail so he could see what Marcus's goal was. Chuck knew Blair well enough to know that it took a while for her to trust just anyone with getting close to her so he knew he had to literally push her into Marcus's arms and then sit back and see what Marcus would do next. In order to accomplish that he would have to make Blair feel totally alone and vulnerable and he knew exactly how to go about doing that.

Chuck's intention wasn't to hurt Blair. It was to out Marcus, to prove to Blair that he was right about Marcus and that Marcus was up to no good. If exposing Marcus meant hurting Blair in the process then it was worth it, because in the end when he showed Blair what Marcus was really like then Blair would have no choice but beg for his forgiveness. Whether he and Blair could work things out was yet to be seen, but for now, getting Blair back was not on his list. He simply wanted to prove her wrong and then tell her 'I told toi so', if they they still hated each other after that, then so be it, it would just mean that Chuck and Blair were never meant to be.
He still needed to figure out his Plan A and Plan B (in case Plan A didn't go accordingly) for after Marcus showed his true colours, because he would still need a way to get rid of him. He had brainstormed his own ideas for what Marcus could be up to, he was either madly in l’amour with Blair and wanted her all to himself, ou he was up to something plus dangerous. Either way Chuck intended on finding out, as soon as possible before it was too late.
Firstly he would have to deal a blow to his dear wife, make her tick and send her crying into Marcus's arms (as much as he hated the thought of having to do that, he needed to get her exactly where he assumed Marcus wanted her).
He called his secretary and arranged for a friend of his at the New York Times to pay him a visit at his office. This plan might actually be kind of fun after all, he thought.


It had been nearly two weeks since Chuck had left her and she had become plus and plus depressed at losing him, this wasn't how she imagined things would turn out. Chuck hadn't called ou visited her, she had heard nothing from him since he had left, they were supposed to be Friends and he clearly didn't want to know her any more. She was heartbroken at losing him and nothing had been able to fill in the void he had left. People were asking questions, especially at work, they had noticed that the CEO of basse, bass Industries was staying at his hotel suite and Blair was living with a 'stranger' at the marital home. There were rumours flying around of a break-up and it was driving Blair insane, people were already accusing of her being a cheat and she hated it. She hated the fact that Chuck had abandoned her like this, they were supposed to montrer a united front throughout this, like she had planned. The divorce was meant to be a positive thing, a mutual decision where two good Friends decided to call it a jour and remain Friends without the suggestions of cheating ou a horrid break-up. This was not the way things were supposed to be.

She was at her design studio and she couldn't help but notice the strange looks Jenny was giving her for the past heure ou so, like she knew something ou she was dying to say something about Blair's private life.

Not only was it disturbing and annoying but it was pissing her off and she couldn't take it any more, "Jenny!", she yelled in frustration making the blonde jump in her seat, "either there's something incredibly revolting on my face ou toi have something highly inappropriate to say to me, either way spit it out because if toi don't stop burning a hole through my head with your raccoon eyes I will shove my crochet needles up you're derrière and you'll have to sew standing up for the suivant few months!" she snarled and then suddenly calmed down and smiled sweetly awaiting a response from the trembling protege.

"Urm...", began Jenny as she turned her computer screen to face Blair, "you look at this..." she finished as Blair stared for a moment before getting up and stalking towards her grabbing hold of the laptop and looking at the article.

Bass CEO Chuck basse, bass to Divorce
Charles Bartholomew basse, bass had allegedly revealed that he is set to file divorce proceedings against his wife Blair Cornelia is believed to have donné an interview to the New York Times about his latest investment where it was discovered that a divorce is impending. It was reported recently that Mr. basse, bass had moved into the Palace hotel and that Mrs. basse, bass was living with a male friend at the basse, bass family home. If it is later revealed that Mrs. basse, bass has engaged in an illicit affair it will be a blow to her reputation as a devoted wife and could damage her business, it has been claimed that her business has suffered from the rumours of a break-up and a possible affair, with sales down par 30% and confirmation of an affair could result in some haut, retour au début name célébrités backing out of endorsement deals.
The New York Times will be releasing the interview with Mr. basse, bass some time at the end of this month.
plus details to follow...

