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posted by windwakerguy43
*Mikey was finishing up at the bar. He was cleaning the glasses, his eyes on his reflection. Though he kept a perfect facade of a friendly and charismatic man, he wasn’t sure what he was anymore. His eyes were locked onto the single wine glass he was cleaning, until he was brought back to reality with the sound of the familiar voice again. He turned toward the voice, and sure enough, it was Sally again.*
Sally: Hey, Mike. Busy as usual, I see
Mikey: Yeah. Just about done for the night
Sally: Is that so?
Mikey: Yeah. I was going to head on out after this
Sally: Hey, if toi aren’t too busy, maybe we could go and have a talk once you’re done with work?
Mikey: A talk?
Sally: Yeah. I know this great place we can go
Mikey: Huh. Alright, toi have me intrigued, Sal. I’ll see toi later tonight then
*Sally gave a smile, and though it was half-hearted, it looked genuine to Mikey*
Sally: I look vers l'avant, vers l’avant to it

*Mambo sat in a car with Tom Dooley, looking out at a bar that was a regular place for the Jailhousers. Tom, nervously at the wheel of the car, turned to Mambo*
Tom: Are toi sure this will work? What if they know it’s us
Mambo: Don’t worry, Tom. We got this. I’ll be the one doing the talking- Well, something along the lines of talking- and toi don’t need to worry about anything else. We just gotta take them to the hotel that Johnny’s waiting at and be on our way
Tom: Y-Yeah. S-sure thing, Mambo
*Though Tom was still shaking with fear, as if he were freezing, Mambo was calm, and prepared for anything. He watched as a single Jailhouser stepped out from the bar, rubbing the side of his head. He was walking towards the alleyway, ready to light a smoke. It was that moment they were waiting for. Tom slowly drove the car up to the alleyway, the headlights on for them to see. One the car came to a stop, the Jailhouser took immediate notice. Mambo stepped out of the car, holding a blackjack in his hand. The Jailhouser took the cigarette out of his mouth and spoke up*
Jailhouser: What the fuck are toi looking at?
*Mambo didn’t say a word as he walked up to him. The Jailhouser took immediate notice of the blackjack and ran toward Mambo, ready to balançoire, swing at him. Though his fist was fast and hard, Mambo had prepared for it and ducked under the punch, before he brought himself back up and swung the blackjack over the Jailhousers head, knocking him to the ground. His vision was dazed, and his head was pounding. Mambo swung his leg, the toe of his shoe striking the Jailhouser in the side of the head and knocking him to the cold ground. Mambo gave a sigh as he grabbed the Jailhouser par the collier of his uniform and dragged him to the car. He gave a nod and a smile to Tom*
Mambo: Alright. Let’s head for Heartbreak Hotel, Tom

*Mikey and Sally sat at a table, tableau at Fat Boy Frankie’s. Though Sally was enjoying herself, Mikey couldn’t help but ask the question that was on his mind*
Mikey: A Fat Boy Frankie’s?
Sally: Yeah. That isn’t a problem, is it?
Mikey: No, of course not. Just didn’t take toi as someone who eats fast food. I saw toi as plus of a classy lady
Sally: Hey, I may look classy, but I ain’t as gracious as my appearance makes me out to be, Mike. Much like you. A nice guy like you, working at the Blue Moon Casino
Mikey: Yeah, it’s a little weird, I know. It was just the only place hiring at the time
Sally: Still, that place? It’s such a drag. It looks depressing as all hell, too
Mikey: It’s not all bad. Pay’s good, and the other people there are good company
Sally: What about the guy who’s running it. I hear that Old King Cole is an enigma of itself. No one ever gets to meet him and those that do don’t talk about him. You’re not like other people, are you, Mikey?
*Mikey felt a little nervous at the question. He knew exactly why no one talks about Nate Cole, but he also didn’t want to disappoint Sally, so he just a dit the best thing he could*
Mikey: Cole’s a hard ass, yeah, and the quiet type, but he means well. He helps those that help him. Let’s just leave it at that. He doesn’t like being talked about
Sally: I see
*Mikey looked down at his plate. He felt like such a fool, leaving it at that. It turned the atmosphere into that of dead silence and awkwardness*

