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 Contemplating his future...
Contemplating his future...
Chair Tales S02E23- The Prodigal Son

It had been a long 2 weeks, he'd spent most of it at work, ignoring everything else that was going on his life. He hadn't been in touch with anyone other than work colleagues.
He buried himself in work. But eventually he ran out of things to do.
Waking up in the morning was the hardest part, because that's when he'd have to plan his day. Not only that, but every time he woke up he'd be reminded that everything that had happened wasn't a dream, it was real and he'd have to face it.
Maybe today was that day, the jour he'd have to face the music.
Unlucky for him it was his jour off today so he couldn't consume himself in work.
He couldn't keep hiding, it wasn't right. 5 precious years had been wasted. He couldn't stretch things out any longer.

He wondered if Blair knew that Serena had exposed her secret to him. He wondered how she would react to him finally accepting the truth. He was almost ready to embrace fatherhood, well he thought he was. Would Blair want him around? Would she want him involved in Bella's life? Would Bella want him as her father?

He remembered how she'd begged for his attention that night at Serena's house. She definitely liked him, and he liked her. She was perfect, so small, beautiful and well behaved. Blair had done a good job in raising her. He wondered if she'd be the same child if he had been around for the past five years. Maybe she was better off without him.

Blair was coping so well and Bella seemed so happy and well raised, maybe she didn't need a father, especially not one like Chuck. He'd failed in every relationship, what made him think he'd make a good father.
Maybe he should just stay away from Bella, she'd be better off without him, she didn't need him, he had nothing to offer her. He looked at his alarm clock. It was still early. He could keep ignoring his problems ou he could get out of lit and go into work, try to get his mind off Bella. Instead he decides to go soul searching. He needed to figure things out.

The name Bella would wonder his head almost all the time so there was no point trying to avoid the issue any more. It was time to make that difficult decision. Was he going to step up and take responsibility ou would he run away again?
He kept thinking about the paternity test results. It proved that he was the father. There was no question about that any more.
Then there was that night, the night he spoke to Blair about Bella's full name...Hope, Madison...of course, Madison square gardens, the NY Knicks game that Serena and Dan had organised a trip to, that's when he had made up with Blair, in the back of the limo.

Out of all places, Bella was conceived in the limo.
Their l’amour limo.

He needed to get out of the was time to put things into perspective.
His first stop. A bar. He knew he hadn't gotten drunk in a long time, he'd promise himself 3 years ago, after rehab. No plus drinking. But desperate times called for desperate measures.
He took a step towards the bar counter and sat on a tabouret before ordering a drink. Just then the guy sitting suivant to Chuck turned towards him.

T: Chuck Bass! Nate's favourite friend!
C: (smiles) Tripp, Nathaniel's favourite Cousin! long time no see! (they shake hands)
T: What brings toi here? Drowning your sorrows ou just an innocent drink?
C: A bit of both. I've got some thinking to do. I thought the scotch would help. (lifts up his glass before taking a sip)
T:, i hear your a business man now, quiet a successful one?
C: Yeah, toi heard right...what about you?
T: Life's pretty great man, got the job, the money, the car, the wife and the kids!
C: (laughs) was that in order of importance?
T: (laughs) nah, well plus like reverse order...nothings better than the wife and cant buy toi love...and a man without l’amour is a lonely man without a life.

Chuck looks away, stung par how much Tripp's words made sense.

T: Did i touch a nerve there? (chuck doesn't respond) who is she? ou is there anyone?
C: There might be...someone.
T: Blair Waldorf right?
C: How did you...
T: She used to be with Nate, ive met her a few times, i asked Nate about her once a few years back, he mentioned that she was with what happened?
C: Id be here all jour if i told you...we're not together right now.
T: So what do toi want from the scotch?
C: I don't know.....comfort?'re a married man with a kid, ou it worth it? I mean people get par with what they have, why do toi need something toi cant have?
T: Look, why don't we forget about the drink and go for a walk, maybe i can montrer toi the answer to your question?
C: How?
T: My wife and 2 children should be home, toi can come over for lunch and we can exchange business contacts while we're at it.
C: Sure.

* * * * * * * *

Tripp and Chuck arrive at Tripp's house. They go inside and are greeted par Alex and Adriana, Tripp's children, Emily, his wife also approaches them.