Blair dropped the laptop back onto the table, tableau in shock, reeling from the story. How could he do this, she thought. Would he really give an interview with the New York Times about their divorce, knowing what it could do to her? She was in utter shock, she couldn't believe that he would risk damaging her reputation like this, this was the last thing she wanted. What she knew for sure is that if this interview got out and he accused her of cheating on him, she would never be able to look at him again. She couldn't let that happen, she knew he was doing this out of spite, out of anger ou revenge, anything to get back at her for asking him for a divorce. She knew he was doing all this just to get back at her and she couldn't let that happen. She would have to stop him before it was too late. She couldn't let his anger ruin what they used to have, they used to be Friends and she knew she could get him back if he just cooled down and thought about their situation logically. Deep down there was no way he could hate her that much to want to ruin her life and their friendship. He was obviously angry at her, that could be the only possible reason to wanting to defame her, she needed to play nice and get him to reconsider his current stand point. If he was going to plot against her she would have to counter his plans and make sure that he was unsuccessful. There was no way that she was just going to stand par and let him win control of this situation, there had to be a way to make him stop.

She looked at Jenny and smiled at her, " Oh, Jenny, Chuck is just mad at me...don't worry about this, it's a little....glitch."
"But are toi really getting a divorce?" she asked her boss sceptically. She was sure that Chuck and Blair had break-up's this serious before but in the end they always got back together.
"Well, maybe, maybe all depends on what's best for us. But i'm not cheater and Chuck is just angry right now, it's all just a misunderstanding, we'll be Friends again in no time," she answered whist turning and waling away towards her things, "you'll see." she finished off as she picked up her belongings and made her way out of the studio without giving Jenny a seconde look.

She needed to be alone right now, away from everyone, she just needed to breathe. She decided to go home, knowing that although Marcus would be there, at least she'd get some privacy. Marcus had recently found some work at a local restaurant after so long looking for a job, he had previously been refused jobs everywhere and Blair had a slight suspicion that it may have been due to Chuck blocking his attempts but he had finally found something. Maybe Chuck decided to leave well alone and she couldn't have that, she liked having Chuck meddling in her life, it meant that he was still a part of her life and she couldn't handle not having him around.
She had to think of a plan, to keep him in her life.


(A week ou so later)

She knew she had to retain his interest, it was the only way she could get control of the situation. He had to want her and she had to keep him wanting her, it was the only way she could keep him in her life. Yes, it was her idea to get a divorce but she had assumed that he would understand her reasons and they would remain friends, but it had been weeks since then and he had left and hadn't spoken to her since and now he was telling the whole world that they were getting a divorce. That was not what she had planned and Blair Waldorf didn't like it when things didn't go according to plan, she had to be in control of this situation. She had to be the one calling the shots and he had to be the one trailing behind her, maybe that was rather selfish but she knew that if she let him push her away hard enough he would never come back, he'd have no use for her in his life and she'd never see him again. If she Lost him for good, she'd be totally alone, especially with Serena travelling the world and Nate all the way in Washington, Chuck was all she had left.

Right now all she really had was Marcus and his opinion of the situation was that she was better off without Chuck and of course he would say that because she knew how much he disliked Chuck, not that she blamed him after the way Chuck had treated him.

Her only other current option for moral support was at work, Jenny. Jenny was already playing down the whole divorce thing because she seemed to think it was all some sort of game that her and Chuck seemed to play when things got tough and she thought Chuck would come back to her eventually, little did Jenny know how different this Chuck and Blair were to the Chuck and Blair she used to know. This wasn't just a game any more, it was real and if Blair didn't do anything about it, she would lose Chuck for good and she couldn't let that happen, luckily, a week down the line, there was still no sign of that New York Times article.
She paced towards Jenny's room determined to get some help with the situation, maybe she needed to appeal to Chuck's emotions and somehow manipulate him into wanting her again, she didn't care how he wanted her, as a friend ou something more, she just needed him to want her in some form ou another.