*Heartbreak Hotel, a high class l’amour hotel where no questions are asked and where even the dirtiest fantasies can be made into a reality. And it was also a place for gang interrogations and tortures without worry from the staff. Inside Room 13, a room regularly used par Baddoni goons, Mambo, Tom, Johnny, and five other Baddoni men, were watching the horrific display. The Jailhouser they had collected, was tied to a chair, stripped of his chemise and veste and shoes and left with only his boxeur, boxer shorts. “Keep A Knockin’” was playing to drown out the groans of pain from the Jailhouser. Johnny backed up a bit, holding the bat in his head, ready for a accueil run swing, and swung it, striking the Jailhouser hard in the head. Three of his teeth were missing, his nose was broke, and his left eye was crushed. His face and torso was made a dark blue from the multiple bruises all over him. Johnny tapped the haut, retour au début of the bat against the Jailhousers head as he spoke in a threatening voice*
Johnny: I’m tired of asking you, toi motherfucker! Who is the one in charge of the Jailhousers?!
Jailhousers: P-Phuccckh yuuu
Johnny: Fuck me?! Fuck you!
*Johnny raised his bat in the air, ready to smash his head in, before his momentum was stopped. He turned to see Mambo holding the bat in his hand, stopping him from moving it. Mambo reached to his side, grabbing a bottle of liquor and finishing it off, before he looked at Johnny and spoke calmly*
Mambo: Boss, if toi keep this up, you’ll only kill him. Let me try interrogating him a bit
Johnny: Yeah, sure. I need a break
*Johnny pulled the bat out of Mambo’s grasp before he went to take a seat. Mambo looked down at the bottle in his hand before he spoke to the Jailhouser, being plus calm than Johnny*
Mambo: Listen, kid. You’re about, what, nineteen? Eighteen? toi ran away from accueil to rejoindre a gang, thought it would be cool. Sorry, but it isn’t what films make it out to be, kid. Gangs don’t like to play games with each other. So, how about toi tell us who your boss is and we’ll let toi be on your way
*Mambo’s response was a wad of bloody spit spat onto his left cheek. The Jailhouser’s lips dripped from blood as he looked at Mambo. Mambo wiped the bloody saliva from his cheek with his sleeve. He stood up, and turned away from the Jailhouser, before swinging his bottle against his face, smashing it to pieces, the strong force knocking the chair that the Jailhouser was tied to back and sending him crashing to the floor. Mambo set the piece of the bottle that remained on intact gently on the floor and grabbed the Jailhouser par his greasy hair, forcing the intact piece into his mouth. Mambo stood up and spoke again*
Mambo: I’d ask if toi are ready to talk, but I wouldn’t know anyway with your mouth full
*With that, Mambo raised his foot into the hair and stomped on the man’s head, the shards of glass cutting into his mouth. Glass was forced in between his teeth, shards slicing his tongue apart and his mouth began to bleed even more. He coughed from the sensation, groaning in agony. Mambo turned to the team and spoke, still calm*
Mambo: Does anyone have another bottle I can use?
*The Jailhouser coughed before he turned his head to the gang*
Jailhouser: K-King!
Mambo: Pardon?
Jailhouser: Our bossh is…. King
Mambo: What does he look like
Jailhouser: I… I don’t knooow. I jush wanna go home, pleash
Johnny: Kinh, huh?
*Johnny leaned back in his chair, using a handkerchief to wipe the sweat beading from his forehead. He turned to the five other guys and nodded. One of them stood up from the chair and walked over to the Jailhouser. Hoping that he would go home, the Jailhouser was only met with a handgun in the man’s head. Trying to scream for help, his screams were silenced par the bullet that was lodged in his head. Johnny gave a sigh and spoke up*
Johnny: This is it, boys. It’s time for a war

*Another Jailhouser had stepped out of the bar, heading to the alleyway for a smoke. As he turned down the alleyway, he could see a single figure at the end, sitting against the wall. It was hard to see in the dark of the night, so the Jailhouser flicked his lighter to get a good look. He walked slowly forward, noticing a trail of blood leading towards the man. He walked closer and closer, until he saw the sight of someone’s barefoot, and then finally, the horrid sight was laid in front of him. One of his own, the Jailhouser that was taken, was in front of him, the bruises now black and the blood staining his body, with a single message carved into his chest that read, “GREASER SCUM”