T: And this is my beautiful wife (they kiss) and we l’amour each other plus each day...Em, this is Chuck Bass, heir of basse, bass Inc. Son of Bart Bass.
E: Nice to meet toi (they shake hands) your an old friend of Nate's right?
C: Yeah...and its nice to meet toi too.
Alex: Daddy your just in time for lunch!
T: Great! I hope there's enough for one more! Why don't we go into the dining room?

They have lunch and talk. Chuck notices how close and happy Tripp's family is, they all know so much about each other and all seem so happy.
Its clear that Alex adores his father, he looked 10 years old, Adriana was probably 8.
They both seemed so well looked after. Tripp was working full time, he was a successful businessman just like Chuck and yet he was still able to be a good family man.
And Emily seemed so happy with him, they were so much in love, they'd been together for over 10 years and were still so much in love. It was possible.

E: So Chuck, tell us about's the business going?
C: It's going great....i only moved back here to New York a few months ago. I had been with my Uncle Jack before the déplacer until father called and offered me a proposition to work here in the City, so things have been going pretty well.
E: Well that's good to hear...being successful isn't that Tripp can tell toi all about that!
T: Yeah, it's a tough journey for some...but for some of us it comes know having family in the right places...
C: Well i kind of had to work my way my fathers eyes...he doubted me for a long time until my Uncle gave me the break i needed, after that everything seemed to fall into place.
E: So the business front is sounding about your social life...any girlfriend? Wife?
C: Ummmm no...i dont really think about that.
T: Really...that's not what toi a dit at the kinda seemed like toi were thinking about it?
C: Well....things happen toi know...sometimes life throws things at toi and toi kinda have to try figuring things out.
E: So toi have been thinking about it? Settling down i mean? Is there....anyone?
C: No.
T: Blair Waldorf.
E: Blair? Wasn't that....a girlfriend of Nate's?
T: Was....a long long time high school i think....but Chuck has a history with Chuck....where is Blair anyway?
C: (sighs) Here in New York...on the other side of town.
T: Oh, so toi guys all still live on the Upper East Side....what brought toi to the West today?
C: I dont office is in Mid Town so i just decided to go the other way...You Upper West Siders aren't much different to us.
T: Back to your l’amour life....have toi seen her?
C: Who Blair? Yeah a few times.
T: And? Have toi spoken?
C: It's a long complicated story...we boke up for good 5 years that im back in town it's kinda....odd.
E: Well if toi still have feelings for her....maybe toi should have another she with anyone?
C: No.
T: Well then....what's the problem!?
C: She has a kid...
T: Oh.
C: No but the kid is mine....she was pregnant when i left.
E: toi left her when she was pregnant?
C: Look i told toi it's complicated....she cheated on me and i thought the baby wasnt mine, i left, now im back, Serena showed me the paternity test result proving the kid is here i am now totally confused about what to do next.
T: Woah you're still Friends with Serena van Der Woodsen? How is she?
E: Tripp! Stop changing the subject.
C: par the way it's Serena Humphrey.
T: Wait she's married now?
C: To a guy from Brooklyn...yeah funny aint it?
E: Guys...come on....back to Chuck and the's definitely your's?
C: Yeah.
E: And are toi going know....take responsibility.
C: What do toi mean....i dont not exactly father material..
E: Well toi never know unless toi give it a go.
T: Yeah man...all toi have to do is be aint that hard if toi and Blair are in it together.
C: Look she probably wouldn't want me sure if she did she would have asked...or a dit something....she's had plenty of opportunities to say something but she hasn't.
E: Maybe she's just afraid that you'd say no...i mean toi did leave her....
C: I dont know....i dont know if being a father is my thing.
E: Look, it's too late for that, your this kids father toi cant just ignore have no choice, toi have to be there for your child. I dont know what i'd do without Tripp, my life would be so hard, God knows what Blair must be going through....she must need you....even if not for her, she'll need toi for her daughter....
C: What if.....what if i told toi that....i was afraid.
E: Of what?
C: Of being rejected....of letting her down. Being a bad father....Blair not wanting me around. I dont want to get hurt again.
E: Chuck....i dont know you....this is the first time we've met each other, but i can already tell that toi have a good heart, good intentions....act on them and everything will be should stop worrying, stop thinking that everything will go wont....looking after a child is a beautiful thing. You're going to l’amour it. (she smiles at him and he smiles back)

They continue to talk until it's Chuck finally tells them he has to go home. He thanks them for lunch and they wish him good luck. Tripp walks Chuck out of the house.