"Jenny!" she snapped.
Jenny stopped her sewing immediately and braced herself for Blair's wrath. She didn't remember doing anything wrong so she smiled up at her boss sweetly, "yeah?" she asked.
"I need your help." she demanded.
"With what?" asked Jenny nervously.
"Chuck. I want his attention and I need to know the best way to get it. Tell me now!" she crossed her arms across her chest and tapped her foot lightly on the floor as Jenny fidgeted in her seat.
"Urm...well....Blair you're usually better at coming up with schemes all par yourself..."
"No! I cant think right now! Just tell me what would get him to stop avoiding me and just....want me!" she yelled in frustration moving her hands to her hips.
"Well, seducing him usually works....doesn't it?" poor little Jenny had no idea why Blair would come to her for ideas on a plan to get Chuck back, in the old days Blair used to hate it when others got involved in her scheming, especially when it involved Chuck. She was afraid to get too creative with her ideas in case they backfired and all hell broke loose so she gave Blair her usual option of seducing him, Chuck could never resist Blair in lingerie so that had to work. Blair seemed to agree as her face lit up with a bright smile and she patted Jenny on the shoulder, "of course J, seduce him, why didn't I think of that?" she giggled appreciatively as she turned on her heel and left Jenny's quarters, returning to her studio office.

"How the hell am I supposed to seduce him!" she whispered to herself as she sat in her revolving chair and tapped her fingers on the desk. She spun towards her computer and decided to 'Google' seduction.
"Perfect, haut, retour au début 10 tips on how to seduce a man!" she a dit to herself whilst clicking the first browser result and proceeding to read the article whilst quietly murmuring to herself,
"Location? Well I guess it would have to be at his office since I cant exactly go to his suite....and it would have to be late in the afternoon" she debated with herself. "Ok, Dress, well it would have to be sexy, not too much but revealing right?" she smiled at imagining the look on his face when seeing her wearing something revealing, she was sure it would get to him.
"Scent? Well it would have to be my usual perfume, so he realises how much he misses my scent, well that's if he does actually miss me!" she frowned.
"Confidence? Ok, that's something i'd have to work on, next, Body language? Ok, so 'flirt intensively with 90% body language and with 10% words', that shouldn't be too difficult right?" she wondered to herself. She carried on lire the suivant point, "play hard to get, 'delay the gratification...two steps forwards and one step back...create a strong feeling of dissatisfaction in him which can only be resolved par having must never seem too easy for him,' wow, that sound's like fun" she whispered to herself before continuing to read, "'delay gratification par contradicting signs of interest and then suddenly ignore him for a moment', ok that sounds simple enough," she finished.
She continued to the suivant point, "Meaningful eye contact, 'use of sidelong glances and direct looks...playful innocence...look into his eyes and the moment he looks back at you, instantly lower your eyes and put on an embarrassed smile'" she blushed at the thought of doing that. she was sure she had actually had that already happen to her, she remembered plenty of times where she had watched him and then gotten awfully embarrassed at him catching her. Maybe she did have the art of seduction in her already, she moved onto the suivant point.
"Accidental touching, without making it too obvious, I think I can handle that!" she giggled to herself, it had been so long since she had touched him.
"Be mysterious, 'never come across too needy....let him do most of the playful.....confuse him and awake the explorer in him'.... ok that shouldn't be too difficult right?" she whispered before moving on to the final point.
"Make him think he seduced you, 'he must not feel seduced...give him his gives men a feeling of security' ok, got that covered, now I just need to memorise all of these steps!" she exclaimed, she knew it was going to be tough, especially with Chuck and after everything that had happened with them, but she hoped that the masculine side of him would get the better of him tonight because she was desperate for her seduction to work.

What if it did work, she wondered, what would she do if he came onto her and started...initiating sex. Would she just have to go along with it? She couldn't deny that she would want to stop him, because she had missed him, but part of making him want her was to not give him what he wanted. That's what the whole seduction was about, two steps vers l'avant, vers l’avant and one step back. If they would get to the point where they were about to have sex, she would have to stop them and leave him wanting more, besides if she gave it all up to him tonight he might just try to get rid of her afterwards and claim to want nothing plus from her. She couldn't give everything away tonight, it would just have to be a little taste for him, she would have to montrer signs of interest, make him think he has unfinished business with her, make him want to keep coming back to her for more. She would have to make him feel as though his life would be boring, unfulfilled, ungratifying without her in it.
She closed her laptop and started getting her things, it was already 2pm and she needed a new outfit for tonight if she was going to execute her plan today, the sooner the better, she thought whilst smiling to herself.