Sally: toi what!?
*A meeting had been set up with Johnny and everyone in the gang. What had happened was truly a problem between everyone. Many people had disapproved of what Johnny had done to start this war, and many others were terrified of what the end results would be. Johnny sat at the front of the room, bat in hand, as he defended his actions*
Johnny: Don’t toi see, Sally. We got my dad’s killer. That fucker, King, is the one responsible for all this. I’m going to get that fucker if it kills me
Sally: What if it kills everyone else here, Johnny?! The police already know about the dead Jailhouser. The Jailhousers aren’t above killing to protect yourselves. This isn’t about justice anymore. This is a gang war you’ve created
Johnny: And if any of those fuckers get in my way, they’ll die to. I just want King, but I’ll make room for anyone trying to stop me
Sally: What about everyone else? They don’t want to be here! toi aren’t even trying to run a business anymore!
Johnny: Fuck the businesses and fuck everyone else, Sally! If that’s what it takes to get revenge, than so be it!
Sally: You’ve Lost it, Johnny! You’re crazy, do toi understand. Your dad wouldn’t-
Johnny: My dad’s dead, Sally! All because he wanted to be a crime lord. I don’t care about this fucking business. If any of toi want to get out of here right now, then do it right the fuck now! Otherwise, shut the fuck up and wait for orders!
*The entire room went silent. Johnny’s words were harsh and honest. At his words, large groups began to walk out of the meeting room. In less than ten seconds, already a majority of the Baddoni goons had left. All that was left was Sally, Mambo, and Tom. Sally stood there, disgusted at Johnny’s words, before she spoke up*
Sally: I’m going to find Chuck’s killer. But I’m not going to let toi destroy yourself. If I find anything, I’ll let toi know
*With that said, Sally walked out of the room. Johnny sat down at the chair in his desk, giving a heavy sigh before he looked at the five men left in the room*
Johnny: The fuck are toi all still doing here?
Tom: W-Well, Johnny, we’ve been Friends since grade school, and I’d feel like a real piece of shit if I just walked out and let toi deal with this on your own
Mambo: And I’ve always been loyal to the Baddoni Family. I won’t stop now
*Johnny gave a tired sigh, his hands over his face before he gave a light chuckle at the two*
Johnny: Dumbasses. That’s what I l’amour about toi two. You’re both so stubborn and always wanting to help us out. Alright, well, if we’re going to be in a gang war, then we’ll need all the help we can get. I was hoping I’d never have to call this group of disgusting sacks of shit, but I got no other choice. I’m gonna have to call the Isley Family.