T: salut every couple goes through hell to get heaven. Sometimes toi just have to choose forgiveness and l’amour over the mistakes people make. I know what your father is like, don't end up like him. He chose the fast life, but he'll always be toi really want that Chuck? toi know, it is possible to be a business man and a family sure Blair wont wait for toi forever...make the right choice, for your own sake...good luck man.

And with those words he walked back into his house leaving Chuck plus confused than ever. Was it worth it? Did he really want to end up like Bart?
He had never spoken to Bart about life before, never had his father donné him any advice...they always say parents know best... He wondered for a moment...maybe it would be worth it.

* * * * * * * *

It was a risk. Coming here for his particular reasons. Bart would never be expecting this. His son coming to him for advice...he would be surprised.
Chuck found his way into his fathers Study, he saw him, his head buried in a book, glass of whiskey in one hand.

Bt: Chuck...what brings toi here? Has Terry been in touch?
C: Ummm no...he's due in on Wednesday...he a dit he'd bring the brochure with him.
Bt: Great...sit down...pour yourself a drink.
C: off that stuff.
Bt: (looks at him and laughs) don't kid yourself boy...take a glass go on.

Chuck reluctantly pours himself a glass, he hated the taste of whiskey but he could never disobey his father. Bart had a unique influence over Chuck. What Bart said, goes. Whatever the demand, Chuck would have to comply, he began to regret coming here, he knew that his decision about Bella would depend on Bart's advice...but it was to late to turn back now.
After a short silence Chuck finally spoke.

C: Whats it like having to be a father?
Bt: (looks at him blankly for a moment) what makes toi ask that?
C: I dont know, im just curious.
Bt: Curiosity can be a dangerous thing!
C: How?
Bt: Well toi may discover things toi wish remained buried!
C: (sighs) Dont i know are toi not going to answer my question?
Bt: offence to toi son.......but life's much easier without kids.
C: (looks disappointed) But don't toi get yourself?
Bt: Im not're here. (sarcastic)
C: But if i didn't exist...wouldn't toi be lonely without a family?
Bt: No, toi dont have to have a family to be happy, this is the 21st century, traditions are a thing of the past...its a dog eat dog world, toi dont need anyone but yourself...correct me if im wrong, all the people you've ever cared about have hurt toi and let toi down?
C: I guess so...
Bt: Exactly, toi cant get attached to anyone son, toi only end up getting hurt...take it from me...focus on your job, have fun, meet new people, new women no strings attached, toi know what i mean...that's what people like toi and me easy, fun life.

It fell silent again. Bart continued lire his book whilst Chuck pondered his fathers advice? "people like toi and me". Was he meant to be like his father?
The way Bart had treated him his whole life, as if he never cared. The reason why Chuck was so messed up was because of his childhood, the neglect. Is that the kind of father Chuck was destined to be? Bella didn't deserve that.
Maybe Chuck was just like Bart. Maybe his destiny was never meant to be shared with anyone.
He watched his father sitting there, reading. As if Chuck wasn't even there, he had never shown any interest in Chuck, never shown any love. It was Bart's fault that Chuck had never felt deserving of love. Not until Blair had fallen in l’amour with him. She was the only one who'd ever loved him. ou maybe she didn't, after all she'd cheated on him. Could he ever truly forgive her for that? Was it worth forgiving Blair just to have what Tripp had? A family. ou would he just end up like the man sitting in front of him?

He a dit goodbye to Bart before leaving, he knew what he needed to do, he had never been so clear about anything in his life before...this was it...he'd finally made his choice. Seeing his father was when it hit him, who would have thought that Bart would be the one to make Chuck realise the kind of life he wanted to live...

To be continued...

Next episode will be up on Monday! Thanks for reading!again, sorry for discrepancies ou mistakes, i kinda rushed posting this![
 Decision time!
Decision time!
 Missing Daddy C?
Missing Daddy C?
Episode 7: Empire of the Son

GG: The basse, bass is dead, Long live Junior Bass. Yes, Our condolances go out to toi Chuck. We hope your doing fine. But look on the bright side C, Your about to become the richest teen in New York City...It's not all bad.

At the van der basse, bass Appartment.
Chuck is in his room, sitting on the window sil.
Blair enters.

B: Chuck? Sweetie
C: (doesn't reply)
B: How are you?
C: (No reply)
B: Okay, toi just stay there, and I'll be here, When your ready to talk (Blair sits down)

(Silence for the suivant few minutes)

B: Are toi talking...At the funeral?
C: What's there to say? (continues to...
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“How long have I been in this storm?