"Chuck Bass, watch out!", she warned as she stepped out into the New York fresh air.


Chuck was happy with how things were going so far, he had been keeping a close eye on Blair and on Marcus and had seen how close they had gotten recently. It had made him sick to notice how desperate Marcus was for Blair's attention but Blair always seemed to be oblivious. He hoped that the news reports about him announcing their divorce would have donné her the idea that it was totally over between them and it would send her running to Marcus, but things were moving slightly slower then he had hoped and he was dying to find out what Marcus was up to. He tried his best to make sure Blair didn't find out he was stalking her because that would just ruin everything and would make him look desperate and he couldn't let her think that!

He was staying late in his office everyday for a long while now because his work was what kept him occupied most of the time and was doing good to keep his mind off how much he missed Blair. Yes, he missed her, so what? It was difficult to just have someone ripped out of your life, especially when toi had gotten so close but not close enough. He would think about her all the time, wondering if she was thinking of him too, then he would just pretend that it meant nothing and that she was only on his mind because of his plan of revenge and exposing Marcus.

He would never admit that she was constantly in his thoughts because he missed her and wanted her back and he definitely wasn't in l’amour with her, no that insinuation would be utterly ridiculous, right? He was still waiting for some sort of reaction from her, he was shocked that he hadn't yet received a scathing phone call from her, yelling at him for confirming the rumours that had been flying around in the press. Even though it was part of his 'plan' he had hoped she would pick up the phone and give him a good telling off, he loved it when she got all feisty. But no, not one text, no phone call ou email, just nothing.

The least she could have done was go to the papers and bad mouth him ou tell the world that he was the one that had cheated. She had never brought up that little incident since it happened, she had caught him after sleeping with some chienne in his office and after their argument and subsequent 'arrangement' the little illicit occurrence was never mentioned again. She had plenty of opportunity to bring it up again, especially after he had accused her of wanting Marcus, she could have mentioned the fact that he was the one that had cheated, but she hadn't ever mentioned it.

She hadn't tried to use it against him and rightly so, his little 'mistake' had happened before he and Blair had decided to act like a married couple, before that they were just on the brink of friendship and figuring things out. He had explained his reasons to her and she had finally accepted, so it asn't exactly like he had cheated on her because at the time she didn't want to be his wife and they hadn't gotten used to the fact that they were going to have to live like a married couple. That was probably why she had never brought it up again ou used it against him, because she new it was irrelevant.

Their official relationship had begun that very night when they had made their arrangement, that was when they became husband and wife and thatwas when they had promised themselves to each other and to no other. Since that night he hadn't gone near another woman, he was faithful and things were working out for them until Marcus came along and now he had Lost Blair to this imposter. Thinking about it all made him even plus angry. How could she choose Marcus over him, after everything they had been through, not only in this world but their whole lives in every other world they had been in together, as a team. Not only did she choose Marcus over him but she basically factored him out of her life as if he meant nothing. She was just so confusing, one minute she's asking for a divorce and then when he decides to leave she gets all emotional and kisses him?

Chuck shook his head at the memory of her lips on his the jour he left her, she had looked heartbroken and she had kissed him, acted as though she didn't want him to leave! What on earth did she want from him exactly? Did she want a divorce? Did she want Marcus? Did she want Chuck the husband ou Chuck the friend? He had no idea what she wanted any plus and he had a feeling it was because of Marcus, he was the reason she was so conflicted. He needed Marcus out of the way and simply getting rid of him wasn't an option, he needed to prove to Blair that Marcus was evil and that was the only way of getting Blair's trust. The only downside was in order to expose him he had to play him and let him carry out whatever plan he had up his sleeve and that meant potentially putting Blair in danger, but Chuck knew it would all be worth it in the end.

Just as he was contemplating the suivant stage of his plan the door to his office opened and in stepped his every fantaisie come true.