*Santo rushed over to the phone. He brushed his unkempt brown hair that went down to his shoulders out of his eyes as he spoke*
Santo: Hello, this is the Isely Family, Santo speaking
Johnny: Santo, it’s Johnny. From the Baddonis
Santo: The Baddonis. Now, I didn’t think you’d ever need our services again. Whatever do toi need?
Johnny: I need toi and the whole family over here at once, Santo
Santo: The whole family? Well, that may be a problem. toi see, our youngest sibling, Little Teddy, suffered a bit of an accident just the jour prior
Johnny: I take it he tried to get out of the family business
Santo: Oh, of course. Mabalane and Buddy took care of him, though
Johnny: You’re a bunch of sick fuckers, toi know that
Santo: In this business, we’re all sick in the head
Johnny: Just be here. This is important. It’s about a gang war
Santo: Oh, a gang war. Eddy and the Twins will l’amour to hear about that
Johnny: Good, good. Be here par suivant week, understand?
Santo: Of course, Johnny. See toi then, dear boy
*Santo hung the phone up, as he made his way down the hall. He walked down the halls of a pristine mansion, admiring the sights of it. It was practically shining with cleanliness, before he turned to the right, a horrifying sight awaiting. Maids, butlers, and bodyguards, ou what was left of them, strewn across the halls, their blood spilled out onto the floor, splattered along the walls, and staining their uniforms. Santo opened one of the doors to see two people at the end. One of them was a young man, about in his early twenties, wearing a school boy uniform, his black hair combed to the left. suivant to him was a girl that looked almost like him, facial expressions and all, her black hair reaching down to her legs. suivant to them was a middle aged man, tied to a chair, naked, his penis exposed. His fingers were all sliced in half, as well as his cheeks, his tongue, and his ears. Santo held his arms behind his back and spoke up*
Santo: Buddy, Mabalane, are toi about done. We were tasked to kill him
Buddy: But it’s plus fun to do it this way
*As Buddy spoke, he took out a pair of large scissors and slowly pushed it up the man’s nostrils. They slid up slowly, before stopping. He pulled the scissors open, his nose expanding, almost tearing as he opened them plus and more, before forcing them closed so suddenly, slicing through the inside of the man’s nostrils, a stream of blood pouring from both nostrils. The man groaned in pain as the scissors were pulled out*
Mabalane: Good one, Buddy. But I think I can do better
*Mabalane took one blade from her pair of scissors and slowly slid it into the man’s urethra, the blade expanding it, before she closed the scissor, slicing his penis open, blood dripping from it and onto the floor as the man started to convulse. Mabalane jumped in the air with joy*
Mabalane: He’s gone into shock. I win, I win!
Buddy: I thought we agreed not to go for the penis. toi just cheat
Mabalane: Aw, is someone a sore loser?
*Buddy swung his scissors at Mabalane’s eye, before she grabbed his wrist, aiming her scissors at his throat*
Buddy: You’re nothing but a stupid cheating bitch!
Mabalane: And you’re just a sore loser fuckface!
Santo: Enough, toi two! toi both tied, so leave it at that
*The two looked at each other, angry, before they turned and nodded to Santo*
Mabalane and Buddy: Whatever toi say, Big Brother Santo
Santo: Where’s Eddy, he should have been done with clean-up par now
*As he spoke, a rather large man stepped into the room, holding onto the naked corpse of one of the maids, her breasts exposed, as well as her entrance, a pool of blood dripping from underneath her legs, coming from her entrance, which was surrounded par teeth marks. The sight was enough to make even Santo sick before he spoke to Eddy*
Santo: Eddy, toi didn’t bite her again, did you?
Eddy: S-Sorry, Big Bro. S-she struggled. I just couldn’t help myself
Santo: Nevermind that, Eddy. Listen, we got a call from the Baddoni Family
*At the name, Buddy and Mabalane were already excited, though Eddy was not familiar with the name*
Santo: Let’s go collect our money for the job here and we’ll take a trip to New York at once. We’ve got even plus bloodshed waiting for us, guys!
GTA is the closest we have ever gotten to a game based on reality… ou is it. As it turns out, there is a lot of moments in GTA that makes some of us notice how none of that can happen in real life. So, without any further delay, here is the five things in the Grand Theft Auto franchise that actually isn’t that real

#5: Everyone Can Fly Planes ou Helicopters - Now, this is lower because some of these the characters are justified when it comes to flying planes ou helicopters. Niko from GTA IV was in a war, and I am sure he flew a helicopter at one point ou another, and Trevor from GTA V was...
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Hi, I'm Scootaloo, and I'm the narrator. Now that we got the terrible intro out of the way, it's time to start our fanfic which is a parody of Don't Swim On Sundays, Cupcakes, and Jeff The Killer.

I live with arc en ciel Dash, and we were going to déplacer into a very nice house par a petit gâteau, cupcake factory. This story takes place in February, 2014.

Rainbow Dash: *Putting bags into the tronc of her car*
Scootaloo: Do we have enough room for my scooter?
Rainbow Dash: I think so. We basically have everything we need.
Scootaloo: *Puts her scooter in the trunk*
Rainbow Dash: *Closes trunk* What toi really want...
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(And now images don’t work. This mixed with the inconsistent schedule, it’s like everything abut SWERY mois is fucking cursed. But it wouldn’t be truly SWERY related if there wasn’t a few technical hiccups here and there)