So overwhelmed par the ocean’s shapeless form

Water's getting harder to tread

With these waves crashing over my head”


When he wakes up he is alone. Barely conscious he reaches out for her, finding nothing plus than empty, cool satin suivant to him on the bed. He is suddenly wide awake and opens his eyes, only to realize something else; his head is killing him. A slow groan escaping his mouth he buries his head in the oreiller trying to shut out the light coming from the window. He feels as if he has been run over par truck and then fed to stray...
continue reading...
It had been three days since the funeral of the late Bart basse, bass and the UES was still trying to come to grips with what had happened. Blair Waldorf on the other hand had another basse, bass on her mind. She was worried. Worried sick about the one person that she hadn’t seen since the jour of the funeral. Chuck basse, bass was nowhere to be seen; he seemed to have fallen of the face of the earth. Not even Gossip Girl seemed to have any leads on his whereabouts these days.

“If only he could answer his phone!” Blair slammed her phone shut with a frown after calling Chuck for the millionth time that day,...
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 A Rose for his Queen?
A Rose for his Queen?
Episode 2: East Side Story

GG: Good Morning Upper East Siders, Gossip Girl here, Maybe you've noticed Gossip Girl hasn't been to bed, Well why sleep when we're still waiting on news about our resident king, Any news on the basse, bass be sure to let Gossip Girl know...

At the Palace Hotel.
Chuck is drinking coffee, Blair is holding the cup up for him.

B: Drink it
C: I'm not thirsty
B: Coffee's good for toi drink it

Chuck takes a sip and then again.

B: Better?
C: Yeah

Blair puts the coffee down.

B: Tell me what happened?
C: (laughs) Same old
B: Serena told me something about toi and your Dad?
C: Yeah so...
B: Do...
continue reading...
I'm gonna write something diffrent from the normal fan fiction. I'm going to write a scene for Gossip Girl for Chuck and Blair.


Chuck Bass
Blair Waldorf
Eleanor Waldorf

Copyright-I own nothing. No copyright infringement intended. All characters and prompted situations belong to their rightful owners, All rights reserved for The CW.

Chuck has waited so long to tell Blair he loves her, that she has fallen out of l’amour with him. Chuck is in total regret about what he hasn't done, and tried everything to convince Blair she still loves him.
- Blair has just had a fight with her mother,...
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added by laurik2007
added by Slayerfest93
Source: fuckyeahchairandleighted.tumblr.
added by xxGossip-Girlxx
posted by laurik2007
Author: Maribells at


Come Undone

Who do toi need?

Who do toi love?

When toi come undone

-Duran Duran

March 2012

"Here we are, Miss Waldorf," the driver announced, slowing to a stop in front of the Empire's awning.

Feeling her cœur, coeur flutter nervously in her chest, Blair stared out the window at the hotel's floodlit entrance. Flanked par monogrammed flags, brass fixtures, and uniformed attendants, it was an imposing sight to behold.

Perhaps it was just paranoia, but she could've sworn that a doorman was staring directly at her through the tinted glass.

"Drive around to the back," she instructed,...
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posted by laurik2007
Author: SnowedUnderNJ at

Chuck basse, bass entered the grand ballroom of the Palace hotel for another charity gala. He straightened the bowtie of his tuxedo and scanned the room quickly. He saw her immediately across the room.

Red, of course she had chosen red. She knew how much he loved her in the that color. She was doing it to torture him he was sure of it. Around her neck was the diamond collier he had donné her four years il y a after the birth of their son and only child.

He grabbed a glass of champagne from a passing waiter and downed it in one long swallow. He grabbed the arm of...
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thats why it's been the underlining l’amour story throughout all the seasons. it's why they have the largest fan base. it's why they are the most complex and beautiful couple ever, it's why they represent the deepness that true l’amour can take you. it's why they are endgame.

to all those "dair" fans stating that dair has been building up since beginning, let me just prove toi wrong:
-Dan and Blair hated each other in season one. Dan could never understand how serena could be Friends with Blair, (who is that loving someone???)
-Dan thought it "made...
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 oh toi l’amour him really H!!!
oh you love him really H!!!
A/N: salut guys its the suivant episode please review :D
hannah woke up it took a while for her to notice she wasnt alone in her lit and she wasnt wearing any clothing. then the memories of a few hours il y a came flooding back.
she got of the lit and put her underwear and dress back on. she then walked back over to wear nathan was asleep and slapped him hard on the head.