Blair was nervous. She had been this nervous before and each time it had been because of two things. Chuck and sex.
She was at the door of his office breathing deeply trying to get her motions in check. She undid the button of her manteau and her slender body was revealed. She was wearing a dark blue tight fitted sleeveless blouse. It hung from her neck leaving her cleavage bare and fitted around her waist completed with black hot-pants. She wore platform sandals with straps going all the up towards her knees and she finished off the look with accessories and a matching blue and silver headband. Her hair was lazily secured into a bun with some loose tendrils falling free and she wore dark red lipstick with minimal make-up. She knew she looked hot and she hoped that the man behind the door she slowly begun to open would agree.

She opened the door fully and blushed the moment he laid eyes on her. He was shocked and she was stock still.
Confidence, she thought to herself as she walked vers l'avant, vers l’avant a few steps closing the door behind her and then staring him straight in the eyes.
She looked away and lowered her eyes, smiling slightly in embarrassment and she swore that she heard him gulp. She looked up straight into his eyes again and he looked nervous. She smiled at seductively as she sauntered closer to him, fingering the edge of his bureau before walking to his side and lazily admiring various things around his room. The look on his face seemed to make her even plus confident and she decided to drop her bag to the floor and slip her manteau off, she even went around him and placed her manteau over his suit veste around his chair.
She walked towards his bureau and leaned against it in front of him and smiled.

"Hi Chuck." she a dit softly tracing her fingers along the edge of his wooden desk, she fluttered her eyelashes and she saw him gulp again. She knew she had him right where she wanted him.



Sorry if toi felt the chapter was a bit fragmented, it's because I kept leaving it and coming back to it and then I was desperate to update so I just posté it!

Also, I know im being a bit ambiguous about Chuck's plan, but I have to remain tight lipped about some aspects of it to fit the story... the basic jist of the plan is that he knows Marcus is up to something and in order to find out what he's up to he needs to let Marcus carry out his bad deed without Chuck getting in the way but watching him from a distance so he know's what Marcus is up to, that way when and if Marcus strikes Chuck will be ready to step in. Chuck also thinks that whatever Marcus is up to it involves gaining Blair's trust so Chuck feels he needs to make Blair vulnerable enough to trust Marcus in order for Marcus to carry out whatever he had planned.

ok I know toi hate me....cliff hangers..I hate them too, but this chapter got a bit long....
coming up...will Blair's seduction work ou not? That depends on your please take a minute and leave a review! It means so much and totally inspires my writing! Will Blair be able to pull off the art of seduction?
 Don't mess with another guy's girl!
Don't mess with another guy's girl!
Episode 16: Me, Myself and Blair

GG: Missing. One Queen B. Gone into hiding B? The shame, The ex-boyfriend and a sort of best friend? Don't worry B, We still l’amour you, After all, All the good scandals come from you.

(At the Waldorf Apartment)

In Blair's bedroom, Blair is hiding under the duvet.
Darota enters.

D: Morning Miss Blair
B: (no reply)
D: Are toi okay Miss Blair?

Darota pulls the duvet down.

D: Miss Blair toi have school
B: I'm not going to school today
D: Your education is very important Miss Blair
B: I know that, I'll get Serena to... Oh I hate her don't I! Well I get P to send them over. What...
continue reading...
A/N: Okay I totally LOVE Lily Allen's new song 'The Fear' so I thought I'd take lyrics from the song and use as a fanfic base for this one shot. I've taken a break from écriture cos I've finished the Chuck and Blair Chronicles so I'm just waiting to post, But boredness+Me= Writing! :( Don't know if this style of écriture Suits – Avocats sur Mesure me ou not, So give me your opinion. Thank you. Hope toi like it.
A/U: Okay so I read Lauren's (ChuckBlairLuvA) one shot fanfic the other jour and I totally loved it and the idea of a future setting so this scene is set some time in the future, When Blair is leaving for Yale,...
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Gossip Girl: # Spotted: Blair, bags packed and hugging her maid goodbye?! Going somewhere Waldorf? Where Scandal goes Gossip Girl is sure to follow....dont think toi can hide from me Queen B...I'll be watching you! xoxo Gossip Girl #

Blair is in a taxi on her way to Chucks house. it's Friday evening and they are leaving for New Haven tonight. She arrives and removes her bags from the car. She is there on time and is surprised that Chuck isn't out waiting for her. She rings the doorbell and is invited in. Bart is in the hallway and greets Blair, he...
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 Brotherly...Sisterly Love...
Brotherly...Sisterly Love...
Episode 14: Lie Hard

GG: salut Upper East Siders, If toi haven't heard, (where have toi been?) Chuck basse, bass is back in town. Seen back at school with the other van der basse, bass sibling, But where are B and N, We thought toi four did everything together?