Oh man, it’s the game I was the most excited to talk about on here. I’m gonna level with you, everyone. When I played through Deadly Premonition, I didn’t get the appeal at first. I just thought it was a weird game with some charming dialogue and a decent setting. I was not super impressed with it like everyone else was. Sure, I grew on it eventually, obviously...
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Well, after some minor errors in the process, the SWERY mois marathon is back on track. Hopefully. The suivant review will be tomorrow and will hopefully be just as passionate as this one. We did not have a great start to this month, let’s just say, and I really apologize for that. A rather drab game that SWERY had little creative control over, that was a game I had no desire in playing, and was immediately followed par lots of personal stuff in life taking over. But thankfully, we can déplacer on with the schedule and get on to better things from SWERY. Better things, such as the game that truly...
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Ah yes, Jenga, the fun childhood pastime of playing with a set of wooden blocks, because someone was just that bored. I never played much of the board game when it was at its peak of popularity. I was plus of a CandyLand kid. Aw yeah, coming up on the Candy Cane Forest, motherfucker! But, I do understand the basic concept of the game, stacking bricks to make a tower and pulling them out and making sure it doesn’t topple over. What I don’t understand is making a full game for the Wii and selling it at full retail price. Who made this game and why would they make it. Oh wait, it’s an Atari...
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In case it wasn't clear since my Grand Theft Auto reviews, I am much plus interesting in when Rockstar does something other than GTA games. I find that stuff to be way plus fun. And the first of many (Okay, three) to appear on this liste is the murder mystery classic, L.A. Noire-

*Blowing Whistle* Stop right there! I’m taking over this review!

Several years il y a I found this Rockstar game.. LA NOIRE. Now, when I first got this game, I was fresh of GTA 4 and Red Dead Redemption.. I was introduced to GTA par the 4th, never played the others. But obviously we aren't here to talk about...
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Oh boy, this is a classic gem I’ve been waiting to discuss… again… for the fourth time in a row now. It’s no secret that I l’amour Platinum. Anarchy Reigns was the first Platinum game on this list, and the rest of them are only gonna get better from here. And let’s talk about their first game, and while not a financial success, still a classic on the Wii, Madworld.
Madworld follows angry biker Jack Cayman, as he and his trustworthy chainsaw arm, go through the crazed gameshow known as Death Watch in order to take out the competition and become the champion of Death Watch. The game...
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As toi already know.
I kinda stopped playing for a bit, Sullivan is why.
Not to mention. I was shocked the first time. I was starting to like Sullivan..

I think we covered this one :)

Near the end of the 3rd game, Max Payne fights this guy.
It's hard to explain, why it's so hard, just have to see it yourself..

Last boss of Max Payne 3.
And really holds the "last boss" feeling.
In a negative way..

The main villain of Resident evil 5. And final boss..

The final boss of Assasins Creed 3..

A detective par the name of Hal Moore suffers from mental depression and thoughts of suicide. After the death of his daughter, where he chose to save his drowning adopted son in hopes of trying to save them both, his son, Andrew, has been quiet and developed a sense of cruelty, assaulting and threatening other children and harming animals. His wife, Michelle, has grown to hate Hal after their daughter’s death, blaming him for not saving her and has become an alcoholic and started cheating on him. Though Hal does believe this, he still does what he can to help others. This has lead him...
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#1: FREDDY KRUEGER (nightmare on Elms rue spoof):
Most of Freddy's most disturbing traits are replaced par his immature behavior.
for example, he refuses to kill Nancy till she becomes scared of him, when she starts getting, simply bored.
Freddy goes around quoting every line he EVER had in the actual movies, and also using citations from other films (though he denies it and claims it's HIS quote).
Due to this "new" personality, it's possible that only reason he's killing people in their sleep, is because he "can" kill us in our sleep..

#2: RICK GRIMES (Walking Dead spoof):
The complete opposite...
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What in the name of god. They are already ready remaking Grand Theft Auto 5.
Now, don't get me wrong. I l’amour Grand Theft Auto 5. I think it is one of the funnest games I have played in 2013. But, seriously, it's only one an old, and already they are remaking it for Playstation 4 and XBox One. Seriously, toi should at least give a game some time to age before toi remake it. Look at Ocarina of Time, a game which people a dit is the greatest game ever, which was made back in 1999. The remake for the 3DS wasn't made until 2012, which is years later. Honestly, they are already remaking GTA 5. Sure, the graphics are better, but the thing is that the graphics were amazing to begin with. Why are toi remaking this game so early, Rockstar. But, hey, that's only my opinion. What's Your Take
*ding dong*

???: what is it?

Henry: hello Simon

Simon: Henry! toi still wearing that tux?

Henry: every chance I get

Simon: heh... oh... toi brought soldiers

Dex: why does everyone think i'm a soldier?

Marcus: no idea...

Henry: toi seem calmer since the last time a saw you...

Simon: I take pills... anyway, why are toi here?

Henry: we need toi back

Simon: no way! i'm NOT going back to Klintsy!