Na: what the hell!?
H: get dressed unless toi want my father to kill toi he'll be accueil from work very soon with my mother.
Na: did we do what i think we did?
H: no toi just decided to lie...
continue reading...
 tell me if toi want some serenate
tell me if you want some serenate
A/N: i hope toi liked the last one enough to come read this one and review. please review and tell me what toi liked what toi hated what toi think i should change and any idea's toi can think of.
victoria and gregory were eating their breakfast. hannah was coming to walk to school with victoria and tristan was coming to go to school with gregory in the limo. chuck was in the cuisine eating his breakfast aswell and blair was sitting beside him looking over some papers for her work.

G: so who's face do toi plan on sucking today?
V: i dont suck peoples...
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posted by edwestwick
Story: 'Impossible'

Author: Ana

Pairing: Chuck/Blair

Disclaimer: I don’t own Gossip Girl.

Summary: Blair is determined to never get involved with a man again and she was successful until she met her new boss. He annoys her since the first jour and she really doesn't know why she feels like some high school girl around him. Still she knows she can't give up as she has a secret that would make someone like Chuck basse, bass run away the seconde he found out. AU

New story. I know I shouldn't start one but couldn't stop myself :) Promise to continue the other one as I'm not abandoning it par any means. Let...
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A Million l’amour Songs Later

A/N: Oh my Days!! People I l’amour toi guys!!! Thank toi so much for all the commentaires on the last chapter. I l’amour toi all toi have all donné me so much plus confidence now and I feel so much plus motivated to write these now. Sorry for bugging toi all about it but it paid off right? Anyway I hope toi enjoyed it. Anyway my exams are nearly over, got three to go then it's SUMMER!! Woo hoo! We've been going to the plage so much lately I think I went four times in the last week. It's just so gorgeous weather here! Anyway enjoy this chapter and please comment, thank toi I...
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A Million l’amour Songs Later

A/N: Okay so sorry this chapter is a little late, I've just been really busy I've got 15 poems to learn for my welsh exam!! It's shit I know but what toi gonna do?! And I had an English creative écriture paper to put in so I've been busy écriture that too. So that it. But anyway I hope toi all like this chapter and if toi can take the time to leave me a little commentaire I really appreciate it! Thank toi guys for reading. Thanks xoxo

Chapter 9: Chemistry recovered

        When he kissed her she felt so alive, it was like fireworks but...
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u]A Million l’amour Songs Later[/u]

A/N: Hey, okay so this might be my last chapter for a while I've just got loads of revising to do and pretty much no one commentaires on my one shots ou my chapters so I don't see what is the point in me écriture when I don't near to no reviews. So I'm really wondering should I even continue with a million l’amour songs later ou is it just crap?! I'm probably just overreacting but it really gets me down when no one comments. But I will most likely continue cos I can't start something and not finish it. Anyway here's chapter eight, I hope toi all like it. Thanks xoxo

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posted by luvrgirl101
“I just can’t believe he never showed, S” Blair exclaimed into her phone, “I thought, well, I thought he really cared about me, maybe even loved me. At very least he owed me an explanation for that awful text from Gossip Girl about that interior designer.”

“I know B, I thought he really cared too. But he is Chuck basse, bass and toi had to know there was always a chance of this with him. Plus, toi weren’t exactly willing to accept an explanation. Just forget about Chuck, forget about him and come stay in the Hamptons with me.” Serena was really worried about Blair. It seemed as though...
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A Million l’amour Songs Later

A/N: Hey, Ugh, Gosh I've been busy this week, I wont bore toi with all the details but I had the first part of my GCSE exam, My Welsh Oral (Yes that's right, I'm bilingual- LOL) Anyway I think It went okay, So fingers crossed.
So I've kind of a dit that in this chapter toi will find out what happened five years il y a with Chuck and Blair, So if you're a Chuck and Blair fan then this chapter is definitely for you. This is so one of my favourite chapters, I loved écriture this. So I hope toi all like it as much as I do. Please me your comments. I really appreciate it. Thank...
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A Million l’amour Songs Later

A/N: Hey, Right so first I would just like to say how much I l’amour Gossip Girl, And how pleased and overjoyed I am about these new set photos of Chuck and Blair. Yay. But I kinda get the idea that it is a dream cos of the Nate one too! But anyway, It'll be a great scene. Can't wait for that episode.
Anyway back to this chapter, So for all your Nate and Blair haters toi probably wont like this chapter, But it had to be done, It's really about how they got engaged, And how Chuck reacts to the news. Anyway I hope toi all like it the same. Remember to review, I really appreciate...
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