(It's been 2 weeks since Chuck has returned home, He still has some bruises on his face but not as visible as they were)

Chuck and Serena are sitting in the courtyard of the school.

S: Are toi thinking about coming home?
C: (ignores the question)
S: Chuck?
C: I can do fine, On my own
S: Really? Lets refresh! Last time toi were on your own look how toi ended...
continue reading...
 Need a drink Chuck?
Need a drink Chuck?
Episode 11: Locked Up

GG: Good Evening Upper East Siders, Now we all know Chuck basse, bass is on the run and we hear from the downtown crew. Take care Chuck, the last person who crossed them ended up 6ft under...

At the van der Woodsen/Bass Apartment.

Blair, Dan and Chuck enter the apartment.
Chuck goes straight to the bar and pours himself a whisky.

B: Right, toi have 5 secondes to explain this to me!
C: (drinks the whisky)
B: Chuck!
C: I'm not saying anything with "Brooklyn" here
B: Hey, Dan was very helpful and toi should thank him

Dan looks surprised par Blair comment.

B: Make the most of that Humphrey, I...
continue reading...
 Weddings are where people get together right?
Weddings are where people get together right?
Episode 09- Four Break-Up's and a Wedding

Gossip Girl:# fleurs are blooming and bells are ringing....a spring wedding is on the horizon....and Gossip Girl will have front row seats...after all I am your one an only...for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health...You know toi l’amour me. I do! xoxo Gossip Girl #

At the wedding reception Serena and Blair are having something to eat. Well Serena is.

S: Are toi gonna eat that (pointing to Blairs plate)
B: Umm can have it...
S: (takes something from Blairs plate) Hey...dont toi think the bit where Harry messed...
continue reading...
 ooooh Chanessa.....? Ouch Queen B!!!
ooooh Chanessa.....? Ouch Queen B!!!
Episode 06- A Series of Unfortunate Events

Gossip Girl: # What do toi get when when toi traverser, croix secrets with jealousy....i know
I want to find out...xoxo #

S: salut b.
B: (smiles) hey.
S: urmm...have toi seen gossip girl lately?
B: S, im happy...having a great time...why would i want to poison my mind with gossip girl?
S: Well i think toi need to check it out...(points to her computer)
B: Why? Whats on there..(she runs to the computer and logs on to gossip girl, there she sees and article and pictures of récent sighting of chuck and Vanessa together)... Its probably nothing...
S: ye...maybe...or maybe...
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 Spotted: basse, bass Bouquet???
Spotted: Bass Bouquet???
Episode 03- A rendez-vous amoureux, date With the Devil

Gossip Girl: # Spotted, basse, bass at Flower's Inc. Is that rose for a Waldorf ou are toi treating know what they say...players only l’amour toi when they're playing...careful B, don't go getting pricked par a thorn! toi know toi l’amour me xoxo Gossip Girl! #

School Corridor
Chuck approaches Serena....

S: Hey....Chuck...
C: Did toi talk to her?
S: Ummm ....yeh...but if toi wanna know how she's feeling toi should ask her not gonna be a messenger ou anything.
C: I doubt she'll even look at me let alone talk.
S: Maybe toi should atleast try Chuck!
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I'm gonna write something diffrent from the normal fan fiction. I'm going to write a scene for Gossip Girl for Chuck and Blair.

Chuck Bass
Blair Waldorf
Nate Archibald
Serena van der Woodsen

Chuck has waited so long to tell Blair he loves her, that she has fallen out of l’amour with him. Chuck is in total regret about what he hasn't done, and tried everything to convince Blair she still loves him.
- There is a dance/ball going on in the palace hotel for a charity event.

Scene 2- The Palace Hotel

The Ball has started.
There are many people there dancing, gossiping, chatting etc.
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posted by lozxtitchx
Chuck and Blair have now been in Paris three days. They have been sightseeing but we all know what Blair really wants to do... shopping. Chloe, Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Dior, Valentino, Givenchy, Gucci, Hermes, Versace and Yves St Laurent.