Henry: we are close to taking down Harper and Dominic.

Simon: why don't fight your own war!

Henry: toi are the only one that knows Harper and his tactics.

Simon: ok then, come inside so I can teach toi

Henry: toi and I both know that he still has some sanity left...

Simon: ... *sigh* lets go...
There are a lot of video games that have animé about them. toi have classics like Persona 4: The Animation, Devil May Cry, and of course Pokemon. And with new animé based on video games, like Phoenix Wright having a pretty good animé series, and with Castlevania being announced to have a animé some time in the future, it makes me wonder if there are other video games that could have some pretty neat anime. So, today, I want to share with toi some animé that could have the potential to have their own anime. Now, before I start, there are some things to address. First off, I am only including...
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After my haut, retour au début Ten Hated Video Game Characters list, I really wanted to make a haut, retour au début Hated Animated Characters List. However, the problem with that is that I don’t hate that many animated characters. Not that I don’t, it’s just that when toi play video games, toi get a different perspective of characters than toi do watching animated shows. With video games, toi look through the protagonists eyes, and toi have the same opinion of other characters that the protagonist has, making the player (That’s you) the protagonist. With animated shows, you’re just the spectator, watching events unfold...
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posted by AquaMarine6663
01000100 01101001 01100011 01101011 01110011 00100000 01100001 01110010 01100101 00100000 01110011 01101111 00100000 01100011 01110101 01110100 01100101 00100000 01101111 01101101 01100111 00100000 00101000 10000001000100 00100000 10000001000100 10000000100010 10000001000100 1111001001 10000001000100 10000000100010 10000001000100 00100000 10000001000100 00101001 10000001000100 00100000 01110111 01101000 01100101 01101110 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01101000 01101111 01101100 01100100 00100000 01101111 01101110 01100101 00100000 01101001 01101110 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101...
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What is a story without characters? Well, it isn’t really a story, now is it? And none of toi smartasses try to go find some obscure book ou poem that doesn’t have characters in it, because I don’t care. Anyway, video games hold just as much story as any medium. Story is sometimes not as important as gameplay, like action games ou shooters, ou a major part of the game, like RPGs and point and click. But no matter what genre they may be, every game needs to have a character toi play as, in order to have them interact with the world and others with them, and have them tell the story through...
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Okay, so after a whole week when I a dit “The Resident Evil 4 review will be out tomorrow”, I am finally going to do the actual review. Yeah, I know, I should have done it sooner, but toi know, school and finals and junk. Anyway, how about that review. We all know that Resident Evil is one of the best horror franchises out there. It managed to make survival horror what it is today. Sure, we may have just gotten out of the dark ages of Resident Evil, what with Resident Evil 6 being a Michael baie movie and Umbrella Corps being the worst thing ever, but I think Resident Evil VII is a step in...
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 Art par SeantheHedgehog
Art by SeantheHedgehog
When I first heard of the game, Spooky’s House of Jumpscares, I thought it was going to be a rather dull horror game filled with, what else, jumpscares. But after playing it, this game was so much plus than what I thought it would be. It managed to be a very scary and disturbing game that made toi wonder what was going to come next, what horrifying creature was around the corner, and why those damn cardboard cutouts are everywhere. But what I liked best about Spooky’s House of Jumpscares had to be the creatures toi ran into in this game. The creatures are some of the most disturbing and...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Theme Song: link

Pony: *Walking in front of a green background, but gets crushed par falling letters that say...*


Pony: *Gets stuck under the P, but gets himself free. The background then changes to red. He continues to walk when he sees numbers falling toward him. He runs, but gets crushed by...*


Pony: *Gets out from under the 6, but as he does, it leans to the right, and the 0 rolls away. As the background changes to orange, he whistles when he sees plus falling letters*


Pony: *Surprised that he's not stuck under any of the letters. He rearranges...
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#80: Corpse Party: Tortured Souls

Now, there was a game known as Corpse Party that was made back in 1998- par god, it’s that old. Anyway, there was then an animé based off of the game… Fifteen years after the game was made. But, other than that, the animé was good. For an animé that only has four episodes, it was actually kinda good. The series was about a group of kids who accidently make a mistake with a paper doll, and are then sent to a cursed elementary school. Here, they have to try and figure out what is going on, while a psychotic ghost girl picks them off one par one. Now, if...
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