''Blair, the limousine's here for the shopping trip''. Chuck a dit as Blair walked out of the en suite in the most exquisite jumpsuit ever, she looked fabulous, he wanted to ravish her, but they had to go, this was what Blair was looking vers l'avant, vers l’avant to and he wasn't going to dissapoint her. Chuck opened the hotel room door and Blair walked out into the hallway with...
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posted by Praesse
It is old, so in those reasons aren't some like
"In the face of true l’amour toi don't just give up, even if the object of your affection is begging toi to." MDR ;)

R e a s o n s;
001. Because let's face it, they would be so hot!
002. Because she could be herself around him.
003. Because he'd totally tap that.
004. Because they've barely had any scenes and we already l’amour them.
005. Because these two are an obsession!
006. Because they're bringing sexy back!
007. Because together they're invincible.
008. Because they would rule the school.
009. Because we want to see that limo scene again, but with only...
continue reading...
added by laurik2007
Gossip Girl
added by Tigerlily888
Source: tumblr
“People DON'T write sonatas about being compatible ou novels about shared life goals and stimulating conversation, the GREAT LOVES are the crazy ones”-4x22

so what happned?? where's the real blair waldorf?? where's this balir waldorf?? the blair that loved Challenges, the blair who didn't care/needd/want the a approve people for her relationship.

why is all of sudden seedling for (being compatible, shared life goals and stimulating conversation) why isn't she looking for the GRAT LOVE?
 decision time!!!
decision time!!!
A/N: hope toi like this new one. at the start it goes back to one of the earlier converations of the teens. it goes to were they were talking about that hannah's parents wanted another child and hannah is about to tell her parents what she thinks of that. review
hannah came accueil from school and handed her school bag to the maid, she walked into the living room and her father was drinking coffee and going over work and her mother was sitting beside him close and watching tv. she remembered moments like this when she was a child she would sit in...
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 such a basse, bass
such a bass
if toi have watched season 5 so far it is great and chair scenes starts suivant week so lets have a smile on our faces chair fans. and i cant wait to find out who's the baby's daddy. come on GG writers dont keep us waiting.
rachel and gregory were talking, rachel had dragged gregory to go shopping. in all honesty he didnt care about going shopping if he found some boy clothes that he liked for himself. his parents were chuck and blair basse, bass after all. fashion sense was just in his familys blood.

G: so rachel i was wondering...
R: what?
G: why do you...
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posted by edwestwick
Story: "A Break"

Author: Ana

Pairing: Chuck/Blair

Disclaimer: I don’t own Gossip Girl.

Summary: Two-shot. 'I think... that we should take a break.' 'What? What the hell are toi talking about?' Is she crazy ou something? They are going to get married and she wants to take a break? ou this is a way to tell him it's over?

Thanks for all the reviews, I loved them! I’m happy toi liked first chapter but I decided to make it two-shot before posting it and I’m going to leave it that way as I have other longer stories and I think it’s good ending, hope you’ll think so too after reading. Let me...
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Story: "Don’t leave me behind"

Author: ana-12.

Pairing: Chuck/Blair

Disclaimer: I don’t own Gossip girl ou used songs.

Summary: Chuck is going to leave New York for good after he saw Blair with Nate. Will Blair see who she really has papillons for and what if it’s too late?

Here’s suivant chapter and please review if you’re lire I really want to know what toi think. And if toi have time read my oneshot “Missing Butterflies”.

“I forgot to say out loud
How beautiful toi really are to me,
I can't be without
You're my perfect little punching bag,
And I need you
I'm sorry.”
“Please don’t...
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Story: "Don’t leave me behind"

Author: edwestwick (Ana)

Pairing: Chuck/Blair

Disclaimer: I don’t own Gossip girl ou used songs.

Summary: Chuck is going to leave New York for good after he saw Blair with Nate. Will Blair see who she really has papillons for and what if it’s too late?

I know the letter might not seem completely like something Chuck would write but he thinks he will probably never see her again so…

“And I keep my jealousy close,
'Cause it's all mine.
And if toi say this makes toi happy,
Then I'm not the only one lying.”
"Nobody Puts Baby In The Corner" Fall Out Boy

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